"I have nothing to do today." In the morning, Ding Lin asked a question. Ding Yu shook his head slightly. He heard Ding Lin say, "if it's OK, let's go back to our hometown together! I have nothing to do today! It's time to have a look at my hometown together. I'm not sure about it! "

"Yes Ding Yu promised to be very happy. He came back this time. In name, it was this thing! Dad is still a little worried, the older generation? There are still some.

Zhao Shuying didn't ask too much questions. She asked them to buy some candles and paper money when they went back. After all, it was a comfort to go back! Ding Yu is also pleased to agree that he won't come back for a year and a half, but he still needs to worship his ancestors! This is also human nature!

After waiting for his mother to leave, he heard his father say, "what about the land acquisition money? It's all from me. I told the people in my hometown that you paid for the money, so don't show up! "

"Ah?" Ding Yu also laughed, "Dad, what a big thing! As for it? What's more, my mother can't say anything about it! Mom is also very reasonable! Do you think too much? "

"I'm not worried about your mother. She has a lot of money in her family, mainly from her hometown? Sometimes I have some other ideas. The so-called Sheng Mi en Dou Mi Qiu, most people are very simple, but there are also a few? This cheek is also a little thick, in the final analysis, they are all ancestors, and they are helpless! "

"Daddy, do you have trouble?" Ding Yu didn't know much about his hometown. Even his grandfather and grandmother were not so impressed. What about them? I really didn't enjoy happiness. I passed away very early! Now think of it is also quite a pity!

If you can live a little more time, I don't know how beautiful it is now!

"It's not distress, but sometimes? I can't stand it! I can't say whether it's good or bad, but think about life? That is to say, it is impossible for everything to go well, as long as there is no big waves! What about your mother and me? The feeling is flat and light, very good! "

Ding Yu understands his father very much. He is a good man. Don't look at the words on his mouth. But when he is really asked to come, he can't harden his heart! But it's not a bad thing, as long as dad is happy! Right?

On the way back, Ding Lin bought some things, such as incense and candles, and didn't let Ding Yu pay for it. However, the father and the son didn't make a noise about such a thing. What about Ding Yu? I really don't have the habit of taking money. What's more, there is no complete popularization of mobile phone payment and credit card payment in the small town!

When they came back to their hometown, they were relatives of each family. Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding walked around every year, so Ding Yu didn't seem so strange. They didn't bring much back. However, Ding Lin and Ding Yu's father and son came back, which shocked Xiaoshan village. In our opinion, Ding Lin and Ding Yu are the best in the whole village It's my man!

What's important is that the Ding family did not forget that everyone, even special care, lack of medicine, or family difficulties, the Ding family is trying to help! No one is a fool. You can't even understand this. However, there are some people in the village who don't care about their faces. This is very worrying!

People help you is the place of love, do not help you? It is also reasonable, but if you go to the pole, it seems that some of them are not so shameful! Is some words can't say too much understand just! Smelly ass? Can you still cut it?

Knowing that the Ding family's father and son came back to go to the grave, they didn't drag them. Ding Yu found a basket and put everything on his back. In fact, it wasn't heavy at all. It was just a little bit too much! If you use your hands, you can't take them! Father and son went up the mountain one after the other!

"This is new! It's just connected! I've seen Mr. Feng Shui! Not bad! "

Ding Yu stood in the distance and looked at it for a while, hoping that he knew something about it, but if he really wanted to master it, there would be some idle talk about it! But it's good to give yourself a feeling! Simply tidy up, Ding Yu also went to the grave with his father, "there will be at least one place to bury in the future, which can be regarded as a family together!"

"Good! What about our country? There are still some advantages. You don't have to go to the cemetery directly. You can have your own ancestral home. I don't know why the feeling of cemetery is so inappropriate. But if there is no cemetery, it seems that it is not so realistic. There is no other place in the city! "

The father and son were busy on the mountain for a little longer. After going down the mountain, the people in their hometown said that they would not let the Ding family leave. They had to stay for dinner. What's more, what's the posture? If you don't eat, you're really upset!

It's not bad, it's not bad, isn't it? However, Ding Lin didn't let everyone kill chickens and sheep. There was no need for him. He had not eaten any good food from his own family. His eldest son and daughter sent them home every day. Now he wanted to eat something from his hometown and savor the taste of it."Third uncle, this is a good thing." Ding Yu also said in praise.

"Good to eat!" Can get Ding Yu's praise, three uncle is also quite happy! "Today, the piece of land behind the house is idle. I planted some taro casually. It's good to stew spare ribs. Take some when I go back? Give your mother and ding ding a taste! There are no other good things in the countryside, but these things are enough! "

"All right, then take some back!" Ding Yu is not polite at all. He is from his own family. If he doesn't take it, he will embarrass the third uncle's face. At Ding Yu's level, things are not noble or cheap, which is a kind of intention!

Hearing Ding Yu say so, sanbo is very happy. Not only taro, but also some beans, and even two chickens that have just been killed. Pure local chickens are all raised in captivity. They eat food. They are not fed with feed. That is to say, in rural areas, there is no such chicken in the city!

Ding Lin also drank a glass of wine during the meal. We all know that Ding Yu doesn't drink. Besides, Ding Yu still needs to drive, so we really don't have to force him. Even Ding Lin drinks less than two Liang. What he drinks is a happy one. If he doesn't eat and drink well, everyone will be really upset!

After eating and drinking, everyone felt that this time Ding Yu and Ding Lin and his son did not come back in vain!

"It's a good wine! Home made? "

"It was made by Laoliu of Ergui family. Isn't Laoliu working in the grain depot? At that time, the granary used to make wine, which was a skill for many years. In the past two years, his son bought some equipment for him, and he picked up the new one. Now many people come to buy wine by driving, without adding anything, it is pure brewing! I still have more than ten catties here. I'll take them with me when I leave! I'll go to Laoliu to buy it again

"Third brother, I don't need this! Come and have a look later! If appropriate, buy some and go back to process some, now such pure grain wine is really not much! Too much spice is added, it doesn't feel like that! "

"That is!" The third uncle was also very proud to say, "the living conditions in the city are good, but the living conditions are OK, but what about the food? We can't catch up with our own planting. Don't worry! All of them are made by our own hands. Don't worry about planting and eating! "

From the above reason, Ding Yu has eaten countless good things, but the food made by the big pot in the countryside is very rough and crazy, but it has a special flavor. In the northern cities, this is also very common. Even if gas tanks are popularized in rural areas, when cooking and cooking, it is still a big pot, which has become a habit!

It's a matter of taste, but also a matter of habit. It doesn't mean that you can change it if you want!

It's like my mother, always think what she made? It's not the smell. What about the thing? Still those things, but the stove is not that stove, the fire is not that fire, the same pot is not that pot!

He brought a lot of things when he came, and also brought a lot of things when he left. However, Ding Lin deliberately spared a circle in the village, "uncle Liu!" Ding Yu, who got out of the car, looked at the people in the yard and called out kindly!

"Oh, how can you talk? Have you eaten yet? Have some more! "

Ding Lin got off the car at this time! "Stop eating? I have eaten and drunk a glass of wine before. I feel that the craft is really good! Come and have a look. Can you make some special pots for me

"OK, don't worry. If the brewing is not good, you will smash our door when you come back! If I fart, I don't belong to my parents! Isn't this a disgrace to the old Ding family? "

"Yes! Our family is not a person to do such a thing! You say a price! I'll take a hundred catties first. I'm mainly for making things! Things on the market are expensive to sell, but making things is not so suitable. What about buying them from other places? I really don't believe that! "

"If you make something, you really need high alcohol! There is no such thing at home now. We need to wait for a while. Wine making is not boiling water. It will be boiled in a short time. "

"Yes! I'll come and get it then Then he also took out his own pocket and took out his wallet. "We brothers belong to brothers, and money belongs to money. We can't be confused! Are you doing this? It's also for living, for eating! "

"What do you say? How come you are a big doctor and look down on us ordinary people! If you can do everything for the people in the village, I'll cook you two pots of wine and you'll kill me, won't you? "

"The conditions at home are different! No bullshit Ding Lin is also duty bound to point out a small stack of money from his wallet, "said! This is a deposit. I didn't really have so much money in my pocket. The main reason is that I didn't expect to encounter such a thing today. You can take it for me first. If you don't take it, don't say I'll turn over in the future! "

Two people tore for a while, or in Ding Yu's help, six uncle to the money to collect, but six uncle is also in a hurry from the home to hold a big jar, "deposit I have the cheek to take down! But what about this one? You take it back and have a taste. It's brewed by my father and me. It's not mixed with any messy things"Yes! I'll take it! You know my phone number. Let me know when I'm ready. I'll get it back! "

On the way back, Ding Yu was puzzled and asked, "Dad, what are you making? A hundred catties, but the quantity is a little bit too big. But if the things are really good, you can get some for me. There is a small pharmacy in my courtyard. I don't pay attention to this aspect in ordinary times! "

"If you make those things with this wine, you will be so blind! I mainly use earthwork to process some medicinal materials. When I go to the countryside for treatment? It's for the common people. I'm cheap and poor. What about your stuff? People can't afford it! "

Ding Yu, who was reprimanded for two sentences, shook his head! His father didn't know where his temper came from. "Although I didn't drink wine, I smelled it. It seemed that it was really good! The taste may be worse than the packaged wine on the market, but other aspects should be better than that! "

"What about the things on the market? Is for mass production, Laoliu's things you let him mass production to see, tired him! And what about this wine? The taste is really not as good as bottled wine, there is no spices and other things in it, but it is better than grain! This is the same as that of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. You and I are both western medicine, and both of them are mass-produced. However, if you show me a mass production of TCM, all the experts in the country are put together, and the mass production can not come out! "

"So it is!" Ding Yu also has a considerable understanding of this, "what about western medicine? It can't be said that weight does not attach importance to quality. It is mainly mass production, and some can meet the quality standards. But what about traditional Chinese medicine? It's not to say that quality is not weight, but it takes too long! How much can people today afford to consume like this? "

"I think you will study some books on traditional Chinese medicine when you come back? Yes? Want to change careers? "

"When I started to study in the United States, I started to study in this area! At that time, however, there was no way to seek it! I still clearly remember to ask for a golden man, almost to be kicked out! Don't mention how humiliating! Even now? It can only be said that there is a little research in some aspects, a little introduction, really want to say class outstanding, or forget it! I feel my face is so red! "

"Yes! Anyway, it's better than your father and me. What about me? This is how it's been in my life! Now is to buy a mouth, really if I go to study? It's impossible! I don't have that spirit! However, if you like this aspect, I'm still very happy. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages. Now that you have this capital, you can enrich the strengths of many families, and you will certainly have a promising future! "

"Dad, I'm a little bit carried away with your words!"

"It's not about you, it's mainly about the two children. It's also a lot of feelings to come back today! What about your father and me? There is a little bit of culture, but there is no big culture. The so-called family discipline is bullshit for me. I just jumped from a small gully to a small county. What about you and Ding Ding? Jumping from a small county to a big city, you are promising now! But what about the key? It doesn't matter how much money you make, or the next generation's problem! "

Ding Yu scratched his head. How can I feel the words today! Is it because of yourself? Doesn't feel like it? Is it because Ding Ding Ding doesn't look like that! How many meanings does this mean?

"Dad, you don't have something to do with it?"

"Your aunt's brother-in-law, his child went in some time ago! Your mother and I were found at home, too? Let me say something about this! Am I the king of heaven, or can I cover the sky with my hand? He's in trouble! Is this what I can say? Where do you put the laws of the country? "

"What's the matter! Got caught in? It seems that things are very noisy? "

"I don't study after junior high school! When I went to our vocational high school, I did not have a partner in two and a half days. I was just talking about a child. Two people colluded with each other. At such a young age, what good things could happen! Fight every day, two and a half days was opened by the school! Hang out on the street every day! It's just such a fuss that things come out! "

"No job?"

"What kind of job? I didn't graduate from high school when I came down. What's your age? Who wants to hire? At that time, the family said that the child was still young, wait for two years! The first two years, the second two years, good guy, the more chaotic things become, even to the point of uncontrollable

"My brother-in-law's children? I remember when I was a child, I didn't have a place far away from my grandmother's house, but I didn't have much impression on her! Is there only one person left in grandma's generation? "

"What about their generation? Now all I know is your grandmother alone! But the relationship is still continuous! " Ding Lin rubbed his head, "I went to ask, that child's trouble is not small! No three years or two! I think it's tough enough to come out! "

"It seems that things are really not small. What does my brother-in-law mean?""What else? The child is still young, went in a lifetime to destroy! I don't know what to say

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