After dinner, Ding Yu went home, and soon Zhao Shuying came back. In the afternoon, her grandchildren, granddaughters and grandchildren all came back! I need to hurry back to be busy! Pack up the things in the house again! Four babies are back! I am really happy!

There is no lack of place for them to live in! It's a pity that the time is a little short! Ding Yu is also in the side to help his mother clean up the bedding! What about these things? Completely can let the nanny to deal with, but the problem is that his mother is still not very used to, even nothing, do not let the nanny come!

"By the way, your father called me at noon. What's wrong with Bruce Lee? What is the situation? "

"I asked a couple of questions. I was very troublesome, but I could find some relationship. At most, I was pleading with the judge, but that's all! I don't think my brother-in-law's family still doesn't realize the seriousness of this problem. If it's a fight, a couple of words will make it out! But the problem is that things are not so simple! If you really start, even this is not treading on the line so simple! There are those who trample on the law! "

"Your father told me! You said that the child is also, so old, now go in! Even in five years, the best years are in it! What can I do? "

"Plead with the judge, and then at the prison? Strive for a better performance, such words will reduce a considerable amount of time! I think we can only do this! What about Bruce Lee? You need to be aware of your own problems. If you don't realize this problem, you don't know! "

"Trouble! I can't find any relationship at home. The child went in so young! I've heard that it must be cleaned up. Don't make any more trouble! At that time, the sky will fall for your brother-in-law's house! "

"I see! I'll have a look, but mom? Some things I think it is necessary to make it clear to my brother-in-law. Within the reasonable scope, we can help, no problem! But what if it's beyond common sense? What about this? It's better to be cautious! It's not good to be too arrogant! "

For her eldest son said, Zhao Shuying is also pleased to agree! That's right! In a reasonable range to help, after all, are relatives, give a hand should be, but if not reasonable, that is another thing!

Busy time is not long, Ding Ding Ding came back with four children! Although it's not big or small, it seems that there are a lot of things taken back. The four children are also babbling. After saying hello to Zhao Shuying, they also go straight to Ding Yu, and directly press Ding Yu there. They should chew and bite!

Ding Ding changed her clothes and came out. She saw her two sons still holding their uncles and humming. The two children also looked at their mother with their big eyes, and sat on one side with their small mouths and big eyes. Although they were still young, they had been severely disciplined! Know what is fear!

Ding Yu looks at his two nephews. Now it's not Michelin tires! At least a little thinner, but it's not a big deal. The meat on the body is better! As for their sons and daughters, they are also quite jubilant, Ding Yu did not say, Ding Ding Ding also simply can not control them, unless Zhao Shuying takes the horse!

But it's just the intimacy with my father! Zhao Shuying will never interfere! But soon they put the four children around their own position, this kiss, that pinch! This can be all the treasures of the family, but the four children were soon attracted by the little lazy and Labrador.

"Brother, are you so leisurely these days?" Ding Ding looked at her busy mother and asked in a low voice.

"There are too many messy things in the capital. If you go back now, there will be other things involved! So it's better to go back to your hometown and take it with you. No one comes to disturb you. After the new year? Maybe go to America directly! Clean

"I think you have too much leisure!"

Ding Yu is really indifferent to his sister's provocation, and then slightly raised his chin, "how do they do things? You know you're scared at such a young age? You beat them? Can't you? How old is it! I said you are also a mother. Cao Zhen, a father, can bear it

"I slapped them twice. Otherwise, they didn't know how powerful they were. They were really spoiled and some of them were so powerful that they overturned the table when they had dinner before! Don't listen to education! So we have to take some violent measures! "

"You have inherited our mother's temper. You didn't look at those two? After coming back, although there are some mischievous, but also honest! Because they know very well that if they offend their grandmother, they will be slapped on their buttocks, and they don't care who you are! "

Four children are sitting on the carpet playing, and don't need any toys. Ding Yu looks at his son and daughter. They take good care of their two younger brothers, which is very good! No one has told them this, but they can do it, which can reflect their quality!"Yes! How was your job in Beijing? "

"What kind of work can I have? At most, I have a look at the accounts. If I really want to say management, I'm not from this background. I think you're right. It's better to leave professional matters to professionals! But I have never thought that I can have such a life, even if it is interest, it is enough for our family to live a good life! Hey hey, isn't it a little bit unrewarding? "

"It depends on the individual's wishes and likes! Anyway, no one is going to force you. What about Cao Zhen of your family? Why didn't you come with me and let you come back with the baby alone? He's so relieved? "

"The lab has projects, not so idle! Because everyone is like you Ding Ding snorted, "yes! What you sent home was from the farm? It is said that many people are quite interested in this, but the food is really good. The two children didn't like to eat at first, but now they are scrambling to eat! "

"I can find a good relationship on the farm. If you have time, it's fun to take your children with you. It's mainly in the North! The investment is also relatively large, but what's the good news? Not relying on the domestic market, most of them are exported! In addition to food in China, there is not much in the world! "

"No wonder sometimes I don't know where I want to buy it! They often come to the house to play in the autumn, and they keep an eye on these things. They even bring their children here every time! "

"All your college classmates! I remember they all showed up at the wedding! Are you married now? "

"No, it's one short. I don't know when to get married! But the relationship is very good! Brother, if you have any young talents, you can help introduce them! "

"Don't come! These guys I know are really not so suitable! " Ding Yu waved and looked at his elder brother's appearance. Ding Ding Ding also snorted, slapped Ding Yu twice on Ding Yu's body, and then went to help his mother! As for the four guys on the ground, I'll leave them to my big brother!


Ding Yu looked at the double horsetail on her head, "who made it up for you? How does it feel like a dog has eaten it! "

This sentence is to annoy the little girl, and then ran to complain! Then Ding Yu heard his mother's angry voice. Look at this posture. If Ding Yu's reaction is slower, he may come out with a kitchen knife! This is not a joke! So when her daughter comes back, Ding Yu also flicks her forehead with her finger, a small informer! I don't know where I learned it? You know your weakness!

Ding Yu has been waiting for Ding Lin to come back, and the same little lazy and Labrador are also freed. The four children start together and almost let them have skin and no hair!

Whether it is grandson, granddaughter, or grandson, Ding Lin is completely the same, there is no difference, but because the two grandsons are still so small, so take more care of them, and Ding Lin's face is always full of smile! Very happy, even have a meal have so some neglect!

At the dinner table, Ding Ding's two children can't eat by themselves, so Zhao Shuying and Ding Ding Ding can only hold one in their arms, and don't let Ding Lin start at all, even if it's better!

After dinner, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also took the children out to show off! But Ding Yu didn't really mean to follow! Dad, give it to my uncle! It's not appropriate for you to go there! "

"Let's go together! Some things? I can't tell you clearly on the phone! I'm free anyway Looking at his eldest son, Ding Lin also waved his hand and went out with the car key! Said with his wife, and then the father and son are also driving away!

There are so many things on the pole, but there is no way! Seeing Ding Ding's incomprehension, Zhao Shuying also simply said Zhao Xiaolong's affair, "you cousin! I feel good when I was young, and I don't know what happened when I grew up? How could such a thing come out! That's the only hope at home

"I don't think it's for this matter that big brother came back? It's too much for me

"Your brother! Also did not say is actually for what matter comes back! Just in time for this! There seems to be no problem looking at him! Stay at home if you like! Two kids? I was so worried that I left them alone in the capital. It was not very decent! "

"Nothing! We can't take them as children, and there are so many people in the courtyard? I'm in the capital, too! There are cousins, they are all there. Sometimes I ask them to come home. They are all around the capital. I don't know how happy they are! You and my dad! Just worry about it

But this word did not let Zhao Shuying satisfied, on the contrary, it gave a big white eye!

However, the four small schools, together with Xiao lazy and Labrador, soon attracted the attention of other children in the community. Everyone was playing together, and there was no disrespect. No matter Zhao Shuying or Ding Ding Ding thought that there would be any improper place to play with children! Don't form the bad habit of looking at people under your eyelids when you are young!I don't believe it! If there is no adult education, children will have such a mind? It's just that adults develop such problems for children! Especially after Zhao Xiaolong's affair, Zhao Shuying is even more so! Children have not been educated well since childhood, but it is extremely difficult to change them when they grow up! After all, what about habits? Not in a day!

Soon, the children around them gathered together, focusing on laziness and Labrador. What about the old people around? Ding Yu came back two days ago and Ding Ding came back today! Even brought the children back, which is a good thing! The two children of laoding family are promising!

Although there's nothing wrong with it, it's nice to have a little bit of happiness, isn't it?

Ding Yu and his father went to his brother-in-law's home, for Ding Lin and Ding Yu's arrival, there are really some things that he didn't think of. What about his son? There is no peace in the noisy home, but no one wants to ask for help if there is any possibility.

"Previously, Xiaoyu went to find someone to find out about the situation. What about the nature of the case now? Some of them are different! " Ding Lin is also a simple process to say again! "This is the general situation. What is the problem now? We can find a better lawyer at home and plead with the judge. "

All the things are put on the table. What should or should not be done, what can or cannot be helped has been done! Now it's up to Zhao Xiaolong to make this choice! "Brother in law, Xiaoyu, can't you think of other ways? If children really go in, this life is really destroyed! There's still some money at home! ..。”

"Uncle! So say it! We all know that we can't let children in there. If we do, it will be a stain for a lifetime. But what is the more important issue now? Let Bruce Lee realize his own problems! If we can't realize our own problems, can we save him now? What will happen in the future

Give Ding Yu the feeling, what about my brother-in-law? I always feel that Bruce Lee's problem is not very big. Even when the sentence is pronounced in the future, I'm afraid my brother-in-law will think so. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu really doesn't know what to say! So I sat there in silence!

When he came out from his brother-in-law's house, Ding Yu looked at his father and also gave him a bitter smile. "Dad, do you think I'm too ruthless, or do you think I've been so nosy?"

"Don't do anything stupid for me, boy!" Ding Lin warned.

Back in the car, Ding Yu then said, "do you really want to get it out for Bruce Lee? It's not a big deal, and then? If Bruce Lee can realize his own problem, it is nothing, but what if he doesn't realize this problem? He thought he had a dependence, and then he acted recklessly. Didn't this hurt him? It's not easy to have a chance to correct it! "

"I know you have considerable power in your hand, but Xiaoyu! What about your father and me? Living at such a big age, we have experienced a lot of ups and downs. Why are the Ma family and the Song family now gone? I don't want to tell you the truth. They intervened wildly at the beginning! Take a step, will take the second step, and then can't stop this step! Even if you want to control it, you can't control it! "

"I understand, but I can't bear to look at my brother-in-law's house! It's not like that in normal times! "

"It's like killing a child. Anyway, what about you and Ding Ding? The time to be used to, the time to pet, but the time of education, is really under the dead hand! Never give up! What about our mission? It's done! As for your next generation, it's up to you! They are doing well now, but they can't relax their vigilance. The example in front of them is enough to illustrate everything! "

"In terms of truth, I should be very calm, but look at the situation of my brother-in-law's house, it's all in such a state! He's still making trouble out there! How to say it's good? Is it a poor man that must be hated? There must be something pitiful about a hateful person. It's really that some people are confused about it! "

"It's hard for a poor family to have a noble son! Why? Don't you know that? It's not that you don't study at home, but what about the family? Without a decent understanding, we can only rely on ourselves, but what about ourselves? Easy to be confused in the society! Not only in your uncle's house, but also in many families! Give the best that can be given to children, but don't know how to guide them? That's the most important thing. "

"The lack of education! It's also a pity! " Ding Yu knocked on his head with his hand. "The reasons inside can't be said to be the children's, nor the parents', nor the country's. it needs time to adjust and guide them slowly."

"Yes! It takes time. You can't rush for success! " Ding Lin was very satisfied with his son's words, "what about your brother-in-law? That's it! At least better than the imagination, really can't, after going in to find a relationship, let him in the good reflection on their own mistakes! That's the only , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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