On the way back, Ding Yu suddenly received a call from Wang An, which was a bit abrupt. Many people knew Ding Yu's phone call, but the people who could call in were not as many as imagined. Most of the time, everyone called their own security. However, Jin had something to do during this period, and he was not at his side!

But this is not the reason. Ding Yu also connected the phone in front of his father, "is it me? What can I do for you? "

"Hello, teacher!" Wang An is also polite in the phone, "teacher, I have read the book you gave me, but there are some problems I didn't want to understand. I can't find other people's people! So I can only ask for your advice in person

Oh! So this is it? The progress seems to be so fast! "I still have about ten minutes to get home, so let's have a video! What's going on in your house? Is everything all right? "

"I haven't thank the teacher yet. Everything is fine. My grandfather's body is recovering slowly, and my sister has come back!"

"That's good!" Ding Yu is also light asked a sentence, only this! And then it hung up.

But Ding Lin looked at his eldest son and asked casually, "who is it?! Are you a little too cold? " Although I also know that my eldest son usually is like this! But the tone and manner of speaking just now is really not common! Amazing!

"When I went out earlier, I saw a child with good aptitude! But the life at home is too low! Parents divorced, grow up with their grandfather, in order to live, can only follow their grandfather to collect waste, in order to live! However, it did not let the loss of courage and love of life, a small age did not show any inferiority! Such children are really not so common, so I have a heart to keep! "

"It's not easy! Such a child Ding Lin is also praise said, but also puzzled to look at his son, "but since you are optimistic about him, why are you still acting so indifferent?"! Guo and Li are still very enthusiastic when they came here, don't you remember

"Wang An's conditions are very good! If there is such a chance in the future, it is possible to accept them as successors. They are not the same as Guo Li! Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are just my medical students. They are now in the capital hospital! Good performance

"The more you like this one, the more strict the requirements are? Isn't it? " Ding Lin also said with a little thought.

"It's not entirely because my own conditions are quite special. I haven't found a suitable object for so many years. It's not easy to find a suitable object now, so I need to take care of it carefully, but I don't want to let the outside world know about it for the time being! He's too young! Not to be able to withstand all aspects of temptation

For his son's exclamation, Ding Lin is also feeling, "yes! Don't say it's a child! Even other people are the same. I've been in the hospital for so many years? Yang Bo's performance is not bad. In fact, there are more talented people than him. Yang Bo can even be regarded as a medium-sized person, but he can still withstand the temptation. How old is he already? "

"The world is too big! And because of the rapid development now, everyone's horizon has been broadened! But this open also caused quite a result, the impact is too big! If there is too much information, the impact will make a lot of people can not bear it, but can't bear the consequences? It goes without saying that many people have lost themselves! "

"Yes! A lot of people have lost themselves! "

The father and son drove into the community and looked at the people who were still playing in the garden. Ding Yu didn't mean to disturb them. He had promised to connect with Wang An. However, Ding Lin stopped his car and walked to the garden. Anyway, he went back and there was nothing wrong with him!

"Grandfather! Grandfather, where's dad

"Your father is going to discuss some problems with one of his students! So go back to the video! " Holding his granddaughter, Ding Lin is also affectionate to hold up, "how long does this take? Why are you sweating all over your head

The little girl also kisses her grandfather, and then struggles to jump up. In fact, she is playing with a group of children in the community. What's more, there are little lazy and Labrador among them. The more people are, the more lively they are. What about these children? Obviously infected by the children at home! Although usually also lively, but not so crazy!

Ding Yu went back home, changed his clothes, washed himself, and then took out his tablet computer and connected with Wang an! Wang An is also respectfully sitting on the chair, is a wooden chair, at most under a cushion, "good teacher!"

Seeing the appearance of Ding Yu's image is also a salute to Ding Yu, which is not ambiguous at all. Seeing Ding Yu nodding, he sat down again. Soon, he explained his problems to Ding Yu at the first time. Ding Yu also gave a detailed answer to Wang an! This itself is a teaching process!After answering, Ding Yu asked Wang An to fix the camera! "Let me have a look at a set of punches!"

After cleaning up the room, although it is not small, but there are so many things slightly, it is really not suitable in the room. Wang an also came outside, but Wang Yu looked at his brother, and he also bit his finger! And then obediently sat on the small wooden bench not far away, looking at his brother! But now and then the eyes have to look at the camera!

Come to my grandfather and brother's side for a few days! There is no one here to beat and scold themselves, there is no indifference to themselves, and even in two days they can go to school! No one will let themselves eat leftovers! It's all fragrant rice and meat! On the first day of eating, my little belly has gone up!

It is said that these are given by my brother's teacher, but I have never seen what the uncle looks like? So Wang Yu is particularly curious! But looking at the elder brother's appearance, Wang Yu is also very clever not to disturb!

"Straight back! Left fist down an inch, do not deliberately performance, with their own body to drive

Ding Yu looks at Wang an in the video and corrects it carefully. The whole process is also going on for an hour. Ding Yu doesn't feel any displeasure in the process of back and forth. Wang an doesn't show any impatience. His small face collapses tightly, but his body has been wet with sweat!

"Don't sit down and breathe immediately. Walk slowly! Wait for their body slowly into the calm period, and do not immediately go to wash gargle, the body will have considerable damage! These are all experiences! You need to make your own decisions later! When the body has entered a quiet period, and then soak for a while, you don't need massage and beating now. When you go to bed, you can adjust your breath by yourself. It's just like this for the time being

Looking at the steady down brother, Wang Yu is also full of dry hands inside the towel to the past, Ding Yu this saw the video inside the little girl, there are so some thin, hair a little yellow, although peeking from time to time, but the eyes are very flustered!

"She is your sister?"

"Yes, teacher, Xiaoyu, this is uncle Ding Yu!"

"Hello, uncle Ding!" Wang Yu's voice is very small, as if there are so some fear, clinging to the corner of his brother's clothes, Ding Yu nodded, "little friend Wang Yu, you too! It's just a little thin! Need to eat more food, Wang An, you should also pay more attention to take care of your sister, after all, you are the pillar of the family now! Taking care of your grandfather and sister is what you should do! There's no denying it

After two words, Ding Yu hung up! At this time, several children in the family have already washed up! Ding Ding Ding coax two children to sleep! This just sat out again, looking at the lively nephew and niece, also looked at his big brother, "brother, do they have such spirit in the evening? Your two nephews are already tired

Ding Yu glanced at his son and daughter. He didn't feel tired from the journey at all. When he came, he was on a plane and a special car. What kind of tiredness could he have? But the spirit of the two children was too much!

"The two of them are still so young. Now it's for full growth. It's good to have more rest and sleep. As for these two monkey cubs? The situation is a little bit special. The family can fully guarantee the various factors needed for their growth, and even make them reserve a little bit! So now the energy is all over the place

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying look at their grandsons and granddaughters dancing on the sofa. They also sip their mouths. Their big grandsons and granddaughters are lively. What's more, when they come back, they don't know whether it's subconscious or what happened? Anyway, this heart is happy!

What's more, although grandsons and granddaughters are lively, they are not nonsense! What's more, even if it's fooling around? As long as grandchildren and grandchildren are happy! At this time, Zhao Shuying didn't say anything about slapping! Grandson and granddaughter are so cute? How can you beat them?

"Tomorrow we both have a holiday. Where do you want to go?"

"Go to the sea!" Before waiting for the two children to talk, Ding Ding blurted out. What about other things? I don't seem to have much meaning, but I'm still very interested in things like going to sea, not to say that I hope to eat that food! There is no lack of such a piece of food at home, just to play with the children!

The two children also stare at their grandfathers and grandmothers when they hear their sister-in-law say so. They really don't play much with such things. But Zhao Shuying stares at her daughter fiercely. How can she think of such a notice? Where can't you go? Must go to sea!

Now this time to the seaside to play, the wind is very big, if really blowing cold, then how can get! But after her daughter mentioned this matter, looking at her grandson and granddaughter's eyes, Zhao Shuying knew that they were interested in it! If there are some, it seems that they refuse!"Boss, are you going?"

"I don't seem to have anything to do tomorrow! I'll listen to you, mom Ding Yu won't take the initiative to carry a black pot on his body. At this time, he didn't pay attention to Ding Ding Ding's eyes. Anyway, if you want to go, I'm sure I'll follow you. If you don't, I don't have any opinions! Obey the party's command!

"When will the tide come tomorrow! Don't go just in time for the tide? To go is to go for nothing

For the people on the beach, this is really not a difficult thing. Ding Yu took out his ears with his hands, but ignored the two children who were jubilant. There was no harm in making a fuss. It was regarded as releasing himself! But before going to bed at night, Ding Yu gave them a good massage!

Ding Lin, who was wearing pajamas, looked at his eldest son coming out of the room and asked in a low voice, "haven't you slept yet?"

"No, I'm used to it! Just made it for them! It's going to take a while! You and your mother go to bed first Ding Yu is also comforted to say that after cleaning up the things, he also went to wash his hands and went back to his room to deal with a long period of official business, not to say that back home, it was really OK! How is that possible?

When I wake up in the morning, the two children are also following their grandfather and father. Each of them leads a little lazy and Labrador. All three generations of the family come out to exercise. It's really a rare thing! And more children, the whole exercise team is also more young! At least our hearts have been driven by two children.

When the party came back, Ding DingCai and her two sons staggered out of the room. It was because of Zhao Shuying's urging. Otherwise, we didn't know the age of the monkey?

"Auntie, sloth!" The little girl is not afraid at all, with her mouth full! Yelling! The gas Ding Ding Ding took advantage of not paying attention, one to catch in the bosom inside, good meal of ravage, if not because her body's medicine smell is too thick, perhaps also won't let go!

Watching her nephew and niece wash themselves, Ding Ding Ding can't help but have some feelings. The conditions of my elder brother's home are needless to say. But the two children have not developed any bad habits at all. What about the two baby bumps? If you leave yourself and the nanny, they will starve to death!

In the past, I didn't have so many feelings when I had no children. But now I have two children, this feeling is really quite different. I hope my children can play more games. But when it comes to some things, this situation is not the same!

During the meal, it was as lively as ever. However, the youngest two children still needed help from adults. They couldn't eat their own food. Fortunately, they didn't dare to be choosy. The grandmother took the big hand and ignored who you were! If you dare not eat, you will be beaten! As for delicious or not delicious, another thing!

After breakfast, the whole family began to be busy. Although it was still early, there were other busy things that needed time to get to the seaside. What's more, such a thing should be done sooner rather than later! Earlier in the past, it will be regarded as enjoying the scenery! It's good to go to the seaside and absorb some fresh air!

Soon, I packed my backpack and sat on the sofa with my baseball cap. I even had time to play games for a while! Ding Ding Ding is also envious, as for the two living treasures of his family? The three adults are busy together. They are almost not busy. It's this and that!

Zhao Shuying with her daughter and a family of three, Ding Lin with a son of three! But the division of labor is very clear!

"Mother! You said how the two children in the eldest brother's family were educated. They really didn't feel it when they were not in front of them. But in the past and after, this is really too obvious! I didn't see the elder brother beating the children, at least not in my impression, but my sister-in-law sometimes slapped her in the face! "

"Is your brother raising a child? I think they are herding sheep! It's just that the two kids are doing well! " Zhao Shuying is very disapproving of the said!

"Mom, can't you say that! I think big brother is very good! How come other people don't look like big brother? They are all the same children, the conditions are almost the same, I see! Big brother is still very attentive! It's just the way of heart? Maybe we don't understand it so well! "

"I think it's just fooling around!" Zhao Shuying is still quite "disdainful" said! But what kind of it is, she is also the one who knows it well! "It's just that two good children don't become treasure! But as grass, I really doubt whether your big brother's head shell was broken at the beginning? That's why it's what it is now

It's not far from the seaside. It doesn't take half an hour to drive. However, Ding Yu is not familiar with the terrain. When his father and mother are free, they often come over with friends and colleagues. They are very familiar with this place!Ding Yu looks at her two children. As for Ding Lin, Zhao Shuying and Ding Ding Ding, they need to look after the other two living treasures. After all, they are of different ages! So we need extra care! The wind on the beach is not so big, and it comes a little early, so there is no ebb tide!

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