"Hello, Secretary Hou!"

Hou Tianliang looked at the visitor, but also stretched out his own hand, two people shook each other, this? Already introduced oneself, see this meaning absolutely can't come for oneself, oneself have no what value!

As for the director? They all went to the seaside. Ding Ding came back with the children earlier! Home can be said to be very noisy, the director here also did not have to pay attention to their own meaning! And Hou Tianliang is also using this short time to quickly charge himself! It's not easy to stay with the director!

Therefore, in this leisure time, Hou Tianliang not only did not go out to play, but also took advantage of this time to sort out what he had seen before. As the so-called, he also read quite a number of books, and continued to enrich himself. If it was not for the initiative to come to the door, Hou Tianliang would not have paid attention to it!

"Hello! Director LAN, you are here. What can I do for you

"Well, I came here to check on my work. I learned that director Ding Yuding was also there. I wondered if I could meet with director Ding sometime! Let's see if there are any deficiencies in our work! " In front of Hou Tianliang, there is no need to hide, what to say, not to mention his coming this time? I didn't want to come here on my own initiative!

What if it's too hidden? It's obviously inappropriate!

"The director's work is quite busy. I'm afraid I don't have so much time and leisure. I'm sorry, director LAN!" Director LAN came to inspect the work. What did he check? He was not interested in it. As for the director? I'm afraid there is no interest!

Speaking is very polite, but in terms of practical problems, Hou Tianliang is not so polite as he imagined. What's more, you are just a director general! We have nothing to do with each other. You mentioned quite a few things. I will give you a certain reply, that is to say, that's it!

If there are other extravagant expectations, there are quite a number of problems involved, and what about these? Hou Tianliang is no way to deal with and solve, the same in front of the director general is also the same no way to solve!

What's more, do you want to see the director? Are you kidding? Even if you want to see the director, you don't want to see the director. The mouth is very big, but the nature of the problem is not for his own consideration, so Hou Tianliang doesn't mean to be angry. If you come with the people in front of you, you can't do it!

"Secretary Hou, I heard that director Ding had nothing to do at home and even picked up the children? Now that I have this time, I think I can meet with you. In fact, there are not many things. I just want to say hello to director Ding! "

How do you like to greet me? It's about to catch up with the Forbidden City! So Hou Tianliang also laughed, "is there something wrong with the director! I'm not so clear about this issue. I'm just the Secretary of the director. I don't interfere in the director's private affairs, and spy on the director's affairs. It seems that there is something wrong with this!

Hou Tianliang is also a small prick, to inquire about the director's affairs, if really upset big! It's really hard to say whether there will be any other problems, at least in the director's body, such things are really difficult to say! The director is usually reasonable, but sometimes? Also very unreasonable!

"Secretary Hou, I just want to see director Ding. It won't be so troublesome." Director Lan also laughed at me!

"What about me? It's just the director's Secretary! If you want to see the director, I really don't care about this matter. I think director LAN seems to be looking for the wrong person! " You know, from the beginning to the end, this matter has nothing to do with yourself. Do you want to see the director? I'll see you then! Take me to fill the hole. What kind of thing is this?

"Secretary Hou, I'm the one to blame. In fact? I want you to help introduce director Ding. You are the person around director Ding. You must have a good understanding of his temper. We really dare not to go ahead! "

This finished the human talk, and then began to tell lies! Hou Tianliang is still the same as before, "director LAN, don't say it's previous! Even now, I have no right to know all the itineraries and arrangements of the director! Under such circumstances, if you let me introduce you, it seems that the requirement is really too much! "

Hou Tianliang is also straightforward, on some issues to point out! Because this is the pure actual situation. I have no exaggeration or expansion. I know the situation of the arrival of the child, or the director told me. Otherwise, I don't know. In such a case, let me arrange it, unless I'm dead!

As far as the current situation is concerned, I feel very comfortable and comfortable around the director. I can learn a lot and broaden my horizons. I even joke about my future. It seems that it is too much!

In the face of Hou Tianliang's lack of oil and salt, the director general of LAN in front of him seems to feel a little tricky! What about yourself this time? It can be said that he came with an order. He must see director Ding Yuding. But when he came, he found that the situation was completely different from his own expectation!How do you go to see director Ding yourself? In the past, I haven't dealt with director Ding. What's more important is that director Ding? There is no position on the body, this is the most troublesome, but also the most intractable!

Originally, Hou Tianliang wanted to be opportunistic. After all, Hou Tianliang didn't stay with Ding Yu for a long time. However, he thought that this guy was also like this. He was strictly guarding against the situation and didn't give himself any chance! Things are really so some stalemate here, for a while do not know how to come to the circle!

"Secretary Hou, I just report my work to director Ding!"

"Director LAN, the director does not hold any post, which is obvious to all, so you are willing to accept it!" Hou Tianliang didn't mean to ridicule him. "The director is very tired during this period, and he has also carried out a considerable investigation outside, so he may need to have a good rest when he comes back!"

Since it's a break, I don't want other people to disturb you. What's your mind? Everyone knows, so that's it! If you all look good on it! Not really if you tear this cheek, what kind of consequences will appear, it is really difficult to say!

"Secretary Hou, can't you really accommodate me?" Director LAN is still making considerable efforts!

"Director LAN, I have said that earlier! This has nothing to do with hard work. I'm not blocking the front door so that everyone can't get in and out. In that case, my personality of Hou Tianliang will be in trouble! Do you think so? "

Originally, director Lan's impression of Hou Tianliang was not so good, but after Hou Tianliang's words came out, director LAN looked at Hou Tianliang with a wry smile. It was really the case that people did not block the door to let themselves in! It's not like that at all! But the door is there! But I can't get in!

Hou Tianliang is just the Secretary of director Ding Yuding! He really does not have any right to take people to director Ding's home, then the nature will change! After all, people are for director Ding Yuding when Secretary, not for their own Secretary!

"Secretary Hou, I don't know if I can see director Ding!"

"I can't say whether I can see director Ding or not. Anyway, the county is so big. If we really meet him, it seems to be a very easy thing! As for whether we can sit down and talk about it for a second? It's not so easy to say! No one can make this guarantee! "

You, director LAN, are you going this way alone? Are you really afraid of death? Or is the knife in the director's hand not sharp enough? This joke is really a few can't make fun of! There are no heavyweight figures, no people who can impress the director. They just want to drag the director out from here. There are really some unrealistic things!

What's more, the director came back so soon! Even Wang Xiaogang was thrown back to the capital. Isn't it because of the third echelon? The director has no intention to take over. This is really not something that can be said by anyone! Even to a certain extent, it involves the family and life!

Don't say you are a little director! Even if the minister comes! What can we do?

Hou Tianliang has seen this very clearly! Of course, this is mainly the reason Ding Yu mentioned to him, but there is no need to reveal these words. Now hou Tianliang is watching coldly! Watch other people perform!

"I thought it would be easy! Now I know it's just that I'm out of my power! "

"Director LAN is too self belittling." Hou Tianliang is still the same as before, no scorn and ridicule, but also no compliment meaning! "The director is not a publicity person! Most of the time is quite low-key! And I don't like so many messy things. Comparatively speaking, the director still thinks that being a doctor is a good choice! "

You understand or don't understand, I should have said! The rest? You need to rely on your own understanding ability! Since I can be assigned, I don't think the ability of understanding will be too bad!

When the director general LAN left, Ding Yu also had some communication with the director's security. Now the director may not be so free, but what about this matter? Or should let the director know, after all, this matter only the director has the decision-making power, is not a small matter, the small problem is so simple!

When Ding Yu received the call, he also handed the basket to his son next to him. As for the pliers in his hand, he didn't mean to put it down! Now and then I can catch two little crabs! Although it's not as big as you think, it's still very fat!

After listening to the report from security, Ding Yu also snorted, "give the phone to dawn, he will hide behind!"

"Director!" Hou Tianliang is also a smile!

"Someone from the capital? I didn't hear anything! Are they in such a hurry now? ""It looks like the ants on the hot pot! The director general of Lan also applied both soft and hard. No matter whether he was red or white, he sang all over again! Look, this means I want to see you anyway! But from my observation! It's the one who plays in the front! I want to test your attitude, director! "

"It's really a little bit too big for a director to play a leading role." Ding Yu looked at the two little guys who were running over there, but they also lost their eyes. The crab was in their hands, and it really became a flying crab! It's basically flying in the air! Unless it doesn't move! Otherwise it won't land!

"Director! You let the capital there can be said to be quite anxious, now even if it is eight lift sedan chair also want to give you back! Otherwise, I will never give up! " Hou Tianliang is obviously worried about this!

"Ha ha, I really don't think so!" Ding Yu looked at the sea in the distance, "what about the third echelon? There is really no way to get the above-mentioned face. Even the first and second echelons can't get it. Now they have been forced on the shelf. In fact, I didn't think of this before! "

"Too soon? Is that so? "

"Yes, too soon! It's so fast that people are even unprepared! " The reason why Ding Yu came back so soon! It's also because of this. I don't know what those guys are going to do? But if we go on like this, there will be problems! "Anything is too much to do!"

"Director! The third echelon has heard of it! But what kind of people are involved? "

"People who are involved in some aspect of the body?" Ding Yu also asked himself, "no matter what kind of people are involved! It's a very troublesome thing! What about my ambition for them? But it is really no doubt, there is passion! But the problem is the lack of detailed list of soil and environment, this is the most troublesome! "

"Director, if you can take over, maybe there won't be so many problems!"

"Bullshit, you really think I'm omnipotent, don't you? What about the first tier? I just provided the environment and funds! There is not too much support! Because what about them? Are already quite mature! Given them a certain environment and soil, they will quickly survive and germinate! But what about the second tier? The situation is quite different! Now it's the third tier! I'm afraid it's worse! "

"Everyone regards you as a savior, director!"

"I'm not a great Savior, on the contrary, I've been called the disaster star a lot." With a sigh, Ding Yu said again, "what about the specific things? Just push it on me! People who want to come to you will become more and more advanced. Of course, there is a possibility that they will completely ignore it! I hope so, but for the time being, it's not likely! "

"With your support from the director, I'm really not afraid of anything!"

Put the phone in the pocket again, carry the basket to have a look, there are really a lot of things inside! Crab! Octopus, and some other things, but mainly caught by Ding Yu, two small is to play and play, let them catch these things, it seems not so in line with the reality!

What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? They need to take care of two grandsons with Ding Ding! They are too young, but they are also associated with the two of them? There is no way to go to sea! Can only be to grasp their uncle Ding Yu! Fortunately, their uncle didn't show any shame. They really caught a lot of things!

Ding Ding Ding can't bear her own itching, but no matter how she uses the clip in her hand or her own hands, it seems that she is not so flexible. If the octopus trapped to death is better, pay attention not to be bitten! But what about crabs? Don't think about it! The one running under the water is called fast!

But what about big brother? It's like peanuts, it's called a simple! It's called fast, and only catch the big ones, never catch the small ones. In the words of big brother, the small ones are meaningless, and there is no meat in the mouth. It's better to catch several big ones! Can eat meat, and taste better!

In fact, who wants to eat meat! Just for fun! But Ding Ding didn't watch for a moment. When the two children were playing with crabs, they were caught! It's all right now! The whole seaside people are about to hear two children howling! The voice is loud! I've never tried this before, but now I've learned it!

Zhao Shuying is also photographing her daughter. It's time! Even have the heart to smile, even with a mobile phone there shooting, she is how to be a mother! If it's not so convenient in your hands, you really want to kick her feet! Or let her drink some sea water and know how it tastes!

Looking at my mother is really angry! Ding Ding is also hastily handed over the mobile phone to her elder brother, and then went to comfort the two children. In fact, it is a red seal in her hand! It's no big deal! The boss doesn't believe in evil. What about the second? Try it, too! Good fellow, brother two at the same time suffer heavy!However, Ding Lin looked at the marks on the hands of his two grandsons, that is to say, there was no big deal. It was just a red mark, and there was no broken skin. Although the crab was not small, its strength was not too strong! The main reason is that the child's skin is too tender, so that he will cry!

Don't see grandson and granddaughter, they and old Dadu have already caught a basket! During the period is also to be clipped by crabs, but clip also clip, also did not see how they shout! At most, it's a toss! So! Don't need too much indulgence!

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