When waiting for the tide, the children in the family didn't mean to leave, but looking at the rising tide, the children were also afraid of it! This just how long, has already submerged own instep, clearly did not move! Wait a little longer, even almost drown their ankles!

The four children also ran hand in hand to the direction of their parents, while running with the noise. It seems that the previous playing did not affect them at all, and it was really energetic to a certain extent. When they got on the car, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying quickly wiped them, and then wrapped them up with towels.

Play for such a long time, but do not have a cold! I'll come back and stay for two days. If I catch a cold! The old couple are really sinners! So the old couple are also very close to the care. They quickly wrap them up and go home to have a hot bath. It seems that it's time to eat! Damn it!

Fortunately, it's not far away from home, plus there is a car, so I quickly go back home, and let Ding Lin and the boss clean up the rest! Zhao Shuying and Ding Ding came home with their four children. Zhao Shuying prepared to eat, and Ding Ding took her four children to wash, especially their two living treasures! They can't do it alone, not like their brother and sister! By comparison, it's really a little fool!

When Ding Lin and Ding Yu come back, Ding Ding Ding is still busy with her two living treasures. She has no head at all! Later, Zhao Shuying came! Two living treasures came out of the bathtub! Dry the body, blow dry hair, eat a few mouthfuls of food, and then fell on the sofa.

Zhao Shuying looks at her grandson and granddaughter, and then at her grandson. Although she is different in age, is there such exaggeration? So when I look at Ding Ding Ding, there are some wrong eyes in her eyes! But still helped to send the two children to the bed! It's too soft on the sofa! Not suitable for children to sleep!

After eating something, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also went to have a rest! Ding Ding is to see the two baby sons, but not too long, is also down! Obviously, it is also a little tired, but Ding Yu with his son and daughter, full of spirit, there is no pressure at all!

Ding Yu twitched his nose slightly and winked at his son and daughter. Then they quietly led xiaolazy and Labrador out, put on clothes and shoes, and buckled his hat on his head! Three people slip out of the house quietly!

"Dad! When I came, my grandfather asked me to give you a message, so that you can take advantage of this time? Have a good rest

Looking at her own girl, Ding Yu said, "I know! But I heard that you two little troublemakers are so lively these days! There is no place in the whole capital that you haven't been to, just so leisurely? "

"No! We are going to write a book about children's tour of Beijing! We've got a lot of material ready! Now the framework is basically completed! " The little girl is also shouting at Ding Yu! It doesn't seem like a general excitement!

Ding Yu really didn't know about this, so she was so distracted, "how could you suddenly have such an idea? Visit the capital! And children visit the capital

"I was idle, but when I had dinner that day, I heard the complaints of children from other places in Beijing. They were all places for adults to play. They didn't have any interest at all. Even the children in Beijing just knew the place in front of their own house! There are not so many conditions at all! So let's start from this point! "

"Yes! When you finish, I'll take a look at it. If it's appropriate, I'll give you reimbursement for all your trips! If it's not so appropriate, I'll keep all your travel bills for you, and according to the annual expenses, plus interest! It seems that the number is not so small! "

"Not afraid? Mom gave us a lot of money! Our investment funds are still quite abundant! "

"I've forgotten that question!" Ding Yu really did not expect that Taixi should know about this matter. It is obvious that his concern for the two children during this period of time is a little less than enough! "Well! This matter comes to an end temporarily. Have you met Wang An? "

"Yes! Also met Wang Yu, but Wang Yu is still very shy! I also have a good understanding of Wang An's situation! " The son looked at his father and touched his lazy big head with his hand. "Dad, are you going to take Wang an as an apprentice? He will be our younger brother in the future? "

"I haven't made this decision yet. I prefer Wang An's qualification, but will he have this chance? It's really another thing! Not for the time being, I haven't thought about bringing him back at this time, because I'm too attracted to everyone's attention! What about Wang An? You can't bear it

"Dad, you mean let's make friends with him so that there won't be too much attention, do you?" The little girl seemed to see through the secret, and then she rubbed her thumb and index finger!"It's like blackmail." Ding Yu patted his head with his hand. When did he learn these things? At least in my own impression, I never seem to have taught them these things! But it's not necessarily a bad thing!

"Dad, the two of us are helping you keep a secret, and it's still such a secret thing! You didn't give us a reward, that's all! It's really hard for us to say such sad words! " Looking at his father Shun up in the eyes, the little girl is also a smile, "OK! I admit I can't squeeze out tears now

"I heard from your aunt that your grandmother was going to take her to visit her in the evening! So don't try to run too far! " Ding Yu explained a little, save when they will be hit!

"Dad! Let's go and prepare some special gifts

Special gifts? What about this? It's worth considering! But look at the two of them, are they really going to prepare gifts? But led the little lazy and Labrador to the cake shop. How could this be?

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying wake up to find that the eldest son's family is missing! Lazy and Labrador are gone! I don't know when they sneak out, and they don't hear anything! At that time, I was really sleeping too much! Usually it's not like this. It's mainly about taking care of two grandchildren today. I'm so tired!

How long has this been gone! Two kids are heavy again! There are some really can't hold it!

When we arrived at Ding Ding's room, we found that the two children had already woken up! There you move me, I move you, play is very happy, and their mother Ding Ding is curled up to sleep on one side, Zhao Shuying also twisted her mouth, is really want to a slap to wake up! Think about it or forget it! She's tired, too!

In the evening, the family also killed grandma's house. The old lady was very happy with Ding Ding Ding and her children's arrival. The wrinkles on her face were unfolded! Whether it is Ding Ding Ding's children or Ding Yu's children, there is no affinity, but in the treatment of Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding's problems, we can feel that it is obviously different!

Looking at the eyes of his son and daughter, Ding Yu also stares back, and then opens his mouth! Although there is no voice, but I believe that I have expressed the meaning is very clear!

Because tomorrow is leaving! So Zhao Shuying also deliberately chose to come over this evening and even had dinner here. What about Ding Yu's bias towards the old lady? I've learned it for a long time, but it doesn't hinder my appetite. What I should eat and drink can't be enough to owe myself, can I?

My uncle and aunt are very happy to see Ding Yu's appearance. My nephew's appetite is really good! What else is enviable? There are so many children at home! What about Da Jun and Qian Qian? In this respect, it's a little poor. If you can't do it, you should tell them to have two more!

"Dad, why does grandma always look at you like that?"

"Grandson is a dog. When you are full, you can go away!" Ding Yu also used this word to resolve the embarrassment in front of them. These two bastards are also real. Knowing the problems, they still want to let themselves do it. When they go home later, they need to teach them a good lesson! They don't know the height of the earth! Even take oneself to be happy!

"Dad, are you talking about two little brothers? It seems necessary for us to discuss with my aunt! "

Ding Lin, who drives a car, feels so funny. I really doubt how these two children were educated. It really means that they are sharp mouthed. However, it is not like his eldest son and his daughter-in-law Taixi. He is definitely not such a person! As for your wife? Can only say that there is a little bit of this aspect of the trend!

"You must not say such words to your aunt. You will certainly clean up your two little troublemakers at that time." Who is his daughter? Is Ding Lin not sure? Don't ask for trouble! At that time, it must be the two of them. Even their grandmother can't save them!

"Don't you go back with me tomorrow?! Your mother still wants to bring you something! "

"Let Ding Ding take them back! I'd better stay at home for a few more days! You can have a rest! I don't know how many things will be waiting there after I go back! But why is Ding Ding so anxious to go back? She seems to have nothing to do with it! Just for two troublemakers? "

"I heard it was her father-in-law's house! So I need to go back and deal with it! It's no big deal. Cao Zhen's work is very busy. They are at home! Ding Ding is more leisure, can't just care about our family, for the Cao family to ignore it? In that case, there are some really not very decent! What's more, Ding Ding is already a member of the Cao family to some extent! "

Back home, the two children still have a lot of energy. They don't mean to go to sleep at all. Instead, Ding Yu quickly takes them into their own room. If they don't give them a good education, they really think they are vegetarians!Ding Yu lingered at home, giving the impression of the outside world can be said to be quite bad, but it really makes everyone have so many helpless, previously asked director LAN to go to Ding Yu's hometown, but did not even see Ding Yu's face! The direct one will be accepted!

This is still in the case of non initiative. If we really take the initiative, who knows what will happen? After all, Ding Yu's name is not blown out. There are not many people who dare to touch Ding Yu's tiger beard! But what about the third tier? It's not as simple as putting it on the agenda!

People have already gathered! Now certainly can't dissolve, because involves too many people! At the same time, it involves too many forces, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't mean to be a leader at all, and he hides in his hometown and pretends to be dead!

This is very helpless! Do you want to move Ding Yu's coffin? If it really moves, can you pry Ding Ding Yu's coffin? If there are mistakes in it, will other problems come out! This is all need to consider!

Prying Ding Ding Yu's coffin board means that Ding Yu must be taken down. If not, the problems between them will be too big! Have already pried the coffin board of Ding Yu? That is to say, it completely touched Ding Yu's taboo! On the other hand, Ding Yu is not dead!

If there is absolute assurance that Ding Yu can be taken down? Do you need to wait till now? You don't need it at all, OK! Stop talking about them! Even the United States, Britain and other forces have no absolute control to win Ding Yu!

There are many reasons for this, for example, everyone's interests have been intricately intertwined, there is no way to separate, for example, Ding Yu's power is too large! But what about inside? There is a reason that we are not willing to admit and mention, that is, if we can not win Ding Yu, we need to bear too much loss!

It's like England! That is to force Ding Yu for a while. He really didn't mean to press Ding Yu to death, but what was the result? These two years, they can be said to have been very difficult, Ding Yu did not give them a blow in the economy, but everyone knows that it is just a poor one!

It depends on when Ding Yu's interest comes, or when the British side shows this flaw, Ding Yu will definitely find this place. As for whether the British side can bear the pain, I really don't know!

The British side is also worried about this, but is it useful? Now regret doesn't work, but what about Ding Yu? It seems that there is no intention to contact the British side. What do you want? I don't care and ignore, but don't let me find this opportunity!

But those who have been thieves for thousands of days can't guard against thieves every day! You can't do it! And Ding Yu is also an economic assassin! It is even more difficult to prevent! This is already the case in a country! Not to mention a small power! So what about domestic forces? Can only think of a way, still really dare not move Ding Yu's coffin board!

Dare not to pry Ding Ding Yu's coffin, which means that we can't take too extreme and radical measures, but we can't use any way. We just want to rely on the upper lip and the lower lip to pull Ding Yu out. How can there be such a beautiful thing! Do you really regard Ding Yu as an idiot? Or do they think of themselves as idiots?

"Feathers! Heard you were at home? When did you come back? And not say hello? "

"Fat man, it's a little strange that you're calling! Yes? Are you free today? "

"Yes! I don't say what it is because of! Do you have time today? If you have time, my friend will take you fishing! I'll pick you up at that time! Fish and eat now! Absolutely

"Two children are at home! They are leaving when they have lunch! If you have time at that time, come and pick me up! Not in advance! It's not that two children can't do it. It's mainly the mother watching at home! What's more, Ding Ding Ding is back this time! "

"Yes! I'll just send something over! We'll talk about it then! " Then the fat man also hung up the phone!

After waiting for a long time, I remembered the sound of knocking on the door. It was not familiar with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. Obviously, it was also a frequent reason. What about the things in my hands? Packaging is not delicate at all, rough and fierce! "I just picked them from the mountain. If I knew that the children were at home, I would have sent them back! You don't have to wait until now! "

Ding Ding's eyes are bright. She is very interested in these things. She has nothing to do with whether she is rich or not! This is the taste and taste! "Fat brother, yes! Now you can eat and drink! But I've lost a lot of weight recently! Yes

"That is! Everything else is empty, and the body is the most important thing! " Looking at Ding Ding's two children, she also pursed her mouth subconsciously. Although it was not Michelin tire, it seemed that it was a little exaggerated!

But think about it, big brother don't say second brother! I'm a bear like myself. What do you think other people's children do?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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