The fat man mixed up a lunch in Ding Yu's house, but he didn't mean to clean up the big and small bags. Since Ding Yu didn't mean to do it, the rest of the things would be easy to do! "Ding Ding is alone? Can it be done? "

"Just go straight to the airport! There are other people on the road to help take care of it! " Ding Yu explained and then waved his arm. It's not that he didn't see each other for a long time, or that he was separated in life and death. There was no need to show such sadness! At most, there are so many reluctant to give up!

After saying goodbye to his father and mother, Ding Yu also got into the fat man's car, "when did you change the car? Do you support domestic production now? Or do you have other plans? "

"This is the time! It's better to keep a low profile when you are a civil servant! What's more, there is nothing wrong with domestic cars! As long as you can open it! As soon as the high-speed rail is opened, who will drive home! Direct high-speed rail is over! Save time and effort! And now? Who doesn't have a car yet? As long as you can run! As for what kind of car it is, not many people care about it! "

"Is it all so low-key now? Even they don't care about the so-called face! It's not easy! "

"There's no harm in keeping a low profile, but my business can be put on the back burner. Really, it seems that you, a great doctor, are so low-key that people can't understand it! What about my coming this time? I have already prepared the tools and even made an appointment with Diaoyou! Get it! In vain

"From above? You need to do it yourself? Is it too wasteful? "

"My boss told me that. What do you mean? It seems that it was handed down by his superior's superior! What's the origin of this? It's not just big! Whether it's bad luck or something? Anyway, I'm here now! If there is no way out, the county magistrate might as well manage it now, but it's not a bad thing! "

Ding Yu also snorted, came to the place, there are really not too many people, for fishing such things, Ding Yu will not be bullshit, but to say proficient, or do not pull! Look at other people's fat people, and then look at themselves, they are not at the same level at all! Anyway, listen to the fat man nagging at himself!

Fat man with a lot of fishing rod is really a lot, with his own also deliberately explained, what sea pole, throwing rod! Listen to Ding Yu's head is also so some big, I really do not have too much interest in this! If it is to catch fish, fat man is definitely not his opponent, but with the fishing rod situation seems to be suddenly changed!

"I see! Is this all money to burn? At the beginning, whose hand had this thing? I still remember that it was the bamboo pole, which was tied with rope. The fish hook on it was still the needle used to sew clothes. It was burned red and bent out with pliers. It is so exquisite now? " Ding Yu also said sarcastically! "Are you making pig food?"

"Well said, will you? This is a secret recipe for fishing. I really doubt what you usually do! According to the truth, it is also a rich man! You don't go to the little girl every day, do you? "

"There's no time for that!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "it's not like you. There's this leisurely way to fish! But it's really like a thing like that, but your family leaders let you play like this? Didn't you pucker all your fishing rods? "

"Dare she? I'm not doing all these messy things. She confiscated the tools! I have nothing to say about this, but what about this one? It's just a hobby, and still a few hobbies! What's more! My pay card is in her hand! Does she not know how much money she has at home? "

Ding Yu shook the fishing rod in his hand, and the fat man was busy inside. After all, there was more than one fishing rod. He also arranged it back and forth. After a while, he sat down beside Ding Yu!

"Feathers! I haven't asked you much these years. Even when I got to the capital, I didn't ask about the specific situation. Anyway, I knew that you were a doctor with good medical skills, but the Ma family and the Song family were in the front. Now, what happened again? I am also a person who wanders in the official career! There is something wrong with this matter! "

Ding Yu shook the fishing rod in his hand with his hand, and looked at the fat man with a smile, "what's the problem! Let's hear it! "

"When the old man in my family had surgery, I looked at it in my eyes, but this can be explained. After all, you are in the medical system. If you can say that your level is better and you have a good teacher, there won't be too many problems! But now this matter, obviously, has nothing to do with the medical system! "

"It's very sharp!" Ding Yu put down the fishing rod on his hand? I really have no way to explain to you too much, because knowing too much is not good for you, just like this time! If it is simple fishing, it doesn't matter, but when it comes to other problems, it's hard to say! "

"Anyway, you fellow! It's not a general mystery. It's like this since I came back. At that time, Tan Wendong found you back, and then it was half hidden and half revealed. Except for a few people, he didn't see who you contacted actively. Fortunately, you still stayed here at home. Otherwise, I don't know where to look for you! ""You can find me anywhere you go! I am not going to disappear without a trace, but sometimes I want to find me is really a very troublesome thing, even sometimes I have so many involuntarily! Just like your civil servant's identity, some things are not willing to do, but account for it? What can we do? "

"Feather, you seem to be a doctor!"

"If you're a doctor, does your boss's superior send you here?" Ding Yu shook his head, "but what about this period of time? Maybe they stayed at home. If they had time, they would come out and have a meal! As for the others? " At the end of the day, Ding Yu also shook his head slightly at the fat man.

"I see! There's no problem finding you fishing or archery! But I can only do this! As for other things, it seems that I am not so proficient. Let me discuss the knowledge of medicine with you, and I don't have the ability! If I had this ability, I would be an office in the hospital now! "

"Do you know what the most painful thing is? Learning medicine! If your child wants to learn medicine in the future, listen to me and absolutely break his leg! There is no mistake at all! "

"No! When you are in front of the doctor, you don't allow the people behind you to come forward. Is this too much? Do you not allow the two children in your family to study medicine

"You all just see how natural and unrestrained people are, but you don't see how much pain is behind this! What were you doing when you were in college? Just listen to the lecture in class! Fall in love after class, eat! When I was in college, if I hadn't been full of energy and opportunism, I might have been set up already! "

"I think uncle Ding's work is still OK!"

"Why did my father support me to study medicine in the first place? At the beginning, the hospital had not been reformed. What's more, in this small county town? Doctors are still a highly respected profession, without so much pressure! What about the ideas of the older generation? As long as we can be stable! But now the society is different! My son and daughter? If they learn medicine, I will give them leg discount, but they can learn medicine, first give me to learn Chinese medicine! If they can learn Chinese medicine well, and then learn other things, I really don't object! "

"You are different from others! I'd like to have a look. If my nephew and niece really learn medicine in the future! Can you really do it? But my aunt didn't seem to have much objection at that time! "

"My mother was against it! You thought you didn't object, but something happened later! There is no way! After I retired, I entered medical school again. Although my mother didn't say that, she was not so happy at that time. Can't you see such a thing? What's more? Be a doctor! Most of them are cold-blooded people! Every day is wandering in the edge of life and death, this spiritual pressure is too big

"I don't feel it, at least not from you!"

"And me? It's different from other doctors! In recent years, I have made a little career for myself, which is quite supportive. Therefore, most people need to give face. What's more? What about the teachers behind it? They all took good care of them. Huahua sedan chair was just like this! Otherwise, it will be quite hard for me now! "

"Listen, that is, pay is not directly proportional to the return!"

"Everything! If you say that! There are too many restrictions. Do you want to display yourself? There's not much room to manipulate! " Ding Yu is long winded. As for why he wants to discuss these matters with the fat man, it is not that Ding Yu complains. It has nothing to do with it. It is mainly to let the fat man have something to say when he is asked in the future!

Otherwise, would Ding Yu be so? Obviously, the fat man is quite clear about this. He is from such a family background. He has been deeply influenced by his family background and has long had a good taste. Therefore, he has launched a considerable discussion with Ding Yu, and even is about to call an expert in this field! Otherwise, how could you be so excited?

"It's absolutely unique to eat fish stewed in a big pot in the evening. In the past, I used to eat stewed goose in a big pot, but now I have stewed fish in a big pot, which is absolutely different from the fish stewed in other places! I can't eat it every week, but as long as I find the time, I'll try it! "

"Yes! Where's the crazy girl in your house? Are you honest now? "

"Say so! Anyway, I certainly didn't have this kind of trouble when I was a child. I don't know who this child looks like! It looks like me! In my mother's words, it's just that the good places don't have the same image, they all inherit those bad places

"Is there such exaggeration?" Ding Yu also felt quite funny, "did you go to school?"

"Don't mention it! It's going to school! Went to the first day almost to the whole kindergarten to point! At that time, our whole family went! Noisy now has changed three kindergartens! You don't know why? Anyway, she always has various reasons, and now she has become the number one target of our family"Almost! At that time, our two sons of bitches, because of a little trifle, led our dog and split the dog in our little friend's house! Is it revenge? It doesn't seem to be, but to help students? It seems that it's not entirely true. There are some people who can't explain the truth clearly. It's very difficult! "

"Before you know it, these children have grown up! There are some of us who are going to be old guys! Isn't it? "

"It's almost as good to be Mesozoic! It seems that some of the old guys are too old! "

"It's a good word, Mesozoic, but if you think about our high school days, it's like yesterday!" When talking, the fat man also looked at Ding Yu, "what about being a friend? You don't care at all about Joe and Joe? At the beginning, she did something wrong, but she was also punished quite a lot! "

Ding Yu was a little stunned. He took a look at the fat man beside him, and then he crushed the grass roots in his hands, "what happened at the beginning? There are some heartache! Or is it a kind of chagrin! Now I want to come that is just a process of youth! If it were you and me, it would not have happened! "

"I did not expect that this would come out of your mouth!"

"Joe and Joe called me. What happened then? Just retired from the army! Some problems? It is also out of a confused state, so it is shelved. If it is not our classmate Ma? Maybe there will be no follow-up. To a certain extent, I really want to strangle all these things! "

"But the Ma family and the Song family can't hear any news now!"

"The old man of the horse family came to me and threatened me. The old man of the horse family was also reckless! If I don't let go, he will be in my office. In our vernacular, he will let me down! But bullying the old man? It's really not that a thing, not to mention the old man after all for the establishment of the country or made a considerable contribution! So I just muddle along! "

"I really haven't heard of such an inside story!"

"It's not the inside story, it's just the fact! As for the future? I really did not deliberately do what, but due to some of their own reasons? Some people step on high and low, it seems to be quite normal! But what about most people? I know something about my character, so I don't want to embarrass myself

The fat man also pointed to Ding Yu, "you! Sometimes it's really soft hearted to a certain extent, if it's me, I'm sure I'll clean it up directly! There are so many reasons for that? "

"It's very simple to talk. It's over if you touch the upper lip! But what about doing things? It's not like this! Save the future when regret, let alone do anything? Always need to leave some room, as for right or wrong? This is another problem! Who knows? "

"He's a big man anyway! You know, I met Joe's parents and Ma Zheng's parents, but what about their father? It's really no chance to meet, but they need to block the door of your office, it seems that there is a considerable gap between them! No wonder there has been no movement these years! All honesty

"At the beginning, when the Ma family and the Song family united together, they had problems! Of course, we are now standing in the perspective of past people, but so many years have passed! It's just harm to others and yourself. What about ourselves? It doesn't have any decisive influence and effect at all! "

"Ma family's mind is too big! What about the Song family? There are other aspects of the mind, integrated together, so the problem is a natural thing, but more unfortunate? I met you, but it's a blessing in disguise. If it wasn't for you, what kind of end would they have been like now, I really can't say! "

"You mean worse!"

"It's very possible! You should know that when you came back, the Ma family and the Song family began to converge at the first time. If they didn't know the convergence at the beginning, what degree would they indulge now? In our own words, we will kill ourselves

"Who knows? It's all in the past! I don't pay much attention to this aspect! Don't want to do too much attention, if really, it is far fetched! There is no peace for all the people in the uproar! "

What about things like this? Absolutely will be such a result, do not want to think, Ma family and Song family things? Most people who know something about Ding Yu know it, but why don't they do anything? Is it due to the influence of the Ma family and the Song family? Don't be kidding! The power of the Ma family and the Song family together, for the vast majority of people, is the same as dust!

The reason why there have been no too many movements, but also due to Ding Yu this guy? There seems to be no movement. What's more, what about song Qiaoqiao? After all, it is Ding Yu's first love affair. Although they have problems with each other, who knows what Ding Yu thinks in his heart?If it is really wrong or self defeating, Ding Yu swung it in turn. Are you going to take it or not? So forget it! Put this matter aside temporarily! If Ding Yu doesn't ask about it, we will treat it as if we don't know. Don't play with fire! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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