"Go on suffering! Where is the temptation now? In the rest of your life there will be countless temptation to face you, until you have no value, will leave you! But the question is, how many people can stand the test of time? It won't be as much as you can imagine

"For the first time, there will be one after another."

"Yes! With the first time, the meeting will find a variety of reasons to excuse themselves, everyone is the same! I do it sometimes! Find all kinds of reasons to convince yourself in some things. In fact, the clearest thing in my heart is to cover up and anesthetize myself! "

Although the director himself said such a thing, but for Hou Tianliang, it is really not good to speak, say a little harsh words, who is the saint! No one is a saint. Can you restrain yourself as much as possible? Is already very good! In their own eyes, anyone who can do half of the director is no longer an ordinary person!

But what about people like that? It's not only a little pity, but also can't be found!

"Director, we always have such an attitude. We can't help but look into the eyes of the capital! They still don't have much reaction, but the feeling of giving has reached a quite bottleneck period! There will be some action next! I just don't know what kind of influence this action will cause

"What is the impact? Do they dare? " Ding Yu suddenly became very domineering, "what about other places? They're casual. I don't care, but what about here? no way! There is no room for discussion! "

Hou Tianliang, who was with Ding Yu's side, obviously felt something. This was said by the director himself, rather than what some people had guessed. Could he understand that the director was already dissatisfied with some aspects! That is to say, when there is any stimulation, the director may get angry directly?

There is a possibility in this respect! After thinking about it, Hou Tianliang also delivered the message. Anyway, he was used to act as the background board, so he didn't have to use it in vain! The capital immediately let out the relevant news, even Ding Yu did not reach the farm here! The speed of news spread is really beyond imagination!

For some forces in the capital, the news may have caught people by surprise! The news spread quickly. It should be the wind released by Hou Tianliang, but he will never release the news for no reason. Obviously, it should be inspired by Ding Yu!

If it is said that this matter is inspired by Ding Yu, it is really interesting! Is Ding Yu's reaction speed so fast? What's more, are his nerves so allergic? You should know that the capital just has the intention of this aspect, and there is no practical resolution yet!

Under such circumstances, Ding Yu can't wait to show his attitude, and now what about him? It is sitting on the top of an acre of land in his hometown, showing his fangs and looking at the covetous people outside. Anyone who dares to step on that force will suffer the most severe attack!

In other words, do you want to pull Ding Yu out? It is necessary to step into the sphere of influence that infuriates Ding Ding Yu's hometown. Originally, Ding Yu didn't show his attitude, but now Ding Yu has told everyone that if he continues to provoke Ding Yu, it will be more than just breaking his face!

So now? Basically, there's only one way left! That is to find the position of Ding Yu on the top of people, but what about the position of Ding Yu on top of people? Not the most critical, the key is the allocation of resources!

If we put our resources together, there are really not many problems in China, but there is no way to get to the surface. What's more, what about the third echelon? There is no official identity after all! To a certain extent, it is a black door! In this case, people in the third echelon are subject to considerable restrictions!

What about this problem? Ding Yu really does not have too many restrictions, because the farm is his. He has considerable power in Japan, South Korea and even in Asia, America and Europe. Let these people go to practice? Don't care about identity and coordination, as long as there are arrangements! But will Ding Yu provide these resources?

This problem is like the money I have worked hard to earn, but it needs to be used by my competitors! It seems that there is no such truth under the heaven and earth. The family is big and the business is great, but it will not be so wasteful, is it?

Of course, there is not only Ding Yu's farm in the world, but also Ding Yu's farm in China. But the problem is that when we go to other farms, we don't have so many conveniences, we can't participate in the operation of the whole farm, we can't understand the characteristics of the farm, and we can't open a special relationship network of the farm!

If we go to the farm just for working, then we should let the third echelon go to the countryside directly? There's no need to rush to the farm! Back and forth so tossing! Let them be involved in the farm, is not to seek the interests of any farm, this thing is too large, we have completely let go!What about the huge amount of money needed and the power behind the connection? It's also too much. As long as one of them has problems, everything may disappear. What's more, it may not bring any benefits for a long time! This is quite different from the industrial aspect, so we can invest without any consideration! Two things!

So this situation just wants to get involved? I can't afford to mix. Do you want to enter? What do you want to do if you refuse?

Ding Yu is really not interested in the third echelon! Even for the first echelon and the second echelon did not have any interest, but at that time due to many reasons, so just took over! In the external conditions do not exist or is not mature, Ding Yu of course can be dignified to avoid!

Since this is already the case! Then don't say anything else! What about the third tier? To a certain extent, it's almost called chicken ribs! It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it. He wants to put Ding Yu in this position, but he never thought that Ding Yu didn't give us any opportunities at all! Even a backhand! This NIMA!

When Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang arrived at the farm, Zhao Hongyang had already arrived! Looking at Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang coming down from the top of the car, they also quickly greet the past! "Yu Shao, Secretary Hou, just sent over the mineral water!"

"All right! It doesn't need to be so polite! That would be too hypocritical Ding Yu took over the mineral water, and if he said with a slight warning, "I heard that the previous staff have already recruited almost! I didn't expect you to have such ability! "

"Yu Shao, it's just for wanting to have a bite of rice! In such a small county, as long as it is money, for everyone, other problems are not a problem! In the past, I couldn't find such an opportunity. Now that I have such an opportunity, I don't need to do any urging if I don't perform hard! "

"I don't deal with specific management. What about farms? I'm just asking. What about some things? I hope you can understand it! It's not very nice to hear, but it still needs to be said in the front! "

"Yu Shao, don't worry. If they are disgraced! You don't have to talk. I'll kick them out myself! They are all a bunch of rough guys, and they don't read any books. It's definitely impossible to play with playfulness. But let them drive a car and do some work. There is absolutely no problem! I can guarantee that! "

From the above situation, Zhao Hongyang really does not need to be like this, the family can not be said to be rich, but in this small county, it can also be counted as a figure! But Zhao Hongyang did it! In front of Ding Yu, there is no reservation, very magnanimous, since you can see that this is a thigh, then don't continue to pretend! There is no need to drag this thigh!

Previously feather less let oneself clean up his buttocks, Zhao Hongyang already had this aspect feeling! So I try my best. I really don't mean to fool you! Even in the period also received a few slaps, but for Zhao Hongyang, it is worth it! Don't say to get two slaps, even if it is to get two knives also nothing!

Really don't say, after cleaning up some things, it is really a good mood, because there is no worry! As for the problem of public security, it will never be a big problem. Even if I was such a jerk at the beginning, I didn't kill or set fire to anyone else, so I don't need to worry too much!

What's more, what happened today is just a simple meal! Yu Shao's way of educating his son is to let himself see different places. What about this way and method? I can't think of it! Let alone be able to do it!

After coming back, I thought about it carefully. What about this way? It's really the best way. It doesn't let the son and the family make a fuss. It doesn't break the relationship between them. It's even better!

Maybe at this stage? May not see what kind of impact, but I believe his son in the female classmate euphemistic supervision, will show something different! Turn a very difficult thing into a good thing, but also really let yourself see the feather less ability to reflect!

It's not to say how much less Yu used, nor how much money Yu spent less. It doesn't have any relationship with this! That is to say a few words, without any threat. What about some? It's just encouragement and expectation. In other words, the two people sitting in front of them, one graduated from the National Defense University of science and technology, the other from Beijing University! What kind of feeling will it be? This real touch is hard to measure with money and power!

"What about the farm? Need considerable management, but this kind of management needs to adapt to local conditions, after all, it is impossible for all workers to go to the laboratory to do experiments! This is not a realistic thing at all! The donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth! So what about inside? We need to urge and coordinate together! "

Entering an office, Ding Yu is also sitting on the main seat, Zhao Hongyang is so confused, or under the guidance of secretary Hou, sitting in the starting position, there are not many people in the room! After seeing Ding Yu sitting down, the light in the room was also dimmed for the first time!The projector is also turned on! Some people also stood up and began to explain, "the consolidation work of the farm here has been completed, and the land use problem with the government has been settled at a very early time. In the operation process of the second economy of the farm, the adjustment is carried out slowly, and a total of 16 pilot projects have been carried out! There are big and small! We are the smallest here! "

Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, "what kind of choice do you have for tourists?"

"For the whole farm, this is just an additional economy, at least for the time being. But with the increasingly patterned urban life, people begin to miss the rural life more and more. But they are suffering from being unable to find a suitable place. Even if they find a suitable place, they will feel quite irritable for various reasons! We will provide quite a lot of conditions here, so that we can enjoy ourselves when we eat, when we live, when we play, when we leave, we are nostalgic for the aftertaste. "

"According to the conditions here, what projects are we going to carry out? What can be used to attract people? "

"The first is the breeding and planting industry, so that many tourists can experience it! Because breeding and planting are the core of the farm. Then there are two aspects of living and traveling. Living is the purest hot Kang. Eating is stewing in a big pot. In winter, it is a ice car. In summer, it is a mule or horse! It can provide quite farm products or handicrafts, but only to attract customers, not as a profit point! Even the whole model is not ready to make a profit for quite a long time! "

"As another economy, what's the guarantee of ignoring the saying that it will not be profitable for a long time? I can understand that this is to expand the influence of the farm, which is a kind of advertisement, but what about the others? "

"The farm has already had the quite pattern, even gradually moved toward the normalization! But this is the result of long-term accumulation. What about the farm model? What we need now is to cultivate the client. We have only cleaned up the pond and built the pond. But the fish in the pond is still too small. Now we need to attract quite a number of guests, so we can't kill the chicken and get the eggs! "

"Which mode of operation will be adopted? Independent or join in? "

"If we are the owner of our farm, we will let many workers take the initiative and enthusiasm. If we sell more or less, we will have no relationship with us. However, if we take the way of joining in, we will have more and more serious problems. For our own business, we will try our best to make good use of it, buy low and sell high, and cheat customers from stores and so on! So we are ready to take the way of autonomy and reward! At the same time, it should be strictly supervised and managed! "

Because it is not the most core meeting, Ding Yu simply inquired about some things, and what about these? Also for Hou Tianliang and Zhao Hongyang two people see! Looking at the things on the document, Ding Yu also expressed some things!

Soon the light was re lit. Ding Yu didn't mean to stay in the conference room. There was no need to show his identity here! "Lao Zhao! What about this side of the farm? There are quite a number of projects that need to be launched? What I want to know now is whether you have the ability to do what you are given! "

"Yu Shao, if you ask me to repair the house, I really don't need it! It's OK to fool ghosts, but you'd better forget it! At most, I'm looking for someone to do some odd jobs. There's absolutely no problem with this! "

"What about farms and farms? It's two times! You also attended the meeting just now! What about these now? They are all additional products of the farm. What if we don't make good use of them? Too much waste! I don't deny that the core problem is to make money. If we don't make money, I'm afraid not many people can look up to it, do they? "

"It's really a way. Sometimes I take my son of a bitch back home, but how can I say that? After living in the city for a long time, it is not a matter of forgetting the origin or not. It is difficult to overcome the problem of going up and down the river, especially at night! It's killing me! What's more, what about sleeping at night, especially in winter? It's cold under a quilt, but what about the bottom? It's almost burnt into a paste cake

"Yes! I want to go to the farm to feel it again, but what about the things in the corner? Have already formed the habit! I can adapt to it, but my heart is always uncomfortable

"If we can solve all the problems in the corners! The rest of the problem is easy to handle! Even a lot of people come uninvited! Now the city is too mechanized and patterned, which is meaningless at all! I really want to go back to live in the countryside, lie on the pit, drink a little wine, and if you are willing to play, you can go sightseeing in the vegetable garden! How nice to catch fish and shrimp

"Deliberately deviated from the topic, didn't you?" Ding Yu snorted, and Zhao Hongyang laughed. He didn't mean to talk to him. What about this mode? Want to make money is no problem, but how to make money, it is not so easy to say!

Is it a long stream, or is it just a matter of getting a ticket? If there is a long way to go, will there be other problems and situations in this process? After all, how about business? Is quite a knowledge, not to say so simple!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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