"I have a classmate from our superior city. I had dinner with me two days ago and mentioned something about it! But like you, it's a big slicker Ding Yu also said bluntly, "what's the next step? Maybe they will be transferred or transferred to our city to be specifically responsible for this aspect of the matter! "

"Yu Shao, your old classmates must also be outstanding talents!" Zhao Hongyang has so many compliments!

"Don't be so polite! Because fat man is my classmate, I don't want him to do anything, at least I don't want to see each other face to face in the future, because I'm not sure if he can withstand the temptation! So only a little supervision! How about you, Zhao? It's already the past! The resistance in this respect should be obviously stronger. I hope you won't let everyone hope! "

Zhao Hongyang rarely did not immediately respond, but thought for a little time, and then he laughed bitterly at Ding Yu, "Yu Shao! You give me this pressure is really a little bit big! How about Lao Zhao? It's not really a strong willed person! In the face of temptation, there are some.... "

"Try it! What about the so-called temptation? There are only a few situations, money, women, and faith? It seems to be the least worth mentioning, but I believe you are definitely a bloody man! What about money and women? Although you said that Lao Zhao was from the past, the more so? The more worrying it is

"No! Yu Shao, you must not make fun of me Zhao Hongyang also kept waving his hand, "my Lao Zhao doesn't read much. What is the so-called belief? Let me say I really don't understand, but one thing I know is that I'm Chinese and we can't betray our ancestors, can we! If you betray your ancestors, are you still human? "

"But what about the problem? You may or may not meet in the future. It's hard to say! I can only give you a vaccination in advance! As for money and women? Everyone wants to live a good life and make more money? It's not a bad thing. There are more places to make money! Don't cover your eyes because of a moment of confusion. There are women

As he spoke, Ding Yu also glanced at Zhao Hongyang. "It's not a good question to say. It's not compulsory."

"Come on! The female tiger at home has been enough time for me to breathe! Now, even if it is the meaning of the scene is no longer! I'm old enough to fight! In two years' time, we'll have grandchildren

"What about Lao Zhao? It's one of the few people I can see. After so many years, I know something about big and small things. I still have a certain sense of propriety. It's nothing big or not. Whoever makes money is making money! You have this ability, also have this destiny! There is nothing else to say

"Yu Shao, I haven't read too many books, and people are relatively straight. If there's anything wrong in the future, just say it! I have no face and skin for a long time! I'm very satisfied to have a drink of soup with Yu Shao! In the future, you will never be humiliated! "

"Shame or no shame? This is impossible to talk about, that is, we can still sit together in our spare time, and we will be rich. At the same time, we will leave a good reputation for ourselves. We will leave a good reputation for others. We will leave a voice after the wild goose passes by. In the end, we will see all the disgusting eyes, which is really not appropriate! Isn't it? "

Ding Yu didn't tell Zhao Hongyang anything about the so-called great truth. He didn't go to that level. That is to say, he said something serious and practical! In other words, it's all in front of you, Zhao Hongyang! Then the thing in front of you is easy to get!

And to a certain extent, Ding Yu also drew a big cake for Zhao Hongyang, that is his son Zhao Xiaobing! What about other things? Zhao Hongyang may not be so interested, but in the treatment of his son's problem, Zhao Hongyang is really not the general heart, is the way there are so some different just!

Less feathers? Although I studied medicine, I graduated from Beijing University, and even the Secretary around me? Or a real soldier! Let a soldier be a Secretary for himself. What things are revealed behind this? Although he said that he was born in a small place, he still had some insight!

Senior officials and ministers have never seen such big cadres themselves, but cadres like mayors have contacted them, and they have not said that they are following a secretary like a major! From another point of view? The more you know? The more you can feel your own insignificance! There is nothing wrong with that!

In front of Yu Shao? Say it is an ant, this may have so some of their own praise! But the Ding family in this small county, really hear what other, what chaos? Not at all!

What do you think of Dean Ding's medical skills? What about Miss Zhao? Good student Professor! What about Ding Yu? Everyone also said that his operation was quite good! I really didn't hear any other news, even if it was the conflict with Ma family at the beginning! That is, the news of a gust of wind, then disappeared without a trace!

From Zhao Hongyang's point of view, Ding Yu's name is not even more loud in this small county town. What about his own side? There is no bad reputation, but what does it feel like? He is a fighting character, brave and resourceless.But what about the reputation of the Ding family? When it comes to it? Those who know it are full of praise! What about yourself? It is totally of two properties, if not to that level? May not have too much feeling, but Zhao Hongyang now how much has begun to have this aspect of the touch! Fame! It's really valuable! It's not even for money!

After telling Zhao Hongyang something, Ding Yu immediately called the fat man, "when do you have time, come here? Zhao Hongyang, who was with me, talked about the development of some farms with me. If you are interested, please follow me and listen! If there's no interest, when I don't say it! "

"Is that too fast? I've just been prepared. You've given me such a hand now? " The fat man also exaggerates to say, "I have no problem here. After I came back, I started a considerable transfer. It won't take more than a month! But it's not going to be successful. I really dare not say that. I will try my best! "

"All right! Stop talking nonsense! While I still have time in the past two days, you can come to understand the internal outline of the farm, which will not be taken out for the time being, but what do you want to start with? Still really need to have quite understanding! I'm ready anyway, but I don't know if you are as well prepared! "

Put down the phone, look at the sun outside, Ding Yu also went to the farm there for a walk! Zhao Hongyang did not really follow this time, not that he did not want to follow, but was really afraid! Last time almost to their own tired get down! There is Zhao Hongyang obviously can feel out! Yu Shao didn't bring himself? What should be discussed with Secretary Hou! Didn't you see that you didn't even bring the other people with you? This is already very obvious!

"Director, there is quite a lot of feedback from the capital. Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say at this time. It's really difficult to make a proper judgment!" Hou Tianliang followed Ding Yu and said in a low voice.

"The more strange the waves are, the more it shows that the time has come for a decision to be made." Ding Yu hit a awning with his hand. Looking at the farming in the distance, Ding Yu also nodded slightly, "what about the third echelon? No one can bear the pressure if we continue to drag on the name of the person who is not in line with his words! "

"Director, who do you think is at the top of the storm at this time?"

"You want to say what I think of it?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "in fact, I really hope that the people sitting in this position can achieve success! And what about the scale of success? Even the bigger the better

"Director, is that really good? Take your place? "

"If such a situation can happen, I really can't get it! Even to a certain extent, it will add fuel to the flames! But that is the expectation. As for whether it can be achieved in the end? Nobody knows! But relatively speaking, what about the one on the front desk? It must be extraordinary! "

Hou Tianliang is very clear in his heart. What about those people who want to suppress the third echelon? We must choose a person who is quite capable and even has a certain status to lead the team! But the problem is that this position was originally intended for Ding Yu! That is to say, who will be in this position? It needs to be compared with Ding Yu.

This is definitely a very sad thing, compared with Ding Yu! People are more likely to die than people, and goods are better to be thrown away than goods! After all, Ding Yu has proved himself. To compare with a person who has already proved himself, to a certain extent, it is definitely more than a simple matter of thankless!

Everyone knows that, but you have to be brave enough to go up! Why? Because the matter of the third echelon has been forced into the corner, no matter what, it needs to be forced to mount a horse, it is not to refuse to be able to refuse! It's not that simple.

If we say no this time! So it's equivalent to blocking the road behind! What about the forces that build the third echelon? It may not matter, but it doesn't mean that other forces are indifferent! What about the fourth or even more echelons in the future? Is this all over?

If you can't invite Ding Yu from the third echelon, it's your own problem. It doesn't mean that other forces will not invite Ding Yu. It's just two times! It's no problem if you don't eat this table, but if you dare to lift this table, then all forces will open fire on you! See if you can afford it?

So what about the third tier? We can only do our best to maintain the third echelon first. As for the follow-up work? Follow up slowly! You can't blame anyone else for your own death, right?

"Director, if the candidates are selected, what arrangements will be made next?" Hou Tianliang is very curious about this!

"Arrange?" Ding Yu blinked his own eyes, "what is the arrangement! Just stay at home! I've been out for a long time, but I haven't spent enough time?! Now have this time, also don't have any other action! Just take advantage of this thing to sort out! Enrich it, too

Hou Tianliang really has no objection to the row made by the director. It seems good to run from east to west, but who knows who is bitter and who is tired. What's more, he is still following the director's side? Absolute madman! You can't even see too much rest time! The Secretary can only follow "abuse"!"By the way, director, some people have mentioned to me some other things recently. It seems that there are more people from other aspects in the city. It is not clear who they are!"

"You think it's against me? Is that right? " Looking at Hou Tianliang nodding, Ding Yu also said, "I almost forgot? You seem to be from the intelligence department! However, I don't believe it. You didn't know the relevant news at the beginning. Even if you didn't know, did the intelligence department not know? "

"I didn't prove it!"

Ding Yu shook his head. "Is this a matter of proof or not? It's not so important, but it's really not a good thing if someone reveals this news to you! Yes? You seem to be quite interested in it, too? "

"Director, did I offend something?" When Hou Tianliang heard Ding Yu say so, he raised his vigilance!

"All the time? It's a forbidden area. A large part of the reason is that I deliberately do it. But what if it's honest? I have never had too much interest, so everyone is also each other's peace, this is also very good! It's not so friendly to anyone if you make a fuss

"I didn't expect it to be like this again?" Hou Tianliang really did not know much about this, but fortunately he did not do it. No wonder! There are so many good hands around the director. They can't have any feelings about this aspect, but they don't have any changes. The original reason is here!

"If you look through it carefully, you can find that there are people in this small town, but mainly from the United States and Britain, and other countries have some strength. Although the place is small, there are many people, but they don't cause any trouble. I don't need to go to them for trouble! It would be nice if you were all right! "

"So many forces together? Is this city relatively small? "

"It's no big deal to be small! I don't have much interest in them, but I've heard that their forces have divided quite a lot of territory, and I don't know what they are trying to drum up. If you have a chance, you can have a look. I heard that a new coffee shop is very good! "

"Director, have they all been so blatant?"

Hou Tianliang also slightly exclaimed, is really did not put the director in the eye, or how? If you are quiet, it's nothing, but the problem is that you have exposed yourself so naked. How do you explain this problem? What's more, the director has no temper at all?

"Director, I really didn't hear much about this news. Did they show it on purpose? But when I was idle at night, I strolled around the city to have a look. It was quite different from that in big cities. Generally, there was little traffic on the road after 8:00 p.m.!"

"Is it deliberately revealed? In fact, this problem is not so important. As long as we abide by the laws and regulations, we can do business normally! There's no big deal, so there's no need to get a big prize! But since you are so leisurely, you can go and have a cup of coffee. I think some people will be interested in it! And quite interested

"Give me a break, director." Hou Tianliang is also begging for mercy! If you don't know, that's it! But now that you have known the relationship, if you were in the past, can you make it clear in the future?

"But what about this thing? Really need to attract considerable attention, with you there to say hello! Now that someone wants to reach out, you need to know who it is, isn't it? "

"Director, can it be the force behind the third echelon?"

"In terms of suspicion, they are the biggest, but the most suspect? Doesn't mean they are! And from the logical point of view, it is particularly unreasonable! " When talking, Ding Yu also pointed to his head!

"Unreasonable? Director, the third echelon is really out of fire now. They can't have any opinions and ideas. Moreover, from the forces that they were able to leverage before, it is absolutely impossible to underestimate. Under such circumstances, it seems possible to do anything! "

"I just turned down the third tier! But it doesn't mean that they have completely torn their faces, and they will never completely fall out with me because of this. Everyone knows how it happened

"It seems so! But if it wasn't for the third tier, who would do such a thing? " Hou Tianliang feels a little depressed! I know there is a cold arrow, but I don't know who launched it!

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