"Is it possible for anyone to do it? Don't think you're from the intelligence department? Everyone will be afraid of you. There are more people who are not afraid of you, and there are definitely many forces behind you! So don't overestimate yourself or underestimate your opponent. Learn to control the balance Ding Yu means to say!

"Director, do you mean not to find them out? Just watching? Is this feasible? "

Hou Tianliang can be said to be quite puzzled about this. If he does not understand his enemy, he will be in a dangerous environment all the time. If he is a little careless, there will be problems, and there will be big problems!

"What about this small county in my hometown? You've lived here for a long time, too! Really, what if we talk about it? Not big, even small, there are so some pitiful! Relatively speaking, such a small place means that it can be well controlled. If some forces are uprooted, it is actually a very easy thing! What do you say? "

"Director, do you mean that if you uproot them all, there will still be other people coming in. It's better to put them all on the surface. In this way, they are all people above the surface, which will be more simple and straightforward. We don't even need to have any precautions, right?"

"What about keeping them? It can be used to convey information, and also can make each other seem to have some peace. In fact, many forces put them here? It is to let them act as dead chessmen for life, and they may not even use them all their lives. But if we do not put them in place, there is something wrong with them! "

"If you don't put some pieces here, I'm afraid they won't forgive themselves! If you put me in a certain perspective to consider the problem, I will do so, as a leisure chess cold, do not care whether it can play a big role, as a pair of their own eyes! After all, it's better for the county magistrate to be in charge now! "

"A little more? Put them around? Not only is there no danger, but also to a certain extent? Can also play a considerable protective role! As for the balance, how to grasp this problem? In fact, there are not too many profound things, because it is too simple! "

"Director, I understand what you said! But relatively speaking, they are just people above the surface. What are we looking for now? It's not them! We want the people opposite, not them! "

"I said I explained so much, is your head really a pimple?" Ding Yu also reproached and said, "they will not reach out. Similarly, they are just enemies on the surface, but since they are in the small county seat! Then, to a certain extent, it will be restricted! "

"Director, isn't it! Can they accept it? Is it a big joke Hou Tianliang looks at Ding Yu in surprise. He even has some doubts. Is the director's brain hole a little bit bigger! How could that be possible? Let these guys pull the people out of the back? Will they do it?

"Is it not a question of being able or not? It's a must! Since you are afraid, let's have a cup of coffee together when we go back later. "

"Director, you can't go, I'll go!" Previously did not understand the reason, but now that we have understood the reason, then Hou Tianliang is also ready to bear the brunt!

"I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?" Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "if you go, they will only regard you as a person from the information management department, but if we go together, then you are my secretary. At least at this time, my secretary identity still has a considerable deterrent ability for them!"

"Director, you've all come back here, and anyone else wants to burn this war?"

"It doesn't matter what to burn the fire. It's a bit too serious! In fact, it's just a little trial! If the judgment is wrong, or there is a problem, then for some people, the goal is achieved! What happens next? There will be countless people involved. If you don't achieve your goal, just cut off some clues! "

"Cut the trail? This needs considerable power! "

Hou Tianliang himself is a member of the intelligence department. He has a good understanding of the inside story. It is not easy to cut off some clues. It is not to say that you casually disappear someone! Can solve all the problems! Especially in the modern society, it's even more difficult!

"The more you do, the more mistakes you make! Everyone knows that, but if you don't do anything, it's even more inappropriate, because it will eventually be verified, so there is a problem of selectivity! "

"But, director, since you know it, you can't be unaware of the power you're fighting against, right? Can they be so stupid? Can't even think of such a thing? "

"That's an interesting question to ask!" Ding Yu squatted down and pulled out a grass. "Do you want to know my side? Forces can be divided into several parts, and there is a considerable relationship between them, but the same? In the dark, you can earn a lot of money. Communication is for communication and business is for business. These are two things! "What do you mean, director Hou! The vast majority of forces are not monolithic, and fortresses are often broken from within! What about this? It may be done by a certain force, but if we really want to say that it is devoting all its strength, it can't be such a small model!

I'm afraid that's why the director didn't make a big fight? However, I still feel quite confused. I have read a considerable part of the information about the director, even if it is sealed up! You should know that those materials are not only invisible to you, but also your own leaders, or the leaders of the leaders, have not been able to see them!

Although I have experienced a lot of things during this period of time with the director, the number of times the director fights is definitely not as many as imagined. In the past, if we really talk about it, we can definitely make children stop crying. Not everyone can underestimate the people who have been killed from the sea of corpses! Even if you take a look at it, there are some who dare not!

But what about the director now? It's like a good old man! Even in the face of provocation, it is orderly, cold looking, when you can not do it, absolutely do not do it, also do not know what is thinking about, is it because you are older? It shouldn't be! Or are you tired of going through too much? It seems unlikely!

I don't understand! And I really don't understand! But think about it seems to be, if you can even understand yourself, now this time you may be sitting on the position of the director! It seems that I have learned a lot!

"Director, in the past, no one really taught me these things!"

"Teach you?" Ding Yu looked back at Hou Tianliang, who was standing beside him. "This is too much! Although you say that you have some talent, I really don't have much to teach you! Because the things I transmit to you are really not many! At least in your profession, well, I'm just telling you some experience

"When I can, no one has transmitted so much experience to me!"

"Say so! Are good students really taught? Maybe some of them are, but in my opinion, most of them are learned by themselves! Everyone has his own different learning methods and methods. Some of the things I tell you are through reading comprehension, some are through their own practice. But to say that all are truth, that is fooling ghosts! And you don't want to keep it all in mind. Comparatively speaking, I'm not a good man! "

Eh? What's the saying? Hou Tianliang feels a little dizzy!

"We have a local saying, follow the good people to learn from the good people, follow the witches to jump ghosts and gods, and hit too many marks on your body, which can only make you trapped in a certain space! Do you understand? "

After hesitating for a moment, Hou Tianliang also summoned up his courage, because he was very clear that he missed today, and may never have such a chance again in the future! Although it may make the director have some vigilance and even disgust to him, Hou Tianliang still wants to have a try!

"Director, I may be a little presumptuous! But some words don't vomit as soon as possible! Please forgive me Hou Tianliang also paid attention to Ding Yu's eyes, saw him nodding, and then said, "whether it's Guo Li, Shen Mingzheng, or Wang An, why should they adopt such a step-by-step approach?"

"Ha ha! Interesting! It turns out that you are not as calm as you think. I even feel a little jealousy from your words! " Ding Yu also couldn't stop shaking his head, "how about not saying the way first? Speaking of jealousy, what about jealousy and jealousy? It's two different situations! This must be clearly distinguished! "

"I'm sorry, director. I've got a little bit of nonsense!"

"No! In fact, the jealousy to the point? It's interesting to be jealous! What about Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? What we inherit is some of my experience in western medicine. To put it bluntly, they are all death examples. Sometimes, we don't need much thinking. What about Wang An? My personal wishes are inherited. His age is too young, so he needs considerable care. But you are not the same. You have independent thinking and have different identities with them! It's decided that you can't be limited to a certain space and time! "

"Director, isn't this too profound?"

"You are engaged in the profession, the thought solidification is the big taboo, even is the life gate place! But what about when you started? Also need to be cautious, not too much jump, because once there is a problem, it may be broken at any time! "

"Although it is not so exaggerated, there are not a few people who sacrifice every year. They all pay their lives for the sake of the country and the people, but they are unknown and can not be known by others all their lives."

"And among them? Some of them have made outstanding contributions, some of them? Because of the serious lack of experience! And what about those who have done so well? A large part of it is because of the way they think and live? It has not adapted to the needs of development! In other words, they are eliminated! What about the inexperienced ones? Even more so! It's just that they were eliminated a little faster! "Ding Yu also continued to say, "why did such a situation rarely happen before? Because the development of the times is very slow, and the development of modern is really too fast! It is no exaggeration to say that the development of China in these years after opening up even exceeds the sum of history! From this we can see the rapid development of the times! "

"Director, what you say here makes me feel quite palpitating!"

"Conform to the development of the times and enrich yourself as much as possible! Like learning! Don't stop learning just because you are in any position, and don't use any other excuse to prevaricate. In fact, your heart is most clear about what happened, isn't it? "

"Yes! Just don't want to admit it! In other words, I want to find an excuse for myself

"Or toss! So toss about as much as you can while you're alive! Because if you die, you can't move! There's no need to be too much trouble! " Ding Yu said jokingly, "turn around and talk about your problem! Jealousy? It will push you to develop in two ways, jealousy and dead end. What about the other? Is to promote themselves! I hope you will be one of the latter. Go ahead and catch up

"Director, I still hope to be like you!"

"As I said, I'm not a good man! Have too much contact with me? There won't be too many benefits, so try to accumulate yourself? It's not that I don't give you the so-called time, but you don't have too much time! I hope you understand that! " Ding Yu also has quite a sigh for this!

At the beginning, Hou Tianliang was pulled by his side? On the one hand, the reason is to repair the relationship with the military, especially with the intelligence and governance departments. But what about hou Tianliang's performance? Or let himself feel a little joy, but he can not always be his secretary! This is for sure!

Squeeze him as much as possible in the shortest possible time, and let him be tempered. Maybe in the future, it will be a good steel. Of course, this is just an expectation! As for whether it can be achieved in the end, no one can say clearly. Even Ding Yu dare not make any guarantee!

Hou Tianliang is also very clear, stay at the director's side? It's not that the director agrees to stay, nor does he want to stay. He is also limited by many external conditions, so I especially cherish the present time!

After all, the people who can truly impart their experience will not be as many as you imagine! Moreover, through a brief talk, Hou Tianliang understood that the director did not have any bias towards himself. The main purpose was to enable his future to have a better future and development, so it was the present arrangement!

I envy Guo Li, Shen Mingzheng and even Wang An, but how many people envy themselves? It's like Zong Taiping and the people in the first echelon, even many people in the capital. What kind of eyes do they look at themselves now? Absolutely not a few words can describe it!

"Director, if you drag out the people behind the scenes? Is it simple? "

"It depends! If we stop in time, we can talk about each other. If we don't agree, we can talk about other issues. In fact, many times, as long as the conditions are not so excessive, we can have a good talk with each other, that is, sometimes too much lion talk too much! So it's hard for everyone to sit together! "

Hou Tianliang's eyebrows also jumped. The director obviously didn't intend to spare the people behind the scenes. After thinking about it, the director himself said that he was not a good man. Sometimes he did it? It is also true that they will hit everyone's waist and eye, which makes people feel sad! Even can't stop!

Confrontation with the director will lead to considerable problems and troubles, and the consequences are really beyond the ordinary people's ability to bear. But if we don't fight, the director will accumulate power in the dark, even if it is exposed on the surface, it is very frightening! And what's hidden behind this one? Who knows?

Unknown? Although it will make people feel afraid, it will also attract people's curiosity! Everyone wants to test. What kind of cards does the director have? Let's have a look!

But the question is, will the director reveal his cards? Even when I was with the director, I didn't touch the so-called cards, even the most basic peripheral? Never arrived!

Like security around you? Kim is definitely the first person, but recently, Kim suddenly disappeared! No trace can be found. Some say he is in America, some say he is in Japan! But there is not a most accurate information, you know, this is the entire intelligence department in the collection of information!

Even the intelligence department? It's not only domestic, but also quite foreign intelligence departments. They are also interested in Jin around the director, but there is no way to find it! What can be done?

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