When Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang came back, Zhao Hongyang also rushed over and talked with his old friends earlier. We are still very used to being strict, but strict is not strict. It is still more humanized. Although there are probation and training periods, if they perform well, they can be directly employed.

What's more, the assessment is not generally inhuman, there is no face to say, just three opportunities, you can apply any time, even when you apply for the first day, as long as you can pass, and the earlier you pass the assessment, the higher the treatment will be!

At the beginning, everyone was very enthusiastic, but the question is, what is the result? Although the whole army will not be destroyed, but it is also very sad that there is no one left in ten. However, such high wages and salaries are stimulating everyone. It is not the problem of taking the university entrance examination, the postgraduate examination, or even the doctoral examination. It is just a simple operation!

Practice makes perfect. As long as you practice hard and be patient, you can pass the examination basically! So these people practice in class and go home? There is also no meaning to give up, it is very cherish this time! And there's no such a saying about complaining about being tired! No one asked them to practice when they went home! It's just that they are conscious!

For such a way, Zhao Hongyang also sincerely felt that he had some admiration for him. He did not encourage you to work overtime and work overtime, but let you not help pursuing excellence, because this is closely related to your own interests! The better you do, the more you earn. Everyone enters the farm in the same way. Why do you earn more than me?

What about the assessors? I don't know where Yu Shao came from? It's just a bunch of animals, and it's a bunch of frustrated animals. It's not human at all, OK? Are these guys born to be so picky? This is a problem, and so is that? Why don't you see how many problems they have?

But after seeing the treatment of those examiners, Zhao Hongyang was also very moved. The treatment of these guys can be said to be extremely high, but the same is always stepping on the high-voltage line. Because of the violation of discipline, the punishment and accountability faced are really not what anyone can bear!

Are they all born in ordinary families, all for a living? Now that you have such a good treatment, such a high salary, insurance and medical care, the family is not inferior to you. Is there anything better than this? If you are not satisfied with these, you can! There are many jobs waiting for you in the farm. They have higher wages and better treatment, but they need you to have this ability!

Have no ability to think about high wages, high wages, even want to dig the corner of the farm? I'm afraid no one will be easy! In Zhao Hongyang's words, if you don't make your excrement and urine, I'm sorry for myself!

"Little feather, I don't want to talk about others, but I can't tell you about your physique! I walked with you for a period of time. After I went back, I went to the old brother's place and let people knock for a meal. I didn't return to God in two or three days! In fact, I'm not old enough to be like this. What's more, I've eaten a lot of good food! "

"Exercise more! Is the money your own? I really don't know about this, but the body is my own. I don't think anyone will object to this! Isn't it? "

"Think about it, it seems that it is. If I hang up, the money must not be mine. It may be my son's or my wife's. what about me? It's been black ash for a long time! There is no value and room! Isn't it? "

"The topic is a little heavy! How are you chatting with those old brothers Ding Yu also directly skipped the question, "what about the farm? After all, it's still a start-up. There are many problems that need to be found out and changed slowly. Do you want to achieve the so-called "one size fits all"? It's not so easy. What's wrong still needs to be understood. "

"No! Everyone's heart is also quite looking forward to, even two brothers and daughters-in-law have become a regular! Good guy, this is really a turning serf master! Is really in charge of the family! That salary is really hot to see, there is no way! People have this hand, but you don't have it? It can only be a dwarf! "

Zhao Hongyang did not have any taboo in front of Ding Yu, what to say, what should be, what's more, there is no place for these things to avoid! It's all true!

"If you can understand it! The farm can be operated by me alone, or by a group of so-called leaders. It is impossible. The root of the farm lies in all of us. Only when we create together and help each other, can we be rich together! "

"Common prosperity, this goal is too great for me! Yu Shao, or are you standing in front of us? Follow behind, follow you, and be rich together Zhao Hongyang is very straightforward.

"Yes! Another guy in the hole of money! It's a bit unproductive! "

For Ding Yu's exclamation, Zhao Hongyang really did not take it as a thing, because he also saw that Yu Shao did not have any serious meaning at all, "Yu Shao, I will arrange it in the evening! Have not found a suitable opportunity, at noon let you and Secretary Hou two people see a joke! I'm really going to lose face! ""Not today! There are serious things to do! " Ding Yu's face also changed suddenly, "this thing you really can't follow blindly mix in, easy to mix your own small life into it!"

"Yu Shao, do you want me to find some people for you? I still know some people on our land! "

"No! Just be honest! It's mainly about military affairs. What about your identity? It's not so suitable! So don't be too curious, and don't do bad things with good intentions! "

"Yes! Yu Shao, I will go back first! If there is anything, please do not hesitate to say hello! I was there anyway! It can't be said to be on call, but there are absolutely no other problems! "

Zhao Hongyang is very clean and agile, others feather less has said quite clearly, how can he still as what can't hear! To be more substantive, what about not taking yourself with you? Because their identity is too far away! It's not at that level.

Don't look at yourself in this small county sometimes can yell two, but really if say? That yamen person stands out, can drink a pot oneself! Don't think this is a joke! He even small county this lowest grade has not stepped in the past, let alone other! It's best to know your own position!

If you can't recognize your own position, then in the future, even how you died, I'm afraid no one will know! Feather less is absolutely not in scaring themselves, because there is no need!

"Yu Shao, this one is so frightening

"Bluff? Not really! " Ding Yu shook his head, "such things, people like Lao Zhao don't need to be involved! If you really get involved in it, I'm afraid you don't even know how you died at that time? For the sake of national interests, we can give everything! "

What does the so-called "giving everything" mean? Ding Yu and the next two days are quite clear and understand that the so-called sacrifice of the ego, the achievement of the greater self, is just a very small part of it! There are more things, some of which can't even be mentioned! It is said that the intelligence department is mysterious, but what about the cruelty in it? It's hard for other people to imagine!

So Ding Yu really didn't want to take Zhao Hongyang to see the world! If it wasn't for Hou Tianliang's slightly special situation, Ding Yu would not even take him with him in the past! Relatively speaking, Hou Tianliang is still too young! At least the experience is not so old-fashioned as imagined. What he needs now is to grow up!

After leaving the farm, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang went straight to the cafe, but what about here? After all, it is a small county, although it is a coastal city, but what about these too new things? It's not as interesting as you can imagine! Even the young people from small towns are not so many!

For the waiter, the arrival of Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang really makes people feel strange. If it's two women, it's better. The two men came to the cafe together. I don't know why it makes people feel so uncomfortable!

However, from the perspective of the waiter, he guided two people to the table, gave them soda water, and then stood on the side of the table. They didn't need them to order for the guests. The guests could choose by themselves!

"A cup of coffee, colorless!"

"What?" The waiter was stunned, "Sir, we have lattes and cappuccino here! There are others

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "a cup of colorless coffee, tell your boss, we are also old friends that God has made friends with for a long time! He knows what to do! What do you drink at dawn

"I haven't tasted colorless coffee, but director, you are so interested that I want to try it too!"

Ding Yu then took out his long wallet, took out a green bill from it and put it on the tray directly. The waiter was stunned! This is not RMB, but US dollar, and it is a kind of one hundred. Is this too generous!

Hesitated for a moment, the waiter also took down the tray, and then ran to the counter as soon as possible, picked up the phone and called the manager directly. After a short time, he saw a tall and thin man walking down from the upstairs. Looking at the two people who were sitting not far away, his steps also faltered!

What on earth did NIMA see? Can't you be blind? After rubbing his eyes, the manager even deliberately shook his head and fixed his eyes. How could the living king of hell come here? What on earth did he come here for? Did you smash this place?

And colorless coffee? What the hell is this? Deliberately embarrassed? After thinking about it, the manager also took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call without saying any other words. In a simple word, Ding Yu came to the cafe.

It's not to say that you want to kill Ding Yu here. Don't make such a joke! I can't find a weapon in and out of the whole building. Of course, it doesn't count if you can cook with a guy! Hiding weapons in such a small county is not a simple thing to provoke, but to touch chili noodles on the tiger's buttocks!Having settled his mind, the manager walked slowly towards Ding Yu's direction, but the process followed the execution ground! Since Ding Yu came here, he is definitely not a coffee drinker, so there is no need to pretend to be confused in front of him. Otherwise, he will die very ugly!

"Hello, Mr. Ding! Welcome

"In charge? It seems that you don't look very much like you! I heard that your coffee is very good, although the business is not so good? But in terms of tax payment, water and electricity, safety and health, they all performed very well. By the way, I heard that you bought this place back? What about? Is there any discount? "

"Just for the convenience of doing business!" Ding Yu has been so straightforward! Then don't play tricks in front of him! Otherwise, the ultimate loser is absolutely his own! But at this time, the manager is also thinking about what happened? Why does Ding Yu come to the door actively?

All along, everyone has been very honest, and there is no overstepping behavior. What about Ding Yu? There are also some people who turn a blind eye, but Ding Yu came to the door voluntarily today. It must be something happened, but what happened? There is no news or hearsay about this aspect!

Seeing Ding Yu waving his hand, the manager moved back to the front desk with his own pace and found a foreman. "Go, prepare the best snacks, and bring the best coffee beans. I'll cook them myself!"

The foreman subconsciously looked at Ding Yu's direction, nodded heavily, and then quickly ran to the warehouse behind. The manager did it himself, but the degree of attention was a little too much! I don't know what it is, but it seems that even the manager needs to be careful, which is not ordinary!

Soon, a little old man also entered the coffee shop. When he came in, he didn't go to see Ding Yu's direction. He deliberately went upstairs, changed a suit of clothes, and even combed and washed it. Then he came out again, came to Ding Yu's side and bowed slightly, "hello, Mr. Ding! Welcome

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly to Hou Tianliang. Hou Tianliang stood up and walked to the position of the front desk, directly sat in front of the manager, and then watched his delicate operation! "Manager, the director said he would like to drink colorless coffee. Is there such coffee?"

"Remove the pigment in the coffee, and then filter and other technologies, can still be done. Although it is not as pure and transparent as water, it can also be called colorless coffee, but it does not have much flavor!"

"There is! For the first time, I'm sorry

Hou Tianliang also knocked the bar in front of him with his hand. The manager also indicated to the foreman beside him and the waiter. Soon there was no other person left at the front desk! "Secretary Hou, what can I do for you?"

"I don't have any advice, but I feel a little puzzled! Previously, someone deliberately mentioned your matter to me. They said that you were under the director's watch, and the details of your life were moist and natural. I felt quite puzzled and even doubted that someone would dare to play tricks under the director's eyes. What does it mean? "

"We..." Just said two people, the manager immediately put away the words that have come to the mouth! No way! These people stay in this small county, Ding Yu has already known about it! This is not even a secret in the business, but now it is suddenly mentioned. What kind of thing is this?

Think about it further. What about hou Tianliang? He was from the military, but also from the intelligence department. He just followed Ding Yu's side and came to Ding Yu's hometown recently? For quite a situation is not so understanding, very normal, because he is not Ding Yu's lineage!

Someone passed the news on his side with him, he couldn't just ask!

Suddenly the manager seemed to understand something! Some people want to borrow Hou Tianliang's hand, then drive Ding Yu, and then involve them? I'll go. Who thought of this? If Hou Tianliang doesn't show too steady, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop when things get noisy!

But such a thing would not allow Ding Yu, the living king of hell, to come in person, right? This is a little bit too much! After thinking about it, I personally brought coffee to Ding Yu, including the owner, but the owner didn't have much time to go to the bathroom!

After getting the manager's report, the owner of the coffee shop was also sad, "isn't this bullying? Is there such a bully? Ding Yu, this bastard? I knew there must be no good in it

"What does Ding Yu mean? I feel a little bit confused? Even some of them can't understand! This happened, let's run here? Is this where they found out? What do they think of this place? A dump? What a nuisance

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