"Nothing is incomprehensible!" The shopkeeper also pondered for a while, "Hou Tianliang is Ding Yu's secretary, he was plotted by others! Let's put it this way, if Hou daybreak moves us, it will have no influence on Ding Yu, and even won't cause any so-called noise, but it will involve some confrontation between the intelligence and governance departments. "

"Is Ding Yu worried about fighting here?"

The shopkeeper is very dissatisfied and stares back. This question is absolutely stupid. Just like a joke, he fights in Ding Yu's hometown. Isn't it clear to give Ding Yu a chance? What would Ding Yu do if he took this as an excuse?

If the boss doesn't wake up, we will be shocked? As a result, the intelligence and governance departments of both sides may try each other out, and Ding Yu's situation may be very "passive."

"This is the purpose of Ding Yu's coming here!"

But obviously, the manager still didn't understand the meaning, and the owner took a deep breath, "contact the headquarters! We have no way to make a decision on this matter! Ding Yu's meaning is very obvious! He can connive at something, but it doesn't mean he can be fooled! "

"Will the headquarters take care of it? It doesn't seem to have any relationship! "

"You are wrong! It has a lot to do with it! " The shopkeeper also walked two steps, "contact is good! Ding Yu chose to come here. At least he gave us quite a choice. If he didn't give us any choice, could we have a way? Facing Ding Yu, this is not the best way and method, and compared with those officials in the headquarters, our life is not worth mentioning! For them, it's like ants! "

"Our life is not worth mentioning, but Mr. Ding Yuding has already arrived! I think this is enough to attract the attention of those officials, even beyond imagination! "

Back to his position again, looking at Ding Yu sitting in front of him, he seems to be a little calm. He is really the first time that he has such close contact with Ding Yu. He is not as vicious as the information above! It's really not easy for such a young man to see such expression on his face!

But what about always coming back? My face is still a little cold! Especially the light in the eyes, I feel quite sharp. If it's summer, I don't need to turn on the air conditioner here! So mixed together, it is not so contradictory, it is really let people do not know how to describe!

Another point is Ding Yu's appearance. From his retirement to now, except for some changes in his hairstyle, other changes seem to be rare! At most, it's a little whiter than when you come out! Also more durable to see some!

Maybe it's because I'm too rich. So I pay more attention to it. But these are just my own conjectures. Is it true? I don't know, but from the understanding of the information above, Ding Yu seems not to value it so much! At least I didn't smell any Cologne from him! But I don't seem to smell any disinfectant from his body!

"Mr. Ding, we need time!"

"I may not want coffee tomorrow!" Ding Yu said without salt or salt. The meaning of threat in this discourse is very obvious. Before tomorrow? Give me a decision, or what about this cafe? Maybe it doesn't exist!

Having said that, Ding Yu didn't mean to stand up, but looked at the owner in front of him, "would you like to have a meal together in the evening? You should have tasted the specialty here! I also went to taste it at noon. I like it very much at dawn. If you are interested, you can eat seafood together in the evening. The taste is absolutely different! "

"It's better to keep the guy who eats first."

"First of all! The coffee shop is good, with American flavor, but the British style is a little more obvious! "

Now that it's all over! Ding Yu also got up to leave. When the car left, both the owner and the manager gave a long sigh of relief. The Lord's arrival in person put so much pressure on the two people! Even after Ding Yu left, their spine was still sweating.

"No response?"

"I did give a good response, but the response has no meaning, just let us wait! It's morning over there, so there won't be much delay! But Ding Yu's arrival in person, I think this is enough to make those officials unable to sit still, and they will hold a video conference with you in 30 minutes! "

"Director, I have seen all the people in the cafe. There are eight people including the waiters. It seems that there are so many people! But it's very big! What's more, the layout is unique

Ding Yu understands what Hou Tianliang means by saying this! "From your observation, how many of them are subordinates of both of them? Let's hear it! ""I don't think any of them! Even the shopkeeper and manager have no intention to recruit! " When talking, he also looked at his director and said, "it gives me the feeling that even if they have opened a coffee shop, they are quite decent."

"You are a good horse, you have made progress Ding Yu's praise is more like a mockery, "since they choose to stand on the surface, they need to abide by certain rules. If there are no rules, there will be no square. As for others? I don't need to care so much. I'll have the answer tomorrow

"Director, will they agree? What's more, we are all here. Will other forces pay attention to this? I mean other forces in the small county! You're what they want to focus on! "

"They are concerned! I'm sure I'll exchange messages. The rest of the things have nothing to do with me! How do you report this is your own business. It has nothing to do with me. I really don't want to know! "

It's getting rid of people! Hou Tianliang also had no other way. After returning to the hotel, he directly reported all the relevant information to him. After all, he was also a man with his mother's family! As for this matter, how will my mother deal with it? I really don't need to pay more attention to it! There will be results anyway!

Ding Yu is home! Hou Tianliang is back at the hotel! However, all other forces were busy at this time. Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang went to the coffee shop in person, and they were also the coffee shop owned by British forces. What's the meaning of all this? We have to make it clear!

Hou Tianliang reported the situation, and some people in the intelligence department felt unhappy! This one is beating Ding Yu's face there! It was in the face of the emotional management department! And it's even a kind of Yin move!

You should know that Hou Tianliang is now the treasure of the emotional management department. At the beginning, he didn't know how he got into Ding Yu's law eye! Although there is a considerable reason for this is to repair the relationship between each other, but Ding Yu's critical vision, ordinary people he really do not look up to!

What's more, Ding Yu is not only interested in Hou Tianliang's simplicity. He not only takes Hou Tianliang to his side, but also teaches him attentively. Such treatment, not to mention the second echelon, has never been enjoyed by those in the first echelon! It can be seen that Ding Yu attaches great importance to Hou Tianliang!

This is different from Ding Yu's personal supervision of Zong Taiping, because Zong Taiping's qualifications are not high, their road is very narrow, and their origin? There are so many differences, so it's easy to be proud. Ding Yu needs to give them a whip from time to time, so that they can go on the right path while speeding up.

But for Hou Tianliang, Ding Yu even had to teach him hand in hand. It can be understood that many people have become red eyed, because in the past, no one really enjoys such treatment. But this is Ding Yu's choice. What's the relationship between Hou Tianliang and Ding Yu? Can't see the good of others, right?

Hou Tianliang has never been able to stay with Ding Yu for a long time, but he has already established a considerable relationship with Ding Yu, and even entered into Ding Yu's network. The relationship with the first and second echelons is also very good! This kind of relationship structure will make him like a fish in water in the future!

What's more, this is only domestic. If Hou Tianliang can frame the relationship between foreign parties in the future, it will play a very important role in the whole information management department! Ding Yu's power is absolutely not so huge! What about China? It's just a small part of it!

If Hou Tianliang's road is so destroyed! For the entire intelligence management department, it is quite a blow. To know the situation in Ding Yu's hometown, the information management department also has a considerable understanding, but what about each other? The well water doesn't offend the river, they just aim at Ding Yu, and there is no action!

Even everything is under the supervision of the intelligence department, but now? Even if someone wants to pick up trouble, there are so many people who can't tolerate it!

What about Britain and the United States? Now it's almost clear where the problem lies! Who the hell is that bold? Do you want to calculate Ding Yu? It's not that you can't, but you want to pull everyone into the water! This seems to be a little too much!

If we really fight with Ding Yu, it's no big deal to lose one or two surveillance points! But will Ding Yu look at the problem like this? He will enlarge the hole to infinity.

So now all the major forces have been mobilized. Although it is a small matter, no one dares to underestimate it! In fact, we all know that this is a deliberate act of Ding Yu. After a period of depression, Ding Yu certainly needs to make his own voice. Don't think that he is really a dead tiger!

Just take a nap once in a while! Now don't say to stretch your claws. Even if you open your eyes and open your eyes, there will be some people and even some forces will disappear. If you don't believe it, then you will see! What's the result?"What happened to this one today? The phone at home is like boiling pot, one by one! I don't know why! "

When Su Yuan saw her husband coming back, she also complained that she really didn't know what had happened, and the people who called didn't mention anything serious, that is, chatting, but she couldn't stand up and didn't even have time to go to the bathroom! What do you want?

Wang Lin sat on the sofa and rubbed his eyebrows. "You're OK. I can't come back! Where's boss? It seems that something has happened again! But this time, it seems that it has something to do with Hou Tianliang. I know so much about it. The others are still in confusion! "

"Hou Tianliang? It's the secretary who follows the boss. He seems to be from the military, right? Are they already in that small county? What else can we do? It won't be aimed at Xiaoyu on purpose, will it? by the way! I heard that the matter of the third echelon has been settled! Is it because of this? "

"There must be reasons for the third echelon. It was just settled in the afternoon, and then there were so many things. There must be a certain correlation. Wait and see?"

Just halfway through the conversation, the phone at home came back to me. Su Yuan connected the phone and hung up without saying twice, "suhai will come back later, as if I have something to look for you!"

"As for the urgency?" Wang Changlin also got up and changed his clothes. When he came out again, Su Hai had already sat there drinking tea! Come is also quite fast, let Wang Changlin also feel that things really seem to be so different!

"So fast? You weren't at home just now, were you? "

Su Hai blinked his eyes, "what about hou Tianliang? People from the military or from the intelligence and governance departments have been valued by Ding Yu, a child. It can be said that it has been quite a long time since Ding Yu was around. This is a unique situation in the past, and we all have a considerable concern about it! "

"Jealous? But is it too much? The phone call I received this afternoon almost made my ears deaf! It should not be so simple! "

"Xiaoyu has no interest in the third echelon, but no one will allow this inheritance to be broken! Therefore, the third echelon can only help themselves to top up! But what about some people? It is to take advantage of this opportunity to stir up the relationship among them, and through the hand of Hou Tianliang! And there are other issues involved. "

Looking at Su Hai's desire to stop speaking, Wang Changlin also thought for a while, "are there other forces in that small county? It can be said that it is forbidden area there This is not to admit or not to admit, anyway, for the Wang family and the Su family, that place is absolutely forbidden to enter! There won't be any contamination!

, "some of the eyeliner in other countries are placed there, but we are also more disciplined, dare not have any changes, and are under the little feather's eyelids, Xiao Yu also knows the same situation, that is, peace of mind, and even to a certain extent, it also played a protective role!"

Why does this sound so awkward? Wang Changlin has so many murmurs! "There are so many playing with fire! But Xiaoyu, the child, doesn't usually go back! Even go back is also limited time! Is it a little exaggeration to put people there under such circumstances? "

"At least it can be seen, and to a certain extent, it can also serve as a link. It may be useful or useless, but at least it is better than nothing? This time, someone instigated Hou Tianliang to move them. Fortunately, Hou Tianliang? After all, vigilance, no rash action, but also let each other not up any conflict

"If there is conflict, what will be the result?"

"Hou Tianliang was a member of the intelligence management department and the military. He had a conflict with the intelligence management department personnel of other countries. If there were other problems during the period, what about each other? May be out of control, no matter what the final result is, Hou Tianliang is also half waste, and must leave Ding Yu's side! What's more, Ding Yu? I won't swallow it. I'm bound to tangle with other forces at that time! "

"No Wang Changlin also moved his body for a moment, "things don't seem to have anything to do with the family. You come here in such a hurry. Is there someone in the family involved in this matter? Whose children? "

"Who's the child? It's not clear yet, but it should have something to do with it!"

Su Hai did not disclose the specific information, but he can personally come over, has been able to explain quite a problem! To be exact, it only represents the military and the intelligence and governance departments to communicate. On the one hand? It's Ding Yu, Wang's and Su's pillars. On the one hand? It's Hou Tianliang, who is highly expected by everyone. On the other hand? It may be someone from one side of the family!

The weight still needs to be pinched! It's better not to have other problems and situations!Wang Changlin also slightly narrowed his eyes. Who doesn't know Ding Yu is his eldest son? What about his relationship with the family? Slightly abnormal, but his contribution to the family and faction is unmatched. Under such circumstances, there are still people involved. This is not quite right!

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