"What's the latest time?" Wang Changlin asked in his own face!

"As far as I know, I need to see when Xiaoyu will be involved in this matter tomorrow. However, he may not show up at that time, and Hou Tianliang will show up. At the latest, it may be tomorrow afternoon."

Hou Tianliang is a member of the intelligence management department, and Ding Yu has given the time limit for tomorrow, so this matter can still be slightly controlled, but this control can never exceed a certain range, otherwise Ding Yu will never be too happy!

As for why he didn't call Ding Yu, on the one hand, it was because he was at home! His adoptive father and adoptive mother are in, if really called in the past, very unsuitable, what's more? Ding Yu has never been involved in the affairs of the Wang family and the Su family, so it is not so easy to find this breakthrough from him!

What's more, what about each other? They belong to different interest groups. What about Ding Yu? They have already jumped out of the Wang family and the Su family! Although it is said that there is blood relationship between each other, but in the face of interest relations, what can the blood relationship be worth? To be discussed!

What's more, because of such things, using up the family and human relationship between each other can only make the relationship between each other more weak. Neither Su Hai nor Wang Changlin will allow such a thing to happen!

"One night should be enough!"

Su Hai also slightly nodded, then also looked at his sister, although she did not want to hear such things, but helpless, born in such a family is like this! One side is the husband, the other side is the son, sometimes there is no way to choose, family and family, the interests of the interests, can not be confused!

"It's better to hear the news before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I need to reserve an hour for myself, because I'm not sure whether Ding Yu, the child, will make any other decisions. At least Hou Tianliang is irresistible, and no one wants to have other unpleasant things happen during this period!"

It can be said that the intelligence department has great expectations for Hou Tianliang, so it will never allow other things to happen to him, such as infuriating Ding Ding Yu! Because no one knows whether the next person will have such an opportunity as Hou Tianliang!

Don't think that such an opportunity is so good to get, although we are not so familiar with Taylor's affairs, we can still hear some news! What a seductive girl! It really makes us have some eye heat, but how about it? No, there's still no chance.

Missed! It's a lifetime thing! Although their family tried to repair the relationship, it didn't help! At this point, Ding Yu's performance can be said to be quite stubborn!

Almost forgotten! This time, when Hou Tianliang went out with Ding Yu, Ding Yu seemed to have a crush on a child, and even wanted to keep it under the door! I'll go. There are so many wonderful things! Whether it is Guo Li, Shen Mingzheng or his two children, they are not the descendants of Ding Yu!

Maybe Ding Yu's two children are a little different in this respect! But really did not find Ding Yu for them to force meaning, but this is called Wang an child is very different! Since Ding Yu got up this idea, it shows that he is very optimistic about this child! What's more, Ding Yu doesn't mean too much restraint for this child!

This so-called does not have too many fetters, only refers to the ideological aspect! To some extent, Ding Yu is radical, that is, hawkish. But what about Wang An? Ding Yu does not have any rigid requirements, and even how Wang an develops in the future, Ding Yu does not deliberately ask for anything!

And so far? In addition to the intelligence department, there is no other party to know the relevant information. This is the advantage of Hou Tianliang staying with Ding Yu. Even this is a gold mine! Now may not see how much storage there is, but it is definitely worth investing.

The same information management department is also very clear. It is absolutely inappropriate to contact Wang an rashly. Although he is not Ding Yu's forbidden fish, he also occupies a very important position in his mind. When he reaches out to dig Ding Yu's gold mine, it will not only outweigh the loss, but also completely enrage Ding Ding Yu! The consequences will be hard to predict.

However, there is absolutely no problem with Wang An's patriotism education and some emotional investment. Ding Yu himself is a soldier, and he must have extraordinary feelings for soldiers!

But this is a long process, and it needs to be controlled carefully. It can't be too much. Ding Yu doesn't object, but it doesn't mean he will be indifferent.

Su Hai didn't mean to tell Wang Changlin about this matter. It was not that he didn't believe it. Instead, he couldn't open the mouth. Otherwise, he would become the betrayer of the whole military. Under certain circumstances, he could exchange information, which could deepen the contact between them and enable better cooperation.

But if you don't hide any information, it's a complete mess! After all, he is also a soldier and a member of the intelligence department. There must be a gatekeeper on his mouth. What should be done and what should not be done! You need to have a good handle!"Yes, I'll give you accurate information by nine o'clock tomorrow."

Got Wang Changlin's guarantee, Su Hai also left at the first time! I have other things to deal with, there is no way to do too long stay! And Wang Changlin is also the first time to take up their own mobile phone, things may appear in their own side, it must be solved!

But who is it? How could he make such a mischief behind his back, let himself and his eldest son collide with each other, or even let the two forces of each other collide with each other. If you can't find out, do you need to be worried all the time in the future?

"Lao Wang, this is a very important thing! As a woman, I should not be involved in such a thing, but I think it needs to be solved as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a big trouble! "

"Yes! There's got to be a big mess! I don't know who's children, but there are not many people who can contact Hou Tianliang and even disclose the news to Hou Tianliang! In fact, it is not so important to disclose the news to Hou Tianliang. I am worried about being used! That would be very troublesome! "

"What do you mean? You mean there's danger? "

"There are too many forces involved this time! The information management department and Xiaoyu don't want to talk about it. What do you mean? There are also foreign intelligence departments. None of them is good at stubble. It has changed color before it is stirred up. If there is any action, how much will be crushed into powder is hard to say! "

While there is still time, Wang Changlin is also hasty to call, so that the upper and lower are optimistic about the children at home, and there is to investigate the recent contact with Hou Tianliang! Now there are still opportunities, what can at least be solved, if we really miss this opportunity, what will be the consequences, we do not know!

Wang Changlin's words also let up and down a burst of jifeigoutiao, Wang Changlin has now taken over the power of the whole faction, but he now suddenly made a phone call, and still so abrupt, it is certain that things are not small!

But after careful investigation, what about the people who are related to Hou Tianliang? It's not as much as you can imagine! Why? Hou Tianliang is a person from the Department of emotion management. His family background is also slightly ordinary. We are not so familiar with Hou Tianliang. Although we know he and Ding Yu, we have not aroused too much curiosity.

What's the point? There is no channel and bridge between them. Hou Tianliang has been staying with Ding Yu since he followed him. Basically, he has never been alone! And all the time I was out, I didn't get back to the capital! Even if you want to contact, it is difficult to find the right opportunity!

Always can't call Hou Tianliang directly. Who is my son? I want to make a friend with you. How do you do in the future! In that case, it seems that there is no hierarchy! Compared with such a straightforward, we prefer to publicize but not miss, step by step, which can not only eliminate the estrangement, but also promote the relationship between each other!

Su Yuan couldn't sleep in the morning, but when she woke up, she found her husband was no longer in bed! When I came to the study, I saw my husband sitting in front of my desk. He was still wearing pajamas! I didn't ask what the situation was. I went to the kitchen immediately. Although there was an attendant, I had lived with my husband for so many years. I knew her husband better!

I didn't have a long rest last night. I must have spent a lot of energy. I got up so early this morning! We need to get him something good to make up for! Fortunately, the boss of the family will send things to me every day! Otherwise, I really have some smart women who can't cook without rice.

These things are really not what you can buy with money! If placed in the past, on the husband's wages want to buy these things, playing tooth sacrifice is OK! Don't think about the rest! It's impossible! Later his eldest son came back! Pull a, the big and small home is not as difficult as that!

Forget it! Don't think about it! Because thought also does not have any effect! Can you control your eldest son or your husband! What's more, this matter? It was not because of the two of them. Someone was in the middle, trying to provoke their father and son. Su Yuan also felt that his teeth were itching!

If you really let yourself seize the opportunity, absolutely not enough light Rao, home is such a situation, but also add chaos!

Breakfast or Su Yuan forced Wang Changlin out of the study, "smoke less, there is no good!"

"I see! I smoke two at home. I don't smoke outside! What's more, most of the things in the house are sent by Xiaoyu, the child. The taste is really good. I don't know why he wants to make such things. Now many people are looking for it! "

"Anyway, it's not a good thing. Vegetables and fruits are good. There are also some poultry raised. It seems that it is not a small consumption if it is counted up." After all, it's the eldest son who pays for nothing. What about being a mother? Can't you just know how to eat, but don't know how to calculate the accounts?"Anyway, the old people like it and eat it? It is also very healthy, but some old comrades also said that Xiaoyu is a child who wants money! It's expensive to sell that thing! When it can be accepted by ordinary people, it will be regarded as a merit! "

"Stand up and speak without backache!" Su Yuan was very dissatisfied. "I don't want to see how much money has been paid. Have they supported the investment in land, farmers, people, teaching, scientific research, workers and construction? If things are like their red mouth and white teeth, it is really simple! I see! Some people are jealous! It's really black eyed pearl who can't see the white silver. Hum! Also really can lick the face! No shame! "

"You can't just say that!"

"If not, why not? How much economy and industry has been promoted by this farm founded by Xiaoyu? How many jobs have been provided, how many scientific research funds have been provided to schools, and how many professors and experts have their own laboratories? Are these all out of thin air? Let's have a look at them

Wang Changlin also smiles at his wife's anger. What about his wife? I only saw one aspect of it. In fact, the starting point of the old comrade is very good, but he just wants to put it into practice? It takes a long time to work hard!

After all, if all the people can eat such things, then the role of improving the physical quality of Chinese people is absolutely beyond imagination, and the improvement of the overall quality will also drive the development of the whole country! This is a complementary process. This is the result of the different ways and methods of looking at problems in different positions!

"By the way, yesterday's work has already come to an end! You can't imagine who it is? "

"Who! It's been a whole night! There should also be a result! "

"Lao Bao!" Wang Changlin also sighed. Looking at his wife's surprise, he also gave a bitter smile. "This matter has nothing to do with Lao Bao. It's mainly his son! You're too young. What happened? Suffered quite temptation, also can say is good intention to do bad things! So it's a mess

"How old is Lao Bao's son! Less than twenty! How did he get in touch with Hou Tianliang? It seems that they don't match each other at all? " Su Yuan was also a little puzzled.

"That's a long story to say! What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? These children in 49 cities are also seen in the eyes, to say that they are not heart, how possible things! At the beginning, Xiaoyu helped them. At least the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family got a lot from it. No one would deny that! "

"The two children didn't do anything disorderly or disobeying the law! And now Wang Yang has retired. What about Xiaobao? I also went to Shanghai so as not to cause any impact! "

"Because they didn't mess up and didn't violate the law and discipline, everyone envied them! Who wants the money they make? Light some, and do not contaminate other problems, such take comfortable, use at ease! But the problem is, when Wang Yang and Xiao Bao got up, the boss pushed a big one

"So they all want to get oil from the boss, right?"

"They all want to get in touch with the boss, at least to point out a clear way! But you don't know what kind of character our eldest brother is. Now when we two go to the quadrangle, whether we can go in or not is a matter of two talking about, let alone other people! Moreover, he is not sociable at ordinary times, so we can only do it by other means! For example, the people close to me! What if not? "

"Lao Bao's child, this one is only in his twenties? Can we think of something else? "

"Look at the child! In fact, it's not him or Lao Bao that matters. It's who informs him of the news, and what kind of power is behind it. This is the first question! "

"Lao Bao is your old subordinate! Work has always been conscientious, can not pick out any problems, if it is their own problems? I won't say anything! But obviously not. Isn't it clear that you want to frame Lao Bao? Who on earth is behind this! One link after another! "

"Where's Lao Bao? I don't worry too much. After all, he is an old Party member! There should also be considerable pressure. The question is how deep does Xiaobao fall into? And can he explain the situation clearly? This is the key! I can't say it right now

"What's next? Will you hand in the bag? How cruel

"Now if you push the small bag out, the child will not only destroy such a simple thing, but even the old bag can't bear the blow! Xiaobao is definitely the end of a broken body! Eat first! I want to talk about it again! "

It is not to say that Wang Changlin deliberately covers up his subordinates. In his position, he is not allowed to do such things! Wang Changlin for this matter or some other views and ideas!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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