"Minister!" Bao Xian is also red looking at his minister. When the minister called last night, he didn't take it as a thing, but he thought that things happened in his own place! It made me very ashamed.

"Have you eaten yet?" Wang Changlin was also concerned and asked, "I asked Wang Yang to take the people of the courtyard first! Now put them in other places? It's not so safe. At least you and I don't dare to make other guarantees. But what about the courtyard? No one else dares to do it! "

"Minister, I didn't expect that this son of a bitch would make such a thing. It's all due to my lax family education! If there is any problem, I will undertake it immediately! Not for everybody... "

"If we don't discuss this issue, there will be opportunities in the future. Now the question is whether we can dig out the people behind us, or what? It's not a multiple-choice question. Lao Bao, although you are not a son, no one wants to give a black haired man to a white haired one! "

Bao Xian's face was distorted for quite a long time. Although he said that he was not a son, he was an old boy, and he liked it very much. To be exact, what? This time, he made an unforgivable mistake, but he was not guilty to death, but Bao Xian was also very clear that he was just an ant when he was involved in several forces!

Even if it's yourself, it's impossible to think about confronting several big forces!

This is also the result of the minister's efforts. If the minister, of course, did not have anything to do, he would not even have the reaction time to mention it to himself this morning! This is really not a sentence two words can say clearly! The situation inside can be said to be extremely complex!

"Minister, I think it's better to send it to the intelligence department! In this way, we can all talk about it! " The minister can not be embarrassed by his own affairs, although he said that he was his own son!

"You can do it, but I can't. If I see your old Zhang in the future, how can I say it?" Wang Changlin also shook his head, "let the people from the emotional management department go to the siheyuan to talk about it! If it's really not possible, send Xiaobao to Xiaoyu, and he should be able to solve it! "

"Minister, it can't work. This is not to let that..."

How to call Ding Yu? Bao Xian also feels embarrassed. The minister can call him this because Ding Yu is the minister's eldest son, but relatively speaking, no one in 49 cities knows that Yu Shao is extraordinary! If you call him Xiaoyu, you will be too high!

"What about this? Other people are not qualified to come forward! Where's the bag? It's just an object to be used. Now the top priority is to pull out the people behind us, so that we can be satisfied with all aspects! Even if you can't pull it out, you can't let the bag follow the black pot, right? What do we old guys do? Dry rice? "

"Minister, I see!"

The so-called understanding is to listen to Wang Changlin's arrangement! This is the best way and the safest way.

When Bao Xiaoguang came to the courtyard, the whole person was already depressed! Who could have thought of such a consequence? But the three small look in the personnel, are staring at their own eyes, who is this!

"Why didn't you two go to school?" Just finished, Wang Yang also patted his head, "I forgot! Today is a holiday. I have a good time. I forget what day it is today Then Wang Yang is also black face looking at his son, is holding a stick waving, as if very excited.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Wang Xiaogang saw his father, but there is no restraint, just a hand inside the rod just! "Did you eat? We had millet porridge in the morning. It's delicious and sticky in the mouth. Would you like to have a try

"I don't have time to play around with you, but I'm really hungry! I really didn't eat in the morning! What are you three going to do today? It seems to have been tidied up! But is this time a little too early? "

"We packed it up last night! I went to Hong Kong today. I had dinner there at noon, but I didn't come back in the evening! Come back by tomorrow night! I'll bring you a present for uncle

"Is this life too luxurious?" Wang Yang also patted his head, only three children, and he was going to Hong Kong. However, it seems that it is not a terrible thing to think about it. His own plane can take off at any time, which is very convenient, and they also have considerable security!

"What are you doing there? Play or eat? "

"I've seen some documentaries and I'm very interested in the Li family in Hong Kong City. We've already called the uncle of the Li family and wanted to visit him. I don't know if I have time. If I have time, I may go shopping by the way! That's about it! "The facial expression on Wang Yang's face is so distorted that even Bao Xiaoguang is different. Looking at the three children, the Li family in Hong Kong City, if his understanding is correct, it is the richest Li! The three children went to visit the Li family so clearly, without even being accompanied by an adult. What does it mean?

"What are the gifts? It won't be empty handed! It's not polite to say that! "

"Some things have been prepared at home, and the three of us have also made some small gifts!" The little girl didn't look frightened at all. Looking at the time, she seemed to have had so much time, and then she began to shout.

Wang Yang looked at the three children who ran away, shaking their heads, and yelled in the back, "pay attention when you are on the road. You should also know the manners and rules. Do you hear me?"

Answer him is a series of laughter, there is no then! Wang Yang could only sit down again. Looking at Bao Xiaoguang, who was slightly depressed and helpless, he blinked his eyes. "People are iron, rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you're hungry. What's the big thing falling down? Or eat first! Then you have the strength to face other things, don't you? "

"Third brother, you don't have to comfort me. I know that I have caused a disaster this time! Whether it is intentional or unintentional, things have come out! But who let me be careless? This matter, I think, is to add trouble to Uncle Wang and the third brother, and let everyone suffer with me! "

"That's a little out of the ordinary! I've heard something about you. It's a good thing to have an enterprising heart. It's just that this way is a little bit wrong. In fact, it's nothing. When everyone is young and hesitating, I'm the same. When I was in college, I was doing nothing. If you don't mind, let's eat and talk at the same time. "

Although Bao Xiaoguang heard a lot of things about Wang Yang, they were just hearsay. Now that Wang Yang is in person, there are not many opportunities like this. Therefore, he is also sitting in front of the dining table, and the attendants at home are also delivering things one after another.

"Eat more. What about here, big brother? There are rules. You are not allowed to eat! Stop talking about you and me! Even big brother's children are the same! No one can make an exception! "

"No! They are just children! "

"What's the matter with the child? Aren't they people? They are also people. When they were young, they were allowed to form such good habits. Do you think they didn't waste it at the beginning? same! But the elder brother sent them to the fields to let them know how the food was planted. So to speak! In this respect, I'm absolutely inferior to them. Even the son of a bitch in our family, I can't surrender now

"We all know that the elder brother is very serious, but I don't know that his family style is so severe!"

"I'll know when I see more! Anyway, I don't know if the two children of the big brother are really enjoying themselves! Still suffering! There are so many bad words! From my personal point of view? I really don't want the children to be so tired, but what the hell, these three children are so happy to yearn for, which is also unknown! I don't understand it anyway! "

"In fact, I really envy you. At least I can have such a chance!"

"Everyone envies, but I and Xiaobao two people actually paid what, no one can see!" Wang Yang also quite sighed and shook his head. "I know many people say that if we come here, with the support of big brother, there is nothing that is not successful. Maybe other people will also succeed. But in my self-evaluation, my success has a fluke, but it is also natural."

"I've heard a lot about Yu Shao, but they are all hearsay in the capital! But what about these years? The grapevine is also very little! It seems that all of a sudden, people don't talk much about it! "

"What else could be the reason? Big brother's power began to show slowly, like the farm, has begun to surface! This may even be just the tip of the ice! Such a huge force brings great pressure. Under such circumstances, is it really ignorant or bold to judge a person? "

"In the past, I didn't think about the problem like this. I felt that the elder brother was very different, but what was different? Maybe I just saw that the elder brother made a lot of money. Although I haven't seen the elder brother go there, they all want to feel the glory like that!"

"It's a normal thing, but in fact, the elder brother is very disgusted. When he goes there, he likes to take his children to Liulichang or the Forbidden City alone. It's just street snacks and some handicrafts. It gives people a dull feeling! Even so vulgar

"In fact, I know, what about the other layer of envy? It's just a little bit jealous. I believe that many people in 49 cities have such a kind of psychology for big brother and even third brother. What's in everyone's heart? That's the idea. If they were in such a position, it would be better than now! "

"Perhaps! But how much success can be achieved? " Wang Yang also had some feelings about this, "you know Guo Li! Although he doesn't show up very much, he is still very funny"Yes! My mother was very moved at the beginning, and even wanted to introduce my sister to him. However, my sister didn't like the profession of doctor, which made my mother very sorry! Say she has no eyes

"Guo Li once mentioned to me that 100 million US dollars were placed in front of him. At that time, the whole person was confused! Even there is no way to restrain themselves! One hundred million dollars! Put it neatly in a box and push it in front of him. What would you do if it were you? "

"Don't say 100 million dollars! Even if it is 100 million RMB, it is enough to make me unable to hold myself. Although I didn't say it as a thing, when the money was really put in front of me, the shock was enough to make all my senses collapse. I thought I couldn't do it! "

"I haven't seen a few people who can still be themselves in such an environment! If someone really did it! In my opinion? There are only a few cases, or the demand is very large. The so-called $100 million is not in the eye at all, or is it? That is, don't care, of course, there are nerve thick and abnormal that kind! But a few of the few! "

"I didn't contact Guo Li, but I heard that he made a lot of money that time!"

"500 million dollars! However, the elder brother did not give it to him completely, which is not to say that he is greedy for ink! But big brother is worried that he will suddenly become rich and can not bear the pressure! However, it has been handed over to him one after another. Guo Li now has his own dedicated personnel, which is relatively more convenient! "

"I've never heard of it!"

"And 500 million dollars and some things, things? It's already in the museum! The elder brother has no collection at all. Although he got the things back, what does he think of it? His own power is not enough to support what he wants, or because the country behind him has given him considerable strength, as for the other 500 million dollars! And all of them have been donated! "

"If it's me, I don't think I can make such a decision! Five hundred million dollars, maybe if you really say it? It's no big deal, but the money is really in your hands. If you want to take it out again, it's not what ordinary people can do! I am just an ordinary person

Because of Wang Yang's guidance, Bao Xiaoguang also slowly opened his heart, jealousy and envy is a thing, but when it's his turn, can he do it? Even think that there are so many dare not think!

Of course, even if yu Shao left all the money and things, I believe no one will say anything. There is no need at all. But Yu Shao has nothing left. I'm afraid that only Yu Shao can do it!

Just after two people had dinner, several people came in from the outside. However, when they came in, the security of the courtyard also made a detailed inspection. Deng Rongcai would not pay attention to who they were! As long as you enter the courtyard, you need to follow the rules of the courtyard.

"No big deal!" Wang Yang looked at the visitors and nodded his head slightly, "even if they want to eat you, they absolutely dare not do it here! If things are solved, then everything will disappear! Take this opportunity! I'm sure your father hopes so too! "

As for the process, Wang Yang did not mean to participate, but although Wang Yang said that he entered the courtyard, he did not really walk around at will. At most, he went to the place where his son lived and was adjacent to his nephew and niece. Although it is said that he has the care of a nanny, he still needs to rely on himself!

At home is the little emperor, but in the big brother here! Just a normal child! There is no discrimination! Not too much because of the age of the relationship and how much preferential treatment! But the room is tidy, sitting on his son's bed, Wang Yang is also deliberately feeling a bit!

He paved the bed sheet for his son again. Although it was OK to let the steward or the nanny clean up these things, Wang Yang did not do so. After simply cleaning up, Wang Yang also took two photos.

However, when taking photos, Wang Yang also noticed several photos placed on his son's desk. What about the position in the middle? It is the three members of their family. Although the boy is naughty, he is still very careful. What about this picture? Must let his wife have a look, young, but already began to know the intention!

When Wang Yang comes out again, the people there have already left! Bao Xiaoguang sat there alone! Wang Yang didn't mean to ask about some specific questions. This is not what he should ask about!

"How do you feel?"

"There are so many worries in my heart. After all, I have said everything that should be said! But always feel no confidence! I don't know what kind of consequences it will be. Now I am waiting for the judgment of fate

"Bet on luck? What if it's somewhere else? Maybe it's a little bit worse, but what about big brother? I think you will have a lot of extra floors. In addition to being a little bit cold and quiet, everything else is OK! What's more, this dog is a little bit more! What are you doing with all this stuff? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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