Hou Tianliang didn't have much rest last night. He needed to control the news from the capital all the time, and then make some adjustments. After all, the plan is dead, but the change is alive!

Absolutely can't be enough to remain the same, then you can only wait for death!

However, although it is said that certain things have been verified, it does not mean that the matter has come to an end! It's just impossible! Now it's just a thread coming out! There is a long time and distance from the final verification!

"Good morning, chief." When exercising in the morning, Hou Tianliang is also waiting for Ding Yu from a distance. Behind Ding Yu is Xiao lazy. Today Labrador has such a bad stomach! Rest at home, and Ding Lin is with the old guys to exercise together! It's really not with Ding Yu!

The difference between father and son's age also leads to the difference in the way they exercise! Don't you indulge me, or I indulge you! Each exercise is good! Unless it's just a walk, but it's better when you go back!

"Good morning, too!" Ding Yu also let go of the chain of small lazy, let it play on its own! "What? Didn't you have a rest last night? Why doesn't it look so spiritual? "

"Director, is it strange to have a good rest? The headquarters is very concerned about this matter! I also need to communicate with the headquarters! " After thinking about it, Hou Tianliang also tentatively said, "people have been found out. He is the youngest son of vice minister Bao Xiaoguang, but it is obvious that he is a target of utilization, and the follow-up investigation has started in succession."

"I know. I heard I got it to the courtyard! Previously, Butler Deng called me back! "

Ding Yu did not make any judgment on this matter. It seems that he doesn't care as much as he imagined. "Have the results of the investigation come out? The one who can get close to Bao Xiaoguang is not a fragmentary person, is he? "

"The specific investigation is still in the process of investigation, but the US and British forces seem to be very attentive to this! But that is to know that they are very attentive, to say what specific investigation has been made? Now it's still unknown! Who knows what they think? After all, it's not the same as us! "

"Now that you have a good grasp of the situation, it is up to you to judge what will happen?"

"Some don't know, but it feels weird!"

"Yes! It feels weird! Do you know what came to my mind? " Ding Yu asked back, and then looked up at the weather. "I suddenly thought of a question. Do you remember when we left Beijing? I have been given a task which is not a task

"It's settled!" Hou Tianliang said slowly, and then he also sipped his mouth. After half a day, he slowly said, "but things seem to have such a small feeling of thunder and heavy rain. After you go to the director, you can quickly cut the whole thing out! If you don't mention it now, director, I think it's the result of the great prestige of the director! "

"What fame do I have there! Don't look too high at me Ding Yu said disapprovingly, "at the beginning, I also felt that things were very strange, but this matter involved your department, so I just did a simple investigation, but did not find out anything! So the temporary ones are shelved! "

"Director, you didn't find out anything?" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu with unbelievable eyes. How could this be possible! You know, this is the director! How could his forces not find out anything?

But then Hou Tianliang woke up. The director didn't mean that the investigation could not come out. It must have been due to some problems of the information management department. He voluntarily gave up the investigation in some aspects. If this is really the case, there will be problems in it! And it's a very serious problem! A little tricky!

"I'm sorry, director. I didn't expect that to happen."

"There's nothing I'm sorry about. I just have doubts about it! Some things? It's not that you will be told when things come to an end, but because it is absolutely inappropriate to inform you in advance, and even let you fall into the trap completely! But what about this? It's just a suspicion! Are there any other questions that you can't tell me! "

Ding Yu rubbed his finger and then said, "but what about it? So many years of time, also should expose some! However, I am very glad that I have been able to hide for so many years, which is enough! "

What do you mean? Hou Tianliang felt completely did not understand, what so many years of time, has been hiding, this so-called concealment actually refers to who? But now his head is very confused, I really didn't sort out a clue for a moment! Even if you want to calm down, it seems that some of them can't do it!

Since you can't calm down, be quiet! Don't talk nonsense. It's not right for you.

"Morning, would you like to know one of my cards in the military?""What?" Hou Tianliang suddenly raised his head. The action was so big that his cervical vertebra even banged. Hou Tianliang suddenly touched his head and shook his head twice. There was no problem. He raised his head a little more fiercely, but it didn't have too much effect!

"Director, can't you joke about this?"

"Are you kidding?" Ding Yu shook his head, "anyway, so many years of time, should be revealed! Always so hide also tuck in also have a lot of improper ah! Since some people have found out the signs, then don't hide, there is not much meaning! I think there should be many people who are interested in this matter now. "

"Don't tempt me, director. I can't carry so many things with my little shoulder! I still want to keep the guy I eat! "

"It has nothing to do with it! In the past, we need to keep it secret, so we can't let too many people know about it. But now? There is really not much need to keep secret! But I still need to ask those guys if they are too careless! It's just such a revelation. It shouldn't be! "

This is the end of the morning conversation, but for Hou Tianliang, the news is shocking. The director wants to open one of his cards in the military. How should he do this! Feeling a headache, Hou Tianliang also staggered back to his residence, for a long time did not respond.

It's time for breakfast. It's too late for breakfast! Let's report it to the top! Anyway, I have summarized the news! Of course, it is encrypted channel, because the message is really very important!

After Ding Yu returned home, he still had dinner with his parents. However, he didn't mean to stay at home today. Later, he came to the hotel and said, "I'm Ding Yu, transfer to me!"

It took a long time for the phone to be connected, "Mr. Ding, this is not the rule in the past! You've crossed the line

"What about the people in my hands every year? Not most of them, even many of them, are defective products. However, there is nothing good or bad about it. In this way, I can guarantee that they will never reveal anything, but now the relevant things have been exposed. How should I deal with this matter? "

It can't be When it comes to the phone, it's a little angry.

"Is it possible or impossible? I think it is necessary to make a good investigation on this issue. I have provided considerable support. For each other, we have good cooperation. I do not deny that in this process, I have my own selfishness, but I feel that I have made considerable contribution to the country, but it does not mean that I can be betrayed at will! Whether it is active or passive! I don't want to part with each other! What do you think? "

"I need a lot of time to investigate this matter!"

"Yes, before tonight! I'm sure about this? I have been poked out. In fact, it doesn't matter to me personally. At most, being warned will not have any other impact. But what about the people who have come out these years? I need an account, don't I? "

"It's impossible! Neither you nor I have this right! "

"Whatever you want! I just want to remind you, but I really don't think you can investigate everything before the evening, but who knows? Maybe there is such a chance! I will talk about it at approriate time. Anyway, you know my phone number. What about my request? Not much. You know what I want! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu was also quite moved. He supported so much, but what about what he got? Is it true that there are so few poor people who even come to their own side? Some of them have been selected on purpose. Ding Yu needs to be settled properly!

Over the years, Ding Yu really did not care about the problems and conditions, but from the current situation? This may be the end of our cooperation! It's not that Ding Yu doesn't want to continue to cooperate, but it is not so suitable between each other! It can only be said like this!

What about the lists that are under control? In fact, it doesn't have much effect. Even if their files are preserved, what can they do? There is no practical significance! To some extent, they are already ghosts! However, when you have time, you still need to talk to some people under your own influence!

What if you want to stay? They don't care about themselves. Of course, if they don't want to stay, they don't have any requirements. We can get together and have a good talk! Right? There is no need to make a fuss until the end of the fight, which is really too inappropriate!

At noon, Ding Yu stayed in the lobby of the hotel. It seemed that he had nothing to do. Hou Tianliang did not want to disturb Ding Yu because he was still waiting! Relevant news did not pass, Hou Tianliang did not know how to deal with the director! Now it's just waiting!However, the owners and managers of the coffee shop seem to be in a bit of a hurry at this time. Comparatively speaking, they have heard something about the situation. But what about Bao Xiaoguang? Taken away! Moreover, people are now in Ding Yu's courtyard, and we have no way to contact them. This also creates quite a lot of difficulties.

There is also a point in the whole process, there is a considerable breakpoint, even there is no way to re unite together! But one thing is certain, there is a considerable force hiding behind! Deliberately obstructed everyone! It is not so clear which aspect of this force is, but it exists obviously!

So many forces have been enclosed in it. In the case of unknown reasons, everyone is quite vigilant against this force. After all, this force is not the same as Ding Yu! What about Ding Yu's influence? You can't say that you have mastered everything! This is not true, but at least it has a good grasp.

But where does the sudden force come from and what is its purpose? What's the purpose? What's more, they can quickly cut off some clues, and the things revealed are all shocking!

After the information management department of the military learned about the news sent by Hou Tianliang, some people also sat in the office. The amount of information sent by Hou Tianliang was not large, but the meaning revealed behind it was really some extraordinary. At this time, we were not sure about it!

What kind of things are there? Why did Ding Yu suddenly open one of his cards in the military? This matter has been investigated internally for many years, but there has been no so-called progress. Now Ding Yu has to take the initiative to announce it because it is threatened? Or what else?

It seems that Ding Yu has been threatened. It seems that there are so many unrealistic things about Ding Yu. In other words, it is almost the same! He has always seen Ding Yu threatening other people, but he has never seen how others threaten Ding Yu. The consequences are too serious, and no one can bear such an outcome.

If Ding Yu is not threatened, then what is the reason for him to take the initiative to expose something? This is really what the information management department is interested in. Ding Yu is definitely not a person who aims at nothing! And the Department that has been hiding!

How many forces want to investigate, but there is no result. What about this? It seems that there are some abnormal! Now that such a thing has happened, what is the attitude of the Department over there?

Lin Lin all kinds of things interweave together, really let people feel the different place! What happened after Ding Yu returned to his hometown? All along, Ding Yu has always been very calm, but the problem is that Ding Yu wants to stop. It is just Ding Yu's personal will, which does not mean that everyone agrees with Ding Yu's calming down.

This is the best example, but what kind of power is it? How dare and courageous to challenge Ding Yu! There are even so many want to Ding Yu as a gunslinger! The possibility of being Ding Yu's friend should not be very great, but is it really Ding Yu's opponent? It doesn't seem to be such a thing!

To a certain extent, he wants to use Ding Yu to pick up the fight. But now it is just some clues. There is still a lack of the whole. If you want to understand something, you need to know more!

After a brief meeting, Hou Tianliang was informed of the relevant information. With the help of Hou Tianliang, he went out of his room. How about seeing the director now? At least there is still some confidence! At least know how to do it!

"Director!" Hou Tianliang goes to the position in front of Ding Yu. Several books and quite a few newspapers are placed in front of Ding Yu. Ding Yu doesn't look up. He just points to his position in front of him. Hou Tianliang also responds and sits down.

"What? Do you understand? " This so-called want to understand, not to say Hou Tianliang is to want to understand! But it means that the emotional management department behind it does not want to understand!

"Director! The specific matter is still in the process of investigation! "

Hearing Hou Tianliang say so, Ding Yu also slightly sighed. This matter can be concealed from others, but can it be concealed from the intelligence department? In the past, if they didn't know, it would be fine! But still pretended not to know, this has so many not quite right! Or some people don't want to disclose the information!

And who can block this information? It won't be a little character! Because it is impossible to hide such a situation if you are a small role, but it will never be the person who is in charge. Because Ding Yu, who is in charge of the intelligence and management department, has made quite a number of them. At this time, he will never hide such things as Ding Yu!

But what kind of situation is it that Ding Yu really needs to judge. Is it that the information management department does not want to tell itself? Or did someone deliberately hide something? It's really not pleasant for people! Even some helpless!

But obviously, what about hou Tianliang? He did not understand Ding Yu's consideration, because he did not understand the overall situation. What else could he do in such a situation? Nothing can be done!So Ding Yu didn't have any meaning to blame. He didn't even say what he wanted to ask. Instead, Hou Tianliang talked about it!

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