Do you want to say that Ding Yu's heart has no preparation in this respect? It's really unrealistic, but in Ding Yu's opinion? Things happened a little bit in a hurry. What about myself now? Really can't show too much flustered, as in the past, reckless!

So Ding Yu is also calm down his mind, since someone has chosen to move, so let's have a look! See how far it will go! However, it is not easy to hide for such a long time! What's more, the forces connected behind this are really not to be underestimated!

Hou Tianliang said for quite a long time, and even felt that he was a little thirsty. Then he felt that the director's situation seemed to be so wrong! He stopped talking and frowned slightly when he looked at Ding Yu.

"What? Is that all? "

"Director? Did I say something wrong? " Hou Tianliang carefully said.

"Let the owner of the coffee shop come here! He should come with his friends, as if I had invited them over for coffee! By the way, let the hotel do some heart to send over! It can't be too shabby, can it? "

For the director's attitude revealed, Hou Tianliang obviously felt the wrong place, but what is wrong, Hou Tianliang really can't say! However, Hou Tianliang stood up at the first time. Without more than ten minutes, the former coffee shop owner and another person followed Hou Tianliang and walked slowly towards Ding Yu.

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Two people said with one voice! This is Ding Yu! It's not a simple little role. Although the positions between them are different or even a little hostile, this does not hinder their respect for Ding Yu. What's the meaning of respect? There are just some fears!

"Hello Ding Yu stood up and stretched out his own hand. This action surprised the two of them. He quickly stretched out his hands and shook hands with Ding Yu! Courtesy is not always available! Ding Yu has such a gentleman's performance, it really makes people feel deeply! "Sit down, please."

After waiting for Ding Yu to sit down, two people sat down, and the waiter quickly delivered the coffee. Ding Yu took a sip of coffee. It tasted better than before. What's the taste? It's also a little familiar! It should not be the configuration of the hotel.

"I don't like the language of diplomacy, so if there's anything, let's get to the point."

"Mr. Ding, the investigation we have conducted is also something that we have investigated. The time is a little short, and there is a lot of fog behind this. Even before us, some people started to fuse, and many traces have been destroyed! Its professional technique makes us all think we are inferior to each other! "

But Ding Yu heard other meanings from this discourse, that is to say, it is not only in China! Even in foreign countries, there is the same force, and even has a very high executive power. Although there is no sense of urgency on my side, the time is quite short!

Obviously, this was prepared in advance! In other words, there is already a premeditation in this aspect. If Hou Tianliang doesn't win the attack, then there are already quite arrangements for the follow-up. Ding Yu is alert! This is not a good thing, but who could have thought that Ding Yu was so keen?

There is also the guy Hou Tianliang. From the point of view of the truth, he should be very young, even without too much experience, but it's just one step short! If Hou Tianliang started at that time, then there would be no chance to retrieve it! But the problem is that Hou Tianliang didn't do it at all!

His reaction speed is also quite fast, is this a result of following Ding Yu's side, but the time is not so short! Has such progress been made in such a period of time? Why do people feel so unbelievable? Some people even began to curse at this time!

"Xiaoguang was only used in China! The relevant investigation has already started and started in succession. You should be able to see quite a lot of information before the evening! "

Ding Yu's intention to say this is very obvious, now the investigation of things is obviously not able to satisfy themselves! If you want to be satisfied with yourself, you need more things to be taken out!

"Mr. Ding, we are very willing to cooperate in the next step." Now that Ding Yu has revealed something, what about the visitors? It will not be too stingy, "but as far as the current situation is concerned, if you want to investigate a considerable amount of information, there will certainly be a lot of problems involved. We believe that Mr. Ding must have some feelings."

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. It was obvious that he was thinking about something. They mentioned to himself some requirements. It was very interesting! But Ding Yu doesn't mind giving them a little bit of this!

"Let's hear it!""Two things. On the one hand, it's about the great emperor. As far as we know, the great emperor and you have a very good personal relationship! Moreover, the establishment of the farm is also in succession. In the process of development, it has played a very good role and effect, but we hope to stop here. On the other hand, it is about South Korea! "

"It's too much to ask! At least it's not equal! " Ding Yu gives them the right to sit in front of the negotiation table, but it doesn't mean that they can open their mouths in a big way, and from this speech, Ding Yu can really hear other meanings.

If they agree, will they choose to cover up? Or are they themselves? There is already considerable contact, but this contact is not known to outsiders! But it seems that there are not so many people who can do it! It seems that the water in this pool is very deep!

"Mr. Ding, it's too much to ask for. We also have a deep feeling for this."

For Ding Yu's words, two people are also deeply touched, but the above is to give such a reply, so what about their own side? It can only follow orders, but it's not that there is no room for discussion, is it?

"The relationship between me and the emperor is good, but what about each other? It's about the farm! Obviously you want to go further. What about South Korea? It should be Li Zairong. He is so favored? "

"Mr. Ding, Russia's problems are always quite troublesome. The emperor is too tough! The confrontation with the U.S. is really too much to bear. As far as we know, both the previous cooperation of natural gas and the cooperation of subsequent farms have accumulated a considerable amount of information! "

It means to force the palace! Ding Yu also slightly narrowed his eyes! How do you mean to say things so frankly? Are they really fearless and worried, or do they have a considerable control over the overall affairs, and are they so confident?

"What about South Korea? Li Zai Rong's problem should not be a problem any more! Or you've finished the woman president, which is a very interesting thing Ding Yu is also a little impolite, "if so, then you really need to think about it!"

As for Ding Yu's sudden mention of the female president, the two people sitting there are stunned. They have never received the relevant information, but Ding Yu will never shoot at a target! Since he said so, it is obvious that there is something wrong with it! It seems that there are quite arrangements for this!

"Mr. Ding, we are merely expressing considerable opinions and ideas!"

And you, Mr. Ding? After all, is it also a vassal? What about us? It's just a little bean! I can't jump up at all. If we are really angry with us, would it be disrespectful not to mention this, but there is no need for this aspect, is it? Because everyone knows that we are just responsible for delivering messages!

"We already know the ideas and opinions! Let's do it for the time being! No more! "

Having said that, Ding Yu also picked up the coffee on the table. The two people on the opposite side also stood up, bowed down, and then turned away. Both of them could feel that Ding Yu was not as happy as he thought, but what was the situation? This question? It's really not up to them to worry about it!

Looking at Hou Tianliang who wants to speak, Ding Yu also slightly waved his hand. He needs considerable time to think about it. The attitude of the United States and Britain is too ambiguous! Do you really have the confidence? Or is it stealing chicken? This problem needs Ding Yu to make a considerable judgment!

If there is such confidence, then it means that the United States and Britain have united with the forces behind it! If they are stealing chickens, it also shows that they know something about the forces behind them! It's just that they are in the active side now, so they can place bets immediately. The question is whether Ding Yu will follow?

Ding Yu is thinking about the problem, while Hou Tianliang is standing beside him. He didn't have to recite his own meaning when talking with each other before, so Hou Tianliang listened very clearly, but it was just because he listened too clearly! So Hou Tianliang how much can understand the director's pressure is absolutely incomparable!

What about these adjustments? It's really not an easy thing for the director to complete all of them! Ding Yu thought about some time, looked at his mobile phone, and then dialed Lily's phone!

They didn't seem to have much exchange of greetings. After they came up, they also went straight to the theme, "I heard that something happened to you? Call me at this time. Who's the emperor who has happened to me? "

"Some people want to pick up the fight between me and the domestic and foreign intelligence departments. This is only superficial. Besides, it is not clear whether there is any further plan. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it should not stop at once. However, I have just talked with the United States and British forces, and they mentioned the Russian and South Korean affairs Love, we need to be able to maintain a calm attitude! It's a warning, too"There is not much to be done in Europe now, and the UK has kept quite calm."

What about Britain? It's already planned! The reason for this is to tell Ding Yu that there is no problem with his plan, and he has not received any influence!

"It seems that the United States wants to have some collision with Russia!" Ding Yu sighed slightly, "but before the collision? It needs to be measured. Do we have such capital now? Can it be such a chip? All along, I have no such feeling! "

"In terms of the power we have revealed, it should not play a decisive role, but what about the same? Not to boast, it also has considerable influence. For the United States, it can never be ignored! " When talking about this, Sasha also suddenly hummed, "Ding, you seem to be biased. Why is Li Fuzhen every time?"

The outbreak of this small emotion really let Ding Yu not have too much preparation!

Obviously, Ding Yu was the first to call Shasha. What about the second one? It should be sun Yingnan, but the last person to come to Ding Yu's side will definitely be Li Fuzhen, because Li Fuzhen is the director of Asia, and these things can't go around her. As Ding Yu's pillow man, Shasha has such emotions, which is also a matter of no blame!

"It seems that the gifts I sent earlier did not achieve the desired results." Ding Yu also had some small complaints and said, "OK! Next time I'll make a better one, but you know, it's too time-consuming! And others will complain, at least for the moment, it's unique! "

Don't mention, Ding Yu's words are also completely torn open, not too much sweet, but for Sasha, it is really a very late set, which is different from sun Yingnan and Li Fu Zhen. Shasha's sensibility is more than rationality, especially in Ding Yu's body!

"Well! I forgive you this time! " Sensibility comes quickly, but it needs to be tasted slowly, so Sasha also transforms her rationality. "The cooperation with the great emperor is very good, but I think it is necessary to contact the emperor then! At least make a polite visit, and I don't know if there is such a time! "

The last sentence has the smell of some teasing! Ding Yu also did not have any thought, "it seems that I need to let them prepare! Although the place here is very small, there are still many good things and specialties. I believe you will like it very much! "

"I'll talk about it then! I don't know if there is such a time! "

Hang up the phone, Ding Yu also hesitated for a while, just tentatively called sun Yingnan's assistant. Not long after, sun Yingnan's call came over, "master, what do I need to do?"

"I've heard about all this? The channel of news is too narrow. It's hard for me to make a specific decision now, and I don't know what kind of situation you have there? "

"Generally speaking, there are no problems and conditions. From the situation I am in charge of, everything is a little bit quiet. Master, do you want to transfer Jin back? If he is not around you, it is difficult for other people to control the situation. I think this time, a large part of the reason is because someone saw this!"

"No, let Jin do his own things. At least in the current situation, it is not difficult to deal with it. To do his own things well is the biggest support for us! At this time, we must not be distracted! " It is obvious that Ding Yu is not generally valued!

Hou Tianliang, standing next to Ding Yu, also has some doubts. Let alone, he has never been in contact with Jin, but his name is like thunder. He has always been the chief of the director's side, and he is absolutely trusted. However, he has not heard much from him for a long time.

This is already a little strange! But at such a time, the director didn't mean to transfer Jin back! What's more, Kim seems to be busy with something special at this time, but what is it? Let Jin have no time to separate himself?

"Would you like to investigate, sir?"

"No more!" Hou Tianliang was stunned by this tone. "There's no need to fight so much. Now there's no problem with the so-called small blind note, but it's just fishing! It's not that you have to follow the dish! "

If placed in the past, Ding Yu will not do other attention, directly to the end, after all, when the time was young and frivolous, he had capital, do not care! But now? Things are different again! Ding Yu has a lot of capital, even the capital on the stage has already scared people to death!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to go all out in a row. Instead, he restrained his sharpness. Of course, looking at other people's performance, I just don't bet now, and I will observe the performance of others to see whether you are worried or I am more anxious!

"I see! I will give Fu Zhen the biggest equipmentThis is not to say that we must support Li Fuzhen, but to support the master with rights. This is the purpose of the last sentence! Because there is only one master in my heart!

"Don't be too tired! Just relax! I may go to live in New York for a while during the Chinese New Year , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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