Call Li Fuzhen? There is not too much research, is to let her if there is nothing, come here, her side has something to discuss with her! Immediately also hang up the phone!

"Director!" When he saw Ding Yu's cell phone upside down on the table, Hou Tianliang also looked at Ding Yu and called softly.

"Sit down!" Ding Yu didn't mean to avoid Hou Tianliang. Should he know? Still need to let him know, as for the things he should not know? He'd better not know!

"Director, I didn't expect that things would be so involved!" You know, sun Yingnan is the director of a person, and Sasa and Li Fuchen two people? They are the giants of Europe and Asia, and now both of them are moving! Obviously, the director attached great importance to this time! This is what I didn't expect or expected!

"You didn't think of it, nor did I! Who knows how things have evolved to this extent? It's really confusing! " Ding Yu snorted, "but it's pretty good. Anyway, there's nothing else. Just sit down and have a good look! At least we should know it in our mind. "

"Director, who is it? There are so many calculators! No one can provoke so many forces! Aren't they afraid to make a fire? " Hou Tianliang is also confused.

"Get angry?" Ding Yu glared at Hou Tianliang. "When those two guys came over, didn't you think of anything else? Don't always stand in your position and look at problems! " When talking, Ding Yu also slightly lifted his hand and held it up!

"Don't make me too tall, director! I'm already floating! Really, I don't know where to stand if I go up again. I don't even know which foot to step on when I get up later! "

"Stupid, stupid!" Ding Yu sighed, and then he said, "although it seems that there are so many calculated forces this time, how about that? Do you want to distinguish between enemies and friends now? What you think is too simple! What is a friend and what is an enemy? Have you made it clear? "

"Director, do you mean...," interest "

"I don't know how to describe you! It's not too late to wake up now! What about the benefits? We are friends, when there is no interest? Everyone is the enemy, of course, when the distribution of interests is proper, we are friends, but when the distribution of interests is not appropriate, we are the enemy! Don't regard enemies and friends as black and white. Sometimes enemies are friends, but what about friends? The enemy

"That is to say, Britain and the United States need more interests, at least from the director of your body to dig out more interests, so as to meet their interests! Whether or not to abandon the surveillance point here, or to fight with the director, depends on the amount and size of the interests! "

"It's rotten before it's complete!" Ding Yu not light or heavy said a word, Hou Tianliang is also embarrassed smile, "this time calculate my people? Absolutely not a force, at least give me personal feeling? Yes, but what is the architecture behind it? I'm not a fairy, so I don't know! "

"Director, you don't mean to bet, but you have mobilized both Europe and Asia? What does this mean! I really can't understand it! "

"Now that you don't want to bet, it doesn't mean you don't want to bet later! Now it's just to mobilize the chips! If you don't mobilize the chips, you can't mobilize your opponent's emotions. Do you know how to play cards? It's not just on-the-spot Kung Fu, but also off-site Kung Fu. Don't just see one of them, but look at the problem more comprehensively! That would put me in an absolutely advantageous position, and am I now? It's a bit passive! "

"Director, if you don't agree, will Britain and the United States deal with you in reverse?"

"Who knows?" Ding Yu said ambiguously, "but what about this matter? It's really not what you need to care about. At least it's not what you should care about now. Go back and do your homework well. And I think someone should talk to you. I'll call you when I have something to do

It's getting rid of people again! Fortunately, Hou Tianliang has adapted to the director's way, and after cleaning up his things, he also went straight to his room! Get the news or as soon as possible to report it up! Now the situation is becoming more and more complex, these problems are what I have never faced before!

Ding Yu took out his mobile phone and called his mother, "Mom, I'll go back to dinner in the evening, but I may not have a rest at home at night! You need to come back to the hotel! There are some things that need to be busy at work. Please help me to prepare more food! "

"You can really get me a job, can't you?" Zhao Shuying said that she was "dissatisfied". But what about this kind of complaint? It's also revealed that he is rather doting. If nothing happens, the eldest son will not live in the hotel, although it is not so far away from home!But the environment is really different. If he is at home, he will be very upset. He knows more or less about his situation in the hotel. The whole floor is contracted down, and he has also visited. There are so many people coming back and forth, not to mention many industries of the eldest son? Not at home!

There are industries in China, but they are basically given to Ding Ding Ding! Said that Ding Ding Ding this dead child is also, his elder brother gave, she really took it?! There is no sense of shyness at all. Let's be a mother and don't know what to say!

"I'll give you something to eat. There are some other things in the house. I'll take them with me."

"Thank you, mom." After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also continued to sit on the seat, and did not immediately want to go back to the hotel room meaning, but the same Ding Yu also did not want to take up the book, now he really need to think about it! Because things are starting to get interesting!

I didn't really prepare for this aspect before, so I was a little bit passive, since I have been involved in it! So now I have to face up to my own attitude, I really can't use the attitude of the game to treat, because then I can only cheat myself!

But I was prepared! But what about the forces behind? Will they end up? Ding Yu also needs to consider this issue, and if they end up, what kind of way will they end up?

Because the other party's situation does not know much, so Ding Yu really did not add any more judgment!

As for the situation of Bao Xiaoguang, although it is said that people are in the courtyard! But Ding Yu really didn't show any interest and didn't mean to ask questions. After all, there were some other issues involved, and Ding Yu didn't really mean to step on the red line!

It's a matter for the information management department to inform itself on its own initiative, but how about asking? It's another thing! What's more, the secret departments that cooperate with them have never given them any reply. What's more, judging from the current situation? Whether they will give themselves a reply at that time is all about two things!

The time of thinking is a little bit longer. When you wake up, look at the time on your watch. I'm afraid we'll have dinner later! Ding Yu also simply cleaned up the things on the table, still did not want to go back to the room, just handed the books to his side of the security.

Heaven and earth, eat the biggest, now this time or fill their own stomach, this is the most important!

Back home, not only his mother, even his father is busy, see the eldest son back, but also let him quickly wash his hands, ready to eat! "Mom, it's too much preparation! I'm just working in the hotel, not not not coming back! "

"Eat more, work in the hotel, the environment is OK, but too much effort!" Ding Lin is also asked to say, "in the afternoon, the chicken soup has been stewed, and there are some Chinese herbal medicines in it. You should drink more."

Ding Yu took off his coat and washed his hands. When he sat in front of the table, he also filled himself with a large bowl of chicken soup. However, he did not forget to serve his father and mother with a bowl of chicken soup. Ding Yu drank most of the chicken soup. Even the whole chicken Ding Yu did not let go of his thoughts. In the end, he did not see how much remained.

After dinner, Ding Yu didn't mean to leave immediately. Instead, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying led Xiao lazy and Labrador to go out for a walk! Ding Yu can't be left alone at home! So I followed my father and mother to go out for two rounds, and then I came back to the hotel!

Anyway, when he went back to the hotel, there was still no call from the special unit. Ding Yu didn't have any special disappointment about this. It's just a normal situation!

The position is not the same, the consideration of the problem is not the same! We can't just stand on our own problems to consider problems, let alone in this? Who knows what kind of changes there are, these problems need to be faced. When you can't feel uncomfortable, you just flip the table. This is not the way to solve the problem.

When he arrived at the hotel, Ding Yu went back to his room. The meeting room had been set up. Many people had already started to work. It was obvious that they had felt the change in the situation!

"Director!" Hou Tianliang also knocked on the door to enter. Previously, he delivered quite a lot of information to himself. The message delivered to him was a little vague. These messages need to be delivered to the director. But the information is so vague, is it intentional or there are other reasons.

Ding Yu looks at the document handed over by Hou Tianliang, and then returns it to Hou Tianliang! There is no meaning to speak during this period! The above is enough to explain everything! I don't need to say anything anymore!

"What? Do you want to say something else? "

"No, why do I give you such news to the director? Anyone can see that these news not only has no effect, but also has a quite misleading effect! " Hou Tianliang is also slightly angry!"You think a little bit too much!" Ding Yu also felt that he was a little funny. "The intelligence management department naturally needs to have its own consideration. What about this kind of consideration? It's multifaceted. It may be external pressure, but it may also be pressure from other aspects. What about the matter? You can't just think about one aspect. If it's just like this, you may win twice at a time, but you won't stand on the victory side for a long time

"But the problem is that there is no conflict of interest between them! And director, you did not do anything to betray the country, at this time do not support the director you just! But it can't hold back! "

"I don't think about it, nor do you think about it!" Ding Yu was extremely calm at this time. "The more we are at this time, the more insipid and unmoved. Calmness is the most correct way to deal with things. What's more, it seems that there is no use in it, but it's not all bad news."

Hou Tianliang is speechless at this time, because he does not know how to evaluate! It's already burning! Still trying to calm down? How to calm down at this time!

"Morning, what can anger bring you now? It can only make you impulsive, even desperate, but what can that do? Can you do any harm to your opponent? If your opponent saw this scene, what kind of state of mind will it be? I think it should be very happy, even some excited bar! If you think about it from this angle, I think it will be more calm! "

In this case, there is no problem, but when you are in the situation, how can you control your emotions? You are not a party? Has already felt the inner anger, but the host as the party actually did not reveal any emotion catharsis, this is oneself and the director's most practical difference?

"Director, are we waiting now?"

"That's your business. I need to collect quite a lot of information here!" While talking, Ding Yu also looked at the watch on his hand. "Before seven o'clock? I hope to get a phone call, and of course I can delay it for another hour, but this is the biggest concession I can make

"I don't understand!" Hou Tianliang's answer is very clear!

"If you don't understand, then go to someone who understands it." Ding Yu still didn't want to give up the meaning there, which is equivalent to giving up a considerable amount of time, but I don't know if there will be a reaction there! If there is still no reaction, then their side is just regret!

Hou Tianliang didn't know why, but he still passed the message. When he came back, he found that the director was sitting there, turning the mobile phone in his hand back and forth. Who was waiting for? Hou Tianliang was not so clear, but Hou Tianliang had no feeling at all. This is also a bit unrealistic!

To give Hou Tianliang a feeling, the director should be waiting for a call from the military. To be exact, he is waiting for the phone call from the military card. I don't know if this call will come? It's really not good!

When Hou Ding Yu sat on the desk at half an hour, he didn't have any time to call the old man.

Open the screen, Ding Yu found a phone number to call in the past, the phone was connected after a while, Ding Yu did not speak, there is the same silence between each other!

Don't know where Ding Yu felt the lighter and cigarette from, so he picked out a cigarette for himself, held it in his mouth and lit it with a lighter! The process is very gentle, but also very slow!

When Ding Yu's cigarette was lit, the voice of speaking came to her mind at last There is no so-called explanation, and there is no so-called reason.

"That is to say, the cooperation between them is over! But after all, it's a family, and I don't want to make each other not so happy, so I really don't have a chance? " What about this talk? Ding Yu didn't mean to plead, but it didn't seem to be deliberating!

"Is it right or wrong? No one can say it clearly. You were once a soldier, and you should understand it! "

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "OK! I respect each other's choice, they may not all come back! I will not make any guarantee on this issue. I am a fairly fair person. I respect everyone's choice, so I don't want any misunderstanding! "

This words also let the phone that side of the silence for quite a long time, it is obvious that Ding Yu is to understand some problems, but do not think that Ding Yu is really wrong! Since there is no cooperation between each other, how to deal with the problem is Ding Yu's own freedom! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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