Hang up the phone, Ding Yu is also silent for a long time, even did not react from this influence, Hou Tianliang is also watching the director of his home, when he speaks, he is at his side! But now I can't say a word of comfort, the things involved are too serious!

Sighing, Ding Yu also re opened the screen of the mobile phone, and saw Ding Yu's hand sliding back and forth on it. Hou Tianliang lowered his eyes, and really did not mean to pay too much attention to it! Now it's better to treat yourself as a mute and blind man! At least live longer!

"It's me, start isolating! Those who do not obey orders should be exiled, and do not take an excessive momentum! "

It's just a short sentence! Ding Yu immediately also hung up the phone, but the more simple it is, the more different the weight it represents! There seems to be no response from the phone, but everyone knows that under the calm sea, there will be rough sea, but when will it show up!

"At dawn, some of you didn't tell the truth! Geng Zhi, director of Geng University, called me. Now when I look at it, I seem to have some mistakes in my understanding! "

For the director's words suddenly, Hou Tianliang didn't know what kind of response to do. This thing is true, but it's really inappropriate to say that he really knows the detailed situation. It's really inappropriate to say that he really knows the detailed situation. He knows less because his position in the information management department is really low enough!

Being valued by the director is a thing, but it doesn't mean you can call on the wind and rain! There is still a considerable difference between the two. As for whether his body has been labeled with the director's label, Hou Tianliang really doesn't care as much as he imagined! Also did not feel how much significance!

Do you want to say that the director is not selfish at all? Can't say that, the director is still quite selfish, but the director has no public interest? This is to say a lie with your own eyes open! With the director's side, I also see and feel a lot! Some things! It's not so simple to say!

"Director, how and who made the decision in this department? It's still unknown, and I'm just an ant now Hou Tianliang also stretched out his little thumb, "maybe make this a little bigger, but that's it! One foot will kill you

"Ha ha, you still have self-knowledge!" Ding Yu didn't mean to embarrass Hou Tianliang, "but he didn't mean to embarrass you, you! Or too weak! But now it's nothing to be weak. One day, I'll grow up. Before that? It's good to be solid! "

"Director!" Hou Tianliang also called out, but looked at the director slightly waved his hand, Hou Tianliang also closed his mouth!

Hou Tianliang is very clear why the director said this. The director is to let himself stand beside him honestly and look as much as possible. If he can learn something better, he can never make any voice in the process! Otherwise, what will happen to you? I'm afraid there is only one!

After all, he is still a member of the intelligence department and the military. This is an undeniable fact! What's more, what can I do if I ask myself something? What should be done still needs to be done, because I am wearing military uniform, and all actions are subject to command!

Ding Yu is still sitting on the chair, but the mobile phone does not have any meaning to leave the body, almost half an hour, the phone rings again, Ding Yu also waved his arm to Hou Tianliang, "dawn, go out to see if there is anything to eat, a little hungry!"

After waiting for dawn to go out, Ding Yu also connected the phone by the way, "I'm Ding Yu!"

"Sir, everything has started quite well according to your instructions. I'm here at 12:00 p.m. and no later than 8:00 p.m., and everything can be cleaned up!"

"How many in all?" Ding Yu's voice is not salty!

"It's similar to what you expected, sir. Basically, the people behind me didn't stay here! Seven in all

For this number, Ding Yu also slightly bit his back teeth, the number of slightly so many! If it is from the input and return, I can say that it is a big loss! But on the other hand, although I have invested a lot of things, the country has benefited from it, which is nothing!

Is this a consolation to himself? Ding Yu is not clear about some of them. Anyway, the situation is already like this? Let yourself say what is good? But for the time being? Things need to be done, and quite a decision has come! There is no way to do it. Otherwise, what can we do?

After hanging up the phone for a short time, Ding Yu also received a call from Li Fuzhen, "I have arranged the plane, and will arrive at your side tomorrow morning? It seems that the situation has further deteriorated! Do you need to invest a little bit of capital? ""Now there are really some things that can't be said well! Some problems? There is no way to explain to you for the time being! But it can't be said that there is no good news at all! Not bad in the long run, at least

"Everything is OK with me! There is no specific news, but there is no change at all? It is also quite inappropriate, but how to move forward, I have passed the information to you! Take a look when you have time

There is something in Li Fu Zhen's words, and Ding Yu obviously heard it! Looking at the computer not far away, he also said, "there were some people who were not very happy just now, at least the mood was not so good! In fact, I already had this feeling from a very early time! But when it comes to the end, there are still some sentimental feelings! "

"I can feel it, but I really don't believe it. You will not be prepared at all?" Li Fu Zhen didn't mean to be polite at all. He wanted to overturn Ding Yu's base directly!

"Don't you mind for a moment?" Ding Yu also said helplessly, "are you ready? It's really a little bit of preparation, but it's a matter of preparation, but the result is really sad

For such things, Ding Yu also complained a little, "but such things are not enough to reach me! Just wait a minute! You don't have to worry too much! Now that everything has happened, let's face it

Ding Yu talked to Li Fuzhen for a long time. There was no need for them to discuss other issues. At least, there was no need to talk about them. However, due to Ding Yu's mood, it was not as good as expected, so Li Fuzhen also had much consolation!

In the past, it was rare to see Ding Yu's condition. Even when he was ill, he would not have such a state. Now Ding Yu's state is really so wrong! Both sun Yingnan and Sasha are quite touched, so they are also deliberately entrusted to Li Fuzhen.

After all, now other people are not so convenient to rush over! What about Kim Tae hee? Because of her identity, she didn't know much about the inside information. She even came here! The effect will not be too obvious!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu changed a new set of clothes for himself. Then he sat on the carpet and knocked the computer in front of him from time to time. Now, in addition to security, no one can enter Ding Yu's room. Hou Tianliang is no exception. After all, his identity still has many taboos!

However, Hou Tianliang is not idle there, not to say how active he is, but the phone calls from time to time to find out Ding Yu's trend. After all, Hou Tianliang is the person closest to Ding Yu, and he must have a good understanding of it!

But Hou Tianliang is really so some can not say, he is the Secretary of the director is true, but the problem is that now there are quite a lot of things to do, his identity is so embarrassing! Even if you are in and out of the room now, you are not comfortable. Don't ask yourself why!

Ding Yu didn't know when he had a rest, but when he woke up, he found that Li Fuzhen seemed to have come? But it doesn't mean to disturb! But breakfast is ready! It seems to be cooking by myself.

Ding Yu rubbed his eyes, "I went to bed too late last night! It's subconscious in the morning, but I don't want to get up! I don't even know you're here

Looking at Ding Yu, Li Fu Zhen also came to give a big hug! "How old are you? How can you look like a child! I have everything ready! Waiting for you to get up! For you

Although Ding Yu was a little depressed, he was very happy for Li Fu's coming! Breakfast is only Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen two people, as for Hou Tianliang? He is absolutely unpopular at this time, what's more, if it comes now, it's absolutely a light bulb! He won't be so blind!

In fact, Hou Tianliang also knows that Li Fuzhen has come! He still has information channels, but once he knows, he knows! There is no requirement for him, and Hou Tianliang doesn't want to provoke anything at such a special time!

Can feel out, the director's mood is not so good! What about Li Fu Zhen? Can her mood be too good to see the director like that? Although he is the Secretary of the director, and to a certain extent, he is valued by the director, but this can not be a real reason!

To be more exaggerative, women are unreasonable, and they are the masters of the director's power in Asia. It's no joke! At least now I face her, I have a lot of pressure!

"No rest last night?" After dinner, Ding Yu also asked in a low voice!

"A long rest on the road! Everything's ok too! " Li Fuzhen did not have too much discussion on this issue, mainly because there is no airport here, otherwise he may come earlier! "I've got quite a bit of information, but it doesn't add up to much use! It's a little weird! ""No news? In fact, it has already explained quite a problem! There is no news that someone deliberately hid the news! In modern society, it is not easy to hide information! All aspects need to be united together! "

Ding Yu is not so surprised at the occurrence of such a situation. It seems that the whole person suddenly calms down. Li Fu Zhen appreciates this point most. What happened to him? There is no panic, but such a thing is a thing, how to do it is another thing!

Not everyone has such a nerve, not everyone has such a mentality!

"But I can't say that there is no clue! As far as I know, what about the woman president? There seems to be something wrong with it! And my brother? Oh! I don't know how to say it. Even if he is not involved in it, it is impossible to say that he doesn't know at all! "

"I've visited the female president there, and I've met more than once! What about South Korea? It's not too much to show! But what about the woman president? The first two days were good, but now? I don't know why? How does it feel? It's just a little bit floating! "

"There is not much news from Samsung. I don't pay much attention to it! What's more, I have taken over the position for such a long time now! If you continue to focus on Samsung, the impact will be very huge! "

"To say that your brother has no ability at all, this is really a bit of slander!" Ding Yu's words also let Li Fu Zhen have some shock and curiosity. He always thought that Ding Yu looked down on his brother! Because there are many differences between each other's abilities and forces!

"But it gives me the feeling that you are not so cold to my brother!"

"The idea between each other is different! What about the idea that he wants to control Samsung? Is not wrong, but too small family spirit! As for the future? Will there be other problems, it's really hard to say now! It's still early! "

Li Fu Zhen slightly frowned, "collude with the female president? Is there any big problem in this? "

"What about the president of South Korea? It has never come to a good end. You and I know that as for the previous president, there is no problem now, mainly because he and the current president? They belong to the same faction, so there won't be too many problems for the time being. But if there is a problem with the female president, he will also be settled. Sooner or later, it will be just a matter of time! "

"Why so sure?" Li Fu Zhen also expressed quite puzzled!

"And the woman president? Too high look at themselves! At the same time, it is too underestimated China! Of course, there is another part of the reason, that is not able to withstand the pressure of the United States! Which of the two is more important? I think it's still your brother! At least Korea's consortia have super high power in Korea itself

"If the president doesn't work, I'll take another one! But Samsung is not so easy to change

"We don't want Samsung to have problems in all aspects! Even if there is a problem! Also need to distinguish to look at, thus reduces the entire influence to the extreme! Because it is closely related to the vast majority of Korean people! Leaving Samsung, I'm afraid the whole South Korea will be paralyzed! So what about then? Maybe it's just a show! "

"Why mention my brother alone?" Li Fu Zhen seems to suddenly think of something!

"The scapegoats have been found! That is to say, if things come to the last step, just throw out the scapegoat! I have a good relationship with your father! With Samsung is also inextricably linked, even if there is something wrong with your brother, I can not give him how? After all, I'll give you the face of chairman Li and you! "

"How can the people behind calculate this? It's really good enough! "

Li Fuzhen has opinions and ideas about his brother. This is his own business, which does not mean that when other people get involved, he will also sit back and ignore it and calculate the whole Samsung? The nature of this problem is really different!

"I have a general feeling now!" Ding Yu said, "but relatively speaking, I really don't think they are fully prepared this time. If they are really prepared, they will not appear so abrupt?! This trial! Too many problems and situations have been exposed! "

"Is that abrupt? We haven't collected any information and information? It's already quite shocking! "

"I don't look at things like that!" Ding Yu expresses quite negative to this! "I don't deny that it may be a little bit big, but I don't believe that they are fully prepared! What about the actions of the United States and Britain? It also shows a considerable problem! "

"I haven't asked? What do they mean? So willing to destroy the intelligence point designed here? You know, this kind of trial can be done once or twice, but it does not mean that they can go on for a long time! ""It's no use to them at this time! At least, the monitoring point here is too light. It's just because it's on the surface, so we pay more attention to it! "

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