"It seems that we really want a lot of money." Li Fuzhen also narrowed his eyes to this, "are they not afraid to really hold themselves up to it? Will there even be other problems and situations? Now I'm so focused on putting things in my mouth

"What about Britain and the United States? They are too self righteous! But now that they've reached such a point, I'm ready to leave Korea to them! What do you think of that? " Ding Yu asked.

"Give them the power of South Korea! Will this cause... "

After thinking about it, if Li Fuzhen shakes his head, it doesn't mean to deny it. Instead, he feels that his father will not interfere in this matter. For his father, everything should be handed over to his brother. As for the rest, why? You can make concessions for this!

"Cover up with the great emperor of Russia and hand over the South Korean side! But it is also a direction, and can even play a role of a little delay! But will the UK and the US agree? Their appetite is not so big

"It doesn't matter whether they agree or disagree. Even if they don't recognize the account afterwards, it doesn't matter. It's just to let the South Korean side out! It doesn't have much impact on our overall Asian layout, and we can go fishing. Why not? But I doubt what will happen if the British and American sides bite off the bait? "

"How would the other side look at this? What's more, how powerful are they? What is the goal? Is it for you? Or is there any other purpose? Now everything is unknown

For Li Fu Zhen's urgency, Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what is their purpose? I don't really know that now, but it seems that this force is not small. Even in Britain and the United States, there are some taboos about it. What happened before? It has already shown a considerable problem! "

"Did you avoid it because you didn't want to collide with you? Or what other reason? "

"Who knows? But this can explain quite a problem! If I didn't feel a little more acute, I'm afraid this thing would have been true! How much of a loss is there for me? I'm a little suspicious

The discussion time between the two was a little longer. After breakfast, Ding Yu called his parents and explained the situation. Then he stayed in his room without any action. Li Fuzhen went to his room to have a rest at the request of Ding Yu!

A night of running, now that has come to Ding Yu's side, it does not need to be so eager! What's more, how things will develop? This problem also needs time. Li Fuzhen doesn't need to be staring there all the time!

"Director, do you want me?" Hou Tianliang almost trotted all the way to Ding Yu.

"Tell the British and American sides to have coffee together later!"

Hou Tianliang was shocked, but looking at the director's appearance, he left at the first time! However, before this, I also informed the information management department, how things will develop, I am not so clear, I can only pass the message back! But say block or change, oneself can't do!

The information management department also felt puzzled and confused about the news. Ding Yu's attitude yesterday was really different from today's! In other words, in order to get information from some aspects, even at the expense of his own interests, what can the information management department do about this problem?

To stop Ding Yu, how to stop Ding Yu? Is Ding Yu a member of the intelligence department? What about the situation? Does the intelligence department know or don't know? Yes! But the people who know it are definitely a minority of the minority. What about some problems? There is really no way to get the face up to mention!

At this time, the emotional management department can only stand in the middle of the position, which is already the limit that the emotion management department can do!

Therefore, after knowing the news from Hou Tianliang, they are quite indifferent to each other. At most, they can send the message up again. As for the message to be withheld, it is impossible! It's something you can't do!

"What is the situation in the UK?"

"All of them have disappeared! There is no clue left, but judging from the situation, it does not belong to the ranks of the elimination. But where did they go? Now there is no way to explain clearly. Who knows the relevant information? No more than five fingers, I just got the list, but now people are gone! Ding Yu definitely started, but now no one can say clearly what kind of way. "

"Who could have thought that Ding Yu's partner was actually them, and he had been hiding it for so many years! In the past, we knew three people. Now we have seven names. But what about these people? Now it's all gone! Is it Ding Yu's reason or internal reason? ""The internal reason is not so big, because there are not many people who know the news. Even you and I are the same. What's more, when we know the news, they have already started! The speed of the operation is completely prepared, and seven people! Do you think it is feasible for seven people who have undergone considerable training without prior preparation? "

"I really don't know whether it is feasible or not, but I know it will be very troublesome!" The speaker knocked on the table and said, "Ding Yu is definitely not a role to be provoked. Everyone knows that. He is thinking about something in his heart, and no one knows. This time, he was forced to expose his card. What will happen to him? It's hard to say! "

"It's always Ding Yu's fault to find others. When will it be other people's turn to come to Ding Yu's trouble! And the people and forces involved this time seem to be so complicated! Departments like us can only be held still, and the problems can be imagined! "

Two people's talk time is not very long, that is, a simple chat just two!

But the secret department in the know quite under the circumstances, the whole department head's facial expression has so some not good-looking! Previously, Ding Yu asked himself for a list, but he didn't agree, or even refused Ding Yu. But what about Ding Yu? We'll get rid of seven people directly!

What about the seven? They went to Ding Yu's place in turn, and occupied a considerable proportion among those who went to Ding Yu. It should be said that no one can even access their information here, but now all the seven people have been exposed! What kind of problems are revealed in this?

The cooperation with Ding Yu has come to an end, and this itself has been the biggest loss! I'm afraid no one can say clearly how much money has been invested over the years, but what about the money? Not a cent is corrupt, all used for training!

But since yesterday, all supplies have been stopped! What's more, Ding Yu must have known about the seven people in the early morning! Thanks to him to ask for a list, clearly is intentional! Those seven people will certainly come back, but what can they do when they come back? I really don't believe they are finished products!

Since Ding Yu has known their relevant information, is it possible that Ding Yu is not prepared at all? It's impossible, since you are prepared! Then it is impossible for them to contact too much! So! Some people take too much for granted! With this method to calculate Ding Yu, what will be the final outcome? Who knows?

As for Ding Yu, will he destroy these seven people? It's impossible. Ding Yu, after all, is also from the military. He was once a soldier, and he was quite excellent. Is that all? Ding Yu will not kill those seven people! But how do these seven people deal with it? After all, they are no longer soldiers!

If they are really put back into society, they are absolutely not suitable. They have considerable survival skills, but it does not mean that they have considerable life skills. This is two times! If you can't go back to the military, you can only go to other work units, but even if it is, it's too wasteful!

But there is no way, Ding Yu's hand hit seven inches above!

Towards noon, Li Fu Zhen got up and simply cleaned up. Then he went to see the British and American people with Ding Yu! There was not too much exchange of greetings between each other. Ding Yu was also straight to the point, "I can give up the South Korean affairs, but I need to get a guarantee!"

"Mr. Ding, nothing is absolute!"

"What about your identity and qualifications? I really don't have the strength to say this to me. I'm going to give an answer now. Can you do it? If you can, it's just the power of South Korea! Give up and give up! It's just a choice! I can give you 15 minutes to think about it. I can't wait for it to be out of date! "

The two people who came to see each other. Ding Yu's sudden meeting with them today should have something to do with Li Fu Zhen's arrival. However, he made a decision so quickly, which really made the two people feel that their heads are not enough. As for the impulse like this? Is that really good?

But they really didn't want to doubt Ding Yu's meaning. Since this guy dares to speak like this, he must be well prepared. What is the result of the matter? Two people don't care, because this is not for them to decide, they are only responsible for the specific message delivery and contact, it is so simple!

When Britain and the United States got the news, they also felt that it was a little tricky. The time given by Ding Yu was too short! But fortunately, in the previous time, we have prepared for this aspect!

But do you want to try Ding Yu? Delay this aspect of time, about this idea also let everybody talk about some time, but soon was denied! What about now? It's better not to play such tricks!

It's not that Ding Yu can't really find other channels. He must be able to find other channels. It's just a matter of time or how much it costs? Now Ding Yu is willing to replace it with South Korea. For the United States and the United Kingdom, it is really a feeling of burning high incense!At least this is what you eat into your stomach. It's not meant to be a big cake drawn on purpose. As for Ding Yu, will he repent? This problem really does not need to add any more consideration, if Ding Yu can repent, then there is really no honest person in the world!

Although there is quite a conflict with this guy, it does not mean that this guy is not credible. From the perspective of credibility, Ding Yu is much stronger than many people. Even to a large extent, his integrity and credibility are much better than those of the United States and Britain!

So in less than 15 minutes, Britain and the United States have reached an agreement. Ding Yu uses non-interference in South Korea's affairs as a guarantee, and the United States and Britain will have all the materials they know? All of them are handed over to Ding Yu, and good cooperation has been reached between them! It's so simple!

For the reaction of the United States and Britain, Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen are quite satisfied, at least from the above results, there is no problem! Since there have been other reactions in South Korea, it is better to follow the trend! Force to reverse is absolutely not going to produce any good results! Everyone knows!

After the negotiation, Ding Yu also made a phone call to Li Jianxi from South Korea. In the past, he didn't mention much about it. It was just an exchange of interests! There's no selling out! What does Li Jianyu mean by calling in person!

If Li Zai Rong was not involved in this matter, Ding Yu must have called in advance, but the problem is that since Li Zai Rong has already been involved in it! Even if they call again, what can they do? So it's not as good as now. Maybe it's acceptable for everyone!

For such a result, Li Jianxi can not say that there is no sigh! From the beginning to the end? Ding Yu did not show any interest in Samsung! What about the slightest interest? It may not be the situation today!

They and my son firmly control the main body of Samsung, which naturally has considerable benefits, but what about the same? It's not without a problem! If there are any problems in the future, the wolves are waiting for the opportunity. Whether Samsung can hold on or not is really hard to say!

"Ding, I'm so worried about this! What about Rongcheng? It is still a little narrow in dealing with some problems! "

Ding Yu frowned. "Chairman Li, if you move Samsung, there will certainly be some problems in South Korea. If there is a problem in South Korea, it will not be a good thing for Asia as a whole."

"What if it's limited?" Li Jianxi also made a tentative remark.

"Limited range?" Ding Yu immediately thought of something. This old guy is not so cruel. Li Zai Rong is already so big! Even if he had to suffer, he would not be afraid of a long and short story? But think about it, there will be no other problems!

What about other countries? There is really no way to guarantee what, but in South Korea, what about the Samsung Lee family? Is the cornerstone of the same existence, if you really moved the Li family, then the whole South Korea may be doomed! Therefore, everyone may have problems, but Li Zai Rong will never have problems! At most, it's just a little bitter!

"Yes, in a limited scope, we should give him a good lesson and let him realize the problems and conditions in it."

"Mr. Li, it seems that your physical condition does not allow you to do this. If there is a problem, it will be a serious blow to the whole Samsung! There may even be a devastating blow! " Ding Yu thought about it for a while, but he didn't mean to hide it! "What's more, will it cause other adverse effects?"

For Ding Yu's words, Li Jianxi is also carefully considering what Ding Yu said? It makes sense! There is no problem in educating your son, but the problem is whether your body can bear it? This point can be said to be quite critical. If you say that your body has problems at this critical time, although all the previous achievements are not wasted, there will be a lot of trouble long ago!

"I still hope to give him some lessons, so that he can be a little more calm, as for whether Samsung will suffer losses, as long as it is within the scope of bearing, I think it is bearable!"

Ding Yu did not speak for a long time, but was estimating how to deal with this matter! After all, Li Jianxi is one of his important allies, he really needs to give this face, and there is Li Fuzhen, she is his own woman! The so-called do not look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face!

"If it is within the scope of South Korea, I will not interfere in any way. I believe that the board of directors Li will make other arrangements. Within the scope of Asia, I will try my best to help, but only him! This is the limit I can do! "

Ding Yu's words are not a guarantee, but Li Jianxi is also quite satisfied with this! What else do you want?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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