Ding Yu and Li Jianxi have reached a considerable agreement. This issue is not known to many people. What's more, such a matter can not be known to the outside world. Otherwise, it can be regarded as a secret?

But did Ding Yu reach an agreement with Britain and the United States? It's really quite impressive. Who could have thought that they could get rid of the previous contradiction and reach an agreement quickly, you know, all the time? Each other is hostile to each other! How can it be so noisy? People are really dazzled!

But no matter what happens to the outside world? Anyway, Ding Yu has got what he should get. To be exact, no one thought that Ding Yu would react so quickly, nor did he expect Ding Yu to give up so quickly!

Want to get the corresponding message? Sooner or later! Bao Xiaoguang is already in the hands of the Department of information management! He explained the corresponding things. What about other things? They will be investigated one after another. Although Ding Yu was not informed before, the blockade is not as important as expected.

But who could have thought that Ding Yu was so impatient that no one knew what was involved. Anyway, after Li Fu Zhen came to Ding Yu's side, Ding Yu immediately made the corresponding decision, and then reached an agreement with Britain and the United States!

Ding Yu has always been worried about this, but he is not so worried about this aspect in China! Who knows if he'll make other decisions? What's hard to say! What's more! Even if he can control his anger, but his means, we have always been quite taboo!

If you don't provoke him, it's fine! If Ding Yu is really provoked, what about his character of revenge? Not many people can bear it! What about the things found out from Bao Xiaoguang? It's also very tricky here! It's good that Bao Xiaoguang's father? Can we connect the earth line, otherwise? ha-ha!

Ding Yu has read the information from the United Kingdom and the United States, and it has been slightly stagnant for a period of time. Li Fuzhen did not mean to study it. It was not taboo, but felt that there was no need for this aspect!

"Look at your expression, it seems that there are so many unhappy?"

"Are you happy? There are really not too many relations, that is, there are so some did not expect, all of these ghosts and snakes all came out, people quite have so many accidents! It's also true that there are some people who don't understand. What are they thinking about? It's questionable! "

Ding Yu's words did not reveal very clearly, but Li Fu is really who? How could she not understand the meaning of the words? Therefore, he also laughed, and his smile was so cold, "it seems that someone has painted a big cake. This is a common method. The problem is how to make this cake look more delicious!"

Ding Yu looks at Li Fu Zhen with approval eyes. It's really true that she came from the Li family of Samsung. Similarly, she has sincere admiration for her sensitivity. What about the clues given by the British and American authorities? Although there is no name, but it has revealed a considerable problem to come!

Of course, there is also a deliberate direction, but Ding Yu doesn't have much to care about. If they don't add fuel to it, they will make themselves feel extremely strange!

"Although the forces behind them have not been revealed, their actions have made us feel something! Under such circumstances, it's not easy to keep your own antennae! "

Looking at Li Fu Zhen's murderous eyes, Ding Yu also thought about it for a while, and then slightly shook his head, "if we fight, what kind of result will it be? I have also considered this issue for a while. It is not to say that I am afraid of anything, but that it is really necessary at this time? "

"Do you mean that the force behind it is a shell?" Li Fu meant something, "but if we start, we will let more and more forces join in it?"

"Is it an empty shell? This point is really not so important, even if other forces join in, it is not a big deal! I am very interested now. What is the attitude of Britain and the United States towards this so-called power? Curious, really curious! "

"You want to pit them in?" Li Fu Zhen is also suddenly interested in, "but if we do not have any action, the British and American sides have not been able to catch on, but if we have action, then the British and the United States will watch the fire from the shore, or fish in troubled waters!"

"What about this? We need to see if they are greedy! What about other things? They don't care so much, but what about the domestic military? Really is to give me a wake-up call, which I still do not fully understand the inside information! It's a real trouble! "

Li Fu Zhen raised his shoulder for a moment, "this matter I just asked! After all, when it comes to military affairs, no matter what it is, it's troublesome if it involves the military. Even if you can't see any problems now, there will be problems in the future, and they will be big problems, won't they? ""I didn't get involved in the military affairs. Can I withdraw this time? What I haven't seen is a bad thing Ding Yu's tone is not salty or light, "but someone calculated me. This place really makes me feel very unhappy, even if it is the person behind the high power? So what? "

Li Fuzhen did not speak, but looked at Ding Yu attentively, "the person behind is of high position and weight? That is to say, you already have the object of suspicion. No, it should be said that you have the object of confirmation. Is that true? "

"This issue is very important. What I am not sure is whether it is a unilateral issue or a joint issue. After all, what was my cooperation with the military in the first place? This from the above reason, there are so some do not make sense! No matter how to explain it, there are some who violate the rules! "

Ding Yu didn't deny his own problems, but directly revealed them, "so what about being kicked out now? I can understand, but there is no anger. What do I worry about? It's not about how to get along with each other in the future! It's about worrying about... "

After that, Ding Yu didn't mean to say it, and Li Fu Zhen also pursed his lips, "if it's really like this, it's really not a general trouble. What about our opponent? It seems to be a hedgehog, some of which are difficult to start with, but if you take a closer look, it's just a puffer! "

"Even if it's not puffer puffer, it's poisonous. The problem is who will eat it. Anyway, I don't want to try it!"

"If we don't try, will anyone else try?" Speaking of this, Li Fu Zhen seemed to think of something, "do you think the British and American sides will be fooled? If this is the case, it is a problem of another nature! At that time, we need to look at the methods and means! "

"I don't care who else is willing to do this attempt, but I don't want to do this contamination, but whether other people will believe it or not is another question! We still need to prepare bowls and chopsticks. Even if we don't eat, we still need to do this. What do you think? " Ding Yu obviously means something.

"You still want to serve, isn't this deliberate connivance?" Li Fu Zhen sighed, "but how can future generations evaluate it?"?! You are no longer a bad category! "

"How to evaluate that is their business, what do I have to do with it? I just want to be myself Ding Yu is really dismissive of this, "what's more, I said in the original time that I was not a good person. Why should I insist that I am a good person? Isn't that good? "

"Are you really..." Li Fu Zhen does not know how to say this word! "Forget it! Anyway, I can't tell you. What should I do next? So many people are watching! Now even if you want to stop, I'm afraid it can't stop! There will be big problems when the running carriage stops! "

"What do you stop for?" Ding Yu snorted, "since all of them have already moved, let's move on! In any case, we don't drive this carriage. As to whether it can be controlled or not, it is not something we need to worry about. Even if it is necessary to give it two lashes, is it not? "

After two people had eaten, Li Fuzhen went to deal with other affairs! Ding Yu sat alone in the coffee shop. It seemed that there was nothing wrong. Hou Tianliang also took the opportunity to come to the director's side and asked him to make more inquiries. But the question is how to inquire?

Who are the people around the director? Relatively speaking, they are already old-fashioned! He is a little white rabbit, play tricks and tricks with these old foxes, unless he is dead! But even so, I haven't been able to play with these guys! They play with themselves, just as they play with noodles! Relaxed and happy!

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang and nodded his head slightly. Then he pointed to the position in front of him. Then he went to sit down. Anyway, he didn't have any other things! Hou Tianliang carefully sat on the side of Ding Yu's hand, "director, there is a considerable inference about what happened today!"

Hou Tianliang dare not say, director! Some of the above are not satisfied with this matter, so you'd better restrain yourself! If I say so, I promise that I don't need the director to do it. Other people will beat themselves to random sticks. There is no room for discussion at all!

What's more, what about now? It's just a microphone! In fact, even if it's from the Ministry! Can they be tougher than themselves? It's impossible, even to a certain extent, whether we can see it or not. It's all two things! Don't think that the director will give this face!

"There are people who can't sit down now?" Ding Yu snorted, "if you can't sit still, you can't sit still! It's nice to get up and walk! It's too long to sit! Easy to get hemorrhoids! "

Hou Tianliang carefully pondered what the director said? Since someone can't sit? Then let him move, you can understand it like this! What does the so-called easy hemorrhoids mean? Is someone already sick? Is that so? Hou Tianliang is not so sure about this!After all, the identity of Hou Tianliang is still very different. He doesn't understand the general things at all. Even if he wants to stand on a higher position now, why does he not have this ladder! There is no chance to stand high! So can only stand in the original position above, as far as possible to let their own vision more long-term some!

"Director, it seems that there is a lot of activity in 49 cities. We are very interested in Bao Xiaoguang, but I heard about it! There are also people who are very active! For example, Zhong Yun and Xia Yang are both well-known for their close relationship with this matter, and do not know whether it is true or not? "

"Zhong Yun and Xia Yang?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "What kind of old stuff is this? How can they come out again? It's really not easy

Having said that, Ding Yu also took out his own phone and turned an arc number out of it, "big brother, I'm Ding Yu! It's not that I haven't heard about it on the grapevine! What's the situation? Is it a mess? "

The sea that answered the phone also snuffed out the cigarette in the hand, "the sun is really coming out from the West! You Yu Shao called me personally. It seems that you really need to go home to kill chickens and return to God after a while! How effective

"So, Zhong Yun and Xia Yang have found you! What happened? Why are you still involved with the two of them? I have not heard from them for a long time, and I have nothing to do with it! At that time, there were some small misunderstandings, but it seems that no one paid attention to them? "

"Your call is very timely. Previously, Zhong Yun and Xia Yang called me and explained to me. But what if you said that? It's possible for them to make some small moves. These guys in 49 cities are such a thing. There's no problem in playing autumn, but when it comes to practical problems, they have no heart and no courage! "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "are they so frank?"

"I'm going to pee! Today is different from the past. Now I continue to jump in front of you Yu Shao. This is really looking for death. However, there seems to be some chaos on the side of 49 cities. No one knows what the situation is. What about Zhong Yun and Xia Yang? You may know something, but tell them to face you directly and lend them two courage without joking

"I'm not so worried. I just want to know how this source got up. Have you heard about Bao Xiaoguang?" Ding Yu seems to be very casual to ask out!

"How can I not know? Although there is no uproar in the 49th City, those who have a little energy know it! However, there are not too many people who want to contaminate them. However, everyone has said anything. This has also caused some follow-up things. Anyway, he is staying in the courtyard! You know what I mean

"What about Lao Bao and my father? It's a colleague, and I've been a colleague for many years. It's a little noisy. I can't let old Bao's white haired man give him a black one! That would be a big blow! So I'll get you to the quadrangle and settle down! "

"No! Is it so serious? " The sea also took a breath of air conditioning, "I really don't know much about this! I know something is going on here, but I really don't know how big it is! "

"Is it possible to die? No one can say clearly about it, but there will be not too few people going in to fill the hole! " Ding Yu said to the sea like this, but also has some points of meaning, I believe he will definitely understand what he wants to express!

"Did you want to go there in the evening? If you want to come now, it's better to go home and have some home cooked food and sleep! " The sea also said sincerely, "where is the victory? Have a comfortable life, have a comfortable life

"It's not that big to go out for a roast fish! Isn't it? " Ding Yu didn't have any strange meaning, "since Zhong Yun and Xia Yang invited each other, they couldn't have given this face too much! Brother Dahai can listen to what they say. In the end, he still needs to give him a chance

"Yes! I'll be in that row, you see

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also looked at Hou Tianliang again, "it seems that there are so many people in panic now. I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. There are some bad things to say! But what do you think of it at dawn? You've been honest since last night

Dare I be dishonest? Hou Tianliang also asked himself, to know who you are, director! In front of you to play the so-called careful eye, really do not know how to write dead words or how? Don't give yourself any discomfort and trouble!

"Director, I've always been more honest. You know that!"

"Fu Zhen is here! I don't have time on my side. You go to my house and bring me something. I've asked my mother to get ready! You can bring it to me then Since you have nothing to do, I will find something for you to do!

Hou Tianliang sucked his nose, and he had no way to say it!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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