"From the news I got, the capital is very busy! But it's just the excitement on the surface! All aspects of the force at this time is the performance is very calm and calm! On a different level, what about the forces behind it? There are not too many movements, but there are a lot of rumors on the front desk! That's all! "

Li Fu Zhen lies on the bed, and the whole person is a little lazy. After taking a bath, he also asks Ding Yu to massage himself. It is not to say that he wants to compete for favor in front of Ding Yu. He is already at this age! There's no need for that!

He also prepared a lot of women for Ding Yu, but even now he has not seen any interest in Ding Yu. At this point, Ding Yu's performance is really impeccable. If he had not negotiated with Taixi and used some means, I'm afraid there is still a layer between them now!

As for another meaning of letting Ding Yu massage? It's his technique that can't be replaced by others! Even the configuration of drugs is incomparable, this is really not something you can buy with money! Is not the first no two themselves are not so clear, anyway, they really did not see the second person! Never heard of it!

They have also found many doctors for this, but even if they use what things, there is not too much effect, the difference is too far! Quite let oneself feel so disappointed!

"Be honest!" Looking at Li Fu Zhen's raised legs, Ding Yu also slapped two palms. "Now the silence is just because the situation is unclear, and we all want to pay more attention to it, and our bait has already been thrown down! I'm fully prepared. That's it! As for whether there will be fish on the hook, who knows? "

Ding Yu's hands are contaminated with a lot of drugs. He rubs and moves on Li Fu Zhen's skin. Fortunately, the room is hot enough. Otherwise, he might catch a cold! "I hear Sasha is very jealous, isn't it true?"

For Fu Zhen suddenly said this word, Ding Yu's hand also slightly stopped, and then added considerable force. On the spot, Li Fu Zhen howled. This force is too heavy! Let oneself have so some cannot bear!

But with the passage of time, Li Fuzhen also slowly fell asleep in the past, even when he went to wash, Li Fuzhen was also confused. Anyway, the whole person was handed over to Ding Yu, whatever he wanted! This is not the first time! Only two people who are completely open-minded can be so relieved!

Ding Yu went to bed late, but in the morning he was awakened by Li Fuzhen! But Ding Yu really did not mean to be lingering, not to say that he did not have interest in this area, but now the rich really have so many not suitable! Need to do further conditioning!

But in the whole process, Ding Yu is also provoked, some fire! Even when eating breakfast, there are so many not appeased down! Looking at the busy Fu Zhen, Ding Yu also sighed, "I said you are enough!"

For Ding Yu slightly severe tone, Li Fu really did not take a thing! Just came here, the body is really not general fatigue, but after the adjustment last night and this morning, I feel refreshed, such a beautiful day, I can't waste so much!

What about teasing Ding Yu? It's really that there is no emotion. Being together with Ding Yu is not just lust and interest. If that's what they are, they will not fuse so well. Now they and Ding Yu pay more attention to the pursuit of spirit!

"Well! I'll let you know when I have time Since Ding Yu has already expressed himself! Li Fu Zhen is also point to stop, at least his charm has not lost, there is a considerable attraction! "Speaking of it, last night, we were really able to bear it! There is still not much movement! "

Ding Yu glanced at the past, "why? What did you hear? "

"I didn't get the news, but there was some news from my brother! Samsung has made considerable achievements this year, and is still building momentum for it! The intention is already very obvious! It's also quite quick! "

Ding Yu slightly frowned his brow, and now released the news, is there so some too anxious? What about South Korea? What's more, what about Li Jianxi and himself? Is it a strategic relationship? What about each other? It seems that there is not much cooperation, but the interest relationship between each other is still very obvious!

"A little bit faster than that!" Ding Yu also said a light, in fact, there is no big deal to think about it. The reason why you can't stand it may be that he was forced too tightly at the original time! It's like a spring. If you loosen it a little, its rebound is also strong!

What about Samsung's performance? In fact, it is the most intuitive embodiment of the United States and Britain! But Ding Yu's heart is also considering, such indulgence is good or bad? What about Li Jianxi? It is not only cooperation, but also some precautions. Even now, it is still quite vigilant!If it is from the power above, he should be vigilant, but from the relationship between each other, such vigilance is really a kind of harm to Ding Yu, and he has no too much interest in Samsung! How good is it? It's also from your family. As for such fear?

Ding Yu doesn't mean to move Samsung, because Samsung is a very important pillar. If Samsung is moved, then the whole Asia will appear very turbulent, not to mention how sympathetic Ding Yu is. It has nothing to do with this. In the shopping mall? It doesn't matter what moral immorality, so to say, is just an operation!

What about this? As for Hong Kong City and Japan, they are the pillars supporting the whole Asia. If the pillars are really dismantled, they will also suffer huge losses, and even the influence of the whole Asia will be greatly affected. These are the problems Ding Yu is considering!

If only from this point of view, what about Li Zai Rong's consideration? It's wrong if you don't see it!

There is a considerable difference in the concept between each other, and the difference in concept also leads to the essential difference when we deal with problems! But even so, Ding Yu is also thinking of seeking common ground while reserving differences. When he has to, Ding Yu really doesn't want to start!

"It's very fast, and it's very fast, but the forces behind it still don't mean to come out!"

"Who knows?" Ding Yu is not sure about this. "In fact, it's really important to come out or not to come out? Maybe some people really take a thing, but this thing ah! Slow operation to see it! It's a blessing in disguise. Everything is just unknown! "

Hou Tianliang certainly won't eat breakfast alone, but he used to have breakfast with the director, but now he can only eat breakfast with the security guards. Breakfast is a combination of Chinese and western, with a wide range of varieties. For the big bellied security men, just a plate, there is no greasy feeling at all!

But Hou Tianliang is tasteless! There are so many things in my heart! What about yourself now? I'm really alone! They sent other people to help themselves, but what about the people who helped? Can't get close at all, otherwise it's really a kind of provocation to the director!

The director may not say anything at that time, but will the people below tolerate it? Although not all to call out, but also will not let everyone too easy! So for the time being, stay a little farther away! At least between each other also left a little face, not to tear after the face, too embarrassed!

However, last night, Hou Tianliang was also thinking carefully about why the director put himself on the list! What are the reasons for this? If it is because of Li Fuzhen? This is a reason, but definitely not the most direct reason!

After Ding Yu's training, Hou Tianliang's growth is also quite fast, so Hou Tianliang is also thinking about what is the reason, let the director alone to isolate himself!

If the director is really dissatisfied with himself, he will directly kick himself out, and he has no words to say, but the director has not done so, or even some things? In terms of security, we don't have to hide our meaning. All of them will be opened by ourselves. If there is no instruction from the director, it is impossible!

Hou Tianliang has not considered and understood the problem. However, he feels that he has understood something vaguely, but he has not grasped this key point. So when he has breakfast, Hou Tianliang is so absent-minded! Almost stick the chopsticks into your nose!

After breakfast, there was not much to do. Hou Tianliang also met with the people sent from the Ministry. The meeting place was a little bit far away. Hou Tianliang also told some information carefully, but that's it! Because this is all you can control!

"Secretary Hou, there is no change in Ding Yu? What's more, after Li Fuzhen's arrival, there's no change at all? " The visitor is an old acquaintance of Ding Yu, who is also an old friend! After a long time with Ding Yu, what about each other? The relationship is also very complicated, one sentence or two sentences are not clear.

"Director Sun! What I know has been said! " Looking at Sun Lisa, Hou Tianliang didn't mean to be afraid. Their identities were quite different, and they had not dealt with each other in the past. However, he knew that there was still some relationship between director Sun and director. Therefore, his attitude was also slightly dignified, but it did not mean that he was always flattering, "what's more, I have some things in it You can't cross the border! "

The last sentence directly let Sun Lisa have some speechless, stay by Ding Yu's side! Still think of the idea of chaos, is really disrelish oneself to die not fast enough or how? Some things can be done, even if the director knows! Not as a thing, but some things have been done! It will be doomed!

Sun Lisa looks at Hou Tianliang. They really don't have much affiliation with each other, and Hou Tianliang's position and identity are also very sensitive! So some things really need to be handled properly."I'm sorry, the previous speech is a little stiff, the task arrangement is too urgent! So it's a little anxious! "

"I can understand it!" When speaking, I also pointed to the corner of my mouth. I could see a lot of water bubbling on it. Obviously, I was worried and angry. I realized that I was a little aggressive just now! "Because of Li Fu's arrival, although I can meet with the director, I need to seize the opportunity!"

"The two of them are tired of being together? Not quite like Ding Yu's style? " Sun Lisa jokingly said, "as far as I know, Ding Yu seems to be really not a man who is greedy for pleasure! At least in England, has the taste changed after coming back? "

Hou Tianliang also coughed, and the master was eloquent enough, "there is no such situation. What I know is that the director mediates the body for Li Fuzhen, so it takes a lot of time. I've seen the director mediate the body for the children. It's really not everyone can have such treatment!"

The relationship between the director and Li Fuzhen doesn't need too much words. As long as he is not blind, we all know this. But to say that the director does not know how to control himself in this respect, it is pure bullshit. He has been around the director for such a long time, and has never seen such a situation happen.

Even in ordinary times, there are so few contacts with women. Hou Tianliang also secretly sighed that it is quite rare to be able to maintain such a mentality in such an identity and position as the director! If you don't see it with your own eyes, you really don't believe these are facts!

"That is to say, Ding Yu has been quiet! At most, I have some fun with Li Fu Zhen! "

Although she knew what the situation was, she was still stubborn! Hou Tianliang didn't mean to argue with Lisa sun, "what about the director? I don't know you're here? It's just that I don't want to show it! "

"This is what he can do, and it is more in line with his style." Sun Lisa sat on her chair and thought for a while. "But I'm not his opponent. I just want to know something about it. But I really don't want to face that dead face. I don't know why so many women like him!"

This description? Hou Tianliang also took a breath of cold air. Even when she looked at Sun Lisa, her face was so strange! How can I pick it up when you talk like this?

"What do you think should be described when things are like this?" Lisa sun also asked tentatively.

"Just wait and see what happens!" Hou Tianliang has considerable consideration about this. Now, he doesn't mean to do it in all aspects. What's the meaning of doing it yourself? Do you want to dismantle the stage? What's more, the relationship between each other is not the same!

"That is to say, I came a little earlier than that, isn't it?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but according to the information from the security, it should not be the earliest, but it is not the latest! Someone came by last night! But what happens? It's hard to say! "

"What do you mean? Do you think security will do something to these people? "

"From my personal point of view, although the director said that he had reached an agreement with Britain and the United States, it was just an agreement! And here? After all, it's the director's hometown. To a certain extent, it's a forbidden area. The director won't open his mouth because he has reached an agreement with each other this time! Two things

This also shocked Lisa sun. When she came, she didn't really think about it. However, judging from her own understanding of Ding Yu, there is a possibility in this respect. Ding Yu is not a good stubble.

As for whether there is any reason to start, will Ding Yu really put it in his heart? Don't take too much for granted! Even if there is no reason, Ding Yu will work out a reason. What's more, there is a good reason now, that is, this is Ding Yu's hometown, which is a forbidden area. Don't wander around here!

You can say that this is Ding Yu's domineering, but Ding Yu even did so! Who dares to say anything? No one dares to mention it! It's almost taboo!

"I will report the relevant situation to the above immediately!" While speaking, sun Lisa also looked at her watch in her hand. "Ding Yu has no intention of going home these two days. Judging from your point of view, is it intentional?"

"It's hard to say, it's not good to say! The director's work has always been relatively busy. Anyway, I haven't seen any time when he is free, especially under such circumstances, there may be changes at any time. Therefore, if the director does not leave, it is also a choice. As for whether there is any meaning of awe, I dare not make any guarantee! "

"Why does he insist on staying in the hotel? From his condition, it's not too hard to buy an independent villa!"

"I don't know. I didn't stay with the director for a long time. Anyway, I stayed in the hotel during my stay with the director! I don't know exactly why, but the security I've been in contact with is a part of it. I think there will be more detailed backup in the Department of security! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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