Everyone is waiting for Ding Yu to act, but what can Ding Yu do? Nest in the hotel side, I don't know what the hell is going on? In any case, it's the gate that doesn't go out of the gate. Fortunately, Li Fu Zhen sometimes comes out to buy some things!

But what do you mean? These things should be local products, no other difference!

Two big tycoons nest here, unexpectedly have no other action, this is how a thing? Deliberately put out the appearance to show everyone, is there so much waste! They haven't come to retirement yet!

Britain and the United States are also obviously aware that something is wrong! Ding Yu has completed the transaction. For some things in South Korea, Ding Yu should have received news. Under the current situation, he has gathered quite a number of people. It seems that there are some things that are not right!

Ding Yu's lack of action does not mean that he does not have any temper. If he does not see Ding Yu, it does not mean that he can not speculate. Therefore, the British and American authorities immediately reported to the above authorities that there are some things that need to be bad! Get everybody out of here! This is the most correct choice!

Even just after the report was typed in, both the United Kingdom and the United States suddenly realized that the emergency meeting would be opened immediately! What about the previous negotiation with Ding Yu? He has made considerable achievements. It can even be said that he crushed Ding Yu and slapped him in turn, but it does not mean that Ding Yu has no temper at all!

What about the people who were originally in Ding Yu's hometown? It's all over the surface now! Now we continue to send more people. What kind of behavior is it to further challenge Ding Yu? Yes? Is it true that Ding Yu is made of noodles? Or is it true that Ding Yu dare not kill people?

To know that Ding Yu's reputation for so many years is all killed, not said! So just after the meeting, the relevant handling opinions have been fed back. As for the United States and the United Kingdom, are they sleeping and resting? Do you care about those things now? Stop bullshit!

After getting the news from both sides, they evacuated the whole staff as soon as possible, even some people in the dark were evacuated! Unless it is extremely special, other people have no intention to stay at all! Have achieved considerable results, don't be too proud and complacent! Don't fold in again! It seems too imperfect!

After all, it's Ding Yu's hometown. Anything you do in that place needs to be careful and careful! After all, it's Ding Yu's forbidden area! It's too noisy! It can only be a suicide!

The actions of the United Kingdom and the United States are also quite different from those of other forces which are very concerned about this issue. In the past, more manpower was sent, and there was even some intention of building large-scale construction. But how long does this take! Even did not see Ding Yu's action and attitude, Britain and the United States withdrew! Even rabbits don't run as fast as they do!

When Hou Tianliang got to know the news, people from both sides of the UK and the United States had been evacuated completely, and they had not even had time to stay to clean up. The only way for the former cafe owner and manager to hire someone to clean it! At least show your attitude! They were a little too hasty before! i 'm sorry!

Looking at the caller ID, Hou Tianliang also grinned bitterly and connected the phone, "I'm Hou Tianliang!"

"Secretary Hou, I'll check the work here, and I'll leave soon!"

The actions of Britain and the United States make Lisa sun feel that things are a little bit less wonderful! After reporting quite a situation with the headquarters, the authorities also agreed to withdraw sun Lisa and do not continue to stay there!

Ding Yu may not turn over his face, but he left a bad impression on him! And Britain and the United States, which are at the forefront, have been evacuated! Is it hard for Ding Yu to make the domestic information management department at the top of the list? It's too hard for Ding Yu to do this. It's too much to win over hatred on his side! It's better to do less of this kind of thing!

Before noon, all the forces in all aspects were evacuated! See the public is also so some gaping! What hasn't happened yet? They're all gone! Not even a face-to-face fight, and even the eggshell did not mean to stay. Things are really not general weird!

Hou Tianliang hung up the phone and thought about it. He went to see Ding Yu. He saw the director alone. There was no one else. When he saw Hou Tianliang, he also raised his eyelids and said, "what's the matter?"

"I've been thinking about the director's purpose of letting me go since yesterday! Now I seem to understand something, but I'm not so sure, so I hope the director can tie me to confirm it! "

For Hou Tianliang's sincerity, Ding Yu also nodded slightly, pointing to the position in front of him, "talk about it! What do you think? You should know that all forces have been withdrawn now! "

"I didn't think about it before. I had to wait for all the forces to withdraw before I realized that it was a little bit late!" Hou Tianliang also said with a little shame, "the director hopes that I can jump out to see the problem and grasp the situation in general, but I have been in a deep situation before! No way to break free"The reaction time is a little slow, but what's the good news? It's not the same! But what about this thing? Also hope to be able to attract your attention, if not you Hou Tianliang, other people ah! Now all the guys who eat are gone! Don't think I'm talking. I don't joke so much! "

Hou Tianliang also can't help but touch his neck, feel the back of the head is really some hair cold! "Don't look at me like this. Although I don't have much interest in the guy you eat, it doesn't mean that other people are not interested in the guy you eat! I'm more interested in you than in me

"Director, these forces have withdrawn. I can understand that they are more interested in me personally. I can understand that, but do they really dare to do so at this time? Don't be afraid to make other noises come out! "

Hou Tianliang didn't say the last words, but it has been revealed clearly. After all, this is the hometown of the director. What if we started in this place? It's not only embarrassing the director, but also slapping the director in the face!

"There are things I don't say to you, just for your own good! I believe you can understand! If you really know, then you are in a dilemma! It can't rise to the level of infidelity and filial piety, but it will certainly be criticized by others! "

"I understand!" Hou Tianliang really understood that, after all, he knew the relevant things. If he didn't report, it would be easy to have problems, but also big problems. Now how many pairs of eyes are staring at himself! But the director obviously didn't want the outside world to know too much, so he didn't mean to mention it to himself!

"I have exchanged some things with Britain and the United States, which has given you quite a reverie. In your opinion, at least, there are conditions for me to talk about, which is just more or less! But this just represents other people's ideas, and it has nothing to do with me! "

Got it! Hou Tianliang's heart is also a violent vibration, the director of the previous time is not what so-called action, but does not mean that he is really indifferent! If Britain and the United States withdraw a little slower, I'm afraid now! It's all reported to God!

"Director, I think I'd better go back and reflect on my mistakes during this period of time! Only in this way can we really know ourselves

"Well! It's time to reflect on yourself! " Ding Yu is also quite satisfied with Hou Tianliang's reaction. It's not so easy to have such a savvy, "I sent you a security guard to get along well!"

Yes! Hou Tianliang called out, and then he went back to his residence. For arranging a security for himself, Hou Tianliang not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but also had some small joy in his heart! Such words, on the contrary, can put an end to some of the outside world's joking words! Solve all problems once and for all!

To some extent, I have been "supervised" to a certain extent! This is already the case! What else do you want yourself to do? When sun Lisa knew the news, she also sighed. No matter it was intentional or unintentional, there was a problem reflected in it. Hou Tianliang was really valued by Ding Yu!

If it is not valued by Ding Yu, it is impossible to be "house arrest" by Ding Yu. But what about this house arrest? It's also to let everyone have nothing to say, what to say? Say Ding Yu did something wrong? Or is Hou Tianliang a good seller? There seems to be something wrong with it! We can only see as nothing!

What's more, there is another problem reflected in this, that is, the relationship between Ding Yu and the intelligence management department? What about cooperation? There are also some disputes! But what about this dispute? There is really no way to avoid it! After all, we stand in different positions!

This is the fundamental reason why there are some disputes between each other. The information management department is subordinate to the state, and everything is based on the interests of the country. What about Ding Yu? After all, it's an individual. He pays for the country. What about some of it? Also take oneself as the starting point!

But what about this little contradiction? It will not hinder the cooperation between the two sides. At the beginning, what about the intelligence and governance departments and even the military behind them? The reason why there is no good cooperation with Ding Yu is that there are other problems!

Can not see Ding Yu's problems, but also need to recognize their own problems, this is nothing to avoid, are progressive development, can recognize their own problems, for their own progress and development can play a greater role!

But the same! What will Ding Yu do next? This point, whose heart also has no so-called confidence, we simply have no way to do estimation! I don't know how to infer!

All of a sudden, the whole small town was quiet. It was so unpredictable. Ding Yu handled quite a lot of official business in the afternoon, and took Li Fuzhen home in the evening. It was one thing that he didn't bring back yesterday, but it's another thing to bring back today!

"What do you mean, boy? It's embarrassing for us, isn't it? "Ding Lin took time to drag Ding Yu into his bedroom. "Once and twice means that there is no problem with this Taixi! You take her back with you, and let the neighbors and neighbors see this. What a mess it is

Having said that, Ding Lin also carefully looked at Ding Yu's eyes. After a while, he also slightly nodded his head. He was also a doctor at least. He had his own experience and judgment in this respect, which was OK. At least he kept his bottom line and didn't talk nonsense. Otherwise, how could he explain to Taixi?!

At the beginning, Ding Yu didn't understand what his father was doing, but then he woke up and laughed bitterly, "Dad, she is the director of my Asian region, but what is her identity? It's really a little bit of a problem! "

"What's the problem?" Ding Lin also can't help but hit a smart!

Ding Yu also handed over the origin of Li Fu Zhen, "what about her home? For her is not so much attention, involving some problems of inheritance! So I got her in my hand! The outside world doesn't know much about the situation, which is roughly the case! "

For the eldest son of this statement, Ding Lin felt that there are so some silly eyes! Almost also gave himself two slaps, the distance is really so some too far away! After hearing the news far away, I feel dizzy!

But even so, after dinner, Zhao Shuying also called Kim Tai hee. Even if he could not directly mention some aspects of the problem, there was no problem with the side point!

However, when Taixi called Ding Yu again, he was so scorned that Ding Yu was helpless. What is this! It's not the first time I've come here. As for the excitement? If you really know the truth, what will you do then? Shut yourself out?

Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen go home alone, this thing seems to be true, there are so some nonsense! At least that's what it looks like to the outside world! In such a critical time, you still love your daughter, is not a little too standard? It really makes people speechless! But it's not good for us to make more judgments here!

Because there is really no way to weigh the pros and cons of this matter. It is entirely Ding Yu's private business. What's more, it also involves Ding Yu. He has always been such a temperament. How do you comment on that is your business, how I do it is my business, and I haven't eaten your rice. Can you mind? You?

"Don't look at me like this. It's not my fault!" Wang Changlin looked at his wife. He shook his head and leaned back on his body. It was a very nervous thing. But who could have thought that his eldest son played such a hand, which made people really have no defense at all!

Su Yuan bit his teeth. The eldest princess of the Li family knew it. But when he went to Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother, his whole serious parents never paid a visit! Don't say that Li Fu Zhen doesn't know about it. It's not such a way to fool ghosts!

Wang Changlin also understood why his wife would be angry, but how can he say such a thing, the muddleheaded account made by the boss? Do you have to fill in the hole with your own father? What's more, how to fill this hole?

"That's your son. What's wrong with you, father? There's light on your face? "

"I'd like to beat him up, but can I reach it? If I could reach it, I'd give him at least two slaps in the face! There is such a thing. Isn't this a disgrace? " Wang Changlin also said with great emotion.

"All right! I don't know you yet! But how can this matter happen? In this situation, he took Li Fuzhen home? Do you have a priority? " Su Yuan is still critical, venting his dissatisfaction!

"It's ok if you don't mention it. I don't know what to say when I mention it!" Wang Changlin also said with a bitter smile, "now how many pairs of eyes are staring there! Every move of the boss will be extended and enlarged, but good guy! He doesn't mean to take it seriously at all

"Do you think he has a bottom in his heart?" Wang Changlin asked again!

"I don't know whether he has a bottom in his heart. I don't know and I can't guarantee anything. But the problem is that when he makes people feel like this, they have no confidence in their hearts! Who knows what this bastard wants to do? But what's the good news? I still have a good sense of propriety in doing things, which is quite satisfactory! "

"What are you satisfied with! According to you, what he did is reasonable! Isn't it? "

"Is it reasonable?" Wang Changlin sighed, "how should we look at this problem? Now many people are paying attention to this matter, but what about our eyes? But further by the boss to transfer! Now all eyes have been focused on him and Li Fu Zhen! If only from this point, there is still some flavor! "

"You mean the thing behind it? What happened to Bao Xiaoguang? ""The boss must have something in his hand, otherwise he would be so calm? Now every aspect wants to know what the boss will do next? But the boss put himself on the surface! What about his every move? Too much to attract people's attention

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