Ding Yu calls the capital and arranges two experts outside the chest. It doesn't even need too much expenses. Ding Yu is a mountain top in Xinglin. Although it is said that the mountain does not show water leakage, no one can ignore the existence of Ding Yu!

Don't talk about one or two doctors! Even if it is to mobilize the entire medical team, for Ding Yu, it is not a big deal! Arranged some time, Ding Yucai and Li Fuzhen left together! But when he left, Li Fuzhen also wanted to choose the same gift. After all, these are Ding Yu's treasures! It seems that there is something wrong with going home empty handed!

However, Li Fu Zhen did it with another meaning. It was to test his position in Ding Yu's mind. There were also some small women. Ding Yu bit his teeth slightly and snorted, but he didn't say anything else. Li Fuzhen chose a watch for himself, and then he left happily.

Sometimes, you even suffer from revenge at night

Li Fu Zhen also knows Ding Yu. What about some things? Capricious like children, but sometimes? And generous like an old man, it's hard to understand, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that these things really don't have much to do with yourself!

"It doesn't have much to do with people who think or don't think, people! It's always like this! " Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, obviously did not want to discuss this aspect of the matter, "Elizabeth came here, she? I want to see our attitude, or the people behind us want to see our attitude. She is here to test the water! "

"If it is water testing, there are not too many problems! I heard that Chen Huai has left! "

"Yes, they have signed an agreement with each other, and it is meaningless for him to stay! If he doesn't leave, Elizabeth will not come. It's a process before and after. "

"The truth? I think it will arouse their vigilance and reaction

Obviously, this is the meaning of asking Ding Yu! Ding Yu nodded, "just look at it and deal with it! Is it because you're here to stay with me? That would be a waste of your talent! "

"I knew it! I am a hard-working person, I have to accompany you at night, and I need to be a cow and a horse during the day

This word is also a bad Ding Yu speechless, even do not know what to say is good! "Well! If there's nothing to do at night, I'll cook by myself. Thank you for taking care of me for such a long time! " Having said that, Ding Yu twisted his mouth, took a deep look at Li Fuzhen, and then got up to leave.

Although Li Fu's heart is also quite worried and afraid, but how can he bow his head at this time? Great words, I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman in the evening! Don't believe he can continue to harm himself! But then Li Fu Zhen also fought a cold war, such a thing is really difficult to say, but today he has so many provoked him!

But since the matter has been handed over to their own body, now this time don't think about those messy things! Have tea with Elizabeth! It was a good time to talk about things!

At this time, Ding Yu also took up his phone and called his mother, "Mom, how is the situation there? Is the doctor here already? "

"Well! The doctor arrived earlier today! " Zhao Shuying also sighed and said, "what about the so-called experts in our city? It's OK to deal with some minor problems, but what about big ones like this? There are some who can't do it! "

Zhao Shuying just won't pay attention to so many things, "also can't say so, what's wrong with it? Why didn't you have a good inspection when there were problems before! After all, he is my father's teacher

"Ah! After all, it's still gas! What else? Evil son is unfilial! But your teacher's problem is not so big. It's mainly the old lady's problem. " Zhao Shuying also said without being angry, "we old guys have come, and the individual children of the old Dean are very good! It is not to say that we are short of a meal. At least, we can't even understand each other? "

"Perhaps it's too anxious, isn't it? It may be too panicked! You and my dad! And those uncles, they're all past people! Why do you have to be wise with them? There's no need at all. What's more, isn't it necessary for you to have such a leisurely attitude

"As long as you can say, how is your situation?"

"Chen Huai has signed a contract with me. His affairs still need the allocation of funds and the preparation of corresponding documents, but it has been completed on the whole! People from the United States came to discuss some new issues. I asked Li Fuzhen to negotiate there! When to talk about is still unknown! I don't like it very much, so I'll wait for the news! "

"Xiaoyu! Isn't that good? ""It's OK! It's just normal negotiation! There is no big problem! However, I don't know when it will be solved here. If I really have to, I will go back then! "

"Yes! Be busy first

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