Ding Yu is not so worried about what Li Fuzhen and Elizabeth are talking about. Judging from her own judgment, Elizabeth doesn't know anything at all, but she doesn't know, which doesn't mean that old Peyton doesn't know either! But old Peyton didn't even have any words and rumors, which is interesting!

The old Peyton guy is still in such an awkward position! In particular, after the United States joined him in the previous period, there were still some problems that we could not rely on? But now he still chooses to be conservative, and the problems are really worth thinking about! After all, this old guy is very unusual now!

The third generation may have taken over the baton, but the old Peyton still has considerable autonomy on some issues, and it is impossible for the third generation to interfere in this point, old Peyton! I've been paying for the whole family all my life. Even now, I'm afraid it won't be for myself!

On the other hand, old Peyton can carry the whole thing on his own shoulders. What about Elizabeth? She is just a chess piece! Put it there when you can use it. If it doesn't work, it's a dead chess piece, not to mention it's been such a long time! What about some problems and context? It's very clear!

In other words, when you don't have too much use value, you can only be eliminated. Although Elizabeth has not been eliminated, the problem is that she has reached the edge! Even Ding Yu now has some doubts. If she comes over this time, she has already thought about some aspects of her mind!

Starting from the details, and then considering the whole, this is what Ding Yu needs to do! If you really don't think about anything, you will know that it will take you a long time to become your own consortium? It's going to disappear! Not even a trace can be found!

Although their own power for everyone to fear, but if there is a problem, this group of guys will definitely like a wild dog like to rush up, bite themselves to pieces!

If even Elizabeth is taken out as a gift, then the hidden force behind it is really worth pondering! If we can persuade old Peyton, or even let him make concessions to a certain extent, how much investment will be placed on him?

Just a word of guarantee, or a big cake for old Peyton, is impossible. Old Peyton did not pay too much attention to it. Only when old Peyton saw the real interests and real money, would he be moved!

But the problem is that there is no fluctuation in the market, that is to say, on the surface, it is basically calm. As for the waves below the sea surface, what is the wave? It depends on your reaction!

"Are you thinking?"

When Li Fuzhen came back, he saw Ding Yu, who was the old God, sitting carefully beside him. After Ding Yu had reacted, he put the coffee in his hand. "I talked to Elizabeth just now. It's obvious that she is here to probe. It's just a trial."

Ding Yu held the coffee cup in his hand. After taking a sip, Ding Yu also took it in his own hand, but did not mean to put it down. "Where is Elizabeth? Now the forces have basically been incorporated! But what about her hands? There must be their own channels and networks. Old Peyton knows this, and the United States naturally knows that the conditions for the former nine brothers and the present Elizabeth are really too much to bear! "

"If you want to show your power, you don't need to use such means and methods?" Li Fu Zhen was also quite skeptical and said, "but there is still not much news from Yingnan, that is to say, their fences are still tied tightly, and there is no wind at all. This is not normal in itself."

"The fence is a little tighter. There are not too many problems, but the problem is that they don't ventilate, but they can't and can't keep in the wind! If they accept the news, how can they get the news? Falling from the sky? I think this is a little bit of a fantasy? "

"If they want to get some information, they can't use other channels and live on other people. I'm afraid that many people can't stand such blood sucking behavior, and no one will be willing to see such things growing on their bodies. From this point of view, we can do some things!"

Li Fuzhen also has his own consideration. These guys never show up. They hide and hide. It seems to be very mysterious. But Ding Yu is slowly analyzing the true faces of these guys. Although it may be very different now, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of time!

There are so many bureaus arranged for the consortia. Now, with one clap of two hands, I want to leave. This is too much to look down on the consortia here and also too much to despise these people! It can't be tolerated!

"Elizabeth's side, I think I'll leave this evening!"

Ding Yu looked at the time on his watch, and then he stood up and said, "let's go!" When Li Fu Zhen said this, he was stunned. But before he woke up, Ding Yu had already pulled Li Fu Zhen up. He left the hotel and drove back home. During this period, he bought some things!If it was in the past, Ding Yu may be in a hurry, but now Ding Yu has not! When cooking, it is also orderly! Look at the back of Li Fu Zhen is also in the eyes of tenderness like water!

Dinner for two people, but relatively speaking, Ding Yu's cooking is just edible. Maybe it's better than ordinary cooks, but if we really can compare with the equivalent cooks, the difference is not one or two! What's more, Ding Yu is not a cook himself! This point still needs to be explained!

"It tastes good!" Li Fu Zhen said with praise.

"Although we can't be a professional chef, we can still make some special dishes! Please have a taste

What about Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen now? It is really a little leisurely, but the outside world for the two people's situation is so some can not feel the feeling of the head! Ding Yu was calculated this matter, we all know, and Ding Yu's reaction is very fast, the first time to transfer Li Fu Zhen over.

And then? And then you two kiss me, my? Even some of them are not so taboo? Is this not very good?

Anyway, what Ding Yu is doing now is really that people can't understand, and there are so many who can't understand? What is Ding Yu's plan? Or do you have other plans? What's more, according to reliable information, Elizabeth has also come to the small county where Ding Yu is. Now, the small county really has the meaning of surging winds and clouds!

As for Hou Tianliang? In the past two days, he was not able to get out of the gate or step into the door. He even followed the toilet. Hou Tianliang was very happy about such a thing, but it is not to say that there was no gap left. The mobile phone and computer facilities were fully equipped!

The information management department also knows this situation, but what can it do? Hou Tianliang was seen dead, to a certain extent, is to show Ding Yu's attitude. If you want to open this breakthrough point from Hou Tianliang, don't even think about it!

There is another problem reflected in this, that is, Ding Yu does not attach great importance to Hou Tianliang. If Ding Yu does not value Hou Tianliang, it is impossible to take strict care of him now. As long as he indulges a little bit, Hou Tianliang may not be able to bear other pressures!

What about the results then? Even if Ding Yu doesn't let him go, Hou Tianliang has no way to stay. Now what Ding Yu has done is to shield the pressure from the outside world on Hou Tianliang, and he can keep Hou Tianliang at his side!

In this regard, the intelligence department also has his own ideas. Ding Yu is from the military after all, but if possible, he is willing to leave such a piece of incense, just this time? Some people are really out of line!

Maybe Ding Yu's way is wrong! However, such disclosure has a considerable impact on the military as a whole. What about the impact? Even in a short time, there is no way to eliminate! There are different political opinions between each other and there are no problems, but the interests of the country must not be affected by this! This is the red line. You can't touch it!

But this time? Some people have touched the red line, but fortunately, Ding Yu's performance is very good, and there is no intention to face it directly, or even to pursue it! It's just pulling out! This kind of behavior or added a lot of impression points for Ding Yu. At least, he knew the general situation!

After dinner in the evening, Ding Yu did not choose to leave, that is, in his own room! Li Fu Zhen was lying on the bed, reading the corresponding documents, while Ding Yu was sitting on the carpet. From time to time, he would have a certain discussion with Li Fuzhen. In addition, there were not many words between them!

When he woke up in the morning, Ding Yu exercised for quite a long time, and Li Fuzhen got up. But this time, Li Fuzhen cooked his own breakfast for Ding Yu. Last night, nothing happened to them, so Li Fuzhen didn't feel any tired! Yesterday, he said he would punish himself, but he still couldn't bear it!

It's a pity that my age is still a little bit older, at least compared with sun Yingnan, Sasha and Li Fuzhen. How about the girls they raise? What's more, there is no comparability! Forget it, don't think about all this mess! Tidy up your mood, it's a beautiful day!

"Elizabeth left last night! It seems that some people's reaction is relatively fast, they are already two groups of people! I believe this sincerity has been revealed, which is very obvious! What's next? "

"Something may or may not happen next!" Ding Yu sat on the sofa with a look of doing nothing. "What about Chen Huai? It's money, and Elizabeth's is potential. What would you think if it were you? "

"Lighting up carefully and being able to handle Chen Huai's project is definitely not what ordinary forces can do. What about Elizabeth? That is to say, the old Peyton behind him is involved! The display of this muscle is still relatively strong! ""Yes! It shows two aspects at once, but in fact? To put it bluntly, it's just one aspect, behind them? There is a certain force, no pay, no report, this is certain! So are they showing up or not? It's not as important as you think

Ding Yu has already hinted at this! Li Fuzhen also understood the meaning of this discourse, "these two clues have a certain direction, but the scope involved is slightly so wide!"

Obviously, Li Fu Zhen also expressed considerable concern. After all, he is just the director of Asia. What about his own head? There is sun Yingnan, she is the chief executive, she is Ding Yu's woman is not false, but Sun Yingnan's position in Ding Yu's mind is not the same!

Looking at Li Fu Zhen, Ding Yu also missed his head and whispered two words in Li Fu Zhen's ear. These two words also made Li Fu Zhen's ears red immediately, and even the whole person was slightly trembling. He turned his head and looked at Ding Yu. After a while, he bit his teeth, "I don't believe it!"

Ding Yu looked at Li Fu Zhen and said, "no, I don't know? This is not my style! But I will try my best to do what I can. What's more, I promise you something. If you like, I don't have any opinions! "

Looking at Ding Yu, Li Fu really feels very hesitant in his heart. What about this thing that Ding Yu mentioned? I have thought about it from a very early time! But soon buried in the bottom of my heart, now Ding Yu suddenly mentioned this matter, let himself really did not have too much preparation, came really too suddenly!

All of a sudden, I didn't even prepare myself for anything, "I didn't prepare for this! What's more, I need a certain amount of time. At the same time, you need to promise me two conditions. After all, I can't bear it alone! "

Ding Yu's face also changed slightly, and her expression was so embarrassed, "OK! Whatever you want! But don't go too far! You know I don't like it that much! I always feel that there is something wrong with it! "

But just after two people finished speaking, Ding Yu's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu got through the phone immediately, "son! Have you finished your work over there? Come here

"It's almost there! There are some details, but Dad, if you need it, I'll take some time to go there! But the speed may not be so fast! Don't worry too much

"Yes! Just come here quickly! Your mother and I can't stand a little bit! "

Why can't stand it? Ding Lin didn't say it in front of the phone. It seems that Ding Yu told Ding Yu very directly. Ding Yu didn't mean to ask. Instead, he looked at Li Fuzhen and said, "come with me?"

"No! It's better for me to stay here until evening! If there is nothing to do at night, they may not come directly! I'll come back then! "

"Yes! Just give them a little more time! I take Hou Tianliang with me to the past! "

Continue to Hou Tianliang to stay here, there is really no need to take him? You can borrow this tiger skin from him. It's useful or useless. It can scare some people! It depends on how to apply it!

When Hou Tianliang heard the notice, he also widened his eyes. What does the director want to do?! However, Hou Tianliang did not have any intention to refute, just follow the order!

"Director, where are we going?"

Because there are not too many constraints, so Hou Tianliang is also a tentative question!

"There seems to be something wrong with my father's teacher. My father and mother have already rushed there. I don't have much to do with it. So let's go and have a look. How's your study these two days?"

In the face of the director's concern, Hou Tianliang also said with a smile, "there are too many clean days! There is no one to disturb! We have also known my situation, now if you come again to disturb, it seems that there are some too inhuman! But also need to thank the superior leadership's understanding

Ding Yu is slightly, um, "how many pass point road! Not bad! Keep it up

"Director, I don't know much about it, and I don't know much about it!"

"Yes! You don't know much about it, and you don't know much about it. I think you should understand what it means. But what about this time? It's always because of you. I think it has some influence. It may be related to other people's evaluation of you. Try to find a way to get some impression points! "

"Don't use this, director! In any case, we always have a different view. Even if we make some impression points, they will not have much change. Why? Do you think so? "

"Some things? You are not in that position yet, so the understanding may not be so profound, at least you are now? Many kinds of trees should be planted with fewer thorns. If you don't do it, you will be merciless! ""Thank you for your advice, director!"

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