The distance is less than two hours, and the whole journey is high-speed. Although it is said that this is a city on the top of his hometown, Ding Yu has not really been to the city center. At most, he just sweeps around here!

However, Ding Yu doesn't have so much mind to see the city scenery outside. Fu Zhen calls, but Ding Yu doesn't mean to avoid anything. Hou Tianliang puts earphones on his ears. Can you hear it or can't hear it? It's just a meaning! At least the director needs to understand!

"Here we are! I don't know if you know each other, but it's familiar to me

Ding Yu knocked on the window beside him and thought for a while. Then he said slowly, "since all the people have come! Then the matter comes to an end temporarily! You can arrange the specific things! I see it's coming soon

"It's hard for them to come here deliberately. I'll take good care of them!"

"Don't be too self willed!" These women! If really, if we use the means, there is not a role that I would like to play, especially Fu Zhen, which is really experienced. What about this? Maybe Sasa can be compared with her. Taixi and Yingnan have no problem in the overall situation, but what about this ruthlessness? It's really not!

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu held the mobile phone inside his hand, as if thinking about something. Hou Tianliang also took off his earphone appropriately, but he didn't mean to speak either! "Morning!"

"Director, what can I do for you?"

"Go shopping and visit Shigong. You can't take anything with you! Love, reason and discord Then he took out his wallet and handed a stack of money to Hou Tianliang. "Although there are things in the car, I still need to buy some others. This is when my father and mother have a long face!"

"I see, chief!"

Came to the hospital, looking at the mother waiting below, Ding Yu also called out. Zhao Shuying also pulled her son over, looked up and down, and patted the clothes on his body. In fact, there was no dust. It was just a handy move! "It's not bad. I'm dressed up! It's not that fancy! "

"Mom? I'm not a child anymore Ding Yu also explained a little, "by the way, what's the situation there?"

"Don't mention it! What a headache! Four kids in the family. So far? I just saw two. What about the other two? It's said that it's face-to-face, and then there's no more! The old Dean is old! Where's the old lady? There are quite a few problems in mind and chest. The doctor has already checked it! But I'm afraid the operation is quite difficult

"Shigong is no longer young! These kids are not even grandfathers at their age! I'm afraid I've been a father for a long time? Is the old man ill? They didn't even fight face to face, but this is a bit of a shame

"Who said it was not? However, it is difficult for honest and upright officials to break the housework. Some things are really not clear. What's more? Old man! It's more difficult to take care of! It's the same to everyone, just like your grandmother! If it wasn't for your second uncle and aunt, I don't know what the situation is. Let's! That is to say it on your mouth! "

"In fact, it's not so much trouble! It depends on whether the children have this filial piety! Children and old people? Everyone comes from a child's time. Everyone will be old. It's a normal thing! " Ding Yu also whispered to his mother.

Then I went to the hospital. Relatively speaking, the ward of Shigong was very good. After all, the old Dean brought many students here! When he saw Ding Yu come in, several people in the room also had a bright eye, and then they all said hello to Ding Yu, at least not so strange!

"Come here and meet your teacher!"

"Hello, Shigong! I'm Ding Yu! "

"Good! Good, good boy The old man sitting on the bed looked at Ding Yu and sighed. These two days, Ding Lin and his daughter-in-law were both busy. At that time, he didn't expect to have such a return. Now I think about it, I don't eat so much sorghum rice for free.

But anyway? They are all their own students, and their own children? They eat more, but where are they now? Although there are all kinds of reasons, do they really care about these?

"Uncle Gu, when did you come here?" Because he was a small generation, Ding Yu was soon pushed to the back! But there are also familiar people, Ding Yu will not appear too lonely!

"Yesterday, the teacher was ill! I have nothing to do now, anyway Gu Xiaoyan now looks at Ding Yu, is also full of joy, in those years can be said to have saved his son, although said between father and son? Now there are still some problems, but it doesn't look like before! "How are you doing at work? I heard about it all in that little place! I can't register with you in the capital

"It's OK to talk about the work. The main thing is that there are too many messy things. Moreover, I don't usually stay in the hospital. At most, I have to do an operation sometimes, and sometimes I have to pay attention to the American side.""You boy! The leader of the next generation Gu Xiaoyan sighed, "what about us? It's an old man! I still need to see you in the future! "

"Uncle Gu, you are joking! You are the mainstay. If there is no grass-roots doctors to support us, we can make a few pieces of iron and knock a few nails! Do you think so? "

However, the two people did not speak for a long time, and the people next to them were not polite, so they pushed Gu Xiaoyan away! "Lao Gu, what do you mean? You're holding on, aren't you? Go away quickly! " Then he seized Ding Yu, "Xiaoyu, Shigong is not so anxious, but what about the old lady? The situation is not very good. Go downstairs and have a look at it. "

He almost dragged Ding Yu downstairs. What about Shigong? Did not let him follow in the past, after all, age is also old! After seeing Ding Yu, the two experts from Beijing took the lead in extending their own hands, "Yu Shao! Here you are Both of them are quite polite!

"It's a little late. It's hard for you both! My grandfather and his old couple have been fighting in medical school for a whole life. At the beginning, they did not protect their health properly, and they were tired of many problems. At the beginning, the salary and so on all supported my father and their students. Now it is amazing to think of it! "

"From generation to generation! We have learned from the old president's demeanor! With the old Dean, then with your father, and then to Yu Shao you! " A small compliment to Ding Yu, although they are experts in the capital, but in front of Ding Yu, don't pinch any identity!

What's more, Ding Yu? It's not like the skin of your mouth? People have really paid a lot, no matter in terms of schools, hospitals, or public welfare, how many people have benefited from it! What's more, for the two of them, it's just a visit! Don't talk about the treatment! We do not care, but if we can play a good relationship with feather less, this income will be great!

After entering the old lady's room, Ding Yu followed her and took a look at the old lady's condition. "Yu Shao, the general situation is like this. Now if you have an operation, the impact will be too great! Some of them are not suitable! In our personal opinion, we still prefer traditional Chinese medicine treatment and conservative treatment. If possible, we will only do minimally invasive surgery! "

Next to someone with the old lady made a simple introduction, the old lady is also difficult to nod, to Ding Yu show a little smile! Ding Yu said hello to the old lady and checked her pulse by the way! After a long time, this with two experts together out of the ward! Look at the people waiting outside! Also said a greeting, said the quite situation!

"Where are your aunts and uncles? Old doctors! Since it is rare to get together, let's find a place to discuss it! "

It's just an empty room. It's not difficult for the hospital. Now we don't have so many scruples. Ding Yu and two experts introduced the condition of the two old people in detail, and said the relevant situation. At the same time, they put forward their own opinions and opinions! It's a little consultation!

The discussion time was not very long. Ding Yu also made a considerable summary, but he didn't want to highlight his meaning too much. However, the people below looked at Ding Yu standing in the middle of the room and whispered to Ding Lin next to him, "Lao Ding, what should I do! Your son is really a good boy now. We old melon skins! It's time to step back! "

"What? Jealousy, isn't it Ding Lin also said triumphantly!

"Bullshit! Who sees this and who doesn't envy it? " Next to the people also stare at Ding Lin, are so many years of old friends! Usually, the relationship is very good, so this talk is not scruple at all, "but what about the hospital? We can solve it. At most, we can find someone to spend some money. But what about the family affairs? You let Xiaoyu come here, can you put it flat? Don't embarrass the children

"What about the hospital? We don't have a lot of problems, but what about this group of people? We old melon skin is really out of the way! I just want to solve the problem quickly! The master of the province, the two of them feel uneasy in their hearts! Only to help them to solve the heart disease! The rest is easy to do

"Yes! But it was good to look at the children in the teacher's house at that time. How can it be like this now? "

"Greedy? What else can be done? " Ding Lin sighed, "four children! There are concessions, but there are concessions, there are also scrambles, who will not let anyone! What should I do? Even our dean's house has been built! What do you think they think? "

"No money? It's a painful thing. Money is also a bird. In fact, what can we do in the end? Enough to eat and enough to eat! Children and grandchildren have their own happiness! Don't mess up the mess. It's no use! Old Dean! At the beginning, I was too busy! So we have neglected this aspect of education! "

"Lao Ding, do you know what your name is? Isn't that intentional? Get cheap also sell good, if the children are like Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding, do not need to worry at home, as for will this? That's bullshitDing Lin is also a smile! For their eldest son and daughter is nothing to say, especially the eldest son! As long as you know, there is no one without praise! It's really a long face for myself! Also live up to their own education and efforts!

After the meeting was over, people also came out of the meeting room, but before two steps, Ding Lin grabbed his son and said, "Xiaoyu! I didn't have time to say it just now! And this one? You uncle Yu, you have seen it too! I want to talk to you about two experts from Beijing! "

"Hello, uncle Yu!" Ding Yu is also very polite!

"Xiaoyu! You uncle Yu, I really can't open this mouth! " When I speak, I also look at my old classmates. How can I say this? You old Ding has this guy, has such a big son, of course, there is no problem, you have confidence, but the problem is that Xiaoyu is not his own son, he does not have this confidence!

"Come on! Stuttering! Let me tell you! Xiaoyu! Well, what about your uncle Yu? I have been the president for a long time, but what about the work? Still have quite difficult! Don't you bring in two experts? See if it's not? "

"To serve the grassroots and solve some serious and difficult problems for the broad masses of the people is something that can't be delayed!" Ding Yu also understood what uncle Yu meant from his father's words, but what about this? We need to change another way of saying, "Uncle Yu, do you think this is OK? Where is the capital hospital? We also have this service support all the time. We can communicate with each other. We can make an application for two chest experts? Too little, isn't it? "

What he said not only satisfied Ding Lin, but also brightened Yu Wei's eyes. Previously, he just wanted to keep the two experts for a period of time, but now Ding Yu has given himself a bigger surprise. If we can invite some real experts to come here in turn, the impact on the hospital is definitely not as simple as satellite!

I'm also an expert, but I can't be compared with the experts in Beijing, because the resources and qualifications between them are completely different. It seems that they are all mayors. Can the mayors of Beijing and county-level cities be the same? Although they are all serving the masses!

"I'll write the report right away, and I'll be sure to come out before tonight!" Yu Wei said it with all his heart!

"Yes Ding Yu took a look at his father, "I said hello to the Dean, but Uncle Yu, because of the deployment? In a short period of time, we will not send many doctors here. The doctors in the hospitals in Beijing are not enough. You can print more copies of this report, and I will contact other hospitals as well. "

Looking at Yu Wei in a hurry, Wang Lin also pats his son, while Ding Yu smiles, "Dad, I've seen the body over there! The problem is not so big, but the old lady? The situation is a little bit different, but as long as you take good care of it, the problem is not so big. You call me all the way, won't it be just such a little thing? "

"You're fat and you're panting!" Wang Lin hummed, but then he sighed, "what about the teacher's eldest son? I opened a hotel and had a lot of conflicts with some people. What did the teacher mean? It's not a big deal, is it? But what about him? Maybe it's a lot more along the way

"Who have you offended?" Ding Yu is also feeling so funny, "if it is a contradiction, what can't be said? Just sit down and have a peaceful talk

"If that's the case, it's OK! This guy! In two years' time, there will be grandchildren! But there are so many flowers, ah! There are some words I can't say, and I don't know how to mix them up. He and his opponent's daughter-in-law are dragged together! "

"I'll go!" Ding Yu is also a little surprised, "this is a little bit of a big hair, right? The hatred of robbing his wife? It seems that some of them can't be tolerated! People live a breath, Buddha receives a stick of incense, even if it is a fight between each other, this can also sit down and talk about it, but when it comes to this matter, it is not clear at all! What's more, isn't this a poor generation? How can you do that? "

"Otherwise, why do you think the teacher and the teacher's mother make such a scene? At that time, the teacher was blocked at the door of the community! What about the teacher? In the city is also a small reputation, make such a thing? Hi

"This matter is really not very easy to solve! What are the requirements of the other side? "

"People don't need money. They say that this matter has nothing to do with money. It's just to fight for a breath. Previously, they competed with each other. That's business. But what about this thing? It's a moral question! "

"It's a little too much! The most basic etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame should be there! If it's business, it's easy to do, but it's not easy to do such a thing! "

"Try to do it! He has not appeared in the past two days, and the family is also very noisy. Who has encountered such a thing and whose home can be better? There are also problems involving property, a mess, but first of all? Let's solve this problem first! Found the official power! The pressure on teachers is also quite great! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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