Hou Tianliang wants Ding Yu to take a few steps in the evening. The main reason is that he has reported quite a situation. If such a thing is not reported, it is his own dereliction of duty. However, Hou Tianliang also needs to be careful about how to report. I believe that the superior leaders have considerable Consideration on this, and it is definitely not a matter of fact but a matter of fact!

The intelligence department knows the situation, but they can't feel the same! I don't know exactly what happened! In Ding Yu's side is Hou Tianliang alone, and this matter? Ding Yu obviously didn't want to tell Hou Tianliang what he meant! Even if Hou Tianliang wants to inquire, he doesn't know where to start!

From the security around Ding Yu? Don't be kidding! How can such things be found out from their bodies? If it's really feasible, I'm afraid someone has already done it! These people around Ding Yu are not loyal to Ding Yu!

Will it involve the forces behind it? It's not that there is no possibility of this! At least under the current situation, what is the most important thing for Ding Yu? I'm afraid it's the forces behind them! Other he will not have too much heart!

But without accurate information channels and sources, everything is just a guess! And guess how much authenticity, everyone's heart is really no such confidence! So how to deal with it? Ask Ding Yu? Will he give the answer? Let's forget it!

For the problem considered by the information management department, Ding Yu obviously doesn't care so much. Sesame suddenly gets in touch with himself and gets his phone number? It's worth talking about it! Not everyone knows his phone, and not everyone can call in!

But sesame knows the number? He even contacted Ding Yu in a more traditional and ancient way. If there was no one to connect them here, Ding Yu would definitely not believe it! But who did it? What's more, sesame went to be a jackal? This problem is really let Ding Yu feel that there are so some funny!

You should know that you and sesame are both from the regular army. Even to a certain extent, they can be regarded as professional players. What about now? He went to black boxing! Such self indulgence makes Ding Yu really suspect.

At the beginning, being able to be selected showed that physical and mental, political and other aspects had been strictly tested, but now sesame's behavior and action should be regarded as betraying himself, right? So Ding Yu felt that some of them could not be understood.

What's more, at the beginning, they started quite a relationship. Other comrades in arms basically contacted each other, but they were busy at ordinary times. Moreover, because they were engaged in secret work at the beginning, there were not so many contacts at all, but they were still remembered in each other's hearts.

If you don't have to, you won't make this call, even if it's life-threatening! But now Ding Yu's identity and position are not quite the same! With other reasons, we may choose Ding Yu to act as the contact person, but that's all!

Sesame will betray, Ding Yu absolutely does not believe that, and he did not find it at the beginning, there should be some "obstruction" in it! Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't want to go deep into the meaning, he had already retired! Even at that time, in the army, most of the time, they just let themselves know what the task was, but that was the end.

Came to the hospital, his parents and some other uncles have already come! Seeing Ding Yu, he was also joking. Anyway, he was not an outsider. In his spare time, Ding Yu also pulled his father out, and his mother obviously saw it with the rest of her eyes, and she followed her out at will!

Ding Lin glared, but he really didn't say anything, because seeing the eyes flowing from his wife's eyes, it's really hard to say, "what's the situation? How are things going there?"

"Last night, I asked someone for a few questions. Generally, the above situation has already been understood. The matter on the surface is regarded as exposing the past. The matter itself has nothing to do with Shigong. Such behavior should be stopped! I'm going to meet the people over there later. What's the matter? It needs to be negotiated, isn't it? "

"Will you consult?" For the eldest son said things, Ding Lin or very satisfied, but let the eldest son personally out? This really let Ding Lin feel a little inappropriate, is this really appropriate?

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with me. However, when I have guests coming over at night, I really don't have much time. So if we can solve the problem today, we will try our best to solve it! What's more, it's the situation of that martial uncle. Please give me the call, Dad! Let's break it up! What do you mean, father

"He Ding Lin looked at his wife, and Zhao Shuying snorted, "Xiao Yu! We just help. Can we help? Of course, there is nothing to say, but if you can't help, you can't make people difficult, can you? ""Come on! With your mother, I do things in my heart with the bottom! Be sure to follow your leadership guidelines! "

Zhao Shuying also hum a sound, but this is obviously for Dinglin to see, Dinglin also took two of their own son, have already! What else can I say? But when his son left, Dinglin also thought about it, "Xiaoyu! What about doing things? Don't go too far! You know? "

"It's OK! That is to say the truth! What about me and them? There are no problems and conditions. What is more difficult to do? All reasonable people! "

Actually, Dingyu's words have been said very clear! If the truth is said, then nature is to make sense. If it is not, then it is another thing! If it is not sesame thing, Dingyu will not be such a mentality, but sesame things, still let Dingyu's heart have a considerable fluctuation!

Whether this fluctuation is good or bad, I really don't know how to mention it, but there is a certain point, that is Dingyu or has been affected quite! There is no doubt about it!

"Director!" Houtianliang obviously felt that the director's mood had so some not very right, but what place was the cause, he really did not know! There is no instruction on it. What can I do now even if we give them some instructions? Nothing can be done!

Ding Yu did not pay much attention to it, and got on the car directly, but the satellite phone in his hand didn't mean to release it! Always held on Dingyu's hand, from this point of view, the director must have happened quite a bit, at least this thing caused a considerable touch to the director!

"Director, the hotel over there has been open all the time, and it has been affected a little during this period, but the impact is not as big as it is supposed to be! There are still many old customers, and... "Br >

Ding Yu looks at him at his side." is the person who is the leader? "

"In fact, the so-called little influence is not superficial to be affected so simple, but also involves some practical problems, mainly caused by the son of the old Dean. If it is from the perspective of an onlooker, the son of the old Dean is really so few not so authentic!"

"It is superficial, but it is still quite affected in practice. Is that true?"

"Yes! The son of the old Dean is because of the relationship between the old president, everyone can only give a considerable face. For the son of the old Dean, he is just going out of the way. Anyway, there is the face of the old Dean there, and no one is good at saying things! And what about that one? What you pay is the real gold and silver! Or wait for the disaster to fall from the sky, and whoever is doing it will not be convinced! "

When I came to the hotel, Guan Xu had already been waiting at the door! Seeing Ding Yu also run over, Dingyu is looking outside two eyes, the decoration of the restaurant is still relatively good, at least the appearance of the layout is quite a style.

"Come over after dinner in the morning? It's hard enough! "

"I'm mainly here to talk to my family! Since things have already happened, they cannot be entangled in the affairs. In that case, they can only be a mess or need to look forward, so that can be better developed! "

Along the elevator, I came to the office above. Compared with the whole restaurant, the office was slightly narrow, even some remote. Seeing the people standing at the door, Dingyu was stunned. She was a woman. Then Dingyu also looked at Guan Xu!

"Hello!" The age of the lady at the door is really not small, and may be different from her mother's age, but this difference should not be too big! Since Ding Yu came, he didn't have too many high toes, or came to do something, or came to negotiate some wrong. At this time, attitude is the most important.


Two people simply hold a hand, and there is not too much accommodation between each other. Even if you get the farm minister, what? We have not killed people and set fire, nor did we burn and rob, let alone this thing? It's something you got in there. We passively support it, but the problem is that the means in it are really disgusting!

The office is a little narrow, Dingyu orders Hou Tianliang and guanxu two people a bit, and the two people also quit the office directly. They don't mean to stay down at all. It is the lady who looks at it. She is also surprised. Today, Guan Xu comes, and he really has a thump in her heart!

Although Guan Xu's reputation is not obvious, but the people who can invite Guan Xu to move it are not as many as they can imagine. They do the restaurant business themselves. Naturally, they also hope to be able to pull up relations with the farm. However, please, not only themselves, but one in the city is one. Many and few people hope that the restaurant can be promoted, so it is a little bit of missing a nail seam !

What you reveal may make you a pot full of pots! But after searching for the relationship, there is no way to pry open the gate of the farm. Basically, they are not supplying the inside. We can only watch it with eyes open and helpless!For Chen chulai, there are too many people in the city who have a good foundation than their own! Really, if you say, which onion are you? The fact that people can bear the pressure of so many forces shows that the farm itself is extraordinary. This is definitely not what ordinary forces can do!

When Guan Xu came in the morning, he talked to him about some farm issues. The business could not be done. But what about minister Guan? It's too slippery! It's too greasy to hold!

And what about the young man who just came here? I'm afraid his identity is even more unusual. Even Guan Xu doesn't have a seat in front of him! Even now, it's just waiting outside of me!

"Hello, Aunt Chen! My name is Ding Yu! It's a doctor. My father is a student of the old Dean, which has a long history. I just came here yesterday and was really angry when I heard about the dog skin falling into the stove in Shigong's house. If it wasn't for my father, I really didn't want to take care of this matter! "

"Hello, Dr. Ding! oh dear! You said that! I'll tell you the truth! If it is not forced to have no way to go, no one wants to tear this face, if it is really said, it is also naked buttocks grinding, turn around humiliating! "

"I know, I also understand the situation of my master, so this time I deliberately come here, what about business? We need to negotiate to solve the problem. As for the moral level, he needs to be responsible for his own! " Ding Yu also mentioned his attitude and ideas directly.

Chen Chu looks at Ding Yu, can let Guan Xu all stand outside the door, then this energy is not small, but whether or not to believe this word, the heart is really no confidence ah! People say they believe it? How can it be? If it is really like that, I'm afraid that my business has already fallen down!

"If Aunt Chen has any concerns, just speak up! Let's discuss it together! "

"The business of the restaurant has been greatly affected. The old Dean's family is full of students. I really can't help it! Take the ball to other aspects of the people, fortunately, we also gave me two thin noodles, I do not ask for any compensation, just hope that this matter to come to an end, do not look for trouble in the future! What's more, he seduced my daughter-in-law. I'll tell you so in front of Dr. Ding! I can't swallow this breath. This is a person there?! It's just a beast

Looking at Chen Chu, who was slightly excited, Ding Yu also gave a bitter smile, "Aunt Chen, is my uncle a brute? Is this a problem? For a moment, let's talk about business cooperation. This is the first problem. And I think this is the first problem for you, Aunt Chen! "

Things need to be discussed one by one. Ding Yu really doesn't want to pay too much attention to his teacher's uncle's affairs. He feels that there are some obstacles when he looks at it! To be sure, Auntie Chen is not a good person to be disgusted with!

"Dr. Ding, if I can, can I cooperate with the farm?"

"Auntie Chen, this mouth is a little bit big!" Since Guan Xu has already arrived, Aunt Chen must have guessed. It is natural that "the farm has not set such a precedent. At least in terms of the current situation, domestic farms will not set this precedent. Even Michelin and other high-end hotels in China can not return to China!"

Chen Chu looks at Ding Yu deeply. Although Ding Yu in front of him says he is a doctor, can a doctor make Guan Xu wait outside? It's impossible. What's more, what he said also made him feel that the position of Dr. Ding in the middle of the farm was absolutely extraordinary.

"Don't dare, even if it's a doctor, we're not going to open a hole for us!" Chen Chu also sighed, "the situation in the province does not say, my restaurant is in the city? It is not among the best, but because of the time-honored brand, coupled with so many years of hard work, so slightly famous! I can't bear the pressure! And really, what can I do if someone comes to me? "

"I'm glad that Aunt Chen has such an understanding. Guan Xu and I have made quite a report. What about the farm? Some new projects have been opened up. What about these projects? Some of them belong to the internal part of the farm, but some project farms are ready to recruit other external personnel to participate in it together! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Chen Chu couldn't help straightening up his waist, but then he looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "doctor Ding, what about our family? It's just to run a restaurant. I really don't have other abilities. If we say that there may be some hard assets, they are all fixed assets! "

"What about these problems? I don't think Aunt Chen cares as much as that. The farm has its own considerations and arrangements. However, if we talk about it, it may be a little embarrassing. After all, we haven't seen the actual situation. So, it seems a bit tasteless to talk about it. So we are waiting for Minister Guan to invite Aunt Chen to have a look together! What do you think? "

"Good!" Chen Chu was also clean and quick, and agreed to come down, "if Dr. Ding can make this guarantee, then our business with the old Dean's home will be written off! You doctor Ding gave me this old woman's face. I need to carry it around! ""Good! Aunt Chen deserves to be a heroine in the business world. I admire her

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