Looking at Ding Yu, Chen Chu suddenly laughed and even pointed to Ding Yu. From the point of action, it was very impolite, but Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to this, "Xiaoding! I'm a little bit old. I call you this way. You have a very high offer. But as an old lady, you must not have done business! "

"Oh? Why does Aunt Chen say that? " Ding Yu also asked with a smile.

"Business? Coercion and inducement are normal things. The conditions you give are too good! Actually, Minister Guan Xuguan is here! What about my side? It's already solved! Even if you don't come to Xiaoding, there are not too many problems. What about the business? Reputation and reputation are of course important! But the same, who has the big fists has the final say. There may be a little deviation, but it's basically like this! "

"Who has a big fist makes the rules?" Ding Yu seems not to care!

"It can be said that it is not absolute! Especially for restaurant business, in fact, you can only hide a dish for a while, absolutely not for a lifetime! Even if you have the so-called secret recipe in your hand, it's the same. People can't make it 100% of the time, but it's still OK to make a 70% or 70% solution. What about customers? Not many people can feel the difference! Except for the gluttons

"I don't know whether I'm fastidious or not, but sometimes the two bastards in my family are very picky. For me, it's good to have enough! Generally speaking, I seldom go to restaurants or restaurants, just like Aunt Chen, I'm really not a suitable businessman! "

"I've been in the restaurant for so many years, and I've met a lot of high-ranking officials and talents. I don't want to let you have a look at this momentum! It is the master who gives orders, that is to say, there is no problem for you to make decisions, but if you really want to operate, you may not have two days to close down! "

Ding Yu also feels quite interesting! There is no wonder that the great rivers and lakes are full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers! What about Aunt Chen? It's a restaurant in charge, but I can feel so many problems from my own conversation. It's quite not simple!

This may be the accumulation of a lifetime of experience. What about yourself? It's just a great bargain!

"Let Aunt Chen laugh! In fact, I often say to them that if I really want to run the business, maybe in two and a half days, it will really close down! I just do some decision-making things! Give everybody to check, involves the concrete operation and so on, I never mix in! Because I'm not that material! "

Chen Chu looked at Ding Yu attentively, "my son is a little younger than you. He is too young. As the old saying goes, it is a kind of uncertainty. I am a mother. He likes it! What can I do if I want to die? But the shoes you choose, the bubbles you grind, you choose to pick them! As long as people are OK? In fact, how about losing a little face? I don't think it's unacceptable to let him know the world and society clearly! "

"For a young man, losing face! Even more painful than the fall of the sky! I'm a young man, too! The understanding of this is really quite profound! "

"I'm worried about this too. What can I do if I lose face? As long as people are still not! If you lose face, you can find it yourself! What I am worried about is that young people are so angry that they can't control their emotions, and other troubles will come out at that time! After all, he has little contact with society! "

"In fact, time can smooth everything, just see how to guide it!" Ding Yu also pondered for a while. Since he chose to do this, he should do it well! "If Auntie Chen doesn't mind, there's quite a job on the farm, and I can let him have a try, but I don't know what the result will be!"

"What kind of work is it?" Chen Chu also expressed considerable interest!

"The farm has quite a lot of teaching support work, mainly responsible for some charity activities in education. It's very hard. I took the children in my family for a while, and the two little guys also complained incessantly. If Aunt Chen is interested, she can let him have a try. There are many people in the farm, so she can adjust her mood well."

"Is he fit? Too young! It's not that I'm afraid of hardship. Even if I let him eat the soil now, there's no problem. I hope he can come out of this ridge. I'm an old woman! It's really nothing to worry about! "

"Try it! The environment at home is so depressing that you can change another environment and use time and work to smooth it out. In fact, when you look at it later, you will find that everything is not worth it Ding Yu said slowly.

"I need a guarantee!" Although I feel that Ding Yu's words are believable, I have done business for so many years, and there are more credible people. But whether the words are all resolute is another thing!"What if it's Guan Xu's identity? I think Auntie Chen, if you don't agree, I think it's better! I'll nail this thing down one step at a time. I'll ask the farm side to come forward to make this guarantee. If something goes wrong, the whole farm will give Aunt Chen your endorsement. I don't know if Aunt Chen is satisfied with this answer? "

"It's done! You Xiaoding is a person who does great things, but I am an old woman like Chen? I'm not a stingy person. As long as everything is OK with the old Dean, everything on my side will disappear! "

Comparatively speaking, does Ding Yu pay much? It's not much, even a few words, but what about the one in front of you? Although it is a small joint restaurant, but also after many years of old lake, we sit down and talk, there is no problem, everything is settled!

"Xiaoding, since the matter has been discussed, give me an old man's face and stay for dinner!"

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, "Aunt Chen, what about me? I am also an ordinary person, and I am willing to be my elder. If there is no other important thing, I will stay for a meal. But my situation is a little bit special today. I still need to deal with the affairs of the master! Let Shigong have some peace of mind

"Ah! I understand! " Chen Chu patted his palm, "so I won't keep you! But if you have a chance in the future, you must come here. What about the things at home? Although there are too many imitations, if you want to eat the most authentic, you still need to use your own food in your own shop! "

When he left, Chen Chu also personally sent him off, and the negotiation between them was very good! People are sincere to solve the problem, not to show off what? What about your own side? Also want to solve the problem!

What about Chen Chu? I have been doing business for so many years. I know what it means to be flexible and flexible. People have given such a big step! If he still pretends, it will appear that his side is too greedy! In other words, people can give themselves such a big face, in turn, they can also give themselves such a big slap!

Don't think this young man named Ding Yu won't do it like this. Since the soft one doesn't eat, it's better to be hard! As for the fact that you are not angry? So what? Can it work? Guan Xu from the farm has already arrived. He can run his own restaurant to death without any help from others!

Back to the car, Ding Yu still didn't give up the meaning of satellite phone in his hand, "Guan Xu, the matter here is up to you! I'll go to see my master and see what he means

"Yes, chairman! I'll arrange it now! "

On the way to Shibo restaurant, Ding Yu also closed his eyes, while Hou Tianliang looked at his director with hesitation. "Director, there were many phone calls before, but now there is no movement. Everything seems to be quiet again."

"I see!" Ding Yu obviously didn't mean to put things in mind!

Seeing the director's appearance, Hou Tianliang didn't mean to disturb him. He waited until he came to the restaurant of the uncle's house. Although it was the same morning, he didn't even mean to open the door! It is obviously different from Chen Chu's home! At least this attitude is obviously different!

"Don't they buy in the morning?"

"As far as I know, because of the contradiction with Chen Chu, the business of the restaurant is very ordinary. In the original time, it was just to take care of the face of the old Dean, so everyone came to cheer up. But after something happened, the business went down sharply, and some problems in other aspects were exposed! A lot of staff have been lost! "

"It seems that the situation of Aunt Chen chuchen is not like this. When I went in, I saw that there were quite a lot of purchasing staff. Although not all the staff went to work, their mental outlook was still very good."

"Chen Chu's salary is always on the side, but what about this side? The salary has been cut off for a long time! Some people want to walk away, there are too many differences between each other, so it also created the current situation, what's more, the reputation of this person is not very good now, but fortunately, there are still three Jin nails in the rotten ship! That's what it looks like! "

"Please come to my master."

This is also very polite, if you are willing to come, of course, you are invited. If you are not willing to come, what kind of situation it will be is unknown! What about Chen Chu and this master? Ding Yu really used two completely different attitudes!

After all, Ding Yu personally came to see Chen Chu, and what about the master? Let him come here! You can see that!

However, when Hou Tianliang led the master into the hotel, the security guard nearby also stopped him. He was on the phone, and now he didn't have so much free time. However, when the middle-aged people in the back saw this scene, they also had some fragmentary thoughts in their mouths! A little bunny is pretending to be a magnate in front of himself!

"What's the status of the people over there?""Bade has pulled people out, and the casualties can be described as heavy, reorganized or compiled. For jackals in these wars, it is a common thing! But in the present situation, reorganization is basically impossible, and no one wants to see such a scene again, and the possibility of compilation is much more likely. "

"Since all the staff have been saved! It's just like this for the moment! "

"Sir, it's late for them to start! After all, those trapped guys are also quite large pieces of meat, who want to go up and bite, so the attention attracted almost can be said not! Our treatment is also relatively low-key and secret, but I'm afraid it will be in a short time! "

"I know!"

Put down the phone, Dingyu also redial a phone number, the phone is a long time between the phone was connected, "convenient? If it's not convenient, please call me later! "

"Yes!" It was still a low-key and hoarse voice.

"Although this action has not attracted too much attention, there will be investigation after the event. God doesn't know that it is impossible for the ghost to feel impossible. I can fight for a while, but this time will not be special long, and soon someone will investigate your body. It will be very difficult to think about getting out of your body!"

"I need to take a few people together! At least for this time, it needs a stable environment! "

"France! I will say hello to the little bade, and take you away the first time. France is the site of babad after all, and it will not appear too abrupt in all aspects, but be careful! What else I need to do, I have been at home for a while! It's not convenient to go out! "

"For a while! Thank you for this time! "

"Don't die!" Dingyu sighed a little, "for a while! But more words on the two, my enemies seem to be a lot, you are careful, if really have any relationship, then will not be very good! Everyone has been very good, and you are a little bit worried about this guy! "

"Don't forget to look at the back!"

For this words Dingyu is also not a daze, then hum a laugh, "that is it! If there is something, please contact me again, but if there is nothing, don't disturb me! I'm also very busy! " Ding Yu said the last words, but I believe sesame will understand what he said.

After hanging up the phone, Dingyu hum a voice. The satellite phone inside his hand was handed to the security guard. He saw the teacher who followed him. His nose was slightly red and his eyes were yellow. What about this? It is still relatively clean to clean up. I don't have the handbag in my hand. I don't know why there are so many different kinds of feeling.

"Good teacher! I am Dingyu! "

"I know, listen to your dad. What's up with me today?" When talking, he raised his arm, as if he had a big head!

Dingyu blinked his eyes. "What about me? I have talked to Aunt Chen chuchen! What about business? That's it! But what about moral problems, I hope you are my teacher? Give a account, everybody together give this matter to pass! After all, they are still in the hospital! "

"I wipe! I didn't see. You could still smooth the old lady Chen Chu! Yes! I take on you Liang Han seems to be very happy to hear such news, even raise his arm, see this meaning to take Dingyu two slaps, to express his appreciation, Dingyu slightly wrinkled his eyebrows.

Is this teacher too Jianghu spirit, or what does it mean? He said so much, but he didn't mean to go down the steps, even some of his nose up! This makes Dingyu's face also slightly change, give face to oneself, but you do not give face, is another time!

"I'll arrange it at night to make sure you are satisfied!" When talking, also waved, "I have other things here, I go back to see the old man! Go ahead! "

Looking at the teacher who left, Dingyu was so dull and was obviously surprised. Houtianliang was also so dazed. Nobody thought that this one was so dishonoured. The director came in person and explained the matter! But that's what you're doing?

Ding Yu moved his nose back and forth and took out his mobile phone. "Dad, what about me? We have settled the matter! There are basically no problems in business. There have been quite agreements between Chen's family and there are not too many problems between them. However, my teacher has so many pretentious things! "

When he said the last sentence, Dingyu's tone was quite fierce. It was not a matter of his own. If it wasn't for his father, he knew who you were! Run to your face and pretend! Is it really for the face?

"You look at it!"Ding Lin didn't say too much, but there were some gas in his heart. His son was so busy that he dragged him over. Even if he had something to do, he should at least show his attitude, right? That's my son, not your son! You can't believe it!

Want to know his son did not know how busy, but this time for the teacher, personally came over! This is totally to support himself as a father, but the problem is that Liang Han has such an attitude, which is not competitive! It's a pity that the old Dean gave birth to such a son!

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