Sun Lisa and Ding Yu have been in contact for quite a long time, even between her home and Ding Yu? There is also a certain entanglement. Her eldest brother is still the captain of Ding Yu. It seems that there is not much contact between them. But Lisa sun is very clear that if she didn't look at her elder brother's face at the beginning, her own life would have been! It's already gone!

What's more, it's not because of the relationship between himself and Ding Yu. Even if it's a trial for Ding Yu, Ding Yu won't give himself any good! After all, the relationship can't be cut off if it is cut off!

However, sun Lisa is very clear that Ding Yu's ruthlessness is definitely not a word. Those hidden forces want to kill Ding Yu with one stone by Hou Tianliang. They can kill Hou Tianliang, and at the same time, they can also cause quite a blow to Ding Yu. However, Hou Tianliang is lucky, and Ding Yu's response is quite timely.

Did Ding Yu give up because of several operations of the forces behind him? Is it possible? In sun Lisa's opinion, this is absolutely impossible. Even Ding Yu has already clenched her fist at this time, but now she is holding her hair! If you really do it, the absolute force will break through, and it will be very fast.

"Since director Ding will not return to the capital, I should be able to account for my work!" Sun Lisa sighed, director Ding! It is true that people have so many places to talk, at least they have no way to him, Ding Yu just don't want to give himself how it is! Otherwise, he should have gone in the dust now!

But even if Ding Yu didn't do it, he should go now! We still need to give ourselves three leeway to do things, especially when it comes to this aspect. Ding Yu's silence does not mean that he has no opinions on this aspect.

"If there is no other arrangement, I will go back first!" Hou Tianliang did not mean to stay too much, the director may not have too much time to take care of himself, but he can not be separated! This is what a secretary should do.

They know some things above, but they do not mean that sun Lisa and Hou Tianliang know the same thing. For example, those special forces, such as sesame, are top secret and can never be disclosed. Once leaked, the impact and consequences will be huge.

As for Ding Yu, there is no need to worry about it. He has kept quite sober all the time. Otherwise, when he fell out with a special unit, he would not drag some people out alone. If he wanted to kill his mouth, it seems that it is not a very difficult thing!

Don't think Ding Yu won't do this. There are not many things that Ding Yu dare not do in this world! Due to Ding Yu's love for the military, he came from the military. What about the people who were sent to Ding Yu's side? It's also from the military side, so Ding Yu sold such a human relationship!

If Ding Yu didn't admit it, the military would have to bite his own teeth and admit it, and there was no way to do it, because these people were given to Ding Yu at the beginning, and this is the exchange between them!

It's just that the military has other ideas. These people are outstanding, but they basically don't have much social experience, and they are difficult to integrate into the whole society. But what about the people who stay with Ding Yu? They are slowly integrated into the society, although there are quite a few problems, such as seclusion, silence and even some houses.

But they are well integrated into the society, and did not cause any impact in other aspects. For so many years, they have never heard any news on their bodies. What about this? It's really what the military expects.

But the expectation is the expectation. How can we achieve it? You need to let Ding Yu deal with it, but now? The link between each other has been broken, want to re connect, it is not so easy to imagine!

It is obvious that Ding Yu has been prepared for this aspect for a long time. It seems that he is quite prepared for anything. He always has his own cards. Even when it comes to the crisis, Ding Yu also plays a card to settle the situation immediately.

He can play a card, indicating that there must be other cards in his hand, but what are the other cards? Who can say clearly, since no one can say it clearly, then we can only do nothing, because once there is an action, then we may be attacked like a storm!

Can you survive such an attack? No one dares to make this guarantee! Since there is no guarantee, we hope that we can see things more clearly, and it takes quite a while to see clearly. Therefore, all aspects have stopped.

In other words, everyone is rubbing hands in private, ready to fight in the next time, can achieve a fatal blow, even if not, also need to be stained with a little flesh and blood, ants bite more elephants, right?

After Hou Tianliang came back, he stood outside. The security guard nearby ignored Hou Tianliang. What did Hou Tianliang do? He got a report. Obviously, Mr. Hou knew about this matter, so he didn't mean to follow him, because this is not a big deal!To a certain extent, Hou Tianliang is still valued by the director. Wu Mingyu was also a secretary at the beginning, but he and Hou Tianliang really do not have much comparability. Of course, it is also because of their different positions.

Now, Wu Mingyu and Chen Feng have a good life. This kind of opportunity is really the envy of other people. But if you really let us choose, I'm afraid most of them will? Choose Hou Tianliang! But who knows? Everyone is just a spectator, not a party!

"Xiaoyu! I'm done with the report here! "

"Uncle Yu, just give me the report! I will submit it to the hospital and the school. I believe someone will contact you with Uncle Yu! " Since it's a promise, Ding Yu will never refuse.

"I represent the city..."

"Uncle Yu, I'm just helping the folks in my hometown to do what I can. After all, what about here? It's also the land where I grew up. I've absorbed a lot of nutrition in this land. Now it's a reward. Uncle Yu, if you really want to, please have a meal at that time! Big plate, big bowl

Next to Ding Lin also patted his son, "what big plate big bowl, should directly empty their rice VAT! Lao Yu, you have to be prepared. We old classmates are suffering so much these days. If you let everyone be dissatisfied, you will know the consequences! "

"Yes! I let the man in my family prepare for you well. What you eat doesn't count. When you leave, you are always satisfied! But Lao Ding, you wait for me. Next time I go to your place, I promise you will not take any rice left in your house! "

Looking at the old classmates, Ding Lin is also laughing. In fact, the love between each other for so many years is just a happy sentence on the mouth! Even if they are allowed to eat, how much can they eat at this time? It's just that things have been basically solved now! This mind is also relaxed.

However, when we were talking, Zhao Shuying also ran over in a hurry, "Lao Ding, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Ding Lin also asked in a hurry, "the boss in the old Dean's house is making trouble again! With their old four up, in the hospital there! The old Dean just lay down, and the old lady has to have an operation again. Let's not talk about such a disgrace! Don't affect the old Dean, do you? "

Looking at the father and mother who left, Ding Yu didn't really mean to follow him. He said to the security guard nearby, "what does my master mean? Have you gone to make trouble with Aunt Chen Chu

"I didn't make a fuss, but it was almost the same. I was so arrogant that when I came here, I even beat and scolded the traffic police who dealt with the accident!" The security guard was very patient and said, "I came to the hospital today because of the family property. The other two are indisputable, but this one and the youngest one have already made a statement. The old president and the old lady will be raised by them in the future, so the family property will also belong to them!"

"It's shameless!" Ding Yu disdains to say, "but no matter how to say, this is all their family affairs, honest and upright officials are difficult to break the housework, we also don't follow the blind involvement!"

The security guard was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood that it was difficult for the so-called honest and upright officials to cut off the housework, but his previous business with the traffic police on the road was not over! This is not a chore!

Hou Tianliang looked at the security guard who left and shook his head slightly, "director, he is so old! Food and clothing, food and clothing, and he is still the boss of the family, how can do such a thing? What's more, his parents are now lying in the hospital bed, and they don't care about their parents at all? "

"In his eyes? There is no so-called kinship, only the so-called self, everything else will not be placed in his eyes! " Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "there is no so-called propriety, righteousness and shame, and there is no so-called family morality, nothing! Just live for yourself

"Is it a modern society? How could there be such a man who has swallowed all his learning into the belly of a dog? "

"What can a man like this do?" Ding Yu didn't have any deliberate views on this. He was not a member of his own family. At the same time, he didn't involve his own affairs. This is the business of Shigong's own family. It's hard for him to stand in and solve this problem. If his name is not right, it's not right!

Hou Tianliang thought for a long time, but he didn't know how to solve the problem. It was just like the director said. This is a matter of his own family. Do you need an outsider to come and tell? I don't seem to have the qualification!

"Too selfish!"

"It's a good word to describe selfishness, but think about it, in fact, we are all selfish, but the way of expression is slightly different! I once told you that I am not a good man. Naturally, I have my selfishness. I never deny it. But what about some things? I really don't care to do it! "Hou Tianliang also looked at Ding Yu, "director, why?"

"Why? The earth left, who is the same rotation, endless personal will for the transfer, but some things? Different people will have different results. I stand in this position, I can boast that I'm better than others. I have this confidence. If I can't stay in this position, it's also because someone can do better. In the morning, this is my admonition to you! "

Hou Tianliang carefully pondered over the meaning of the words, and then nodded forcefully, "director, I am not so clear, but I have quite a feeling, I think this will let me remember!"

"No, don't remember. What's the point? It's all bullshit. The question is whether I can afford it or not. I'm in a high position now. I'm in power broadcasting. Can I accept that? From a certain point of view, I can't accept it at all, and then it will depend on how I choose! Speaking of it? The proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation are really brilliant! It's true that when you think about it now, it's all in your heart! "

"Yes! They all retired voluntarily! "

"You know, we have seen the strong wind and heavy rain, but we have experienced the blooming and falling of flowers, so we don't care about the so-called honor or disgrace! I don't know if we can reach that level, so be careful! As far as possible to do something for the country, we have paid bit by bit, all the Chinese people add up? This is a process from quantity to quality! "

When Ding Yu talks to Hou Tianliang, the noise nearby becomes more and more obvious! But then I saw that some police had come in, and soon the noise stopped. Ding Yu didn't even mean to take a look. Hou Tianliang was the same. Such a thing is not worth paying attention to.

"Director, in the process of progress, it's not that we want to eliminate them, but they themselves have been eliminated!"

"How about you now? It just belongs to the selected iron ore. what about the distance to steel? It's too early! What's more, even if it's me? I dare not say that I have become steel! I always keep my own temper. Although luck is a part of the power, if I don't have my own temper, what can I do even if I have luck? When the opportunity comes, you can't catch it

"Chen Chu seized the opportunity, but the eldest son of the old Dean couldn't grasp it!"

"Where's Aunt Chen Chu Chen? There is considerable accumulation. What about this kind of accumulation? It's through the tempering of the society that I can develop my vision like this. What about my master? He was born out of the ordinary, but he didn't have any accumulation at all, let alone be tempered! Even if it is a touch, will cry father call mother! This is the difference! "

"And the difference? The direct reaction is that after the opportunity comes, Aunt Chen is very keen to seize the opportunity. She has a solid foundation, and when she has an opportunity, she may directly start to burst out. What about my senior brother? In the past, it was smooth sailing, because there were too many opportunities! Are active to find the door, but their own too fragile, now the opportunity to come, he can't take it! Because I can't afford it! "

Each other stands in different positions, so the way to see the problem is not the same!

Hou Tianliang himself? There are so many sons of the old dean who are too disheartened! But for the director, such trivial matters do not bring any interest, he pays attention to the whole! As for the end of this one? Do you need the director to do it? You don't need it at all. Just kill yourself! Who can stop it?

"Well, this wretch! How did the old Dean give birth to such a thing? " Uncle Yu, who came back, was also cursing, "at the beginning, I should have been shot on the wall. Now that there are so many problems coming out, the old Dean is almost angry! It's better to be a son than an animal

Gu Xiaoyan also sighed, "where is my son? I already feel very unfilial! But what about this one? I feel my son is OK, at least not a big problem, this NIMA's! "

What about them? Although it is not considered to be highly respected, but it is also quite self-restraint, but now everyone's attitude? Have already indicated quite a problem! Just now the scene also let them too angry and angry! All of them, who are students, can't see it!

But similarly, there is no good way for us. After all, they are just students of the old Dean, and who? It's the old Dean's son! The gap between each other is also placed here, there is no way!

"Xiaoding, let you follow me! I didn't expect this son of a bitch to be so ignorant

"It's nothing. I think it's almost noon. I'll go and book a place! Everyone is very busy all morning, find a place to have a good rest, this period of time is also very tired

Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved, and now he is not the one who should speak. After all, the purpose of his coming here has been achieved, and the rest has nothing to do with himself! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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