From the hospital side, Ding Yu also went to find a place, opened a relatively large private room, after all, there are more staff, but also deliberately opened a few guest rooms, after dinner can also have a good rest, these two days, we have been in the old Dean's side! Is also quite tired, after all, is not what young people!

Fortunately, we have basically put down their own work now! The family is basically full of children and grandchildren, so there is a considerable amount of time, otherwise, we have never been able to stay for such a long time.

Ding Yu ordered such a place, but it was just a show, and then also left! This kind of field merger is not suitable for me, "Lao Ding! You have a good son! All the things that happened in the hospital before were in our eyes. "

"Sometimes there are so many muddleheaded people!" Ding Lin couldn't stop shaking his head, but everyone could see the pride in his heart, "but it's still relatively calm. Medical skills have not been left behind. As for other things? That's what it looks like! My mother and I, as parents, have done our best! There will be no other requirements! "

"You! Just show off on purpose Gu Xiaoyan snorted, "but what about the old Dean? It's not suitable! The two children in the hospital are pretty good. What about the other two children? Two people fight for family property, if you really have a promising future, even if it is! But my God! I've never seen one so shameless

"What can I do? Let's just say it! "

After Ding Yu left, he also went back to his bed. Seeing Li Fuzhen coming from afar, he also stood up and even gave a hug. Fortunately, there was no one else, so it was not so embarrassing!

"I can understand if you are busy with the affairs of the state or the consortia. But do you think it is appropriate to delay such a long time and put all other matters on my body for such a thing?"

Ding Yu, who sat down again, also shook his head. "What can I do? After all, it also involves quite a relationship. In fact, after reading it, I feel quite impatient, but what about some things? Still really can't go to break free, that kind of words appears to be too impersonal! I don't like it very much! "

"My stay here is a little bit longer, and I've asked some girls to come with me! I will leave tomorrow, but before that, I need to remind you that there seems to be a problem in South Korea! That woman president seems to have some... "

"I'm afraid no one can help her if she wants to die! All the decisions are in her own hands! And what about the president of South Korea? Never any good end, then the liquidation! The failure of major consortia will make her worse off than death, and the interests now are not enough to feed these consortia! "

"But she also can't withstand the pressure from the U.S., or her expectations for the U.S. side are too high!" Li Fuzhen can be said to see this very clearly, "the United States is even more greedy than those domestic consortia in South Korea. What about this kind of greed? It's not as simple as filling your stomach! "

"I never liked to force people to make this choice!" Ding Yu said calmly, "since she has made this choice, we can't force others to change their ideas! However, this is a wake-up call for us. Taking the whole South Korea as a bet, the price seems to be slightly higher! "

"What kind of reaction would it cause if we did it?"

"The South Korean side will be quite hit, because South Korea relies too much on China! The loss of China as a partner, even if it is to make the relationship between each other a little embarrassing, will be a huge loss for the whole of South Korea. I think those members of the Korean parliament will not be unable to understand, they! It's also quite greedy! "

"That is to say, they want to pass on their own contradictions to ordinary people by means of transferring?"

There are some uncertain words about this, but Li Fu Zhen is just not willing to believe it!

"Obviously, it's just the time! If a woman president really rashly made a decision, it would be very difficult to take it back! It's not about whether we're going to be hot or not. It's about the extent to which we can stop the loss! I hope someone is ready for this! "

"Let Yingnan take charge of this! I can't take this hand! "

"Yingnan should come here too! This time, the dominant power is still in your hands! But there are some things that need to be communicated with British men. There are other problems between them, but let British male dominate this matter? She didn't know how to do it, but she still had to worry about it! "

"So who will be the pioneer in Asia? Dashan or Tanaka, the two of them can't be any more! "

"What do you think of oranges and apricots?"

"Oranges and apricots?" For Ding Yu's sudden mention of this candidate, Li Fu Zhen also thought for quite a long time, "it's a good candidate, but is her ability enough? What's more, if she was the only one, she would not be able to hold up the field! ""Or don't do it. If you want to do it, then it's not good to let everyone follow you. It's not good to eat alone. Call Hong Kong City and Bruno and send a representative out! Others are not so necessary! If they all show up, some people will shrink back! "

"Will China make such a decision?" Li Fu Zhen also asked subconsciously, because the first premise for South Korea is to show the attitude of China in this respect. Is such a thing possible? Li Fu really does not have too much confidence, because this is a matter of no certainty at all!

"Look at the choice of the female president, but according to the situation you have disclosed, which female president! Obviously, I have made quite a choice. When she was not on the stage, I had a good communication with her. Both the process and the result were very good, but it's a pity! "

"Then it will be more than just a mess?"

"The last president still has nothing to do so far. He is about to break away from this fate! But if something happens to her, then fate will turn a corner and come back! Because she's keeping up with a president? They belong to the same faction, so it doesn't matter what kind of liquidation, but it doesn't mean that her next term will not do so! "

"It seems that I need to go to Japan! This matter still needs to talk with orange apricot in detail. I don't know if she will agree, but Dashan and Tanaka will not have any ideas? "

"Your position in their mind is almost the same as that of his wife, and you are still in charge of the whole Asia. This is the main reason why the two of them were removed at the beginning. If they were allowed to start, they would not be able to do anything, but the situation of oranges and apricots was not the same."

"I'm really a lucky girl, but I think Dashan and Tanaka should be very satisfied, but what should be done next? If we put them in Japan, I think there will be quite a conflict! "

"If things happen in South Korea, if you continue to stay in the position of the leader in Asia, you will be extremely embarrassed both inside and outside. Forget about this kind of thing! But let the orange apricot agent this position? She is obviously not suitable. Recommend one. You can go to Yingnan and help her temporarily! "

"Yes!" Li Fu Zhen does not have any special requirements for the location, it is the same to go there! "However, our preparations in this city are not much. It seems that we need to hold a conference in two days! But will such a meeting arouse some people's sensitivity and touch? "

"A video conference is OK! There's no need to cause other noise, and this is just an internal meeting. It's just to make arrangements in this respect. What's more, it still needs to see if things will happen? "

When Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen discussed with each other, Ding Yu's telephone thought again, "Dad, what's the matter?" During the call, Ding Yu also said hello to Li Fuzhen.

Li Fu Zhen didn't have any words. Instead, he said hello to him not far away. Soon, he saw two familiar faces come to Ding Yu's body. Ding Yu slightly frowned and looked at Li Fuzhen. Then he nodded at the two people in front of him.

The two also stood respectfully in Li Fu Zhen's side position. After all, the eldest princess of Samsung, even if she had any complaints, did not dare to speak out. But relatively speaking, they had a good feeling for Ding Yu. After all, it was not the first contact with Ding Yu. Is that the relationship between them? But there is a little bit of lotus root.

"Do you have time? Come here! These two bastards really want to regard this place as a battlefield! The old Dean is really angry. He wants to make a will. We have been comforting him for a long time. You have acquaintances in this respect, so drag two of them here! "

"So serious?" Ding Yu also showed his teeth slightly. "I'll let you go and have a look! There are other things to discuss here! " While talking, Ding Yu also stood up and walked to the distance, "Dad! I don't mean what? After all, this is the old Dean's own business. Is it really good for us to get involved in this

"What if we don't get involved? The old Dean is going to be pissed off! Can't we just ignore it? Stabilize the situation in front of you first! As for the future? Say it again

"Yes?! I'll find two lawyers for you, but Dad, this is a word! It's good to say, but it's hard to finish it in a moment and a half if it's really counted up. At least it can't be finished at this time. If it doesn't work, we'll first draw a big frame and then solve it slowly. What do you think? "

"We've just had dinner here, and we haven't even had a rest. There's a riot there, and we're going to beat our heads and blood! What should I do? We old guys had to go back again, and we finally calmed down! "

"Now that you've already torn your face! Then don't think about face! What about the things that can be solved? In fact, it has been solved! Now it depends on what the old Dean thinks? If he doesn't make this decision, no one else can do it. Do you think so? ""How to make this decision? You don't rob, but someone does! And it's a shameless one. If he can really serve the old Dean well and give them the old couple their old life, it's OK, isn't it? After all, it's father and son. But if the old Dean really follows him, I'll say a bad word, and I won't be starved to death! It's also a bit of a good suffering, we students, absolutely can't watch

"All right." Ding Yu did not continue to persuade the meaning, it is obvious that his father there has been determined! Ding Yu is not easy to say what, also can only hang up the phone, immediately also let the security there arrange!

Back to his desk again, Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand, "trouble, there's a fight for property, the angry old man is going to find a lawyer to notarize it! What a mess

"As for it? I hear it's not a big deal either

"Who knows?" Ding Yu shook his head, "my father is deeply grateful to his teacher! So I have been busy with this matter. I took some cash from me earlier, but the money is not so much, but it seems that it is filled in now! It's like feeding the wolf! "

"What do you mean? Do you still want to be Mr. Dongguo? "

"Good use of idioms!" Ding Yu is very satisfied with Fu Zhen's hard work, so he also praised him. This is to make the two girls beside him move. After all, they are like this now! Even if you want to get rid of it, you can't get rid of it!

If it wasn't for the protection of the big Princess Samsung, they didn't know what it would be like. What's more, could they receive so many notices, advertisements or other arrangements? It's impossible! After all, they are not little girls anymore! It's past the time of innocence!

In South Korea's entertainment industry, it is not an easy thing to maintain such a high exposure rate. It's just a flesh and blood millstone. If you're not careful, you don't even know how you died. So it's not bad to find a pillar to lean on.

"I left both of them for you!" Li Fu Zhen also said without ceremony, "I will go to the capital directly tomorrow! Then make other arrangements! " When talking, I also took a deep look at the two women standing beside her. Of course, words are not polite at all, even with considerable threat.

"It suits you!" Ding Yu sighed, "especially at this time?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I think you've been so tired lately! So relax! "

"The more you talk, the more you digress." Ding Yu also nodded to the two women next to her, "the environment of this city is not bad. Now I have time, but I can feel the beauty of this city!"

Although Ding Yu said so, Li Fu Zhen didn't agree. The two men didn't dare to leave. The standoff lasted a little longer. Li Fu Zhen nodded his head for being very stiff, and the two girls saluted and left!

"Is it really good to make the two of them tremble?" Ding Yu is very helpless to say, "when you were there at home, you were so forced, now you still come? I feel a little bored! "

"No way. I'm alone? Always can not cope with, so this reason is out of your body, and I do not have too much relationship, you can see this as an objective reason, I have nothing to say! What's more, there was a sense of coercion in the original time, but now they have agreed! If you don't dislike it, I don't mind finding them all! You can handle it anyway

This is more and more out of tune!

"Give me a break." Ding Yu is really speechless!

"Everyone's choice is different! But at this point, you and my father and big brother seem to be very different, at least my father at this age, or still the hero! It's just that the outside world doesn't know much about it! "

"Come on, I don't know what will happen to me at that age? But I think it's better to be restrained as much as possible! So sometimes? It's better to be convergent! "

"You've been astringent enough. What else do you want?" Li Fuzhen and Ding Yu also transmitted different ideas, "you know, whether you are in Asia or America, or in Europe, you can simply become a Puritan!"

"What would you like to eat in the evening?" Since it is impossible to argue, let's change the topic! Ding Yu really does not want to continue to discuss this issue! Because I still feel so embarrassed! It is true that he has been tested, but such a thing face-to-face talk, or let himself have so many feelings of nowhere to live.

After all, the city is still very famous, unique scenery! Besides, the delicious food here is also quite famous. What's more, Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen must have a certain taste in it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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