When she comes to the processing factory, Ding Yu also looks at it carefully. It seems that there are quite a few things that Ding Ding Ding requires. For the factory, it is absolutely VIP, and it is the most advanced one! Looking at the busy side of the factory, Ding Yu seems to have more or less understood the meaning of Ding Ding Ding let himself come over!

"Such a careful selection should be time-consuming and laborious?" Ding Yu asked!

"Yes, Mr. Ding, all of these things have been selected over three times, and the processing process has also undergone the most stringent inspection. They are all handmade, and all are made naturally. Basically, they are not processed by machines. All the raw materials are selected with high specifications. There are too few people who are hindered by their success!"

"Too few? Can't we recruit? I think there are a lot of staff here! "

"Mr. Ding, it needs a lot of hand feeling, just like a mechanic. It needs a long time of experience. It's really not something that you can learn if you want to learn it. It's just like this degree of dryness and wetness. How about an old hand? As long as you smell it and you don't even need to touch it with your hands, you can know what it is, and novice or even familiar? We need to use equipment, and even some of them are not able to distinguish. What is the cost? It's the loss of the goods! "

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "when did Ding Ding find here? I didn't think she had this idea! And is it still such an industry? I don't understand! "

"My daughter helped her a little when she was in the capital. In addition, everyone was from the countryside. So Miss Ding Ding would come and have a look and made a lot of things for Miss Ding Ding. She liked them very much."

"It's not so easy to make her like it!" Ding Yu also smiles, "my sister! There are not many interesting things. It seems that I want to go high-end! Now that she has spoken! I really can't refuse to be a brother. Tell me where I can help! "

What I can do for you, and what can I do for you? This is just two things, though it means? It's the same meaning, but Ding Yu's attitude is really not said!

"Mr. Ding, what about high-end products? We can do it, but the opening of this market is a little bit small! "

"No wonder!" Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "I thought this didn't need any technology. When I was a child, I also had such things in my home. I didn't feel so good! When the sun comes out, it's good to bask in it! Sometimes the taste is really a little choking! Ordinary people are not so used to it

"Mr. Ding, do you want to make achievements in every industry? They all need to pay a considerable price. It's just like the whole steaming and drying, which depends on the sun, humidity and wind. Each of them will affect the formation of the final product. The taste, toughness and feeling of eating in the mouth are quite different! "

"Want to be the best? It's really not an easy thing Ding Yu pondered for a period of time, "if I want you to be the most high-end, what kind of difficulties do you have? This is related to the final sales!"

"The output will not be too big! At least, the output of the first stage will not be too large. If we can open a little gap, it will increase a little in two or three years, but the increase will not be particularly large. Moreover, the source of materials has not been able to see some problems, so we should be afraid of it! "

"Yes, it's not a big problem." Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "whether it's high-end? It's a low-end product. It needs a certain sales terminal. I can make an opening for this one. It's not a big problem. Someone will contact you then. However, I need the product to be of a high standard. If not, I can't do anything about it! "

Ding Yu has fully understood the purpose of Ding Ding Ding's coming here. However, Ding Yu really doesn't mean to be angry. In particular, Ding Ding Yu has not any opinions and ideas on this matter, which can be regarded as giving back to the people in his hometown! No problem!

Simply took something, Ding Yu also left immediately! I have other things. As for the rest? Let the factory pack here! But Hou Tianliang also left a phone call, Ding Ding Ding wants to open the channel, for Ding Yu, it is not difficult.

However, on the way back, Ding Yu also dialed Ding Ding's phone, "Ding Ding, I said, are you as for it? Just give me a call! You want me to do it myself? Is my big brother in your mind so unbearable! Or you don't have any confidence at all

"Hey, hey Ding Ding also giggled, "I'm just helping! But what about the people I come in contact with? Although there are a lot of them, it's really a little troublesome to open this market, so I hope you can have a look at it! "

"When did you know about the relationship between the farm and me?"

"I'm no longer a child! Can I not know what I eat at home? How many people here in the capital can't buy it. You know, it's the capital! It's not anywhere else, but what about mom and dad? I don't even know the difference! I can't understand it! ""You're smart!" Ding Yu also hummed, "the scale of the farm is not small. I can let the purchasing department have a try, but what about you? There is considerable output and quality, and you should pay attention to not hitting the farm. At least no one can open this gap now. I promise you will never have a break in your house! "

"I don't want it?" Ding Ding is also a little temper, "if not for the two children like and healthy, I will go to other places to eat! At most, you can borrow a plane from my brother! Do you dare to agree, brother? "

"You are a little ancestor, I dare not agree there! By the way, how are the two living treasures in your family? "

"Good, it's not so noisy now! Whether it's me or Cao Zhen, it's precious. Don't worry, big brother! By the way, I heard about mom and Dad! Is it all right now? "

"It's OK. There's something wrong with my father's teacher. I'm also here to have a look. Dad and mom have lived together in the morning! I didn't mean to be a light bulb, so I had time to have a look! Come on! Call me when you have anything to do! Next time, don't use small moves! "

Listen to Ding Ding's smile, Ding Yu is hang up the phone!

"Director, you have a good relationship with your sister! It's enviable to look at it

"When Ding Ding was a little girl, she suffered a lot because of me. However, she was more obedient and more sensible than I was. At least at that time, I had high school affairs and let her a child suffer, so it is necessary to treat her better now. How about money? It doesn't matter, as long as she's happy! "

Ding Yu really didn't say anything about her sister. Although Wang Li is also her sister, there is still a considerable gap between them, and this gap is still quite large. Although Hou Tianliang is not the most direct party, Hou Tianliang also has a good understanding of Ding Yu's secretary!

We should know that the director gave all the domestic industries to Ding Ding Ding at the beginning. It was such a big lump. Even now, it was shocking! And Ding Ding took over these industries, there is not so much chaos, is a stable girl, but a pity! Cao Zhen was robbed by that guy! It's really a flower on the cow dung.

And Wang Li? Although the director also pays a lot on her body, what about more time? It's just a fake hand! So there is absolutely no problem!

Ding Yu is back! But Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't come back so early. Ding Yu didn't want to ask his father and mother what they were doing. They should not be in charge of it! It's a rare opportunity for both of them!

"Xiaoyu! What time do you go back in the evening? "

"Mom and Dad, you go back first! Suddenly, a patient came to my side. He may turn around from the capital. I don't know what the situation is now! " Ding Yu also patted his head helplessly, "I heard that he was the ambassador of a certain country in Africa, involving some other relations!"

"So big? Why don't you go to the capital? " Ding Lin is also very strange asked!

"I don't want to go to the capital city. Some people in it are worried about it!" Ding Yu did not want to hide his father's meaning, "as for this disease? I have some research and dare to collapse this Haikou! I really don't have too many worries, that is, the process may be a little bit cumbersome! "

"I don't have anything to do with your mother. If you can help me, I'll have a lot of leisure."

"It's just a patient, it's not a big deal!" Ding Yu did not think so much about it. "If you two don't have enough fun, you'll stay here for two more days, but I may be a little busy, and I don't have so much time to accompany you!"

"Don't fool around!" Ding Lin dissuaded, "how about treating patients? Be consistent! Your mother and I have been away from home for such a long time. I'm afraid they've been worried for a long time! I'll be back tonight! "

How good is it outside? It's not my own home! Back home, even if it is again tired, two days of rest will feel refreshed! But outside? Although there is a house here, I just can't find that home! I don't know why!

"OK, just today, I bought some things back. Ding Ding Ding gave me a way to introduce them. I saw things that were very good, but I didn't bring many things back. Dad and mom, you should take them back first! I'll buy some more in two days and send some to some friends in Beijing! "

"It's not easy." Zhao Shuying is also sighing at her eldest son, "when did you also hold up the soy sauce bottle?"

"Mom, although I don't pay much attention to it, I don't even know how to lift the soy sauce bottle?"

"Maybe the sun is really coming out of the West! I really don't believe itWas despised by his mother! Ding Yu is really feeling quite helpless, but it's just a little joke between mother and son! It's not such a big deal! Let the security drive his father and mother back, there are still some feelings, high-speed rail is still not running, if it runs, then it will be really convenient!

"Sir, I'm ready to leave. I'll be back before evening!"

"So fast!" Looking at the security, Ding Yu also feels quite different!

"Yes, sir, that's what they say, but there's not much security on the ambassador's side, but Taylor's with us!"

"I see!" Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "what's the specific arrangement?"

"They said that there have been considerable arrangements, the hospital has coordinated relations, and there are also diplomatic and security personnel at random! But it's not a lot of people! "

Really is not the general attention! Ding Yu also sighed a sentence, but really did not mean to talk much. Seeing Mr. Zhang without any indication, although security also left! Only Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang were left in the room.

"Director, if the ambassador came to see you and dragged on such a multi-level relationship, is there a problem?"

"You know Tyler? But do you know her? " Looking at Hou Tianliang shaking his head, Ding Yu also slightly skimmed his lips, "what about their family? It's really not a general family, too cold-blooded and heartless, and what about their families? There are two ups and downs in my life. I'm 18 years old and 60 years old. I can resist more than 18 years old, but I haven't been able to resist over 60 years old, and then I'll be in trouble! Basically, there is no exception! "

Hou Tianliang also can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, "cross death or suicide?"

"It's basically caused by the hereditary genes of the family. I've been involved in the research for quite a long time. Their whole family has invested a lot of human, material and financial resources, but even now, they still can't solve this problem very well, which restricts the development of their family to a large extent."

"Not much! It's a bit shocking! "

"No matter how talented people are, when they reach the age of 18, they will be a ghost gate. Even if they can break through the ghost gate? But 60 years old is really the end of life. What about 60 years old here? It's just a concept. Many people don't live to be 60 years old and go to see God directly! "

"Still?" Hou Tianliang felt that his whole body was so chilly!

"Now? The situation is much better! " Ding Yu's reply was very casual, "the old Peyton guy was already over 60 years old. He was rescued by a Taoist priest. I later participated in some of them. However, if we want to solve all the problems fundamentally, we really haven't done it. It's not that we don't want to, but we can't do it!"

"With so many people pleading, there's nothing else involved in it?"

In the past two days, Hou Tianliang had a really scary time. It was mainly because of the third echelon. If you know the power behind these guys, you can't underestimate it. Previously, the director had already severely reprimanded himself! I really don't want to get into trouble with this problem!

"It is not so important whether it is involved or not. It needs to be seen whether it is primary or secondary. Is it the first thing to do? It is the treatment of the ambassador. No matter what the reason is, it will not cause an accident to the ambassador. What is the secondary? It may be that some aspects will take advantage of this to make some small moves! "

Director, let's not be so big hearted, OK? Hou Tianliang's heart is also shouting, but it's really hard to say this. It's really disrespectful to say it!

"Director, what arrangements do I need to make?"

"Just stay with me! Seeing is not a bad thing, but it's OK to have an ear! Where are you from? It must be all human beings, you! You are still a young rabbit. Don't be eaten by them! I won't be able to see any bones then

"Yes, chief!" Other things are not easy to say, but this matter Hou Tianliang still has quite a grasp, just with ears! It's not difficult!

After getting off the plane, Taylor did not go straight to the hospital. After giving an account, he also came straight to Ding Yu with security. The ambassador didn't need to pay any attention. But what about Ding Yu? Really can't!

After all, this time the matter is urgent. If Mr. Zhang really turns a blind eye to it, there is no way for his family to agree to it or not? It's all common sense! What's more, the family has also got some news, sir, now he also has a lot of trouble!

Under such circumstances, Mr. Chen still does not refuse, which is enough to show his attitude. He is in front of the door to ask for help. People don't turn a blind eye to him. On his side, he should show great respect! Mr. A is not a doctor at home, and he doesn't need to sit at home! So now this is particularly valuable!As the old saying goes, it's a pity that you didn't become your apprentice at the beginning!

Where's grandpa? Almost never heard any so-called complaints from his mouth, but only this matter let old Peyton for a long time can not let go! If the original time did not do that choice, but let oneself become a student of the teacher, then now may be another situation!

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