"Hello, sir." Standing in front of Ding Yu, Taylor salutes respectfully. In front of other people, Taylor may be quite cold and even scornful, but in front of Ding Yu, Taylor is absolutely not like this! And this respect? It comes from the heart, not from the surface!

Because he found too many flash points in Ding Yu's body, and Taylor learned too much from Ding Yu's body. Even when he came to China this time, he also made considerable progress under the care of his husband. For a person who has a considerable pursuit of life, this is absolutely incomparable happiness!

Taylor is very clear about how his happiness comes from. It is no problem to pull down his face in front of others, but some of them will die if he pulls down his face in front of his husband!

"You too!" Ding Yu replied faintly, "have you eaten yet? Sit down and eat something together. I have a little look at the situation there. I don't need to be too eager. I'll stabilize it a little bit! There are not too many problems! "

"Yes, sir!" However, Taylor took the lead in washing and rinsing. Because he knew Ding Yu's habits, he naturally needed to be careful. After returning, he also sat in Ding Yu's side position. Hou Tianliang has been observing Taylor and heard a lot, but such close contact is really not much!

It's not that there is any jealousy or fear, but that she feels so curious. Judging from her age, she is only a girl's family. But from the director's mouth, Hou Tianliang feels that people can't look good, otherwise there will be problems!

Taylor glanced at Hou Tianliang. He didn't have much expression and action. He had a good chance to be his secretary. Unfortunately, he was himself? There has never been such an opportunity, the so-called chance! There was no sound when I came, and there was no movement when I left!

Food does not speak, sleep does not speak, this? For Ding Yu, there is not much binding force, but fortunately, Ding Yu's attention is basically on the food in front of him, and there is really no other leisure. Soon all the things on the table are cleaned up. Hou Tianliang is still looking at tailer up and down!

The director ate so much, he had already prepared for it, but you, a little girl, how could you eat more than yourself, and it was a kind of big fish and big meat! There is nothing virtual! Is this stomach really digestible?

Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at Tyler, "it seems that what you have learned recently is successful! It's a big meal. It's really not an easy thing to be able to regulate myself. Martial uncle should have told you about it! "

"Yes, sir, it will take a long time. My uncle has introduced many people to me, and I have learned a lot. After I started, I realized that I was only a drop in the ocean. I also knew that my husband's behavior and what I learned were just a drop in the ocean."

"This one has a little bit of flattery!" Ding Yu also snorted and laughed, "what about the one in front? It may be a mountain, or it may not be a mountain. How do you choose to walk under your feet? It may be a road or a cliff. Don't really aim too high. You have considerable potential. I hope you can climb to the top in the future

"Sir, I've been reading some books recently. There's a saying that if you're not my race, your heart will be different."

"You mean to say that someone can't teach you anything at all." Ding Yu didn't mean to be angry. He just looked at Taylor like this, "what about this? In modern times? The meaning is very vague! And what about your understanding? It seems that there are some mistakes

"Please show me, sir!"

"What about you, professor? There are two reasons, the first one? You haven't passed the test of mind, at least you haven't satisfied the professor. What about the second one? You think you have reached the standard, but in fact you have not reached that standard. If you teach you something equivalent now, it is not beneficial, but harmful! Do you understand or don't understand? This is your own problem! That's what I said

"I'm sorry, sir. I always think I'm from abroad, so everyone has something to hide!"

"It's right to hide. You can say it's conservative or selfish. It's very normal! Everyone is human, as long as it is human? There will be selfishness! But what do I have to say? There are mountains ahead, but are you going up step by step, or are you just taking a chance to fly up there? "

"Step by step? It's a process of accumulation. In this process, you can go to see the traces left by predecessors, and feel and experience considerable experience. How about flying? You just get to the top of the mountain and see the scenery at the bottom of the mountain. You will never forget to go back, or even forget what your purpose is when you leave! "

Ding Yu, you are relieved! Too young! There are quite a few problems in the way your family teaches. This will affect your life. Any process is complementary. It is absolutely not a single one. Walking on one leg may be very tough in a special period of time, but after this period, it will turn into a downward trend. ""I'm sorry, sir, but I'm a little too anxious!"

"It's normal that it's not just you, but even the third generation, because you are all brought up under the same education, and the obstacles in front of you are at a loss! No one can say it's better than your family! It can break through a certain limit, but it will also cost you a lot of other things! "

But that's the end of the conversation. Ding Yu held up the water cup on the table, and Taylor stood up respectfully, "Sir, the hospital is ready! Thanks to the strong assistance of the staff here, we were able to send the ambassador so quickly! We will express our sincere thanks! "

Thanks or no thanks, with no relationship with himself, Ding Yu at least can't commit for this matter worry, soon also with security and Hou Tianliang get on the car! "Director, this little girl is not so interesting! However, he is full of pride. In addition to the director, there are some true colors for others! "

"It's normal. It's strange if you don't have any pride in such a big family! But Tyler! She is also a cruel character. Don't just look at her appearance. Sometimes I see her? It's true that there are so many fears, after all, not everyone can come out of the darkness like that

"Sir, their family is so powerful?"

"Looking at the big families and consortia in the world, what about the core personnel? In fact, it's not as much as you can imagine. It's hard to avoid a mixture of good and bad. But what about their families? It's really rare to see such a situation in front of them? The first is survival, then the rest! Survival is the most important thing. In order to survive, we have tried our best to sweat and blood. At least on this point, there is not much to compare with! "

"I really want to see it!" Hou Tianliang said with emotion.

"If you have a chance, I have a senior brother named Dongfang Jing. I have a lot of training methods for my two children in my family. Even some things are obtained from elder martial brother Dongfang. The children of his family will exercise and fight together when they get up in the morning No one is allowed to slack off! A little heavier? Just get out of the house

"Isn't that a little cruel?"

"If you want to wear a crown, you have to bear it. It's true! You don't do anything, just want to go to the throne, what do you want to do? It's not the way to daydream

Come to this side of the hospital, the surrounding is under martial law! As for the internal inspection is more strict, Ding Yu didn't want to make a special meaning, and passed the inspection soon. Since Ding Yu, the magnate, has no opinion, other people will not show off! Can you be more noble than Ding Yu?

Diplomats don't know Ding Yu very well, but when people from the security department see Ding Yu, they are not so big. This is a man! So it's better not to touch the mold! Soon, someone stood in front of Ding Yu, and even took the lead to extend his hand, "Hello, doctor Ding! I'm Liu Mo, in charge of the security work this time! "

Having said that, he also touched the person next to him with his heel slightly. The man next to him could not help being a Leng God. Then he said in a hurry, "Hello, Dr. Ding. I'm Duan Li! Take charge of the diplomatic work this time! "

"Hello?" Ding Yu shook hands with each other, but that is to say, the point to the end, and this time Hou Tianliang and Taylor also followed up! "This way, sir." Taylor is also informed by his own security, the first to guide Ding Yu, is really quite respectful!

"Liu Mo, who is this doctor Ding? Such a big spectrum? "

"Don't look at me, you little feather! I really can't afford to offend him. What about the person he asked for when he escorted the ambassador? This is Yu Shao! You are the foreign affairs department. You don't have much contact with them, but don't go too far! If there is any trouble, it will not end well at that time! "

"Little feather? 49 cities? I haven't heard much about it. "

Liu Mo took a look at it and said, "with a special identity, even the minister can't read his information. What about the material in front of him? It's a doctor. I can refer to it. Sometimes I'm from Harvard general hospital. Sometimes I can help the hospital in our capital city. But it's impossible to register. People don't want to go abroad! "

"Such a fork! It seems that they are not mortals any more

"Your foreign affairs department has many channels and wide information. You can find out by yourself! But I would like to remind you in advance, when the time comes for being scolded, don't blame me for not reminding you

Duan Li is really skeptical. What's going on inside? Now it's not their turn to play, so Duan Li also left for a period of time, but when he comes back, his face is already black! Liu Mo looked at him and twisted his head to one side. There was a smile in his heart!I've already said it before. What about when it's ok? Still don't provoke this Yu Shao, but Duan Li doesn't believe in evil, now it's OK! Look at his face, you can see how it happened, so Liu Mo didn't want to stimulate him too much!

Duan Li looked at Liu Mo's appearance, but also felt the root of his teeth itched. He was really stupid. Knowing that this was a pit, he even picked it down. Did he climb out of this thing? Not so important, the problem is too humiliating! It's true that you are thick skinned, but you can't be like this, right?

For Liu Mo did not tell himself in advance of the relevant situation, Duan Li really did not have too much anger, for himself is the same, after all, the things involved are not ordinary! Again said two words, ease the previous embarrassment, two people are also looking at the distance, inside the people have begun to help!

Ding Yu did not immediately start, but took the most detailed inspection report to look up. After reading it, he handed the report inside to Taylor next to him. He felt the pulse of the ambassador!

"It's a little bit special, but it's fully prepared here!"

"Who will sign it?" Ding Yu also asked casually, "although lying on the bed is just a patient, but this time the patient? There are so many differences from the original patients! "

Ding Yu made it very clear. What about any operation? There are risks, what's more, this is still related to genetic diseases, if there are any problems, they will not bear this black pot! After all, this is to seek medical treatment, with the initiative to experiment, this is two times!

"I'll sign it!" Taylor is very sure to say, "from the blood relationship, I am the patient's family, the ambassador has given me full authority to deal with this matter! There is a lawyer's document to prove it! "

"You can sign, but you can't stand in the operating room when you do it! This is a matter of principle, and you should be very clear about it! " Ding Yu is still not tight and loose! However, it seems that speaking is very casual, but casual with a considerable attitude!

"Yes, sir!" Taylor's heart is also very clear, he can not be a referee, and then end, this is completely regardless of the rules of the game, but also make Ding Yu very difficult to do, although said that this is a very good opportunity, but the opportunity? There will be some in the future. I don't care about such a moment!

It's not to say that Mr. Wang wants to hide something! If Mr. Chen really wanted to hide himself, he wouldn't let himself go to the operating room at that time, and all kinds of Taylor in it were already quite clear!

After the ambassador was stripped off, the assistant next to him also helped to fix it to the bed. These are all from the old Peyton family. They have been staying at the laboratory in Beijing. It is not the first time to do such a thing! So everyone is in good order! But before that? It really needs to be prepared!

After all, the conditions and facilities here are not as complete as imagined. The most direct one is the ventilation system, which is not well equipped. But think about it. What about the normal operating room? It's really rare to equip this thing, because it's useless after being assembled!

But what about the old Peyton operation? Ventilation system is necessary. If it is not equipped, the mask will not play a very important role. After all, not everyone is like Ding Yu and has such a high resistance.

And the operation is not over when it's over! Follow up recycling is also very important, absolutely can not be left out! Because there has been such a precedent, so no one wants to happen again!

Fortunately, Ding Yu came a little late, so we also had time to make preparations in all aspects in advance. In fact, before boarding the plane, we had already started preparations in all aspects. If we were serious, we would start to prepare after the arrival of others. We are afraid of the ambassador! I've been dead for a long time!

Ding Yu looks at the back of this one? There are still a few scars left. The ambassador doesn't look like a simple character! These are definitely not the ordinary trifling so simple, after all, I am a doctor, and I have done quite a lot of contact with such scars!

But Ding Yu really didn't care too much. Does this ambassador have anything to do with himself? At most, the old Peyton consortium behind it? There are just some feelings! This is definitely not a short time to plan out!

What about the one on the bed? However, he is generally an ambassador to China from an African country, but his blood is the blood of the old Peyton consortium, and the situation is really worth studying!

Of course, this is not really the problem that Ding Yu needs to pay attention to. Disinfect and then inject the needle. At the same time, the ambassador on the bed has made considerable adjustments. Soon, the one on the bed begins to twitch!

However, there are already some people around me who are not surprised! This is still light. If it is a little bit heavier, it will be like a catfish just caught. It's jumping everywhere! And the situation is very different! The whole body tears the situation also is not to say that does not have, looks like the muscle tear person!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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