Hou Tianliang stood outside and looked at the situation inside. The corners of his mouth were slightly pulled. He had never seen such a situation before. The ambassador lying on the bed had no sign of such a situation. He felt like a werewolf transforming himself!

The whole skin has been torn. It seems that it is not caused by external factors, but by the ambassador on the bed? What is it for! Don't say I haven't seen it or even heard it!

However, Taylor standing next to Hou Tianliang narrowed his eyes and looked very carefully. It is true that the room has a lot of monitoring, but the on-site observation still makes me feel deeply!

I don't know how long it took, but I saw some things slowly flowing out from the back of the ambassador on the bed. It was dark, not like blood, but not like ink. It was so disgusting to see. The other assistants in the room started collecting and protecting themselves at the same time!

Strange things happen every year, especially this year. Hou Tianliang is very suspicious about this. What is the thing taken from the ambassador? What's more, it seems that it's very important to collect it, because Hou Tianliang noticed that someone had closed the box, and he directly used the chain to tie it to his wrist!

And Ding Yu is also sitting in a quite follow-up treatment. When he comes out from the surgery, Ding Yu takes the lead to clean up. Looking at Taylor standing outside, he also slightly shakes his head. "His physical condition is still good, but his personal condition can only be said to be general. If possible, it is best to do it again within half a year!"

"Thank you, sir. I'll take you back to rest." Tyler said in a compliment.

"No! Just take care of the patient! " Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "if there is nothing, I will go back first! What about the patient? If you know more about it, I won't give any more advice! "

The whole process took a little bit longer. It was already early in the morning when I came out! When walking, Ding Yu also has a slight pause, "director, you seem to be so tired!" Hou is also very concerned about daybreak.

"It's OK!" Ding Yu yawned and then walked to the parking lot. However, relatively speaking, he walked slowly. However, Taylor who followed him was still a little worried. He followed Ding Yu in silence.

When he got to the car, he trotted all the way to the door. He took the lead to open the door. Although there was a driver and security guard nearby, Taylor was still the first to show his attitude. When Ding Yu got on the car, he also helped the door with his hand. This situation happened on Ding Yu's body, which is really rare!

"Secretary Hou, please!" When Hou Tianliang got on the bus, Tyler finally said a word to Hou Tianliang. The meaning was very clear, that is, he could take care of Ding Yu. After all, Mr. Hou spent a lot of energy just now. What is the urgent need now? Is to let the gentleman have a good rest, this is the top priority!

When Hou Tianliang got on the bus, he was stunned to see Ding Yu leaning on one side. However, he quickly closed the door, turned on the lights and whistled. The car slowly drove out of the parking lot. Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu with a different face! "Director, how did this happen?" Although said this, but still the first time to receive the package.

"Don't you feel a bit cold in the night wind today?" Ding Yu's face became serious at this time!

Ding Yu said this in his mouth, but there was not much pause in his hand. He quickly opened his bag and took off his suit. He put the bulletproof vest on his body directly, and then installed the plug plate. As for the hat, there was no problem and situation!

"Director!" Soon Hou Tianliang changed the equipment, relatively speaking, it was just the upper body. After all, when crouching down, the impact surface on the legs was very small! What's more, equipped with bullet proof facilities on the legs, it will drag too much action!

"In case of emergency, you are allowed to leave alone!"

"Director, if you don't evacuate, how can I evacuate?" Hou Tianliang also straightened out his body.

"Look at the map first! Now there is no signal shielding. When we come, we have already made quite preparations. We are going to the seaside, which is the most vulnerable place to be attacked. Moreover, the evacuation will be very convenient. The manpower on my side is not as many as imagined. Relatively speaking, you are a drag! "

"Director, I am not a man who is greedy for life and death!"

"You do! The question is, if something happens, do you think you can survive? But relatively speaking? I and security are their primary goal, you are just a secondary target! So there may be a little or no chance. I just want to remind you that if I ask you to leave, you will be evacuated as soon as possible. ""Director, why do they dare to do this? This is China. Who ate the gall of leopard with bear heart

"What about the ambassador? I spent quite a lot of energy, but the people who know this are not as many as you think! But I don't know if they will fall into this trap. There are really some bad things to say

"Director, do you want to fish?" Hou Tianliang a burst of dumb, "now this time fishing, will not be too dangerous! Should we call for support! I think it won't take too long. There will be rescue workers coming! After all, this is different from other places! "

"Since they choose to do it, they must have made considerable arrangements, let alone rely on others? It's better to rely on myself all the time. I really want to see what kind of personnel will come! " When talking, Ding Yu slightly twitched his nose, "but it's just a little smell. What will happen? Who knows?"

The vehicle didn't travel for a long time. I saw several flames rising. The vehicle didn't stop for the first time, but it slowed down. Hou Tianliang also looked at the situation outside. It's obvious that he didn't come for his own side, but at night, what's the situation?

"Director, is this a signal? Even if it's a signal, isn't it? It's too obvious! "

"It's just a rocket for artificial rainfall." Ding Yu blinked his own eyes, "it seems that it is really a long time to prepare! Even the details are well prepared so that we can make the most of it. At the same time, after the event? It is possible to do a considerable degree of trace processing! It's interesting! "

"Sir, there's a car coming up behind me, two vans and two business cars at the same time!"

Yeah! Ding Yu didn't mean to panic, but there was no other traffic on the road at this time. This is also the main road! Although the time is quite late, but not as a car has no, such a situation is really not general special! Anyone who is alert can feel the situation is abnormal.

"Sir, there is a siege in front of us. I'm afraid it's very difficult for us to rush out!"

"Are you ready?" Ding Yu also said that, but he didn't know who the words were aimed at, but Hou Tianliang, the driver and the security guard immediately called out that they were ready! The vehicle is still moving slowly, but the on-board signal has disappeared for the first time! Mobile phone and other communication facilities have no way to continue to use!

The vehicle is still in the process of driving, but security is also the first time to open the door, and then jumped out, "dawn, go to the co pilot's position!" When the security guard got off the bus, the seat of the co driver had been folded up, and Hou Tianliang was crouching on the front passenger's seat, "get ready to control the vehicle! You drive

Looking at the situation in front of him, the driver called out to Hou Tianliang, and then he opened the door. When he lay back, he also closed the door! Hou Tianliang is also sitting in the position of posture at this time. The space is very large, so there is no sense of crowding!

"Control the speed!" Ding Yu's voice is still very calm, there is no panic, now this time, even if it is flustered, there is no effect, but will let itself into it! "Turn off the headlights! And lower their bodies. The windows are specially treated. They can't use such facilities as missiles, so they don't need to worry too much! "

"It's the director!" It's really impossible to say that you are not afraid at all, because Hou Tianliang has not encountered such a situation in the past, but the director's side is already fully equipped, and what about the outside? The rain has fallen down at this time, and the street lights are flashing. It seems that there are some problems, which aggravates the fear in my heart!

"Don't be afraid. There is nothing to worry about. Who is the rabbit, who is the fox, or something unknown! But they are also well prepared. What about the outside? They are all solar street lamps. They have done a good job in this aspect. It is really not easy! " Ding Yu seems to be leisurely at this time!

"Solar?" Hou Tianliang was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head to make himself more sober! "Director, I don't have so many thoughts now. My hands are shaking. Although I have received considerable training, I have never been tested like this!"

"It doesn't matter. I won't be so scared after experiencing it once! I always want to look for such an opportunity, but there are always so some can not find, did not expect to have such a chance! But to be honest, although they have put on quite a posture, it is really difficult to say whether they will launch an attack or not in the end! "

Ah? Hou Tianliang also looked at the rearview mirror suspiciously, "director, you are not joking! It's already at this level! We're all armed! You told me it didn't work? I won't believe it! "

"It's hard to say if we're going to fire the first shot, but again, will they? This is a little bit more serious! " Ding Yu said with disapproval, "but things have come to such a point? Will they put all their eggs in one basket? I'm really looking forward to it! ""Chief, can't you shoot the first shot? Doesn't that seem to matter? " Hou Tianliang also narrowed his eyes. "You know, this is domestic. They are wild on our Chinese territory. I think they don't want to live, do they? This is no longer a provocation to the director? It's a provocation to the whole country! "

"It has risen to a considerable height, but what you said is not wrong. This is really a provocation to the country. However, I don't really care about who these guys are. What I care about is what forces are behind them. I'm not sure about this."

Just as I was talking, I heard two dull sounds, and the window was a flower at this time. It was not broken, but it was obvious that we could not see the situation in front of us! "Hold on to the steering wheel, keep going forward, slow down and sink!"

It was just said that the first shot could not be fired, but then there were two shots, and the window glass was not broken. Obviously, the bulletproof glass still played a considerable role, but such a large caliber gun also showed that people outside had such a certain potential for Ding Yu!

The car drove slowly for a distance. Ding Yu suddenly heard something, "stop, get off!" After saying that, Ding Yu has already rushed out. Hou Tianliang is sluggish for a moment, but then he also rushes out. Just after getting off the car, Ding Yu also grabs one of them. The whole person is also thrown out, and then several gunshots are fired, but it doesn't play a very important role!

However, the window glass has already broken. If it is a little later, Hou Tianliang may explain it to the outside even if he doesn't tell him that he is in the car. However, the people outside obviously didn't expect Ding Yu to be so decisive. The parking speed is too fast, and when getting off, he doesn't have any hesitation!

Leaning on the stone, Hou Tianliang is also pressing his heart beat! It's not that I don't want to suppress the beating of my heart, but there are some things that I can't do. There are a few dull noises outside, just like thunder beating on my heart.

"Pay attention to your environment!" Ding Yu didn't show up. He just judged the situation outside through his ears. "For us, although this is a defense area, this defense area is not so reliable! How about training you? It costs too much, but it only takes a bullet to make you die! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also stretched out the long gun in his hand, fired three shots, then took it back, and even moved his body. The next moment, Ding Yu's previous position was attacked by a storm. Although Ding Yu's hiding position was too ingenious, people outside did not have to pity the ammunition in his hand meaning!

"Director, we're just waiting!" Hou Tianliang is also pulling his own voice, because the voice is too small to hear!

"The previous driver and security have already got off the bus! They hide in what position, the outside simply do not know, just have a general location just! But the fighters on the battlefield are fleeting. It's too late to look for them now! Although the two of us are clearly located, due to the support of two people outside, the others are afraid to get too close! Is this a temporary stage? Hold on to it first

As soon as he finished speaking, Ding Yu threw a few more shots, which seemed to be very casual. However, this time, it was not a volley, but a volley. Half of the cartridge had been bombarded out by Ding Yu!

"It's a bite!" Ding Yu said confidently!

Seeing Hou Tianliang want to visit the outside world, Ding Yu then pulls it. Then he hears the business hit by the gravel on Hou Tianliang's head. Hou Tianliang shrinks his head tightly. He is just showing his head! But I thought that I was exposed and suffered such an attack!

"How could that be possible? They've been staring here? "

"What a normal thing to do!" Ding Yu said with disapproval, "although you are also a soldier, there are some different kinds of people who have not experienced field training. If it is a field operation, if we stay here, it will be a process of waiting for death! It's just a matter of time! "

After saying that, Ding Yu once again stretched out his gun in his hand, emptied all the remaining bullets, and threw it casually. The magazine clip in front of his chest was also connected at the first time, pulling it to reload, and the previous cartridge clip had not even landed yet! Ding Yu then made a copy, caught the clip and inserted it into his chest again.

It's not really saving. It's mainly to play a little bulletproof role. It may be useful or useless, but it's not afraid of 10000, just in case! Ding Yu's bullet still played a considerable effect. It's unknown how Ding Yu contacted him. But although Ding Yu can't say it's a gun biting meat, it still puts a lot of pressure on people outside!

Ding Yu is relying on what hit the target, to know that the surrounding signal has been blocked! They have special communication channels, but what about Ding Yu? He doesn't have any communication channels at all. It's difficult that they have already known about this matter, so they have made considerable preparations in advance. If this is the case, it will not be a general trouble!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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