Ding Yu didn't really mean to abuse them. Did he want to investigate their situation? It is really impossible to rely on the trial, which is obviously different from the original trial! But it really needs to be well protected! The other two people in the province will have problems!

There are not too many things in the evening, and Ding Yu obviously doesn't mean to go out for a walk. It seems that such a thing is not as simple as provocation! The relevant parties in China can not bear it, not to mention the current situation, so Ding Yu is still very honest to stay here in the hotel.

However, the protection of the hotel is also quite exaggerated. Fortunately, everything is the expense of Ding Yu. Anyway, he is so rich? No less than that? Right? But now they really don't have much interest in this aspect.

Now we still don't get the information of these guys who escaped. For the domestic intelligence and security departments, it is not only a slap in the face, but also involves many other problems! Now a lot of people are moving up, it is really let the security department catch a lot of people out! But what about these people? Obviously, he is not with the people who ambushed Ding Yu before!

"I'm not disturbing you, chief?"

Hou Tianliang is still sitting in an electric wheelchair. Now he has passed the pain period. As long as the activity is not intense, it will not have much impact. So Hou Tianliang also went to Ding Yu's side! But what do you mean? There are so many deliberately forward!

"Are you so leisurely? Or do you have nothing to do now? " Ding Yu's expression is a little discontented!

"No, I thought about the previous ambush. These guys are hiding here! Now I still have no intention of leaving. On the one hand? Is it that they can't leave, on the other hand? If we go back, will they ambush again? "

"Use me as the bait?" Ding Yu put down the book in his hand. "This is a good note. What do you think? I'm really interested in it now! "

"Director, don't make fun of me!" Hou Tianliang scratched his head with that good hand, "director, if you let the people outside hear you! Maybe my head will move in the next moment! The joke is so big that I can't bear it! "

Looking at the Director looking at himself, Hou Tianliang is also convergence on his face expression!

"Director, I think so. What these guys received should be death orders. I carefully recalled the situation of the day. If we had no weapons and equipment in our hands, we would not be able to resist it. At that time, they almost used all conventional weapons that could be used! It's all about being brave and fearless

"Tell me something useful. I don't need you to analyze it with me! What about these? The people below have already analyzed with me! " Ding Yu seems a little impatient at this time!

"The blockade of a considerable area shows that they will not attack the ordinary people! What's one of the important reasons? It's about the state. What's more? The deep reason is that they should come from the military. If they are ordinary people, they will certainly not be afraid of this aspect! "

"You mean to say, what about me? Once I find out some situations, I will definitely launch a deep-seated revenge. What about the time? The situation is certainly uncontrollable, but they did not make the so-called big noise before, so even if it is revenge, I can't make too much noise! That's what you mean by reciprocity. "

"I have this idea, and I think these guys are? For the domestic situation has a considerable understanding, this is definitely not one year two years of life can do! It's about the weather, the rain bomb, the signal shielding, the solar street lamp and so on

Ding Yu did not do too much response to this matter, but asked, "at dawn, if you were to act as the adviser, how would you operate?"

"Bomb! Or... "

Ding Yu pressed down on his own hand, "unscrupulous, isn't it?! Oh! What do you think? It's completely personal without considering more situations. What about the bomb? It's too obvious. As for those unconventional weapons, they can't be controlled at all. In such a small range, it's easy to affect the general public! Have you considered this question? "

"What's more? As you said earlier, why are all conventional weapons and blockade, because even if something is found out in the end, at least it can't be too qualified! In this way, we can all accept each other. For example, our country has mushroom eggs, and other countries also have mushroom eggs. But who dares to take out this big guy and big killer, unless we don't want the earth and the world! "

"But in that case, is there any point in ambush?"

"Why doesn't it make sense? Tell me, let me be cautious and careful, even need to grow an eye behind every moment, if I really close this eye, then I will have a good time! As for whether this matter will be exposed in the future, this is another question! You don't need to worry about it. It's easy to find someone who carries a black pot! "Speaking of this, Ding Yu seemed to suddenly think of something, "but when you say that, I really remember some things, in the small county of my hometown? It seems that there are still a lot of people hiding. These guys still seem to be a little annoying. It's time to clean up! "

"Director, do you suspect it has something to do with them?" Hou Tianliang also slightly straightened his waist!

"Does it matter? Just clean it up! They've been a little too active lately! " Ding Yu's words are not only for Hou Tianliang, but also for the emotional management department behind it. If the people in the emotion management department don't do it, what about the people who will do it? But I am myself!

As for self-made words, what will be a consequence, really no one will do this guarantee! Who made them catch up? People are unlucky to drink cold water all plug teeth, you catch up with the bad luck point, don't say anything else!

Just as the two people were talking, there was a knock at the door. After getting Ding Yu's permission, the security guard came in with a tablet computer, took a look, and then put the tablet computer in front of Ding Yu, "Sir, we retrieved all the monitoring data around us! It is also a considerable data collation of personnel and vehicles! "

"What can I do for you?"

"We need domestic security departments to communicate! Because the data is too big! After all, it's about... "

Ding Yu pointed to Hou Tianliang before, "he's here! And sun Lisa, director Sun is also downstairs! Communicate with them, and communicate the information we control with each other, so as to make a better comparison! We still need to find out these people as soon as possible! "

"Yes, sir!" I packed up my things and left immediately! What about this respect? It's not because of money that they were ambushed last night, but because of three people with a burden! But the ambush was dragged to death! Drivers and security don't even have too many problems!

What about inside? It has an absolute relationship with Mr. Zhang's transmission and teaching. It's really not a matter of whether you admit it or not! All the facts are in front of you, and this is not the first time! All of these have left an indelible impression in everyone's mind!

And what about this impression at any time? Also more profound! At the same time, it is difficult for outsiders to understand!

"Director, did you investigate the cable?" Hou Tianliang obviously did not think of some! Isn't the speed too fast! As far as I know, the investigation work here is still in the process of slow progress!

"Normal thing!" Ding Yu said with some disapproval, "now that there are so many monitors on the street, even if some signals are cut off, it does not mean that all the monitoring is not easy to use! So many people and vehicles around! Just a little signal! It's not difficult! "

"Director, the workload seems to be a little bit too big!"

"At least easier than looking for a needle in a haystack? What's more, now is the golden time, after this time, it's really hard to say! It's true that these guys are elites, but they are just fighters. It's not easy for them to hide themselves! " When talking about this, Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of something!

What about those people? Have been handed over to sesame, also do not know exactly is how a situation! You know, they're on their own side? However, it has undergone a considerable test, at least in the ordinary people, there is no problem! Unfortunately, what about these people? A lot of them are back!

It's not that they are the people who ambush themselves, but what Ding Yu thinks of this time is just an idea by chance! It doesn't really represent anything, but Ding Yu still left something in his heart!

"Director, leave tomorrow?"

"Try what you want! There should be some effect. However, from the current situation, I really don't think you can achieve the results you want. In addition to making plans, you also need to make two preparatory plans to see what kind of achievements you have achieved in this period of time! "

Hou Tianliang also took a deep breath, "director?" When he said this, Hou Tianliang's voice was shaking.

"Don't look at me like that! You want opportunities. There are no problems. I can give you such opportunities, but the question is whether you can seize such opportunities, I don't know! "

Hou Tianliang didn't speak. The director gave him such an opportunity. He needed to cherish it. It was acceptable to fail once or twice. However, when he failed, how would other people look at it? Hou Tianliang himself could not pass this pass! At that time, I'm afraid that I will become a bag of wine!

After leaving Ding Yu's room, Hou Tianliang came to her room. At the same time, she contacted sun Lisa and gave her views and opinions. Sun Lisa was quite surprised to see Hou Tianliang. She didn't expect that Ding Yu would dare to give such authority to Hou Tianliang at such a time. What kind of trust is this?If it was her own, Lisa sun would not dare to make such a decision! But is there any problem? Sun Lisa also felt a little suspicious, but now she is not good to fight against Hou Tianliang's enthusiasm!

"Director Sun, if we take the next bait, will they be cheated?"

"I think so!" As soon as this word said, Hou Tianliang took the lead! This is totally different from my imagination! "From what we have learned for the time being, they have not yet broken away from the net, and what is their task? It's to attack director Ding Yuding. If you give them a bait now, they will certainly be interested! "

"At the beginning, I thought about it in the same way, but later I had other ideas. The director gave me quite a reminder. Now they are isolating people and cutting off signals, which means that they will not" engage in a big fight ", at least they dare not do so. Under such circumstances, they will choose to bite bait, so there is a problem!"

"You mean they'll take the bait and distract people and let the other fish run?"

"I have an idea in this respect. Their previous attacks were simply reckless of their lives and casualties, but they just couldn't get in! The subsequent evacuation was only because the director's support had come! Now they are trapped here, I don't think they will take the initiative to fight

"Will not take the initiative to fight?" Sun Lisa looked at Hou Tianliang suspiciously. "There are other meanings in your words. What do you think? Or what did director Ding say? "

"The director asked me a few words. These guys used quite a lot of power, but there was really little movement. Everything was routine! That is to say, in the future, even if the director has any ideas and opinions, they can only be routine! "

Sun Lisa slightly twisted her mouth, which is really what she did not consider. After Hou Tianliang said this, it seems that it is such a thing. In terms of her own understanding, Ding Yu! It's really not a person who is beaten and doesn't fight back!

When someone gives him a knife, he can cut off other people's heads directly with a knife. This is a very normal thing! But think about it, it seems that Hou Tianliang really said so. Everyone is conventional, but can't beat you? Yes, but don't play with the mess.

In other words, he is also really worried that when Ding Yu was playing in a mess, Ding Yu had not done anything about bombing the building with missiles. What's the final result? It hasn't stopped!

"Except for this one? What are your alternatives? "

"I need to prepare a few more alternatives. If they don't come, what should we do to deal with them? What should we do when there are fewer people coming? If they... " She said a lot of things in a long way. Lisa sun also called on other people to study it carefully! This is not a simple thing to say!

After all, the most direct party is Ding Yu. What about the previous attack? The information management department and the security department have been put under great pressure. If something happens again, we are really to blame! So what about this plan? Be sure to be as detailed as possible!

"Sir! We've got a little bit of information here! " Although the time is a little late, but Taylor or directly broke into Ding Yu's room! How much appears to have so some "unscrupulous" meaning!

"So fast?" Ding Yu did not feel how abrupt!

"There are two news. Our family has found out some information, which is the channel of information leakage. This matter is being dealt with within the family. I believe we will give you an account as soon as possible! There is also a news that there are submarines from Japan and headed for South Korea! This is the most confidential! "

"This is a very interesting thing." Ding Yu rubbed his hand. "Previously, someone analyzed the specific situation with me. If they want to go to sea from home, it is impossible. Now it is also a situation, cross the border, take the coastline, and then run away from South Korea!"

"Sir, just let them go?"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "let them go? I really did not say this thing, even if it has the final say, I have no idea and idea about it. They leave or not leave, it is not much significance, Taylor, if you are, what will you do with this matter?

Taylor's face suddenly changed when he was asked, "even if they can get on the submarine, the final result will disappear. Even the most precious ashes will not be left behind. Along the firing hole, the ashes are directly scattered to the sea, and nothing can be found. This is more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"Yes! It's more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack! " Ding Yu also said with emotion, "so let them go, or do not let them go, the final result is the same, but for the domestic, if you let them out, there will be so some too shameful! So they! There is no way in heaven, no way in the earth, and the final result is the same! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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