Walking on the way back, Ding Yu didn't really pay attention to what happened behind him. However, Hou Tianliang showed a little uneasy. He sat beside Ding Yu and looked back from time to time!

What is expected to happen? I don't expect the director to suffer anything on the way back. This psychology can be said to be an abnormal contradiction, "your heart seems to be a little confused!" Ding Yu, disturbed by Hou Tianliang, also said something slightly dissatisfied.

"Director! I'm in a bit of a hurry! "

In the face of Hou Tianliang's sincere apology, Ding Yu snorted, "what happened or what didn't happen is not so important. You need to see this. I've seen your plan! right now? It's just that when you need to change your plan, make random adjustments. Just sit in front of you

This time, he was in the RV. He had a lot of spare time. Seeing Hou Tianliang's uneasiness, Ding Yu didn't want him to affect his mood. What's more, if he stayed by his side all the time, he would be more and more worried. After all, this is the plan he appointed himself. In front of himself, is it a present or a face for himself? It's hard to say!

It will not take more than two hours to go back home from here. If the high-speed rail will be available in the future, it will be less than 40 minutes. So now, I will have to bear with it!

Ding Yu is sitting in his own position, reading books, simply processing documents, and Hou Tianliang there? Even though he is busy with his plans, he will be happy to see what his plans are!

Although he went back to his hometown, Ding Yu didn't go home immediately. Instead, he came to the hotel. Hou Tianliang was still in a wheelchair when he got off the bus. There may not be too many problems with a simple two-step walk, but if the time is too long, it is really inconvenient!

When the manager of the hotel saw Hou Tianliang's appearance, his eyes were already silly! After all, Hou Tianliang has lived in the hotel for some time! Moreover, he is Ding Yu's secretary. How could he make such a scene when he didn't see him for two days? What matters is whether there is any problem with Ding Yu around him? This is a big deal for the hotel!

Ding Yu really doesn't care much about hou Tianliang's explanation. As for the follow-up affairs there, Ding Yu also has no too much relationship. What's Hou Tianliang's situation depends on his own!

"Director, things over there have come to an end!"

Ding Yu's head didn't mean to lift it at all. He dealt with the documents inside and said, "let's hear it!"

"I didn't catch any one alive, but from what I know, there should be some escape. They are all very smart! It won't be regular staff, it should be trained personnel! "

"Well! Is your plan well implemented? " Ding Yu asked casually!

"Thank you for your support, director. If there is no director, your

"All right! You don't have to flatter me Ding Yu put the processed documents aside. At this time, he raised his head. "Before leaving last night, I discussed with Tyler. It doesn't need to have much to do with their family affairs, but what about a submarine? I've been to quite a place. What do you think? "

"Ready for reception?" Hou Tianliang snorted coldly, "what they think is very beautiful!"

"Stupid!" Ding Yu was not polite and said, "I'm ready to take over! Can't you think of anything else? "

"Others?" After that, Hou Dingyu said, "you will not be scolded by the director Tianliang! Is this possible? "

"Why not?" Ding Yu asked, "what value do they have now? Is it necessary to give them medals now? Or a little bonus? What good things to think about? Dream

"Director, judging from our judgment, they are all soldiers!"

"That's just your judgment! From the perspective of decision makers behind the interests, they just have no value. You think everyone is like our country. It's too beautiful to pay attention to the so-called humanistic feelings! If there is value, then keep it. If there is no value, discard it. If you say these people keep it, what do you think is the result for some forces? "

Hou Tianliang is really a little chilly at this time. If these guys really keep it, once they are caught by the director in the future, the problems are really too big! Who will leave such a handle on himself? Isn't it the same thing?

"Give up everything?" Hou Tianliang felt that his scalp was numb, "isn't our work in vain?" I made a plan for half a day, but I didn't think it was useless!

"What is idle work? If you let people go, do you think you can look good on your face? What about doing things? You can't just think about yourself. You should start from the big direction and consider the whole situation. In other words, you play with your brain, and you need to exchange the minimum cost for the maximum benefit! "Hou Tianliang had never thought of so much before. He had planned such a big circle, but it turned out to be such a result. He was really so hard to accept. Would it really be such a result? How is that possible?

You know, those guys almost let the director and himself go to see God! But now it's just thrown away at will! This is totally a kind of betrayal. Even if you are from an outsider's point of view, you can't understand and think about it. Can you really handle it like this?

"Don't believe it?" Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang and asked faintly, "in fact, there is no habit of not being used to saying so, and you don't want to think about those messy things. It's useless at all!"

"Director, it's not that I've been thinking wildly, and those soldiers really can't think of it?" Hou Tianliang expressed considerable doubt, "they should not be idiots, right? Is there no backup plan? Is there no one to take the initiative to play this cover and ambush, if there is a problem, can we deal with this matter flexibly? "

"Didn't you say that just now? They don't have any living people left, which is enough to explain everything! You also participated in the trial when you were in the capital. You should be very clear. Betrayal? There are only a few situations, interests, feelings and beliefs! Interests and feelings are meaningless to them, and will they betray their beliefs? "

"The problem is that they have been betrayed!"

"Betrayed? Doesn't mean they will betray! This is a complicated psychological process! " Ding Yu slowly explained that, "you have too little experience in the information management department. You are just a fledgling guy, and have not been rendered too much, so I will let you have a look and feel at the same time, but don't think too much about it!"

"Director, I always put the national interest first

"How much appetite to eat and how much rice to eat, this is known! What about my rise? Is slowly accumulated, the structure of skyscrapers can not be completed overnight, even now, you think my power is very large! But what about actually? It's just building a foundation! Even this foundation is not particularly solid! "

"Director, this joke is a little too big! I'm still young. Don't fool me

"Why fool you? Do you think it is necessary?" Ding Yu shook his head, "I'm just telling the truth! Now is not the time to add bricks and tiles. Your foundation is not so solid. If you want to build a high building, how can it collapse in two and a half days! "

"Director, why do you think that you are now a high-rise building?"

"The so-called high-rise building? That's what the outside world says! What to do when you can't suppress it? Dare not fight? At the same time, but also can not play, then there is another way and play! If it's hard, it's soft! Flatter you, flatter you, let you float, can not have a clear mind, this is enough

"Can you still play like this?" Hou Tianliang once again refreshed his concept of consciousness!

"Why not? It's just killing people with soft knives. Although it's not as pleasant as hard knives, the effects are the same. That is to say, the so-called results are the same, but the means are slightly different. "

Whether Hou Tianliang realized the problem or not, Ding Yu has explained it almost! However, the two people did not talk for a long time, someone has come! "Sir, someone wants to see you! It's like talking about the detention house! " It's plain expression, no other opinions!

"I see!" For this matter, Ding Yu really does not have too many ideas, to this one? Certainly not the people in the city, it should be the relevant personnel dispatched from above. Whether it is true to squat inside, or fake to squat inside, it needs to have a process! And still can't escape that kind!

"Director Ding!" The visitor's expression seems very relaxed, but in front of Ding Yu, he didn't mean to hold it deliberately. "The ministry hopes you can go to the detention center to guide the work. You may need to be stationed for a period of time!"

Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitched for a moment, "this statement is really so some too good to hear! I know what I've done. Just squat down! It's not a big deal! Don't be so beautified

"Director Ding, I am responsible for the coordination and arrangement of the whole process. If there is any problem, you can inform me at any time. I have to go to the detention center to supervise. I still don't know what the situation is like. Please forgive me!"

"Thank you Ding Yu really doesn't have any intention to play horizontal, there is no need for this, OK? Now that everything has been committed! Then you need to recognize your own problems! Can not be very good to face their own, how can better look forward to it? If you can't look forward? How to develop?

"Get ready! This time you have a share! Don't think you can escape! " Having said that, Ding Yu also asked the security guard to take the documents that he had dealt with and deal with them! "I'll go home first. I still need to give my father and mother a good account! Save them worryDing Lin and Zhao Shuying have a good rest these two days. They were too busy with the old Dean! After all, I am old. I really don't want to admit it, but I don't want to accept it? Not really! Even ten years ago, there was absolutely no problem in boiling for two or three days, but now it's much worse!

"So early?" Ding Lin, half lying on the sofa, said casually.

"There's nothing wrong there. I'll come back first! There are also some tasks here. We need to investigate some things. We will stay in the detention center in our city for the time being. "

"What?" Ding Lin couldn't help but take out his own ears, and said suspiciously, "detention center? How did you get to that place? Even if there is a problem in that place, it won't be your turn? "

"Dad, it's not that I don't want to explain, not that I have no way to explain! For the time being, I need to stay there for a while. The specific time is yet to be determined, and the specific things are also confidential! " Ding Yu can only say so. Can't he tell his father that he made a mistake, so he needs to squat there?

Zhao Shuying obviously also heard something, "is the detention center in our city a little too small? How do you want to go there? It seems that I haven't heard of anything happening in the city recently. "

"Mom, don't you and my dad guess! What is the matter? I can't explain anything. If I insist on explaining, it's just a task given by the above. It can only be said in this way! "

"It's very close to our house. What do you do at night?"

"It depends! If there are more things over there, you won't come back! If nothing happens, I'll be back for dinner! That's it at most! I also have Hou Tianliang. Other people need to settle down there. If it seems too special, there are always some bad things! "

I feel that there is nothing wrong with what the eldest son said. If he always goes home, it seems that there are some things that are not appropriate. However, it seems that the time for the eldest son to come back this time is really so long, and this time it seems that there are really special important things. Otherwise, we should not go to see the place where we are guarding!

Although this explanation? Maybe a little far fetched, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying accepted it! It's not a big deal, is it? It's right at the door! As for investigating something? They really don't care so much!

"Yes! It seems that Bruce Lee is still at the detention center now! "

"Ah?" Ding Yu also doubted, "there is no problem to bring him something, that is, to eat and use, as for other things? I really don't know. After all, my office is independent and no one is allowed to get close to me! "

As a matter of fact, Zhao Shuying is just saying that, but really not intentional! Ding Yu had lunch at home and reported to the detention center in the afternoon! It is impossible for Ding Yu to live with the people in the detention center! However, it is impossible for Ding Yu to live in the so-called luxury suite! Come here is squatting, not come to enjoy happiness!

However, the room is very clean, and the top and bottom of the detention center are a little nervous. It's not good to go to any place to work, and I have to come here to work? Although it is said that this is a county-level city, but the office can not be without it! As for coming here?

But no one has any words, because the Ministry has come! Procedures and so on are also placed in front of, there is the person who came? Almost all of them are loaded with live ammunition. Can the detention house not be nervous? What about the walls here? It's also a gun, but which gun is just a deterrent!

And who came? After all, there is no sexual contact between the inmates and the inmates in the prison for a long time? I know the origin is absolutely extraordinary! There is a strong smell on the body!

Different from the detention center, the marks on their bodies are too thick! In other words, more directly, they are military! I don't have to be rigid in doing things, but what about style? It's very popular!

The absolute event! Now that we have a small place like them, I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse! And what about the people from the Ministry? I have talked with them in detail. Everything here will be kept confidential. If there is any problem in the detention center, we will be held responsible to the end!

According to the emergency deployment, all the personnel at home are in the new row. Strict confidentiality is one aspect, and the other is? It is the most strict management, absolutely can not appear on their body any problems.

If there is any problem and condition, don't wear this dress again!

"Is the environment still good? It's not so gloomy! What's your opinion? Secretary Hou? "

Hou Tianliang is still sitting in the electric wheelchair, looking out, but also sighed, "director, you don't want to continue to hit me! I have been hit hard in the last two days! I even have some doubts about whether I can stick to it. Director Sun told me earlier, but so far, there is no one alive! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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