Several cars are parked in the inner corner of the detention center. There is a parking lot outside. But for safety and other considerations, it is safer to put them inside! What's more, Ding Yu absolutely did not want to interfere with the internal management of the detention center. Did he come in by himself? It's squatting! Don't make too much noise! Don't make too much publicity! Not in line with Ding Yu's character!

"Director, the detention center asked, how do we arrange our dinner?"

"Stay here? Eat it right here! We'll pay for the food In fact, the people who stay here are not as many as you imagined. What about Ding Yu? Besides two security guards? That is, Hou daybreak! Of course, there are other personnel, but these are not Ding Yu's people!

Even when they had dinner in the dining hall, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang had a table. There was no drink. Even if they took it up, no one would drink it. The staff of the security department also sat at a table, which was quite different from those in the detention center! It seems that there are not too many words between each other.

"Lao Zhu? What are you looking at? " The director of the detention center looked at the old police officer nearby. He couldn't help but ask, "don't look at the Western mirror! I don't know what rules are, do they? "

"Director, I don't think it's like our neighbor's child! The more you look, the more like it is! Although he doesn't come back very much, there is No. 1 in our community! "

Ah? The director couldn't help being stunned. Even his teeth couldn't help biting the chopsticks in his mouth, "your neighbor's? What do you do in your neighbor's house? "

"The old Ding of the city hospital, the vice president of Ding Linding, said he was a neighbor? In fact, it is a community, the relationship between each other has been very good! I'm still holding a post at the Health Bureau. This is no small matter! "

At this time, all the people around the table looked at Zhu Shou, and their eyes were so bright!

Ding Yu has a little more food here. In addition to the rice, there are several steamed bread, all of which have entered his own stomach. But the canteen staff are so stupid? Although he said that he had made considerable preparation, but the preparation was obviously not enough! How can these people eat so much? There are two plates of steamed bread!

After eating, when Ding Yu came out of the dining hall, he saw Zhu Shou next to him. He stopped for a moment and even nodded his head slightly. However, he didn't have too many words. Even though he was close, he couldn't say anything. What's more, he knew such a neighbor, which was not as familiar as he thought!

"Director, director Sun may come over in the evening and need a detailed briefing. My report may have some problems, not so detailed. You know that in the whole process of the battle, I was quite passive, and the whole person was so sluggish, so this description is quite problematic."

"Say hello to the detention house! It's not a big deal Want to fight over there? It should be over! Although that is a day and a night, it seems that there are some short, but in fact, it is quite a long time!

Whether it is trained or there are other reasons, the problem is really not Ding Yu want to investigate and explore! It doesn't make any sense. What does Sun Lisa want to know? In Ding Yu's heart, there are some feelings.

Because he had just had dinner, Ding Yu didn't go to his own house. Instead, he wandered in the courtyard of the detention center, but it was a fixed range. Hou Tianliang accompanied Ding Yu in an electric wheelchair, which was regarded as a release from the wind!

Because Ding Yu and they live in the periphery, they are basically in the same area with the armed police! Therefore, there are not too many people. The armed police maintain a courteous attitude towards these new residents. They don't contact them, but they don't refuse them! Ding Yu stayed for a little while watching the training of the armed police.

It's just an observation. It doesn't mean anything else. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang also left immediately! Although it is just a small county, but the watch here is still more strict, at least the attitude of the armed police is like this!

Back to the residence, there are several more armed police standing guard at the bottom of the building. Ding Yu nodded his head, but Hou Tianliang, sitting in a wheelchair, directly saluted him. Hou Tianliang is a soldier. This is the courtesy they should have!

Stand at attention! Salute! Watching Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang enter the building together! Each other looked at each other, but no one has any words! Stand guard, talk and whisper!

Ding Yu returned to the office assigned to him, while Hou Tianliang sat in the opposite position of Ding Yu. It is not to say that there is still some place to live in order to save time. It is mainly to wait for the arrival of Lisa sun. As for the place to live? It's just a normal room! What about this? It is quite different from the armed police on the building! They are all shops!

Here it is? There is no so-called privacy, everything is clear at a glance!Until more than 10 p.m., sun Lisa came by bus. She had to show her own documents. The outside armed police and the police at the guard house looked at the documents of sunlisa and others. They felt that there was so much numbness on her scalp! After recording the identity, it also quickly opened the door! At the same time, it is also hard to straighten up your waist!

But good in Dingyu office place is outside, but it is not in the meaning of inside, this is to save a lot of procedures! When she entered the room, sun Lisa also called the head of the armed police, "15 meters to 20 meters away from the warning! No one is allowed to cross! Our people are responsible for the security inside! If someone breaks in without permission, you can shoot and shoot after warning! "

"Yes! Sir! " The head of the armed police saluted, and the people who sun Lisa brought in carefully checked and then began to clean up the interior. What about the armed police? Everyone is on the outside guard! It was also a moment of tension to see the police officers in the detention house, because no one knew what happened!

"Director Ding, we have cleaned up on this side! There is no living! About five people! "

"It's all done! I heard that director Sun has other things? "

"It's so special! And the end is very special, the Department attaches great importance to this matter, but it hinders director Ding's personal reasons, so it will not let the security department continue to be involved. If there are many people, things will be more and more complicated, so we can understand quite a bit about it! I hope director Ding can understand it! "

"What do you want to know? What happened, what happened and what happened? "

"The result is now generally clear! Say the specific process, we can do the corresponding understanding! "

"Yes! What happened? It was an ambassador who was ill! Tyler found me and asked me to go for treatment, but I was not convenient to go to the capital city, so they sent people to me. After treatment, I came out of the hospital and met ambush. I felt a little bit before ambush, so I made quite preparations! "

"Director Ding, you said you were prepared before ambush. When was the ambush in it before?"

"When you come out of the hospital, you always feel someone is staring at it. When you drive on that road, you can almost say that you have no vehicles. So you have made a considerable arrangement, or it has achieved considerable effect. This is basically such a situation!" Ding Yu really doesn't have much to hide about!

"Director Ding, is the equipment on your car always equipped or temporarily equipped?"

"There are so many boundaries in this discourse! Even some questions about internal security, but if you really want to know, I can answer you, weapons and equipment? Only a lot more, the previous time was just standard equipment! There is no special place! It's just conventional weapons! "

After listening to Dingyu, sun Lisa's eye angle also beat a few times, conventional weapons, but the question is whether there are so many things in it! There is absolutely no problem in a small campaign.

And the result is exactly what it was. Was it not a small battle that had been fought before? Look at the shells left behind at the scene and know what happened? There are so many unscrupulous on both sides! Okay? Ding Yu has a considerable shield and bulletproof car, otherwise it is really destroyed!

Sunlisa raised quite complicated problems, and the guards outside were always on guard. Until 12 o'clock, sunlisa was only finished with the inquiry. In this way, she also wanted to thank Dingyu for his cooperation. On this point, Dingyu didn't even have any intention of resisting.

This is quite touching for sunlisa. If Dingyu refuses, she seems to have nothing to say, but he can only give feedback on this matter. But Dingyu did not do so, cooperated with her own investigation, and nothing happened to her during the period!

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Dingyu got up on time, which scared the guard who stood outside. The Dean slept so late last night. He got up so early this morning? Is it a little earlier?

But when the armed police officers who changed their posts passed Dingyu's room, they also noticed that the bed was clean and tidy, and the quilt was stacked neatly, even more angular than them, so they could just take it out and use it as a template!

"Platoon, I really don't peep. There is nothing in the room. It is just that it is exaggerating that director Ding's quilt is too exaggerated? So I looked at it more! If you don't believe it, you go and see. I'm really saying it! "

The platoon of the armed police then also looked at the quilt in the room, the eye is not a stand, yesterday's quilt? He has deliberately checked it. Although it is also neat, it will never be such a corner, which is going to rise to the standard of art! Even there is no one in the squadron to compare.At this time, Hou Tianliang also pushed the electric wheelchair and slowly walked out. When walking, there were still some faltering, and the injury was no longer painful? But it's not going to get better in a day or two!

Seeing the crowd at the door, he also made a salute, but didn't say anything. Then he sat on the wheelchair and slowly walked out of the building! Behind these armed police are also to see a Leng a Leng.

"Platoon leader, when he changed his dressing yesterday, I took a look, and the injury seems to be special!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Keep your mouth shut and train The platoon leader took a look, and then he looked at the bedding in the room. The folded one is called neat. All the soldiers in the platoon should have a look. This is the standard, OK?

Ding Yu is fighting boxing, Hou Tianliang is pushing a wheelchair around the circle, which can also be regarded as moving his body. Breakfast is slightly different from yesterday's situation. Ding Yu has added a lot of things here, but Ding Yu really doesn't mean to eat alone. He has one, and other people have the same one!

After breakfast, Ding Yu slipped two times. At this time, there was a burst of shouting outside. Ding Yu seemed to have thought of something. When he came out, he was also his neighbor. "Uncle Zhu, is it convenient?"

"Director Ding!" Zhu Shouxian was stunned, and then followed Ding Yu's side.

"Uncle Zhu, you are welcome! If my father knows this, I will give me two feet even if I don't slap me! I just came here to work for a while, but I added some trouble to everyone! "

"What we should do!"

"I didn't intend to trouble you, but I happened to meet uncle Zhu. I don't know if Uncle Zhu has time. I want to take advantage of the time to have a look at Bruce Lee, my cousin. He should have not pronounced a sentence yet."

"Zhao long, right! Oh! This child! Your father and mother have been here twice, I heard! The specific sentence should be handed down for some time! I'm sure I won't stay here! There's only one direction up there! "

"Made a mistake? Should be punished! It's necessary. Anyway, it's the children of my uncle's family. Since he's here, it's just a wall away, or we'll meet to let him realize the importance of freedom and repent of his mistakes. At least there's still a chance to correct. If he's released now, he'll be hard to control himself! "

"That's also true. Can it make him realize his fault? More important than anything! "

Ding Yu met Zhao long at the right time and prepared something to eat. "The specific sentence has not come down, but what about the general situation? I already know something about it! About five years. How about you together? What about the leader? Twelve years, by comparison, half of his generation has been destroyed! "

"Brother Zhao Long was also full of tears. Before he came in, he thought it was no big deal. But after he came in, he found out what kind of place it was and who was a good man to come here! Every day I think of this, I feel a piece of dark! "I know it's wrong! I really know I'm wrong! "

"Do you know wrong! This problem does not care about me, but about yourself! I said hello to the leader of the detention center here. Will you transfer to the prison in two days? Everything depends on you! Can it be improved? After all, my uncle and aunt are still waiting for you at home

"Cousin, how did you come here?"

"Don't ask me about my business. Do you ask too much? There will be quite a warning, and there will be discipline to talk to you later. The main thing is to pay attention to confidential matters. I didn't intend to meet you, but at least there is still a family friendship. I hope you can really change. Although this is not a good place, from another point of view, when you enter here, you will either continue to sink, or you will be reborn How did you choose! "

Zhao Long was puzzled, but Ding Yu didn't go to explain what he said, "let's have a meal at noon! Just the two of us, it's special! You'll be informed then! What about the prison? It's a real small society! "

Ding Yu didn't feel sorry for Zhao Long's leaving. He came in by himself? That is to say, squatting is really nothing to do with other things, just for Zhao long to come over alone? It must be worthless! I believe the police officers on the detention center understand it very well.

"Director, the results of the analysis have come out!"

"Found their identity?" Ding Yu looked at the document in his hand and asked a question.

"It's just the result of the analysis, but it's hard to make a judgment in this respect. Their bodies are so clean! Even the contents of the stomach and intestines are very clean, which makes people feel a little unconvinced. It is obvious that this was done in advance. In a hurry, it will not be like this! "

"I have the same bad news. The submarine has returned! What about the whole process? How many have gone, how many have come back! "

"Probably half way away!" Hou Tianliang did not believe in distinguishing a sentence, but how much of this statement has so many strong arguments."Are you stupid? Or the brain is not open! I can't hear what it means Ding Yu hated it and took a look. "How many people went and how many came back meant the people who took the boat? It's gone! "

"Just do it on the boat?"

"If you want to do it, you can do it there! It's not difficult! As for how to destroy bones, do you think it will be difficult? So! You can't find any information about these guys on earth! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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