For the director's judgment, Hou Tianliang did not say that he could not understand, but felt that he was somewhat unacceptable. Although he said that he was ambushed by them, there was such an end. Is it really good?

"Isn't it cruel, chief? I'm also from the intelligence department. "

"Cruel?" Ding Yu asked, "from the perspective of the enemy and ourselves, there is nothing cruel or cruel. If they die more miserably, I may be happy. We don't need to do it ourselves. It saves time and effort. If we look at the problem from the perspective of ordinary people, then I can only say that you have not adapted to the current situation! What's more, you are not suitable for this job. It's so simple! "

A word, also let Hou Tianliang not from begin to doubt oneself! Ding Yu's reaction to Hou Tianliang has been predicted for a long time. This is a process. If he can recognize himself again, Hou Tianliang is a new beginning. If he can't know himself, Hou Tianliang is not suitable to continue to stay with him!

Can you make it? Nobody knows? Even Ding Yu is not clear, although Ding Yu can use other ways and means to make Hou Tianliang survive, but for Ding Yu, this is not necessary at all! Only let him come to this section of the road, he can slowly know himself in the future!

If everything depends on others, wait for others to feed into their mouth, he will never grow up! What's the use of a small child? Don't you eat and dress yourself and wait for others? It's better to pack up the package and get out of the way to make room for others.

At noon, Ding Yu did not eat in the dining hall, but invited Zhao long to have a meal in his room. Although the food in the detention center is OK, it certainly can't catch up with the things on the table now! Zhao long looked at the things on the table, but also shook off his arm.

But eating, this tear also came down! Just for the sake of natural and unrestrained, for the sake of happiness, I need to pay the price of several years. All the things here can only depend on myself. When I lose it, I know that the original gain is so precious! But I gave up easily!

After lunch, Ding Yu didn't let Zhao long leave. Previously, he ate a lot, but because of his feelings, Zhao Long didn't have much appetite! It's just mechanical stuff in your mouth!

"Thank you, brother." Zhao long, sitting on the chair, also stood up and bowed to Ding Yu!

"Why do you want to say thank you all of a sudden?" Ding Yu took out his cigarette from his pocket, motioned to Zhao long, and then put it in front of him. "It's not a good thing to smoke at your age. What about me? Although also smoke, but smoke less! Just because of some special occasions, take two bags back later! When you're here, I give you half a bag of ration every day! "

Zhao Long took out his cigarette and took a hard puff. The general cigarette was only ash! "I also learned later that my aunt and uncle are helping out. The parents at home are just complaining about it."

"I don't want to argue about it!" Ding Yu took the words and said, "what happened at the beginning? I really felt a little trouble, but when I was quiet, I thought about it carefully. When I had an accident, you were very young and didn't know the situation. At that time, they were panic stricken and disoriented. They didn't know what to do. Even if it was a glimmer of light, they would hold great hope! ”

in other words, Ding Yu enlightens Zhao long by the way, so that he can have a good and sober understanding, which will also play a positive role in his future transformation! If you can't make a good transformation, then the meaning of his coming in will be all gone!

"Brother! I'll go back first! " After smoking, Zhao Long also stood up.

"I will stay here for a period of time. I believe that discipline has told you quite a lot about it before. If there are any problems and conditions, I can tell them to them!" Ding Yu told me two words!

Back in his office, there was no other person. He was alone in his office, dealing with quite a lot of documents. He was a little quiet. People outside didn't want to disturb Ding Yu. As for Hou Tianliang? It is outside stroll, electric wheelchair walk for a while, stop for a while!

Ding Yu is squatting in his hometown, a little carefree, but for the capital, it is really not good news, although what Ding Yu did? There are so many means to hide his ears and steal the bell, but now he has entered and squatted! What else? What else do you want?

And what about the third tier? We have already gone to the farm. There is no harsh treatment and no special treatment. As long as you are allowed to do anything, we will cooperate with you! Under such circumstances, we have no particularly good way to take Ding Yu, and even feel that there is no way to start!Now you want to stimulate Ding Yu? There are so some stimulation can not be, because Ding Yu is now living in the turtle shell, want to knock all can not move, Ding Yu single mindedly stuffy, everyone is really helpless! Can be really laissez faire Ding Yu, really good? You should know that after the new year, Ding Yu may still leave directly as usual!

It's not moving, it's not moving. What should I do? If you move, you will be worried. If you don't, you will be upset! But the toad can't bite the dead!

Hou Tianliang is still in a state of "unconsciousness". People in the armed police also feel at a loss, "director Ding, you can see that the sky is getting dark! Secretary Hou is still outside! "

"It's not a bad thing to make him sober up. There's a little more stuff in his head all at once, so it takes a lot of time to laugh at him. There's no problem with his physical fitness, just let people watch him! There is no need for any other action! "

"Yes Now that director Ding's words are available, then everything will not be a problem! "Director Ding, dinner may be a little late. Two pigs were brought here today. The canteen may be a little busy!"

"I see!" Ding Yu doesn't have any special requirements for this side. After all, he is squatting here, which is already quite special. If he is choosy now, I'm afraid this speech will not be very pleasant!

Although the dinner in the evening is a little late, but the food is still quite rich. Ding Yu did not eat too much pork, mainly beef and mutton, at least not so much fat, and supplemented with a lot of vitamins, although ordinary people eat so much dinner is not good, but it has no effect on Ding Yu!

"Good fellow! This appetite is really big and frightening The people of the armed police are at the table next to them, so you can clearly see the amount of food Ding Yu eats. A person can top four or five people. You should know that the training of the armed police is not the same as that of the police. Because of the long-term and high-intensity training, the diet is inevitably a little big!

But even so, there is no comparability with Ding Yu, which is too exaggerated! Even shocking!

"I don't know if it's frightening to death, but I took a look at the action and style of director Ding, an absolute veteran!"

"If you look at the internal affairs, it's a good hand, but what about other aspects? I really don't have too much feeling. I just hit a few sets of fists in the morning. I feel so painless! There is no strength at all

"What do you know?" The platoon leader also gave a discontented look. "I looked at it twice before. You saw the top, but you didn't see the foot. If you don't believe it, tomorrow morning, you'll have a look. The trace under the foot is very obvious. Even if we jump up and step on it, we don't see that we can step on that deep footprints!"

People looked at each other, but they didn't notice this. After all? It's not a combat force. I'm not so proficient in some aspects, but I've been well trained. As time goes on, I'll slowly discover something different!

However, Hou Tianliang, who has had dinner there, is still a jerk. He wanders around at will. He doesn't know what he wants to do, and there are not many people to pay attention to him! He's in the yard anyway! What's more, he is not a criminal. What about director Ding? After two rounds, I went back to the office!

I waited until about twelve o'clock to have a rest, and at four o'clock in the morning, I got up! Look at his appearance, it seems that he is not acting, energetic and orderly, but the work is a little busy! Back and forth files and files!

One day, two days, three days and four days. Seeing what Ding Yu has done, the policemen are a little far away, but they don't feel much. But the armed police are really numb. Is this guy still a human? It's not a normal person at all, OK! How can normal people have this?

One day is about four hours of rest. What about the rest? However, the director was not able to work hard. He even felt that he had to work hard to deal with all the documents!

"What? Do you understand? "

In the morning, Hou Tianliang seems to have changed a person suddenly. The whole person's eyes are not as sharp as before, but occasionally can see some light out! Seeing Hou Tianliang's appearance, Ding Yu looked at him with his eyes, but did not show too much concern!

"Director, the delay is a little long! I will make up for the previous work as soon as possible! "

"I heard you've been in it all these two days! Yes? Would you like to have a taste of detention? "

"It's a little bit too much to mediate my emotions! The whole head is about to explode, but even in such an environment, there is no way to relieve yourself, so we also find some special ways to reduce pressure. Relatively speaking, they still have a considerable effect! ""To be able to find some ideas and clues from these guys, they have played a considerable role." Ding Yu's words are commendatory or derogatory, I'm afraid Hou Tianliang's heart is clear!

"In fact, most of them are local people. What about the crimes committed? It's not as heavy as I imagined, and there are many problems involved. But I don't have the right to lose the files. At most, it's with these people? Just make some contacts! Taking advantage of leisure time to chat, but also to their own growth of a lot of information! "

"How much information have you increased? I can't control this matter, and I can't take charge of it at the same time. But what's your situation now? It is necessary to deepen ideological and political education! It is necessary for your future growth. I may go to the United States directly next year. Will you follow me then? It's not so convenient, so you can take advantage of this time to learn! Raise your awareness! "

"Yes, chief!" Hou Tianliang also made a salute to Ding Yu. You should know that during this period of time, the director has always been a laissez faire situation for himself, but it is precisely because of such indulgence that he did not add any pressure to himself. You should know that under the situation at that time, he felt that he was about to explode!

If I put it outside at that time, I'm afraid I really don't know how to deal with it. Maybe it's a dissolute person? It may also be unscrupulous. After such a battle and baptism, his spirit has been affected too much, but the director chose here.

At the same time, he also resisted too much pressure. These words don't need to be said, but Hou Tianliang has all of them in his heart. Without the director's guidance and instruction, he would never have been as sober as he is today!

"I'll go home for dinner in the evening, and you can go with me! Anyway, you can walk these two days! Wheelchair? There is no need to push to our door, let my father and mother if they see! I don't know how it happened! "

"Yes, director. I'll arrange it right away!"

In the evening, when the eldest son wants to come back, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are busy for a while. The children have been to the detention center for a long time without any news. The old song in the community is also in the detention center, but once asked and three don't know, what does it look like? It seems that I dare not mention it!

Although it's not a system, it's all people inside the system. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also know that something must have been involved. So what about the old song dynasty? Dare not speak! But it's also good, as long as it's not a mess!

Chicken, duck and fish, steamed, boiled and fried, can be said to have everything, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang eat is also quite happy! "I heard old song say that the food there is pretty good. Why are you two so hungry?"

"Dad, their food is good, but it is only up to a certain standard. It will be the same as at home." Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth. "I even added some subsidies there, but that's what it looks like. If it's too much, other people will gossip about it."

"Yes, after all, it is in such a place. I heard that the management there is very strict? How can old song look like a mouse seeing a cat when he sees me? I always say a few words! "

"The work is quite special. They have held a special meeting to study it! But what about us and the police? We don't use their places. We live with the armed police and we don't have any contact with them! " There is no problem with these words!

Ding Lin nodded. He was not so concerned about it. He was mainly worried about the problems and conditions of his eldest son. Since it was a matter of work, it would be easy to do!

After dinner, Hou Tianliang went back to the hotel alone. Ding Yu would not accompany him. He had a good rest at home. Hou Tianliang talked with his girlfriend for a long time to solve the pain of Acacia!

But after a short time, someone will knock on the door! Looking at the people standing outside the door, Hou Tianliang was not particularly abrupt, or even showed too many accidents! "Director Sun, is it so late? What can I do for you? "

"You have been in it before! Some things? There is no way to confirm with you! After all, when we were ambushed and fighting, now you are the only one who can make it clear. What about other personnel? It's hard! "

Previously, Ding Yu has told himself in detail about the situation. Once and twice means the same thing, but the number of times to go is too much, it shows that there are so many faces! What's more, this person is still Ding Yu?

Since Ding Yu can't do it, he can only do his best to find Hou Tianliang! As a person in the system, when you ask him about relevant matters, you don't have so many worries! And relatively speaking, Hou Tianliang is also more with some!

The inquiry time was a little longer, but Hou Tianliang had always been quite sober, and did not appear to have so much irritability and impatience because of the cumbersome details, which made lisa sun take a high look!"It seems that you have made considerable progress in the past two days? Is it possible that after fighting, you have been sublimated? "

When the matter is over, Lisa sun is also thinking of a joke with Hou Tianliang!

"Director Sun, don't make fun of me! What has sublimation, at most is a little sentiment! But it's hard to say. Now I can understand the workers in the hidden front! It's not a normal person , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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