"Have a good rest! I hope you can settle down! "

Sun Lisa is very clear that after a special battle, her mood will not be calmed down for a period of time. Even though she has undergone the most rigorous training, she has not been tested in the battlefield? Just a recruit all the time!

And now hou Tianliang has begun to approach a veteran! Although his performance in the course of this battle is not so perfect, and even has considerable flaws, but considering the situation of the war, what he has done is still commendable! It can't be generalized!

There must be Ding Yu's reason. If there was no Ding Yu, Hou Tianliang would have died! Can you live to this time? Don't even think about it? But Ding Yu is really optimistic about hou Tianliang!

There is no denying that if there was no Ding Yu, Hou Tianliang would never have grown to this extent!

After the door was closed, Hou Tianliang was also lying on the big bed, and did not sleep for a long time. He woke up in the morning a little bit late, and the director had already come over! Two people also went to the detention center again after having dinner!

"That's it, chief?"

"That's it?" Ding Yu said suspiciously, "judging from the temporary situation, there is no trace left, but no trace is just the biggest defect. Look! It won't be as quiet as you can imagine. It's just that the wind is still on the surface now! "

At this time, the people behind Ding Yu's surprise attack also received considerable intelligence. The number of people killed on the submarine and the corpses collected by the Chinese side were seriously wrong! There are five more people missing? Where on earth have these five gone? Why don't they have any news now?

Have you been caught alive? I haven't received any news in this respect. If I haven't been captured alive, I'll see my corpse! No bodies? Are they also frustrated? China will never do this! There are articles in it! And it's quite a big article!

If it is hiding, it may not be a big deal, but what if it is not hiding? Where are they? At that time, the two sides of the war were only Ding Yu and them. If they did not break away without authorization, there is only one possibility now, that is, someone fell into Ding Yu's hands!

There seems to be a little bit of a big deal out there? Even if it falls into the hands of China's intelligence management department or security department, there will not be too many problems, but if it falls into Ding Yu's hands, who knows what kind of things this jerk can do, because no one can go to his heart!

But what about other things? There is room for negotiation. What about this matter? It seems that there is no way to talk about it. Who should we talk to? What about the old peytons? Now, as if mad, the wolf cub of the third generation also raised the butcher's knife in his hand, which was called a cruel one, which was better than Dingyu's!

What about the person who started Ding Yu? After all, it is an outsider, and the one who started by the third generation is the blood of the family itself. However, the third generation does not pay any attention to this. In Chinese terms, it means that the one who goes along will prosper and the one who goes against will die! Live or die, it's so simple! Don't say anything else. It's useless!

It's not a common headache to attack Ding Yu. It's impossible to take measures against Ding Yu now. What about such a small trick? Just play once or twice! It's really impossible for Ding Yu to fool around. It means that Ding Yu can do the same.

What would happen if Ding Yu was a fool? No one dares to guarantee it!

But anyway? Now that there is a problem, go and solve it! Therefore, it was almost when Ding Yu and her family had just entered the detention center that she learned about the relevant information. There were five people who had disappeared without a trace. She did not know whether they were really missing? Or something else?

Sun Lisa, who had already sorted out all the detailed information, began to be a little sluggish! This situation has never been mentioned to myself. Although I said that my staff arrived at the scene a little late, I never found it in the video data of the scene!

"What's the situation with Ding Yu? It's a bit interesting! "

"Director, we have been staring at director Ding for the past two days, and we have relaxed our vigilance for other personnel. Moreover, there are so many people on director Ding's side, which involves a lot of secrets, so there is no way to visit him. What's more, we have seriously ignored it!"

"Can you be sure that the person is in director Ding's hands?"

"Director, there is no way to determine, but when our staff arrived at the scene, everything had video data. What about director Ding and Secretary Hou at that time? They will never have any chance to stay where they are. If it's the periphery, unless director Ding can provide quite a lot of video data! "Sun Lisa bit her teeth slightly. Five people? Is it true or not? No one knows whether this is a smoke bomb or to tell the truth! At least at this time, it's very difficult for Lisa sun to make this judgment!

"Secretary Hou has always been at director Ding's side, waiting for the end of the battle before they separated from each other!" Sun Lisa murmured to herself, "what is the message from? If there is the direction of information transmission, it would be good to find out the forces behind directly! Are people really that important? "

"Director, where did the news come from? I'm afraid only the above can make clear the problem. The problem we are facing now is to confirm whether the news is correct or not, that's all! "

"To confirm the news to director Ding? Your head is so funny! If it was you, would you drag this person out? It's impossible, OK! Director Ding said he didn't know anything. What could he do? And now what about director Ding? Squat over there at the detention house

Looking at Sun Lisa, the staff also scratched her head. It's really not easy to deal with this matter. Now it's meaningless to ask director Ding Yuding. Is it difficult for director Ding to hand over the people? If it is really handed over, how will this matter be determined?

So what's the biggest possibility of this? It is to deny the truth of this thing, as if it never happened! At least in this way, everyone's face can be said in the past! What's more, there are still five people left after the rest. Who knows if it's true? No guarantee is intentional mischief! Right?

It didn't say that I gave the task to myself. If I had this time, I could contact Hou Tianliang, or test Ding Yu a little bit to see what the situation was!

I thought I could leave today, but now it seems impossible. I'd better go to the detention center! Who let oneself be a hard life? There is no way!

"Mr. Sun, why are you here?" When she was walking in the corridor outside, Hou Tianliang was stunned when she saw sun Lisa. She had already learned something about last night's incident. Today's sudden visit is really not a general mystery!

Sun Yingnan took a look at the distance, "wait a minute and have a chat! I'll see director Ding first! "

Looking at Sun Lisa going to the director's office, Hou Tianliang is also a burst of doubt, but really did not mean to follow! When sun Lisa came to Ding Yu's office, she knocked at the door first, then pushed the door in!

"Director Ding seems to be busy!" Sun Lisa has some provocative meaning, "I don't know if director Ding has received some news? I just got an important information, so I want to talk to you about it with director Ding! "

"About the five survivors?" Ding Yu said a word without salt or salt, and even did not mean to look up, "I have received the news! Yes? Are you very interested in it? "

Because Ding Yu didn't mean to look up at all, sun Lisa couldn't get the expression of Ding Yu's face. What about Ding Yu's body language? It is impossible to talk about it! What about yourself? May be more experienced than many people, but the question is: is Ding Yu an ordinary person?

"You are more interested in this news! I didn't expect you to be so insipid, director Ding! "

"How about tracing these five? In fact, the significance is not so great. At most, it is responsible for the domestic security. This is a good opportunity. If possible, we can track down the forces behind the news. This is the key! But so far, it seems that there is not much news! "

"Director Ding, five people, and five extremely dangerous people. I think some people will not be able to sit down!"

"At least I'm still relatively stable, the environment here is still very good! You can stay if you like! I'm afraid that I don't have this free time. I have other jobs here, so I won't leave you any more! "

Please go out directly! The words have been polite so far, but for Lisa sun, she has got quite a message! Now investigate these five people? The significance is not very big, or need to grasp the root, as for these five people? At most, it's just a carry on!

After going out from Ding Yu's office, sun Lisa closed the door of the room and called Hou Tianliang, who was waiting outside. The two people went all the way to the car in the parking lot. "I got the relevant information earlier. There are five people who ambush director Ding! Now their whereabouts are unknown! "

"Five less?" Hou Tianliang couldn't help but be stunned, "are you staying at home? It is quite dangerous, but it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but where does the news channel come from? Those who can release the news must have a good understanding of this latent team! "

"Where does the channel of news come from? Now it's really unknown! "Hou Tianliang's mouth also slightly wiggled for a moment, "director Sun, without any source of information, asked the director such a thing, is it a little too standard? And this is not the main contradiction

Now is not the time to prove himself. Hou Tianliang said that he was on the scene at that time! But the position is in the center of the whole thing! As for the external situation, we really don't know that well. Since we don't understand it, we don't have any right to speak. Are the five people taken away by the director? Or what else? Now it's really hard to say!

Maybe the director took it. Maybe? They absconded on their own. In the absence of evidence, everything can only be a guess, and they really dare not make any guarantees on this matter!

"Secretary Hou, from your personal point of view, do you think it is possible?"

In the face of sun Lisa's question, Hou Tianliang also frowned. "It's hard for me to make this judgment. I don't know what the external conditions were at the beginning. After that, I was sent to the hospital as soon as possible. At that time, I was separated from the director! There are many people involved in this matter! "

This may sound like some officialdom, but Hou Tianliang can only tell this at this time. It's not that he is afraid of joint and several liabilities, but that he has no understanding of the problems. If it was not for Lisa sun who mentioned this matter to himself, he would even be completely in the dark now!

"Did director Ding have any unusual performance at that time? What's more, are there any other changes in the whole process? " Did Lisa sun know that? May hurt the mood of Hou Tianliang, but can only be so asked!

"Abnormal performance? At that time, we were all abnormal, but what about this? I can ask about it! As for whether the director will promise to come down, I am not afraid to make this guarantee! " Hou Tianliang seems to have thought of something, "if you have time, please wait a moment!"

Hou Tianliang ran to Ding Yu's office for the first time. Before entering the office, he took a breath of relief, "director! Would it be convenient for you? I want to consult you about something! "

After putting the document aside, Ding Yu raised his head and said, "go ahead! What's the matter? "

"At that time, director Sun and I would like to have a look at the video. If there was any information in the car, would it be convenient for me to see it?"

Looking at Hou Tianliang's appearance, Ding Yu also hums and laughs, "this involves the specific deployment and operation. Even if you read it, it doesn't have any significance. Moreover, it needs to be noted that if the image data were circulated, it would have a considerable impact on myself. Have you considered these problems?"

"Director, what if it's just watching?"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "I have no way to give you any reply to this matter, because this goes beyond the bottom line to some extent. What about my safety? They have always been responsible for the security. I have done this to release their details! "

"Director, I see!"

The director did not mention too much, but Hou Tianliang himself is quite clear. It is impossible to find the director for this matter, and the consent of the security department is also required. Although they are integrated, the nature of their respective affiliation is completely different. The director can not stand on the opposite side of all security for his own sake!

"Mr. Sun, I took it for granted to go to the director and asked about some things. The director didn't mean to oppose it. But it's not so easy to do this thing, and only you can watch it!"

"Watch what?"

"Security and images on the car! All the first-hand information. "

Sun Yingnan took a breath of cold air, but also some puzzled asked, "what is involved in this? Why am I allowed to watch alone and not copy? "

"It involves security attacks, tactics, gestures and so on. These are unique and will never be exposed to the outside." Hou Tianliang was also very sure to tell sun Lisa, "so what about these things? You can only be a person, do not have any copy, this is what I can only get! And I need to be accompanied all the way. If there is any problem or situation, I must be the unfortunate one! "

When Hou Tianliang said this, he was already endorsing for himself! In the future, if there is any problem, you can't run sun Lisa. Similarly, Hou Tianliang can't run. What about this? It's all I can do as a secretary! As for what happens next? It's up to you!

No matter from the personal point of view, or from the perspective of the emotional management department, sun Lisa thinks that she should have a look, but this is not really a transfer of personal will. There are too many things involved in this! What's more, this is a rare practical teaching!Although Hou Tianliang is also involved in it, oral and video data are totally two things!

Looking at the image data and then go to the specific analysis, the thing obtained is absolutely unimaginable!

"I need to report. I don't know when it will be!"

"Then I'll get in touch!"

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