In the evening, Ding Yu looks at Ding Ding Ding who has been tidied up, and then takes out his coat. The car under the building is driven by someone. Now, it is not appropriate to drive in person at this time. Ding Ding Ding takes up her elder brother's arm naturally. Ding Yu also laughs, and her posture is quite enough!

The venue of the dinner party is relatively private. It is a guild hall that is not open to the public. After Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding arrived, there were no other accidents. What's more, the sea had been waiting there for a long time. Wang Jianguo had ordered it deliberately. Although he didn't say the specific content, the sea could still understand it.

With Wang Jianguo for so many years, this tacit understanding still exists, and from this talk? I can feel it. What about the whole thing? It's also cautious. This time, the banquet was under the guise of sister-in-law, but what about the actual situation? It is to introduce people from small circles to Ding Yu.

More frankly, what about Ding Yu? Although it is not a small group of people, but this identity? It's unusual. Don't worry about Ding Yu. If that's the case, don't say that there will be no face to talk about at that time. Generally speaking, the above situation is like this. As for what is the reason, I'm afraid no one can explain clearly except the third brother.

"Long time no see!" Ding Yu took the lead in extending his hand.

"In retrospect, just like yesterday, how many more days can I stay this time?" When he spoke, he also led Ding Yu to go inside. When some people standing in the distance saw this situation, they also took a breath of cold air. Previously, Hai Shao was waiting at the door, and everyone was talking about it. It turned out that they were waiting for the Lord!

When Wang Jianguo got the news, he also walked over quickly, which was a good posture. Ding Yu looked at Wang Jianguo and Zhu Ying, who came by, and then leaned over in a low voice and said, "as for the exaggeration? I see other people's eyes, are naked jealousy

"This is what I have prepared carefully for this effect!"

Ding Yu is not satisfied or dissatisfied with such a saying. For himself, it is not that he has never experienced such a scene. Previously, when he was with Charlie, the scene he experienced was bigger than this one. However, Ding Ding Ding, a little girl, seemed a little nervous.

But this tension soon eased down, Zhu Ying also pulled ding ding to her side of the position, for Ding Ding Ding this child? I'm still very fond of him. I'm very pure. I'm more practical. I don't have so much fun. I don't have the so-called intrigue. I like it very much.

The dinner party was held by Zhu Ying, and Ding Ding was pulled to her side? It also shows the importance of Ding Ding Ding. What about Ding Yu? He sat with Wang Jianguo and Hai Hai Hai. From time to time, some people came to say hello to him. Everyone was not sure what kind of person Ding Yu was.

But from Wang San GE's attitude, we can see one or two of them. Wang San Ge is a relatively different existence in the circle and can make him value it? It's not as much as you can imagine. What about this self introduction? It's a doctor, which is strange and worth exploring.

But in the scene, no one will be such a fool, not to mention here is the third brother's home, looking for trouble here? If you don't give third brother face, do you want to mix on the ground?

As long as the purpose of the party is achieved, the content of the banquet is actually a little empty, and Ding Ding finally understands why her elder brother ate pizza in the afternoon. After coming here? The food in front of you can only see but not eat. It's really hard.

Although it's very good to say something, I can't help but watch. It's really a feeling that something can't be seen. Ding Ding feels that her stomach has begun to cry. She knew that it was such a result that she would not come to kill herself. Isn't it the same to find her own guilt?

In fact, what about such a party? Both Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo had some unspoken meanings. Both of them understood what the banquet really meant, but it was a little bit obvious. Unfortunately, what about the people who participated in the banquet? This is not very well understood.

At this time, everyone will look at Wang Jianguo's face. What about Ding Yu? Three points of comity, but if you really say what happened and what the situation will be, this question is really not very easy to say.

Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo sat in a slightly dark room. Zhu Ying also personally brought tea, and then closed the door and left, "where's my father? He is a very irresponsible guy. What about this? He was prepared to talk to you, and he was even well prepared, but there were other situations, so he slipped away

Hearing Wang Jianguo's words, Ding Yu also slightly showed some toothache. Looking at Wang Jianguo in front of him, he said, "is there something so bad?" From Ding Yu's point of view? How much feeling there are so some can not understand."Hey, our family is just like this. I was really devastated by this old man since I was young. There is a word that can't be written! None of them can describe one or two of them

"Third brother, I won't be involved in this matter. Let's talk about business."

Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu, and then said in a positive way, "my father told me that you have special immunity in Britain. When I knew about this, I was shocked. It was even more shocking than diplomatic immunity, so I want to know about it!"

Ding Yu also looked at Wang Jianguo. After a long time, he slowly said, "when the capital accumulates to a certain extent, it will cause peeping from all sides. If you can't guard it, then naturally, it doesn't have to say that if you can guard it, then everyone's eyes on you will be different!"

Wang Jianguo certainly understood the meaning of the warning, but he also understood another meaning. Ding Yu did not get this special immunity without any reason, nor did he get the special immunity by relying on the so-called capital.

To a certain extent, it's completely relying on the so-called fight and struggle to take this right in his own hands. In a simple explanation, this is what Wang Jianguo looks like? It's also a clear nod.

"Well, what about this? Let my father talk to you personally! I'm just one of the contacts, and I'm living well at this time, and I don't want to cause so much trouble. " Speaking of this, Wang Jianguo also hesitated for a while, "Ding Yu, when brother? Say something you shouldn't say

After seeing Ding Yu nodding, Wang Jianguo said in a low voice, "what about some things? Yes, but what about some things? There is no way to go back. What about doing anything else? Leave some room for yourself, don't look like a fool, can you believe people? There will be no one else but yourself

Ding Yu also pondered for a while, then nodded to Wang Jianguo, "I know, so you start wading in muddy water?"

"Almost! The main reason is that my family doesn't want me to be so dissolute. I've been engaged for so many years, but I haven't been determined. This is the main reason. Besides, the family has given such a long time of leisure time, it's OK! "

"No choice?"

"Well, many people envy us, but what about the other way around? We are also envious of the general public. Many times, we can choose freely, because there is basically no chance to give our own choice. Unless we say that you have been eliminated from the mainstream circle, otherwise, there will be no choice. In a certain sense, this is also a kind of sadness! "

"If you don't advance, you will retreat. It's very difficult to control this scale." Ding Yu did not make any comments on this matter, "no matter what the situation is? Things have come to this point, or to face better, as for the final result? At least we've been young, we've tried, we've been laughing! "

"Ha ha, are you always so calm?" Wang Jianguo also looked at Ding Yu curiously, "from our first meeting to now, I seem to have not seen you how nervous, can't you be special?"

"Do you want me to explain why I should be so calm?"

Wang Jianguo also nodded curiously, "sometimes I can't control my anger at all. My grandfather said that I could control my anger before I was 40 years old. In the future, there would be no problem to be a watchdog. This is very crude, but I think it is appropriate."

"Life is different! Therefore, this understanding is also different. In the army, if I can't maintain absolute calm, it will not only kill me alone, but also the life of a team member. If I can't keep calm after taking up the scalpel, I will also be buried with a living life, and my nerves will not be very strong after birth It's only after the day after tomorrow's exercise that I have the consequences! "

"I can't take your way!" This is the truth. What about Ding Yu's army? How many have so some understanding, that is absolutely not normal people can enter into it, the same? For doctors such as this industry, although they say that they are very respectful, but let themselves go deep into it or forget it!

"I've had a special experience, so it's not surprising that I'm in this situation today, isn't it? Growing up eating grains, how can you keep calm all the time? It's not a robot. All of them have their own joys and sorrows. Look at the situation! I never thought I was a good tempered man

"Anyway, you give me a very different feeling. I feel different from the first time I see you!" After saying that, he also raised the cup in his hand, "I have finished all the things I should do. You can take care of the rest by yourself."! And these guys, though they are a little bit dandy, are not bad hearted. I mean the people present today! ""Do you need to be taken care of like this? You're not a nanny? "

"A Zhou Yu has already made me worried. I don't want to see too many such people in the small circle. Sometimes I feel helpless. I have to maintain the unity of the small circle, but I can't let the small circle become too rotten. My life should not be like this, don't you?" In fact, it is a rhetorical question.

"This topic is too heavy for me personally, at least I don't need to face now!" Ding Yu didn't want to get involved in it at all, but he didn't say his next word, and there was a knock at the door.

Without the permission of the people in the room, the door was pushed open, and a person jumped in from the outside. There was no wrong use of the word. Ding Yu was a little curious. What about Wang Jianguo? It is to take a breath of air conditioning, directly put down the cup inside the hand, this expression should be more astonished.

"Third brother, why don't you greet me when there is such a good thing?"

Looking at the people who came in, Ding Yu didn't have too many movements, but still sat there. Wang Jianguo suddenly stood up and said, "Xiaoyun, when did you come back? I heard you went to France earlier!" Then he also called his hand, "Ding Yu, let me introduce you to our sister, Zhong Yun!"

Ding Yu immediately also stood up, Zhong Yun carried his hands, staring at Ding Yu for a period of time, "is it very spiritual?" After that, he also looked at Wang Jianguo, "Ding Yu, this is Zhong Yun, Zhong Yun, and this is Ding Yu. If you want to go to England in the future, you can find him!"

Ding Yu, who stands up, takes a look at Wang Jianguo, but ignores Wang Jianguo's eyes. Instead, he looks at Zhong Yun for a period of time, and then reaches out his hand. "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Hello!" Zhong Yun just looked at it for a while, and that's all. At this time, Zhu Ying came in from the outside. After seeing the scene, she also gave a bitter smile, "Xiaoyun, I said that if your third brother has something to talk about, it's not to say that you don't really ignore you. I'll let you come out to make amends for you later!"

Zhong Yun looked at the situation and nodded, "OK! Forgive you Then he spat out his tongue, took Zhu Ying's arm and went out. After the door was closed, Wang Jianguo also sat down on the table, "the little princess of the Zhong family, the sister of all of us! The great devil. "

"It feels strange!"

"I'm also a person of true temperament. When we were young, we lived in the courtyard. At that time, it was a real courtyard. It was not like now. In a building, we didn't know who the neighbor was. She was younger, and she was still a few girls. At the beginning, everyone didn't want to play with her, but she was subdued by her!"

Are you ready? This is a little bit of a shame! Ding Yu didn't ask why. At least he didn't want to be so interested in it. "But everyone regards her as a sister, a child in the courtyard? Although there may be different political tendencies in the family, what is the relationship between them? Not bad! "

"Is this advice to me?" Ding Yu inadvertently said, "this does not seem to have a direct relationship with me."

"Who knows? In fact, from a small point of view, you can see a lot of things, sometimes the so-called major events? It's a collection of countless small things. At least I think so. Maybe there will be different perspectives. It's a matter of no doubt! "

When talking about this, Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo have a look at each other. Will their relationship be pure? I'm afraid that two people can't say well about this matter, and even now they don't know how to deal with it. After all, this is a circle of right and wrong, not as simple as imagined.

When the two came out of it, it meant that the banquet was almost held. However, although it was near the end, the atmosphere was still quite good, and even some people had begun to be interested in Ding Yu. After all, from the understanding of the situation? Ding Yu is still alone.

Of course, these are not the most important, the important thing is that Ding Yulong is very good, this is where the seduction, success or failure, this another said, but try! After all, there will be no harm. If we can really get together, it may be of unexpected use!

It is certain that those who can be seen by third brother Wang will never be mediocre.

But what about Ding Yu? There is no such meaning at all. After the banquet, she left with Ding Ding Ding. It can be said that she left quite simply. However, Zhong Yun did not know where to drill out. She took a look at Wang Jianguo and Hai Hai Hai on the steps, and their eyes blinked.

"Xiaoyun, Ding Yu is so different from us. If there is nothing wrong with him, it's better not to provoke him. For many things, I don't know what the guy is thinking about in his heart!""How could I not have heard of such an interesting guy before?"

"I've known your big brother Haige for many years. He once saved the life of the sea. This guy's temper is a little strange. Almost all medical students are like this. It's a comparative personality." If it is someone else, Wang Jianguo is too lazy to explain, but the person in front of him is Zhong Yun.

"The third brother is so optimistic about him!" Zhong Yun is also very curious. He tilts his head and looks at Wang Jianguo. What about Wang Jianguo? Is also a sigh, was Zhong Yun to stare at the person, the end will not be too good, but good in it? Ding Yu will not stay in China for a long time. This is good news for him.

Because he can see that, Zhong Yun seems to have some interest in Ding Yu. After all, he hasn't found a new toy for a long time. So what happens after seeing something new? A little happy, but what about Wang Jianguo? There is no way to tell Zhong Yun the details, so it is really a rather troublesome thing.

What's more, I didn't invite Zhongyuan tonight. She jumped out on her own initiative. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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