On the way back, Ding Yu also pulled off the bow tie on his neck. How much did Ding Ding Ding look? It is Dudu's mouth. I knew it would be such a result, and I would not come to kill myself. There are so many people who are so depressed about such a party. What do you think?

"Brother, I'm so hungry!" Ding Yu is also a little smile, to the driver in front of a sign, to see what Ding Ding Ding likes! I'm not so hungry as I imagined. After all, I ate a lot of food in the afternoon, which is not like this little fool. You should know that you have reminded her, who let her not listen.

Now Ding Ding Ding doesn't have much fuss, just to fill her stomach. Ding Yu is not so interested in things. As for the driver, Ding Yu has settled the account and asked him to leave. He didn't drink. Moreover, the banquet has been over, so there is no need to be so pretentious.

In front of Ding Yu, besides a pair of chopsticks, there is also a cup of water. When eating, she is very elegant. What about Ding Ding Ding? But there are some wolf Tao Hu Yan meaning, do not pay attention to their own image, Ding Yu also have some doubts, why? There is no comparison between my sister's amount of exercise and her own, but she is not fat.

When Ding Ding was eating happily, someone came to Ding Yu's side. After seeing Ding Yu, he also moved his head askew, "I'm hungry too!" Ding Yu was not too surprised. She stretched out her hand and made an invitation gesture. What about Ding Ding Ding? Is also from the bowl to pull out their own head, is very surprised to see a look.

But quickly ignored, certainly not looking for their own, since it is not looking for their own, then do not need so much care, in Ding Ding's view, their brother did not see more important than the things in front of them, at least their own situation is so, Ding Yu looked at it twice, and then also handed the menu to Zhong Yun.

"You are a very different person!"

As for Zhong Yun's situation, I have heard Wang Jianguo talk about it. Wang Jianguo feels that there are some thorny problems. I'm afraid his personality is not the most important reason. What about the background behind him? I'm afraid it occupies a very important part, but why does she want to find her head and really do nothing?

"A common man with a flat head may have some unique personality, so it seems that some of them are not the same." What is the unique annotation given by Ding Yu? Also let Zhong Yun one Leng, oneself is also really curious, let oneself so interested in the matter is really not imagination so many.

"The third elder brother is so blatant, in the past time is not too many see, I am a very serious person!"

"I've saved the sea, to a certain extent? He also saved my third brother. He owes me a lot of gratitude. What about this time? It's also a favor to me, but what about these in front of me? It's not enough, at least some of them are not enough to change into the so-called human relationship! "

After that, Ding Yu also took a look at Zhong Yun. The people who want to know the news are not only Zhong Yun, but also many people, but the identity and position of other people and Zhong Yun? The difference is very big, so Zhong Yun is a Pathfinder to a certain extent! Of course, there may be other meanings behind this.

But Ding Yu doesn't have much to pay attention to at this time. It's OK to treat it normally. What's more, can't he hide himself? I really don't want to have too much communication with these people. It's not my expectation at all!

What is Zhong Yun's attitude towards Ding Yu? Or quite surprised, three elder brother will not introduce himself to Ding Yu? It's impossible. But the problem is that the third brother didn't introduce Ding Yu to himself. There must be other ways to do it. What about such a person? I'm really interested.

After dinner, Zhong Yun also sent out an invitation to Ding Yu, but it's a pity that Ding Yu didn't accept the invitation, "sorry!" Also did not explain what specific reason, is refused, Zhong Yun's face slightly show so some not very good-looking, because Ding Yu is really too do not give this face.

"Brother, it seems that your situation is not very good!" On the way back, Ding Ding Ding also said defiantly. "You didn't see that sister's face. It was as black as the bottom of the pot."

"Since it can't be provoked, then it's better to hide. Maybe it's interest or other purposes!" Ding Yu also implicitly explained the reason to his sister. What about Ding Ding Ding? I also picked my eyebrows.

"Brother, you are implying that this is a big whirlpool. Is that what you mean?"

"Smart!" Ding Yu didn't explain anything, but the meaning of it was already clear, "what about these things? It has nothing to do with you. You can grow happily. This is what I hope. If you have time, find a good boyfriend! What's right for you

"Can I express my anger?" Ding Ding is also looking at her brother, Ding Yu directly refused, because she is very clear what this represents, Ding Ding immediately also took a deep breath, "OK! What about this? It doesn't matter to me if I talk about this topic in foreign countries"What do you mean? I feel that I can't keep up with my thinking! "

"Mom's meaning is very simple. Now you can not marry, but you can have children first. What about this situation? Although there are some new trends, my mother seems to have accepted it. So let me tell you one-sided. After all, my mother is no longer young! "

"Are you sure this is not a joke?" Ding Yu's expression must be more and more strange, "Mom, how about these two years? At this point, it can be said that it has been hit hard. People have been enjoying their grandchildren, but what about mom? Nothing, so what about this temper? It's also growing day by day. "

Ding Yu also shook his head. What about such a thing? I feel that there are so many thorny! How to face the bombardment of my mother after I go back, I can say that I have no preparation.

After returning home, Ding Ding tidied up and went back to school. She didn't mean to rest here. Although she said that the time might be a little late, she was willing. Ding Yu had no way to let her drive carefully.

As for Ding Yu, after some activities, he also went to the building to read, and there was no other situation. But in a teahouse, Zhong Yun's expression is quite strange when she knows the news. Ding Yu is really quite individual! This time, I went home to read.

Is this a hobby, or is this guy a paranoid? I feel that I can't understand it! "Is this guy still a student?" Soon, Zhong Yun also found the problems and conditions, "does he have any other information? Find out and have a look. Such an interesting person, brother Wang has been hiding for such a long time

Soon, the information about Ding Yu was sent to Zhong Yun. What about Ding Yu's information? Zhong Yun also had an indescribable sense of strangeness, "this Ding Yu's luck seems to be very good!" In fact, at this time to think about investigating Ding Yu's information? It's been so late that what should be hidden has been hidden.

After all, the upper level has certain considerations. If Ding Yu's information is disclosed, the impact is really hard to say, let alone some things about Ding Yu? It's really that there are so many troubles, so what about the information that Zhong Yun sees now? It's what I hope you can see above. That's all.

Even in the UK? Also began to hide some of Ding Yu's situation, after all, what about the previous things? The noise is a little bit big, and the impact is not as good as expected. More importantly, we don't want Ding Yu to get too much attention, which is harmful and unhelpful.

What Zhong Yun got is true, but it is not complete. This also leads to some situations? It's not in control. What about this one? It will really affect the final judgment, which is absolutely certain.

Ding Yu stayed in the capital for two days? It's not that there is nothing wrong with Wang Jianguo. He went out with Wang Jianguo twice and visited some people, all of them from the medical system. What about Wang Jianguo? It is with Ding Yu to know the way, this is also to return Ding Yu's human feelings. After all, what happened to my cousin was a big one.

And Zhong Yun is really confused, what is this with what? What if anything else? I can understand it, but the problem is that this situation is totally different from what I imagined! What does Ding Yu want to do? What is the third brother playing?

But through these two days of observation? I really admire Ding Yu. What about Beijing? Is it a colorful world? You don't have to be too serious, either? They are already adults. If you don't go to the so-called nightclubs or other hobbies, you can go to Panjiayuan at most. But what's the meaning of buying two pairs of so-called cultural walnut?

Usually the biggest hobby may be reading! What about the investigation? It makes Zhong Yun feel a little crazy. Ding Yu really makes himself feel like he has no place to start. Because this guy is so stuffy, Zhong Yun can't understand. What does brother Wang like about Ding Yu?

"Brother Dahai, do you know Ding Yu?"

For Zhong Yun, who suddenly broke into his office, Hai Hai was quite helpless. He motioned to the Secretary at the door, and then said with a smile, "Xiao Yun, you look like this will make many people misunderstand. Now I am a decent man. If there is such a problem, it will come down with stains!"

"Damn you!" Zhong Yun also said rudely, "I want to know something about Ding Yu, but from the information above, the space hole can't explain any problems at all. You have more contact with him!"

Haihai also picked up the tea cup on the table, looked at Zhong Yun for a long time, and then slowly said, "Ding Yu once saved my life. If it was not Ding Yu at that time, you would not come to see me now, but worship me. As for the future relationship? The third brother is close to him, I don't know much about it! "It's true that I don't know much about it, but the meaning of Hai Hai's saying this is very simple. Comparatively speaking, what is the relationship between himself and the third brother? Is it a closely related one? As for the relationship with Zhong Yun? It can only be described as good, that's all.

When she was a child, everyone let her go, on the one hand, because she was younger, what's more? It's just that there are some unusual backgrounds in the home, but now? What about this problem? Can't look like this, Zhong Yun can go back to call parents, but will let her completely cut off in this circle.

"Brother Dahai, I don't pay much attention to it! Little sister, I seldom ask for help! You just don't give face

Hai Hai was stunned for a moment, and then began to laugh. "Speaking of it, I don't know much about Ding Yu. Although we all have a good relationship, this guy is a little boring, but he is very particular. I don't know if you have noticed that he is very particular about all aspects, which is very interesting!"

For the news that brother Dahai sent to himself, Zhong Yun also pondered for a period of time, "so I can only go to find the third elder brother, it is like this! Do you think it's possible for me to drag Ding Yu from the third brother's hand? "

What about Zhong Yun? Hai Hai didn't feel too surprised. She showed up at the party earlier enough to explain all the problems. Moreover, she mentioned this problem in her own face. Is this to try to stir up the relationship between herself and the third brother? Or that she has other purposes, little girl's mind some big.

"Xiaoyun! We are past the green years

There are some feelings in this saying, but the warning is full of meaning. He is standing with the third brother, so what about the matter Zhong Yun mentioned to himself? It's absolutely impossible. I'm very clear. The girl said Dingyu on the surface, but I said myself in the dark. It's too simple.

What I don't understand at this time is what the little girl's hand actually controls. She even wants to hand it to herself. Moreover, she is still so blatant that she thinks about something in her head.

You know, this age is totally different from when you were a child, but what about the sea? It's also very mature. What about such a thing? It has something to do with yourself, but what about this relationship? It's not as big as you think, but the third brother should have a headache! It's time for him to show up now.

After all, it is not clear that such behavior can be said clearly in one sentence or two.

"So I don't have a chance?" After saying that, Zhong Yun also laughed, "I don't have much interest in other people, but I think Ding Yu is still very good. Give it to me!"

"What kind of person do you think Ding Yu is? I believe you should have seen him alone!" Since you want to pick up this topic, I'm not polite. What's the attitude of the sea? It's also worth pondering. "Sometimes, what about problems? We can't just look at the surface, but we need to think deeply! "

"Big brother, what's the truth? I don't necessarily understand. After all, I just stepped into the society. How about the handling of some things? Maybe you don't have much experience. If there is something wrong, you can help more! "

For the change of Zhong Yun's attitude, the sea also smiles, and doesn't mean to say anything. Does it seem that the little girl knows more? Otherwise, how could you say such a thing? But the more like this, the more interesting it is!

"Do you understand or don't understand the truth? Don't care about the time and other things? Basically, it can be regarded as a joke, and no one will pay attention to it! " Speaking of this, the sea picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "but what about Ding Yu? I advise you to stay away from him. It has something to do with the third brother, but it has nothing to do with it! "

"What do you mean? Does Ding Yu have other identities? "

"Not much to do with it!" Hai Hai also took a long breath. "I know you must have obtained Ding Yu's information. This guy is not an ordinary person. What kind of consequences would it be if he provoked him? It's hard to say that he is a cruel character, a very cruel character, but he doesn't like to express himself very much. That's all

Zhong Yun was also stunned for a moment. He had read Ding Yu's materials earlier, and it was very clear that Ding Yu was not a young soldier. It seems that there are other ways in it. As for what kind of gate it is, Zhong Yun can guess some of it, but he doesn't care as much as he thinks.

Even if it's excellent, what can it do? Isn't it still a soldier? There is not much value. The so-called anger of a man is not in his heart. He underestimates himself. He does not deny that Ding Yu may have some abilities, but it does not mean that he can reverse all things. Some things have been doomed for a long time.

After Zhong Yun left, the sea also sat on the chair and pondered for a period of time. Then he took out his mobile phone and looked at the direction of the door. After the phone was connected, he slowly said, "have a lunch together! Xiao Yun came to me just now. I'm so uncertain. What does she mean? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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