Hou Tianliang is really speechless about his own director. Wang An's age has exerted such a great pressure on him. Although he knows that it is good intention to do so, he always feels unbearable every time he faces such a situation. He really has some doubts. What material is the director's heart made of? So hard? So cruel?

However, Hou Tianliang is equally clear that the director is like this for Wang An and his own children, even there is no difference. If Hou Tianliang puts himself in his place and thinks about it, he can't do such a thing in the face of his own children!

"Director, is there no room for accommodation?"

"Accommodation?" Ding Yu slightly surprised to see Hou Tianliang, "you tell me the so-called accommodation? Is it difficult for someone to accommodate you? Or do you want to be flexible and let you get out of this position and be replaced by someone else? Do you want to talk about accommodation at this time? The so-called accommodation is not impossible, but it does not mean that it can be done at any time! "

"Director! I don't mean that. Wang An may be a little more mature, but he still lacks considerable experience. He doesn't have a clear understanding of the society, and doesn't have much sense of cognition. It's just because of the tempering of life that he behaves differently! Such pressure did not make him fall down or even make him strong, but it does not mean that when he is faced with other problems, he is the same! "

"There seems to be some truth in it! But what about that? " Ding Yu is still in such a tone, there is no loosening in his heart, "I just let him make his own choice! The world has never revolved around me. At the same time, I need to make it clear that it is the choice he made, not the choice I made! "

"Director, is there any paradox in this statement? It seems that you have made a choice! He can only bear it passively, because he has no other choice! "

"Who said there was no other choice? This is just your personal opinion, which does not mean that Wang An is also the same. The road is in front of you. See how he goes! No one can judge whether it is right or wrong, even if it is me! "

The two people's voices seemed to be so loud, some of the armed police standing outside looked at each other, and sun Lisa, who was ready to knock on the door, was the same. She never knew that such a situation would happen again! I don't even know how to deal with it!

However, sun did not hesitate. She knocked on the door twice. After waiting for the voice of consent, she pushed the door and came in. However, the situation inside was quite different from her own imagination. The "quarrel" between the two people was not as fierce as imagined. They both sat there as if they were just talking!

"No interruptions!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, but Hou Tianliang stood up, "director Sun!" She nodded her head slightly, took a bottle of mineral water and put it in front of sun Lisa. Then she turned away and closed the door gently when she left! It's very gentle!

However, sun Lisa has always been paying attention to Hou Tianliang. As far as she knows, Hou Tianliang has been with Ding Yu for a long time, and they seem to get along well with each other. But judging from what happened just now, it seems that there are some things that she does not know about! But when Hou Tianliang left, it seemed that he was not so angry!

Is it for yourself? It shouldn't be like this! Such affectation has no meaning at all!

"Director Ding, I don't know if it's convenient for you. I want to ask you something!" Seeing Ding Yu nodding, sun Lisa also sorted out her own clarity, "director Ding, I originally planned to leave before tonight, but before leaving? I have another question. The people we have recovered still have no news! "

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "no news? Can only be two situations, completely no longer exist! If they don't self destruct, then this situation doesn't exist. Does the other kind have no news? Is deliberately hidden! But where is it hiding? I don't know! "

"I always need to have a direction."

"The problem of direction has nothing to do with me. I'm not a systematic person, so I can't get involved in such a thing. I believe that if we observe carefully, we can still find some clues."

Lisa sun has already felt something about this! That is to say, to the present position, what about these two or three people? It is still not in Ding Yu's sight. However deep they hide, they can still find some clues. Even now, some people are more anxious than themselves?

When she left from Ding Yu, sun Lisa looked at Hou Tianliang outside. She seemed to be smoking. When she saw herself, she also deliberately put out her cigarette end. "Secretary Hou, I heard that you were in the office with director Ding just now. The voice is a little loud!"

Hou Tianliang said, but also with a smile, "there is no quarrel. The director sometimes behaves too much. Ah! I don't know how to describe it, but what about it? The director doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as I am, and I have some reckless actsFor Hou Tianliang's freedom review, sun Lisa didn't mean to put it in her heart, but what was it that made Hou Tianliang so impolite? I am more interested in this, "director Ding is a magnanimous person, I believe there should be no too many problems, when there is time to apologize!"

Thank you Hou Tianliang also laughed off sun Lisa's trial. What about this? There is really no need to disclose, if really mentioned, there will be considerable problems, Wang An is still in the process of being observed, he does not want to bring other aspects of influence to Wang an!

If he grows up and has his own thinking, and then he will enter the military, this is another matter. If he wants to join in now, he will definitely cause great dissatisfaction from director Lai. What is the final result? It may even destroy Wang an! If you really have such a result, it is absolutely unbearable!

Looking at Hou Tianliang who left, Lisa sun frowned. Although she said that she had kept this matter in mind, there seemed to be some unlikely things to investigate. Unless Hou Tianliang took the initiative to mention it, it was totally impossible!

"Brother! is it convenient? I have something to do with you

Sun Jun came out, looking at his sister, also walked to the corner! "What's the matter?"

"I need to go out to investigate the relevant situation. There are at least two people, no more than three of whom are still living outside. Their current situation can be said to be very dangerous. We need to survive. But it seems impossible to open this breakthrough from Ding Yu, so we need to use other means now."

"Here? Impossible Sun Jun refused without hesitation! "What's more, I'm not here for this matter. Now we have reached a tacit understanding! If you do this, you will offend a lot of people then

"I didn't mean to touch Ding Yu, and I didn't want to violate discipline. But I have a feeling. What about the people outside? Now it can be said that there is no way out, no matter whether it is abroad or at home, there is almost no place for them to live. I want a possibility, that is

"They will find Ding Yu, which is a possibility, but the problem is that we are in this small room, and we don't have so much free time. What's more? There are not so many people at this time! "

"I know! But now you need to focus on the direction is not so much, Ding Yu is now in the small county side! Either it's the hotel or here. Besides, it's the capital! It's easy to do in the capital. The siheyuan is not accessible to everyone. What about here? It's impossible to get into the hotel because of the tight protection around, so it's worth staring at the hotel! "

"Why don't you report it to the top? It's a big deal! " Sun Jun is also puzzled to look at his sister, "want to know the problem now? You can go after people outside, but if they get into the sight of Ding Yu, the nature of this thing is another thing! You have been working in the intelligence department for such a long time. Have you failed to comply with this basic principle? "

"It's not like that!" Sun Lisa also shakes her head. "There are quite a few problems involved. If they contact the hotel, Ding Yu will certainly make some noise then! Even if there is a reaction, I will go directly to Ding Yu to talk about it! A lot of problems can be solved then! "

"There's something wrong with the idea! You don't believe When the words came to his mouth, Sun Jun also swallowed it back, "I don't know if there is such a time. What about Ding Yu? It has always been a plan to move ahead. In derogatory terms, it is cunning like a fox and far sighted. What about commendatory words? It's unfathomable! Playing this in front of him is like playing a dagger in front of Guan Gong! "

"I know, I really don't mean to fight against Ding Yu. At least I know very well that there is no point in playing with him, but what about his hands? There are definitely some people. You should know that the nature of those who are caught is different from those who take the initiative to come over! I believe Ding Yu will treat him differently! "

"It's hard to say!" Sun Junyu shakes his head. "But you may not know that these people are in these years? Many of them can't find any trace in the end, but one thing is certain. They have never been destroyed by Ding Yu. Similarly, they have not fallen into the hands of other departments. "

"I know something about it, I just want to figure out something!"

Sun Jun also did not say agree or disagree, turned to leave! Her sister sometimes seems too dispassionate, and even a little too self willed. After this thing is done, she needs to consider the consequences, and what does she do? It's the kind that doesn't think about the consequences at all!

Some abilities are true, but being able doesn't mean everything, just like Ding Yu in front of him. Doesn't he have the ability? If really, who can discuss with him? It can be said that there is no one! But what if he made a mistake? It's not squatting here!Although there are some superficial meanings, at least it is a very good explanation to give all aspects. What about Lisa? It's very likely that there will be quite bad results, can you rely on the so-called smart? What she can think of, can't other people think of it? Can't Ding Yu think of it?

So now Sun Jun really doesn't mean to break the last window paper. If you can, talk to Ding Yu when you have dinner at night! Maybe there will be different results, at least one can be prepared! If there are any problems and situations, there will be room for relaxation!

When Hou Tianliang came back to the office again, he looked at the director, but before he could speak, Ding Yu waved his hand, "OK! I know what you want to say, there's no need to! "

"Director, can't you really think about it again?"

"Are you still entangled in this matter?" Ding Yu felt very funny, "anyway, it's almost noon! Since you have this knot, I will accompany you to say that we have discussed this aspect from the beginning, even now? You still have so many tangles, is not love some too overflowing! "

"Director, I am not overflowing with love! I'm just worried that the two children in your family have received such education since they were young, so there is no other sense of exclusion. This is understandable, but Wang An is different! He grew up in a different environment. If he continues to use this way and method, he will grow into another extreme in the future! Do you really want to see such a scene, director? "

"It turns out that you think like this, and you tend to be conservative! Relatively speaking? What about me? It's radical! We can all accept such a statement! You want Wang An to develop steadily, what about me? Wang An's arrangement is a little bit urgent! From Wang An's point of view? If he is successful, how do you view right and wrong? In fact, from my personal point of view, it doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. It's just that everyone's starting point is different! "

"Director, I admit that the starting point of each other is different, but it can not be so wanton!"

"Well! Well, I'm more straightforward. What kind of height do you want Wang An to stand at, at your age, or at my age! You answer! If you want Wang An to be an ordinary person, then forget it! He had been an ordinary man before! And I believe that he can grow up to be a very good ordinary person. If he reaches your level, I don't think it's necessary to mention it! "

This words directly let Hou Tianliang have so many speechless! I hope Wang An can be more stable, but if you are more stable, what is the final consequence and reach your own height? Is it really OK? If you really want to reach your own height, you don't need the director to put in so much effort!

In the same way, if we don't put pressure on Wang an in some aspects, can Wang an grow to that extent when he is his own age or the age of the director? It's impossible!

"Director, I can only keep my opinion!"

"No need!" Ding Yu is very open to this, "if you have time, you can also go to Wang an alone, discuss his related matters, and see what choice he has to make! What I said is that he made his own choice, not what I imposed on him! It's just that I've accelerated the journey! Left or right? He controls the steering wheel by himself

"Director, are you really afraid that he will roll over? What a pity? "

"What a pity? If the car overturns, it seems to be true, there are some pitfalls, but what about that? Can't you never let him get in the car to have a try because you are afraid? Instead of having the time to worry, it would be better to have a look at what other defects he has

Give Ding Yu the feeling, Wang an even has been about to become a magic barrier waiting for dawn! Other performances are very good, but when it comes to Wang An's problem, Hou Tianliang seems to have some uncontrollable! It's a little bit of a joke!

"But what about your state? It's really a problem! " Ding Yu sipped her mouth. "I just woke up a little earlier, but now there are such problems. How can I correct them?"

"Director, I just had some feelings in the previous time."

"What's wrong? After all, you still need to solve the problem, not to mention this is really your big problem! I should have eliminated some ideas in some aspects after you left. From now on, you still have many problems! What should you do

"Why don't I go and see Wang An?"

"It's a notice, but not now!" Ding Yu slightly thought about it!

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