"Sir, someone sent me a picture!"

When the security guard came to Ding Yu's side, he put the document inside the hand directly on Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu took a look at the scene in the photo and narrowed his eyes slightly. Then the document in the handle was returned to the security guard again! "I see! Just pay attention

That is a simple answer! No other words!

The security guard came out of the room, and Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang again, "just talk about the matter just now. I can give you such a chance, but in the end? It can be put after the new year. When is the specific time, you can adjust it by yourself. However, Wang An may come to the capital at that time! Maybe you don't have to go all the way! But what about these? They all belong to an unknown situation. Now we are just planning to do this! "

Hou Tianliang still stayed in the room, Ding Yu also did not have any meaning to disturb, had been waiting for Ding Yu's mobile phone to ring, Hou Tianliang just raised his head, the mobile phone rings so suddenly, is really unexpected! Ding Yu looks at the caller ID on the mobile phone! It was the first time I got through.

"Xiaoyu! Are you busy? "

"Dad, there's nothing wrong here?" Ding Yu said to his father calmly, "what's the matter! There seems to be some eagerness in your voice! "

"If you are not busy, can you come to the hospital at noon?" Ding Lin was also eager to say, "there are two patients in the hospital, and the situation is particularly critical. The doctors in the hospital don't dare to start. If we transfer now, there may be too much time for them!"

"Yes! I'll go and have a look Ding Yu didn't have much hesitation. He waved his arm to Hou Tianliang and said, "about 15 minutes! But what is the situation? Why are you in such a hurry? "

"A high school student was hit by a car while he was at school! Someone was escorting to the hospital and was hit again! I have just learned that the situation is particularly critical. If you can, be prepared for other aspects! "

Ding Yu at this time also explained with the outside security, and then took Hou Tianliang to get on the bus, and then the hospital went this way! After being instructed by the armed police, they also sent a team of four people to sit on a car and then arrived. It is not clear whether it is to protect Ding Yu or what other meanings are!

Hou Tianliang is sitting beside Ding Yu, listening to the director's call. Ding Lin on the other side of the phone also introduces the specific situation in detail. There is no change in the expression on Ding Yu's face. Bluetooth is hanging on his ears, and the pen in his hand can't help writing and drawing some things! See Hou Tianliang also feel a little dizzy!

After arriving at the hospital, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang are also running a trot, while Yang Bo has already been waiting at the gate of the hospital. Seeing that Ding Yu is also pulling Ding Yu all the way, the hospital elevator! "I heard the introduction just now. The situation of the students seems to be quite serious!"

"Yes, we are already in a coma. We are preparing for surgery! But such a difficult operation for the hospital is really so some too much test! The hospital dare to cut the knife, but they dare not guarantee any success rate. As for another rescuer, his situation is not so good! "

Came to the operating room this side of the time, outside surrounded by a good circle of people, called a doctor came! Good guy! The family members all of a sudden gathered around and said, "doctor, help my son!" A middle-aged woman directly seized Ding Yu, and her expression can be said to be quite sad!

"Good! I will try my best! Please rest assured Ding Yu also motioned to Yang Bo beside him and nodded to the family members around him, "I'm going to go into the operating room to have a look at the situation. Please let me know!"

Someone opened the door for Ding Yu! At this time, the women in the back have already knelt down there, but Ding Yu doesn't have so much time to pay attention to! Now you need to see the patient! Emergency preparation before the operation, not that Ding Yu can immediately enter the operating room after coming, how can it be? This is totally irresponsible to the patient!

When Ding Yu walked into the operating room, he saw the big boy lying on the bed and nodded to the doctors around him, "start recording, doctor Ding Yu. It's 10:15 a.m.!" With the backbone, other people began to calm down, not to say that we have not experienced such a thing, but the patient's situation is really so some too dangerous!

The operation took a little longer. Ding Yu almost always bent his waist and didn't straighten up at all, because every minute and second for the big boy on the hospital bed was fighting with the God of death! And with Ding Yu Yang Bo, this time has to straight waist!

After insisting on finishing my own business, I staggered for a while, then I slowly supported the wall, and then I sat down. For more than three hours, I just bent down. At first, I didn't feel much, but now? Feel this waist is no longer your own!Ding Lin, standing next to him, also called his hand to a doctor outside. Soon someone pushed a wheelchair and sent Yang Bo out. It was not hot in the room, but Yang Bo was already sweating from steamed bread. When he came out, he even felt a little coma!

"Let's go, let's go!"

The operation has been going on for such a long time. People outside have already been impatient. Seeing someone pushing a wheelchair out of the operating room, they all gathered around and said, "let's go. Disperse a little. The doctor needs to absorb fresh air now! He is too tired! The operation is still in progress, please don't disturb me! "

Looking at Yang Bo who was pushed out, people noticed that Yang Bo's face was already so pale and his forehead was covered with sweat! Almost under the help of him, he was sent to the push bed, because by Yang Bo himself, it is obvious that there are so many difficult to deal with by himself!

At more than five o'clock in the evening, Ding Yu finally stood up and said, "check and prepare for stitching!"

The people in the operating room are busy again. After the examination, there is no missing and missing, and the suture has started! The operation is relatively large, the suture time is also so long! After all, it's a major operation. Fortunately, Ding Yu is here! What if we rely on these doctors in the city hospital? It's really not formed!

The operation may be done, but there will be problems and conditions in the process, which will lead to other things that can't happen to the patient, which is really very difficult to say! After the stitching, Ding Yu also let people record it, and then he looked at his father next to him. There was nothing left of him!

After seeing the operating room lights out, all the people who have been waiting outside stood up and eagerly looked forward to the operating room. I felt that the time was too slow! Now no one knows what kind of situation it is. They can see the doctors inside and outside, in and out, but no one knows what happened to the patients inside!

"The patient's operation is successful, but it needs to be monitored. Please do not block it!" The nurses and doctors pushing the car also cried out feebly. After such a long operation, some people could not sit up like Yang Bo. When the operation was over, they would lie on the ground directly! Is really unable to hold on!

But the same people's heart is also very proud, such a big operation is not very much, in such a small county once in a lifetime, also enough to talk about comfort! It's really boastful in the future!

"Doctor, how is my son?" It was the mother of the former student. When she saw Ding Yu, she also held her hands and refused to let go! "Why don't you wake up now? Are you going to... "

"You are the mother of this classmate! These students do not have too big brain problems, as for the body organs? The operation is still a success. The problem should not be so big. Now we need to send it to the intensive care unit. If there is no problem, we will wake up in the evening. Although other equipment is used, it is a major operation, so when we wake up, we will feel a lot of pain! "

Before the mother pulled her, Ding Yu also went straight to the ward. She could understand the mother's mood. "I checked during the previous operation, except for a few concussions, there were no too many problems in her head. This is already a lucky thing to be in! Other problems still need follow-up observation. I can understand your feeling of being the head of the family! "

After staying in the monitoring room for a period of time, Ding Yu came out again and looked at the people outside, especially the familiar faces nearby. Ding Yu also looked up and down, "what are you doing here? Is that your classmate in there

Zhao Xiaobing also immediately attracted people's attention, "Uncle Ding, McDull is my good friend. I heard that something happened to him. I came here at noon! But because there was a class in the afternoon, I went back! Uncle Ding, how is McDull? Everyone is more anxious! "

"Two hours after the operation, we need to observe and rely on the patient's own willpower. Generally speaking, the problem is not so big!" Ding Yu patted Zhao Xiaobing and asked him to stand beside him. "What about the patient's parents? Wait a minute? You two take turns to observe and follow the doctor's and nurse's orders

Looking at the following doctors and nurses, Ding Yu also said, "the operation is relatively large. In the first two hours, report the recorded situation every half an hour to see if other rehydration is needed. If there are no other changes after two hours, report once an hour!"

After explaining quite a situation, Ding Yu also went to his father's office. He was not so tired. He formed the most striking contrast with other doctors and nurses. He came to his father's office and saw that his mother was placing lunch boxes there, and the things inside were all kinds of Lin Lin!

"Brother Yang, I haven't come yet. You started to steal. It's not very decent!"

"The things made by my mother are so fragrant that I can't resist it at all." Yang Bo also argued that in addition to the things Zhao Shuying brought over, Ding Lin also bought some other things, that is, in the conference room! There is no way. The operation is too big! After coming out, everyone was paralyzed! And the canteen is already closed!"Stop it! Hurry up and get something to eat Zhao Shuying looked at her son and said with heartache, "you are all quick, are you hungry? Sit down quickly

Now we all have no so-called greetings. The leaders of the city and the hospital, including the leaders of the school, have come here! The patient does not have too many problems for the time being, this is the best result. As for why no one has a good chat with Ding Yu, there are reasons!

Ding Yu is not a person who is keen on the scene. His temperament is a little colder. What's more, we all know so much about Ding Yu's situation. So after meeting each other, they separated! And in the absence of leadership, the atmosphere here is also idle, a little warm up! At least now there are not so many scruples!

"Director Yang, are you really out of shape! It took more than three hours to fall down! It's over! Look at the family doctor. From the beginning to the end, it's a long way off

"Isn't that nonsense?" Yang Bo was also very angry and said, "if I can compare with a doctor like Ding Yu, do you think the earth can still accommodate me? I've been in space for a long time! More than three hours! I don't believe it. How did I insist on it?! I feel like I can boast all my life! In the future, I will have considerable capital when I enjoy my grandson! "

People are also a burst of laughter, and then want to go to tease Yang Bo, although he is already the chief director! But now everyone is very relaxed, and there is no superior or subordinate to say so. What's more, compared with Dean Ding Lin and Dr. Ding Yu, they are all enjoying the people like this. What about Yang Bo?

People are now in a state of enjoyment, that is, sitting like this, but there is a sense of pride in their hearts. For the hospital, there is no such big operation in a year! We had a major operation today, and it was a success! For the medical staff, this is to prove what they have learned, the joy of success is incomparable!

When I was waiting for the knock on the door to remember, they all looked in the direction of the door. When the door was pushed open, they saw that the father of the student came in from the outside with some things! After coming in, it's also a big bow! Although his son has not said that he is out of danger, what does it look like? The problem should not be so big!

You know, in the morning, even a critical notice has been sent out! At that time, I and the mother felt that the sky suddenly collapsed. It was a bolt from the blue. What about the home? Such a child! At that time, I could say that I had no other ideas! Is to hope that the child can live, even if it is to use his own life for the child's life, he will not have any hesitation!

"Dr. Ding, Dr. Yang, and other doctors and nurses, thank you for losing my son's life. On behalf of our family, I'll give you...!" It's choking in the middle of it! Ding Yu then also fished a lot, saving people such things for doctors, is a job!

It's not as tall as you can imagine. Thank you or not, you should do it!

"All right! Calm down your own mood. We can feel your kindness Ding Lin also comforted him and said, "for us, it is the greatest success that patients can be treated. For you, it is the greatest comfort that patients can be treated. Now? Take good care of the patient! Do you know? "

Although the student's father tried to control his own clarity, he still cried bitterly. Under the comfort of the people, he left slowly. However, when Ding Yu came out, he looked at Zhao Hongyang who was not far away. He also slightly nodded his head, "what's the matter with you?"

"Little soldier, that son of a bitch called me. McDull's child and he are also young! When I was a child, I grew up with a good friend and came to my home frequently! No one thought that he would have an accident! And it's still such a big thing! I also just came back, also immediately rushed to come over, previously went to the provincial capital there to handle the formalities matter! "

"For the time being, the situation is stable! Judging from the current situation, the problem is not so big! "

"Good luck, God bless you! Not to that time is really do not know, in fact, money and power ah! It seems to be very good, but really to this time to know, those are bullshit, only a small life is the most important! "

"Well, what about other things? There are so many bullshit. Only a small life is the most important thing. It is not to say that our cold-blooded doctors have experienced too many such things! What about the hospital? It's not a good place, it's almost every day we die and die, and good people have to be brought out of a mental illness! "

"No more! Have you eaten it yet? I'll treat you in the evening! Everybody, let's celebrate

"Yes Ding Yu also shook his head to show his refusal!

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