The two men almost just strolled to the outside of the monitoring room. Zhao Hongyang didn't know where to buy the bread. He took out some bread and handed it to McDull's parents. He opened the two mouthfuls on his side! I don't put on airs at all.

"Mr. Zhao! You are welcome! I'll let you do it again! "

"Nothing! McDull's luck was good. I heard that at that time, he had already issued the notice of critical illness! It's God's help! When McDull wakes up, go home and kill the chicken! You have to burn two sticks of incense

"Dr. Ding, you have worked hard!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "nothing is the result of our joint efforts! I'm a doctor, and I take it for granted! "

"Yu Shao, I heard that your place is not very convenient!" Zhao Hongyang also inserted a sentence, but the parents nearby were stunned for a moment after hearing this, and immediately thought of something. He directly carried the bag inside and put it into Ding Yu's arms.

"What is this for?" Zhao Hongyang looked up and down, and then also a smile, directly carried the bag over, "you husband and wife! Is it to bury fewer feathers or bury me? Take it quickly! What about the children's follow-up? Also need considerable nutrition and supplement, if you have any problems and conditions, call me when the time comes, we suffer a little bit tired, should be parents! Don't let the child suffer

"Mr. Zhao, you can't say that! We don't know what way to express it. It's just a little bit of fun. If you dislike Dr. Ding, I'll go home to get the money and send it back to you again! "

Ding Yu also shook his head to Zhao Hongyang, "you are responsible for solving the problems you have caused. It's really not so convenient for me at this time. It's mainly about official affairs. But how do you know the news?"

"Our place is small in nature, what's more, it's still so noisy. I heard that it's under martial law! Good guy! It's said that people at home and abroad are honest and honest. I'm afraid that there will be a big disturbance when it happens. I just came back. Someone has called me and wanted to find out what the wind is! "

"Just eat your meal! It's not good for you to know too much about such things. " Ding Yu took a look, then nodded to McDull's parents, and then left the ward! Watching Ding Yu leave, Zhao Hongyang is also the parents who hold McDull, but also give the bag back!

"Brother Mai, Yu Shao really doesn't pay attention to this! McDull! This time is really lucky. Where was my old mother? It is Yu Shao who rescued him. What about the former dean Ding Lin Ding? He is Yu Shao's old father. He is a doctor of Harvard general hospital in the United States. At the same time, he is still in the capital hospital, because his hometown is here! So when I come back, I will come to the hospital to help you. I understand your thoughts, but it's really unnecessary just now! "

"Mr. Zhao, people began to operate from the morning. It can be said that they robbed the child from the hand of death. I have no other ability as the head of the family, but I should always express my gratitude."

Zhao Hongyang took out a bread from his bag again. He was really hungry! So at this time, there are not too many scruples, "old wheat! what about you? I don't know much about Yu Shao. He doesn't eat or accept red envelopes. Now, I gave them much thicker than this one! Almost got called out, he! I am addicted to medical skills, and other things are very indifferent. When the child is really stable, I will send a banner to the hospital to express my gratitude! But don't mention Yu Shao's name. He is not a sociable person! "

"How can this work?" Mai's parents are rubbing their own hands, some confused said.

"They are all from the villagers. There is absolutely no problem where we can help. What's more, McDull and our soldiers are still good friends, and there is no place for outsiders. When the children are ready, let them take McDull with them to pay a new year's visit to Yu Shao and express their gratitude."

When Ding Yu left, he did not take the elevator, but took the stairs. The security guard followed Ding Yu's side for the first time, "Sir, the specific situation has been investigated clearly! Their purpose should be to have a talk with you! "

"I see!" Ding Yu did not show too much attitude towards this matter, because if it was really exposed, there would be quite a problem, so it is OK for the staff on his side to know it! As for the others? At least for now!

Back to the office, Hou Tianliang saw his director, "don't go to the detention center at night! Back to the hotel, but the time may be a little bit late, let the armed police have a little rest! "

"Yes, director. I'll arrange it right away!"

Something happened to Ding Yu. Sun Lisa knew about it. There was an accident in the morning. No one expected it. Ding Yu would not have done it on purpose. There is no need for her! But what about Ding Yu's departure? Still let Sun Lisa have some doubts in her heart! But I have no way to do it!Ding Yu can be said to have done most of the day's operation, the armed police mentioned the news to himself, at the same time Hou Tianliang also told himself a lot of things, all of which were put in front of him, and he could not doubt it!

What's more, this matter can be secretly concerned about it. If it is really on the surface, it will be really difficult to explain it at that time! After all, for the sake of this time, Ding Yu took out something of considerable weight, and the whole group of five people can be said to be particularly satisfied with this!

At more than 10 o'clock in the evening, Ding Yu checked the condition of McDull for the last time, and there was no other abnormality! Account for the doctor on duty, then Ding Yu also left the hospital!

"I heard that Lisa sun seemed very unhappy when she left. Was that right?"

Yeah? When asked about this matter, Hou Tianliang was obviously a little distracted, "director! I think director Sun may also care about her work. After all, this time's incident involves quite a number of personnel. I think it may be because of this that everyone feels a little depressed in their hearts! "

"It's really not a good sign." Ding Yu said in a low voice, "forget it! Don't think about her first! At the beginning, it was a little rough after the event. Now? It's still the case! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to tangle with sun Lisa. It doesn't matter how she does it. Now what she needs to do is how to meet the other two people. That's all! Although I know some things, but some things still need to be confirmed!

Back to the hotel side, Ding Yu did not stop his work, as usual when there is no difference, has been waiting for one o'clock in the mausoleum, Ding Yu left his room, but did not leave the hotel meaning, is to another room!

"You two want to see me?" Ding Yu is very calm, although the previous time we fight to death, but now? There is no need. They are just knives in the hands of other forces!

"Hello, Mr. Ding."

"Exactly? Not so good. Your business is not a headache, but you have paid a lot for it. It is really a very bad thing Ding Yu opened his hand slightly, "I know what you want to do, your people? It's already gone, but it's impossible for you to get some information. As far as I know, how many people were there when the submarine came, and how many people were there when they went back. The others had become food! "

Ding Yu's words are very direct, but at the same time they are so cruel. The people sitting there bit their teeth and said, "Mr. Ding, are you sure?"

"I just got the news through some channels. Of course, I'm not so interested in whether they are alive or not. Personally, I don't need to bargain with you. You are the object of being used, or a knife put there. I find a knife to vent my anger. It seems that there is something wrong with my words!"

"All?" People sitting on the chair still don't believe it!

"Yes, all of you, if you don't believe it, you can prove it by yourself. I don't have any opinions and thoughts about it!" Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "I have given you considerable respect, so you also need to give me some respect, can hide you so well, there must be someone operating behind, I need to know who put you in operation! It's better to be more detailed and accurate! "

"Mr. Ding, is this mandatory?"

"It's not compulsory. What you are willing to say, better, what you don't want to say, it doesn't matter! How many people do you have in the whole industry? I think you should be clear about the number of people who have left, including those who are left, and how many places are there! But it's a pity that there was a man I didn't rescue. To be exact, it was his own decision. I don't know what caused it. I'm sorry about this! "

The man sitting opposite Ding Yu gave his fist a heavy blow. At this time, a security guard came in from outside, came to Ding Yu and said something in a low voice. Ding Yu nodded his head and then looked at the person sitting opposite him, "as far as I know, you should have escaped two people, but as far as I know, you should have escaped two people Look, there are three people out there. They are well prepared! It doesn't matter whether they leave or not, but I don't want to cause other problems, otherwise it will be really hard to explain! "

"How could you find it?" When saying this, the tone is obviously a little surprised!

"I don't want to make too much noise. What about each other? There are not so many conflicts of interest. You were ordered earlier, so I can understand to do something, but now? It's another thing! okay! If you are sincere, just say something I am interested in. If you are not sincere, return to the original way! At the same time, a lot of people are looking for you now. If you die, it has nothing to do with me! If it's really necessary, I'll send your whole family to accompany you. Don't doubt, I can do it! ""Mr. Ding, we don't mean to offend. We have five people in our party, and three of us stay outside. That's warning! Even if we want to do it, I'm afraid we can't do it under such strict protection, but if we want to leave, we don't know if Mr. Ding can help us! "

"No!" Ding Yu directly refused, "the intelligence department is tracking down your whereabouts, and even they may know that you came to me this evening. If someone asks, I won't hide it, because this may lead to considerable misunderstanding, which is not good for me personally. What about what you know? It's just a matter of time! It will always be exposed! "

"Can we take them with us?"

"Not for the time being. Although I have learned some information, there are still a lot of things that have not been revealed. However, this has something to do with my lack of time. They will still collapse. However, I have maintained considerable respect for the person who committed suicide. His body is still preserved and will be sent to him if there is a chance Go back, this is my promise

It's not easy for Ding Yu to say such words! At least Ding Yu's reputation still has a considerable guarantee, even if it is Ding Yu's opponent is also equally convinced of this!

"Mr. Ding, if we need money, there will be seven people, one million dollars each. I don't think this is too much."

"A little too much! I have a lot of money, but all of them are earned back with one cent. One million dollars for each person. You should believe that if I give five million dollars, many people will rush to solve the follow-up problems for me. What's more, if I give you five million dollars, how can the security around me come from! If you dig out all the forces behind you, I believe it will not cost too much! "

"Mr. Ding, I believe in your power, but without our cooperation, I believe that this will cost a considerable amount of time and energy, and also cause considerable vigilance. I believe that the final result will be absolutely satisfactory!"

"Now, Mr. Ding, we have no right to ask for a way out! Mr. Ding, please give us a way to live. That's all

"I didn't ask you, but you mentioned it yourself. I'll give you a chance to cooperate! However, there must be a premise. I can not take such a big thing out of China's mind, but I still need to give an account to our country. "

"All the forces at the bottom!"

"I'll send some people to you and join a member of the intelligence department in the meantime! Seven million dollars. You're half way with the security department. The intelligence department! If there are any problems and errors, they should be deducted from half of your funds. As for whether the domestic intelligence and management departments will give you such opportunities, you need to show your eloquence by yourself. "

"I need to see the two of them and the body!"

"Yes, just the two of you!" Having said that, Ding Yu also stood up, "I hope you have good luck, can survive, at the same time can get money, I do not want to see you this knife again, I hope you can also have considerable vigilance!"

Back to his room, Ding Yu rest at ease, and there is no other action. If Jin is here tonight, he doesn't need Ding Yu to show up, but he Jin is not here now! So it can only be Ding Yu personally to come forward, otherwise the other party is afraid to be very difficult to believe!

They believe in Ding Yu's reputation, but they don't really know the others under Ding Yu's hand!

When he woke up in the morning, Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang, who was sleepy, and also looked at him twice. "Go and wash up and give you a task!"

Ah? Hou Tianliang shook his head, and then ran out. When he came back, he had been tidied up. The whole person looked very energetic and sharp!

"This time, you are responsible for the deployment in the middle. The people involved include those who attacked us earlier, the security of my side, and you. What's the purpose? It is to uproot the forces responsible for the operation behind them! You can apply to contact Lisa sun, but you can't let them do it. This is the most basic requirement! "

"I'll coordinate?"

"Yes, you are in the middle to coordinate this time. Only your identity is the most appropriate. Someone sent them in. This is not a simple thing to do! No matter who is involved, I'd like to have a look at who is so brave

Looking at the director's face, Hou Tianliang also slightly nodded his head, "director, is there a time limit?"

"From my personal point of view? There is no time limit, but this time we still need to have considerable results, at least for the intelligence and security departments to explain! Understand what I mean by that? ""Understand!" Hou Tianliang is also very smart, the director gave himself a chance, but also gave the security and intelligence department a face, at least this is a chance to find a place! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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