"You mean to argue with me, don't you?" Sun Jun is very dissatisfied with Ding Yu.

"I don't mean to raise the bar. If it's really a special task, I believe the two security guards can withstand the so-called impact if they don't have it! After all, the situation is different! But I don't usually arrange it like this! Pure is a waste Ding Yu is also very casual to say!

"Then say something pure! What do you think? "

"Not so much!" Ding Yu looked up again, "I'm afraid that's the end of this time! What about the special unit? It's all over! What about each other's problems? Because some things have been broken, it is basically impossible to recover. If they are forced to stick together, there will not be too many results! "

For Ding Yu's words, Sun Jun also frowned. What was Ding Yu's support for the special unit? Can say is sparing no effort, if not oneself read the data, oneself never thought, there will be such a thing!

But now because of something? Ding Yu's support has been stopped. The direct consequence of this is that the quality of special units has begun to decline. So far, injuries have begun to appear. After all, it is one thing to have funds and channels provided by Ding Yu, and another thing to do without funds and channels provided by Ding Yu!

The military can be said to be particularly dissatisfied with this matter, but the question is what about the funds? It is impossible to add too much. Although you are a special force, you also need to consider the problem from the general direction. Can't you just look after you and ignore others? After all, if we really fight, we need all-round cooperation!

Can a special force solve all the problems on the battlefield? So what do you need missiles, airplanes and aircraft carriers for? Although such a statement may be quite biased, it also shows a considerable truth!

"Sesame has taken people away! They are very good seedlings, but by their words, they have not been able to play a big role. There are also those people you left behind. How do you distinguish them? I don't know, but what about them? It's also a precious treasure! "

"But now they have found their own direction. I don't think there is any chance." Ding Yu is very direct and blocked this road! "At the beginning, they were purely abandoned. No matter whether I was recycling or Nirvana, this seemed to be my business! There's nothing to do with each other! "

"What needs to be acknowledged is this time? There are quite a lot of problems there, but if you are rashly involved in some aspects of things, it seems that there are so many inappropriate things! "

For Sun Jun said this, Ding Yu also snorted, "Captain, if you go on like this, you may really tear each other's face, so there is no need to continue to entangle! Talk about the terms directly! " Ding Yu blinked his eyes. The foreplay was almost sung!

Sun Junming is not quite used to Ding Yu's reaction. He is still ready to linger. However, he thinks that Ding Yu is so direct. But if he does this, isn't it too much?

For the team leader's hesitation, Ding Yu did not have any other indication, just sat there.

"Well! So I'll tell you the truth! The same share as before! "

Ding Yu did not agree, nor did he say anything against it? Looking at Sun Jun, Sun Jun looked at Ding Yu, he also slightly nodded his head, "generally speaking, there is such a requirement. If you have any conditions, it can be mentioned in spite of it. I believe it can be discussed!"

"What about trust? It's the basis of cooperation, and at the same time, we need to have a good reputation for each other. But what about this matter? I always seem to be a state of distrust. Although there is no black paper and white words between each other, sometimes without trust, there will be no so-called cooperation between each other! Opportunities are not available every time! What should I do if other people do the same? "

"This time, there are many problems involved! I believe... "

"Let me understand, all need to let me understand, can you give me a reason? Just because I'm also from the military, I'm more enthusiastic about the military than you think, but this does not mean that it can be used as an excuse! At least that's how I feel now

A word also let Sun Jun have so some speechless, Ding Yu from the beginning of the dead stuck himself, did not give himself any chance! How can you talk about it?

"What if we talk about it in person? There were some misunderstandings in the past. Now we can sit down and have a good talk. I think this time we can have a better discussion. "

"Discussion? And then? " Ding Yu gave a slight smile, but the smile was more like a mockery, "and then it was all over, and everyone thought that nothing had happened? That's it? ""Ding Yu, I know what's in this question? You have suffered a lot of grievances, but now is not the time to be spirited. We all want to develop in a better way. We do not deny that there are some obstacles in the process of moving forward, but now we should look forward, not review the past! "

"Don't remember the lessons of history, and then concentrate on moving forward!" Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "I don't like this style of doing things! Under the pressure can understand! Nothing. Everyone needs to bear a lot of pressure. At the beginning, Gao Jie and other people left the army. Did they say anything? Nothing! Toss a coin, either positive or negative. Since you have made a choice, you don't need to talk about regret. What do you say? "

Sun Jun took a deep breath, "this can only make things worse and worse!"

"If something happens, go and solve it! What about the so-called bad? It's just a unilateral disclosure! Is it difficult for me to have no problem at all? Captain, you are rather biased in your view! It's really not my deliberate provocation. What about my relationship with the special forces? It's not the same as that of the intelligence and security departments! "

"Their leadership is already on the road! Some problems still need to be interviewed with you. You almost became one of them at the beginning! I think there is still quite a feeling between each other! Whether it's my own pedantic, or there are other reasons in this! I hope that this matter can be solved satisfactorily

"Captain, I know what you're passing on!" Ding Yu replied without salt or salt.

The matter itself has received quite a lot of news. How to deal with it? How many decisions have been made in Ding Yu's mind? What are some things? Now that it's over! Then there is no need to continue to take out! Can only be to let each other seem so embarrassed and helpless!

Sun Jun is very disappointed to leave, in Ding Yu side did not achieve any results, but also let each other have considerable problems! What about the relationship that was a little relaxed? Once again into the past situation! Sun Jun sometimes also has some doubts. How do some people above think about the problem!

In the evening, Ding Yu still appeared in the dining room. Sun Jun and Sun Jun were ready and stayed here for a short time. However, they saw a lot of things. However, the meeting with Ding Yu was not so wonderful. This may be the only regret! But what about this thing? Nobody knows how to control it!

"This task is over! We need to go back! "

"Goodbye!" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say, for himself? This is not a process of communication, I paid a lot of things to solve some problems, that's all! What about inside? Has own responsibility, how many still has so some! Ding Yu has nothing to deny about this!

If Ding Yu really denies it, it will not reveal all these things! But obviously, what about the attitude of some people? A little bit too much! This is Ding Yu's most intuitive feeling!

Sun Jun their departure, but also let the armed police side thoroughly settle down this mind, transferred to the armed police or left a platoon responsible for rotation! What about the detention house? There is no other aspect of action, but all of the things have become strict, there is no way! There is a great God here!

For a few days, Ding Yu is here in the detention center, reading and walking to deal with official business. It seems that Ding Yu really regards this place as his own office space! As for Hou Tianliang, there is no news to pass on. What happened? Ding Yu doesn't mean to have a relationship, nor does he have any intention to inquire!

"Director, someone wants to see you!" The security guard took the lead to inform Ding Yu. After getting Ding Yu's permission, they turned back to Ding Yu's room again. Soon two strangers entered Ding Yu's office one after another!

"Hello, please take a seat." Ding Yu didn't mean to stand up. It's not that Ding Yu deliberately went to pinch it. There were some people who couldn't make it. Soon some people also sent mineral water over! It's easy to bring the door when you come out!

"Director Ding, I haven't seen you for a while!"

"I haven't seen each other for a long time! How are you recently? " Both inside and outside the words are the most common greetings, Ding Yu did not have any earnest meaning, also did not show too cold!

"Make do with it! However, the lack of cooperation between each other, is really very distressed

Ding Yu nodded, but did not want to continue to talk about this topic, but the first time to avoid this topic, "where am I? Although it is not green mountains and beautiful water, but there is a taste, all have been on autumn! After the best season, if you can come earlier, the scenery here is not bad, and the body will be ok if you cultivate yourself a little bit! "

"Xiaoding, we came here specially, not for eating and drinking, or for sightseeing, or to talk about what happened before!" The person sitting opposite Ding Yu also looked at Ding Yu sincerely, "we know that the previous things are very hard for you personally, but for us, it is the same thing.""Not really. At least I got some desired results. Although this result is not very satisfactory, we can only say that we have gained from the previous cooperation, but what about the cooperation between us? Because the previous thing has come to an end! I don't think there is any more to mention at this time? "

He called director Ding before and Xiao Ding later, which is a complete understanding of the relationship between them. However, it is obvious that Ding Yu did not mean to be grateful, which also made the visitors a little embarrassed!

"Although this time is very short, some soldiers here still have old problems! And the performance can be said to be particularly serious, if can not be implemented to solve, they will no longer be suitable to continue to stay in the team! It's really unfair to them! "

"I remember that you have a prescription, but what is involved? Although not very common, but for the military is not what difficult! Absolutely applicable to most people! However, we need to adjust measures to local conditions. If we do not reach that level, we may have other adverse effects if we use drugs rashly! "

"Xiaoding, is it really interesting to say so?" The visitor's expression was extremely helpless, even quite depressed. "I know that the decision made this time has a great impact on you personally, and even is a kind of betrayal to a certain extent, but I hope you can be a little considerate!"

"You can be understanding!" Ding Yu's tone really did not show any anger, so there would not be any hysteria. "Everyone has their own choice. I can't say that I didn't get anything. At least I used this tiger skin and got quite a lot of manpower. I also paid a lot, although the final result is a little bit regretful."

"Xiaoding, can we continue our cooperation?" When speaking, the expression on the face is also very sincere, even with a trace of other expressions!

"And me? Once a soldier, and you have spent your time in the army. What about this feeling? It may be incomparable to me. If we abandon the so-called feelings, it is impermanent for us to make a little contribution to the national defense cause, but what is the need? " Ding Yu spreads out his hand slightly!

Ding Yu didn't mention any requirements, but let the visitors mention the requirements. For the visitors, it's really a little shy to export. If you can, of course, you hope that the cooperation between them can resume. But is this possible? In those years, Ding Yu paid hundreds of millions of dollars, and every year!

But at this time of cooperation with Ding Yu, what can be used as an excuse? It was agreed that the eliminated personnel would be given to Ding Yu, but some people who wanted to be included in it, and even occupied the vast majority of them. Although Ding Yu did not mention it again, as long as he thought about it, he felt that there was so much blush on his face! What a shame!

The so-called Sheng Mi en and Dou Mi Qiu means that Ding Yu, who is on his side, has been recklessly paid and suffered calculation and betrayal. Now he has found Ding Yu again. Even if there are millions of reasons, what can he do?

"The expansion of the team is a little big, and the equipment and supporting facilities need massive funds, which is responsible for national security!" Ding Yu nodded, "I know, but I always need to weigh it. I can't write you a blank check. I don't have such a thick capital!"

The two men looked at each other, but they were not sure whether Ding Yu was joking or telling the truth. It is true that they are the most professional soldiers, but Ding Yu is not inferior at all! Will they? Ding Yu basically knows everything, but what about Ding Yu? They really did not see will, even did not know!

"If we rely on the supplement from the superiors, it's a drop in the bucket. In other words, the special forces not only rely on the individual combat ability, but also need the strong logistics support. It costs a lot to cultivate a pilot, but it also costs a lot of money to train a special soldier! It is a good idea to train every soldier to be a special soldier, but no country on earth can bear such financial pressure! Not ten Americans! "

In fact, relatively speaking, the capital is not the biggest problem here. What is important is that Ding Yu can provide a considerable part of weapons and equipment. These things are extremely needed here, and there is also the aspect of medicine. You know the formula and know how to mix them. So what?

Channel for their own side, can be said to be the key!

And now? Ding Yu's attitude is very obvious, what you need, I provide, financial or material resources, are easy to say, as long as it is not a big mouth, Ding Yu will basically agree! But the question is, is this what you really want? Not at all!

"I understand very well. I have also taken it in special forces. Naturally, I know the pain. If it is money? I can still offer a lot of help. After all, I am also a Chinese

What about Ding Yu's attitude? It seems that there is not much intention to refuse at all, but it is precisely because of Ding Yu's words that people really feel very difficult and even don't know how to open their mouth. Ding Yu is not an easy to deal with, especially in the current situation.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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