Ding Yu didn't mean to embarrass himself? He also came out of the army, had advanced studies in special forces, and even had other advanced studies. Didn't Ding Yu know that it was necessary to cultivate special soldiers?

But I know, but what about this? It's quite difficult! But what about this? I really have no way to mention with the two people in front of me, involving too many problems! What about myself now? It can only be dealt with in the usual way! And can not have any so-called "compassion" heart!

Because once you have the so-called compassion, you will directly have a considerable impact on them, so now you can only do such things with a ruthless heart. As for whether the two opposite will understand, can they understand these problems? It is really not Ding Yu can care about now! It's not what we can think about now!

"Xiaoding! Is it really impossible to accommodate at all? "

Ding Yu just looked at the two people in front of him, without any meaning to speak. The two people sitting opposite Ding Yu looked at Ding Yu, and their eyes were filled with disappointment. This kind of disappointment was heartbreaking. When did you get it? May not feel too much, but only in the loss of time, just know how precious to get!

In recent years, because of Ding Yu's support, this side has been developed by leaps and bounds, at the same time, it has brought great progress. But now, without Ding Yu's support, it is really too restrictive for the whole! First of all, there are some problems with medicine. Weapons and equipment are still poor. Without those drugs, what a blow will it be for the physical maintenance and mental recovery of soldiers?! I feel chilly when I think about it!

The previous break with Ding Yu brought such bad consequences! This should not be so simple as not withstanding the pressure. It must also involve quite a lot of problems and situations, especially the military behind it. There are quite a number of problems that need to be solved further!

"Xiao Ding, don't talk about the past! Let's say now, I need some medicine to treat and maintain the soldiers' bodies, and also to restore their mental pressure! I know it's too much, but I hope to be able to change all the money into drugs! "

"It's OK to change to medicine, but I think what about your logistics department? We should have started the research in this field at a very early time. Is there any achievement? I don't know, I don't want to know, it has nothing to do with me, but what about the spiritual aspects? It has a shelf life. Only this time, it will not be an example again! "

Ding Yu's words are resolute, and the two people sitting there don't know whether to cry or to laugh at this time. They come all the way to make face-to-face contact with Ding Yu. Ding Yu did not turn over his face, but he did not mean to continue to cooperate! We'd like to make peace with each other!

But what about the army? It's already the worst result! There's nothing worse than this! Ding Yu is not reckless about the problem of love, but Ding Yu has his own consideration and ideas!

Standing in Ding Yu's point of view, not to tear this face, is already the maximum tolerance limit! What about the requirements mentioned? It's too much, but Ding Yu still agreed. But I'm afraid this is the last candy. But what about this last candy? There is a considerable time limit.

"What about things? I'll be ready in a week! I put it in the warehouse and you can pick it up by yourself! " Ding Yu said faintly, "the comer is a guest, since he has come! As the host, I still need a good reception and go to other places? Maybe it's a little bit inconvenient! "

"Xiaoding, don't bother so much, just eat the canteen!"

"It's in the canteen! I've been here all this time! However, there are still some problems in the energy supplement of the canteen, so I found some food materials. It should not be considered as a violation of the rules and regulations! "

It's been talked about! The rest of the matter seems to have some unimportant, now time is not available, and two people come? Also weak interest to rest! Came to the rest room of the armed police, two people are you look at me, I see you, Ding Yu did not mean to embarrass them, but the same, the results are really do not know how to explain! How to face the officers and soldiers in the army after going back? They want to wear them!

"Lao Jiang is very sorry for such a thing! I'm worried about what will happen to him! "

"Ginger The man on the other side also sighed heavily, "I know he has some ideas in his heart, but now the situation has collapsed to such a degree! Ginger is also a veteran! I believe he can bear it all! This is also an experience for the whole army! "

"As far as I know, Ding Yu asked for a list earlier. This list was not given to Ding Yu, but what about the last person? All of them have been cleared out by Ding Yu. There are few people who know this list! Even if it doesn't exceed the first-hand index, if we don't check the base, we can't find a complete list at all! ""And the list? It is certain that it will not be disclosed by us. We still have some assurance, but the question is, will the list be disclosed? It seems that it is also unlikely that even the personnel who arrive at Ding Yu's place? They don't know what kind of tasks they have on each other, but under such circumstances, the whole staff is still found out? "

"Ding Yu should have been prepared in this respect from a very early time! And the preparation can be said to be quite adequate, or to say that he is around? There is a certain mechanism, which can ensure that there will be no other problems. What about our side? It's too much of a take for granted! "

"Yes! Some take too much for granted! Ding Yu has not been Ding Yu in those years! What a wonderful seedling that year! At that time, he left the army for some special reasons. From now on, it's really hard to tell whether it's good or bad. But if he didn't leave the army, I believe he should be at least above Jiang's position now! "

"Don't talk about the useless. I know those people? It's all taken away now! Ding Yu has no result, their small life, has been merciful! If Ding Yu really doesn't give it, it seems that we don't have any way, but this time I come to see Ding Yu, I always feel that there are some problems in it! "

"Don't be confused. The angle and direction of thinking above are different from ours."

"I don't mean that. I'm carefully considering Ding Yu's problem. What was Ding Yu's cooperation with us? Exactly speaking, it's a loss making business. What about us? The scale is not big, but the subordinate nature is a little different! And we ask ourselves, is it really tiger skin on our bodies

He snorted, and then he said, "it's just that our department is a little bit special, so Ding Yu took advantage of this. But even so, is it really worthwhile for Ding Yu to invest so much? I think it's a problem! You really can't look at it like this, don't you think? "

"Ding Yu's investment in these years is really not general big, our training base can be said to be completely updated to a level, especially the application of those drugs, so that our injury situation greatly reduced, these are Ding Yu's credit, and these are what we can't deny!"

"If it is to make us carry the black pot, I think we can carry it countless times. No one will complain. Even countless departments want to carry this black pot, but why are we? From the common sense, even if Ding Yu no longer supports us! But what about the equipment and facilities? We don't need a new generation in a short time. What's the only worry? It's the physical condition of the soldiers, because they are our most valuable resources! "

"It is also said that soldiers are our most valuable resources. Compared with the elite we have cultivated, what about the people above Ding Yu's hands? It's true that there is quite a gap. We are a bit harsh on this issue! "

There are so many shameful and self serving times? Always appears to be competing with each other, but in the public for him, it lags behind a lot, Ding Yu has not revealed any opinions and ideas, this has been speechless!

"So what about this? There must be reasons and circumstances that we don't understand. These are my analysis, but the problem is how can we report this matter to the above? What's the above view of our opinions? After all, this time, we didn't achieve the desired results! "

"I don't know! But I think there will be quite a few people who are not very happy! "

As soon as the words came out, both of them were silent!

But Ding Yu is in the office, looking at the people who rush in from the outside, his eyes are also slightly narrowed. Hou Tianliang immediately puffed his face, and then sneaked out of the office and took the door with him! Then he knocked on the door again. After permission, he pushed the door again and came in!

"Report, Hou Tianliang finished the task and came back to report! Please direct me! "

Ding Yu coughed and pointed to the position in front of him. Hou Tianliang took off his hat on his head and went to the chair. He was stunned by the mineral water on the table. The director had a guest just now!

"Tell me about you! I'll listen to your personal introduction! "

"Yes, chief!" Hou Tianliang is also fighting spirit, "I went there, and coordinated the relationship with all sides. What's more, thanks to the cooperation of those people, I set up a few days, and then captured three spy organizations, 26 people! But seven of them have run away! I've been abroad for a long time! "

"Three spy organizations, it seems that there are a lot of them! It seems that a lot of big fish have been caught in this net! "

"Yes, quite a lot of big fish have been caught, but there are some other problems involved. All of these are handled by the information management department and the security department. My coordination work has been completed! There's no point in continuing to stay, chief? What should those people do? ""I am a man of my word!"

In other words, Hou Tianliang understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words, so he also nodded his head slightly, "what about the bodies? It's basically dissected and cremated! But they just go back like this, it seems that there is no point in it! Just because we don't do it doesn't mean other people don't do the same! "

"It doesn't make any sense. It's been broken! Now think about killing? If they can go back, they will not be able to beat drums and gongs, but they will also be given preferential treatment. How can we say that? At this time! Can only be pinching own nose to recognize! It's so simple! "

"To help us eradicate a few spy organizations, which should be regarded as betrayal? Do you need preferential treatment when you go back? " Hou Tianliang's expression also has so some astonishment, oneself feels unable to understand!

"What if you don't get preferential treatment? Now I still want to kill people. How can other people think about it? This time, that time! At the beginning, we didn't know, so we killed the mouth! It's no big deal, but now? Even if these people shed a few hairs, this will cause strong dissatisfaction, so you can only be careful to serve! In other words, it is to give them a place and a place to support themselves. It will be like this for their whole life! "

"The world is changing fast enough! And the change of people can't understand! I really don't understand

Ding Yu snorted, "don't sigh. What about the people who ran? I'm responsible for solving the problem, but they can't get it back. This is the result! What other questions are there? "

Get it! I'm afraid the director will raise the butcher's knife in his hand again! However, this is not a big deal. Before going, Hou Tianliang had already thought of this problem. His director is definitely not a person who wants to be with. After being beaten, he will stretch out the other half of his face!

There is only one kind of result when the director is slapped in the face. It is the director's job to cut off the head of the other party. It is meaningless for the director to shout such a thing!

"Director, everyone has been arrested! What about the rest? I don't really want to get involved! So I came back first! "

"You don't want to take credit for yourself?" Although it's a question, the expression on Ding Yu's face is a little funny!

"Director, don't make fun of me! I am able to have such opportunities in the middle deployment, and I am already satisfied. What's more, if such a thing appears, it's hard to say whether it's good or bad. I'm not interested in this aspect, so I gave up directly! There is a saying that a good meal is not late, isn't it? "

"I've learned how to be smooth!" Ding Yu nodded, and looked very satisfied. "What's so bad about that? This time you have allocated the middle part of the business." But you are still young, not to mention this time? With this tiger skin, lay a good foundation! There's no need to dress up in red! "

"I think so too!" Hou Tianliang touched his head.

"What about this? It was originally the responsibility of the intelligence management department and the security department. Although you are also a member of the intelligence management department, I got it after all, so some of my identity has been adhered to. If you stand up, both the intelligence department and the security department will not be too satisfied! So this time it's pretty good! "

"Director, if you hadn't given me such a chance, I'm afraid I couldn't do anything about it!"

"It's a good thing to have the ability. I don't need to be too modest to exercise myself. If you do well, you should be praised and rewarded. But I'm afraid not today. Two guests came! Special department, it's time to have a rest tomorrow. Let's go back and have a meal together! I haven't been back for a few days! My father and mother called earlier

Accompany the special department of two people to eat a meal, there is no then! But Ding Yu said something to the security, and several people ran away! Can the monk run the temple? If you really let them run, then their reputation in the future is so damaged!

In fact, the security side has started to prepare and operate this aspect from a very early time! But because of Hou Tianliang's things have not been completed, so they are really not so convenient! And now Mr. Zhang has expressed his opinions in this respect, and we are eager to try! Even some of them can't wait!

For sun Lisa, the achievements we have made are really beyond our imagination. Two old-fashioned spy organizations and a new one at the same time are not really enough to kill them all! But what about the people involved in this? It can be said that all of them have been arrested! Not one!

For the country, the achievements are absolutely enormous! Three spy organizations at the same time! Think about it, I feel so terrible! And together with the trial, quite a number of scum come out!

What a pity? Someone still escaped! This may be the only imperfection, and Hou Tianliang this guy also took the opportunity to run! What's more, she felt depressed and itchy with her teeth!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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