At night, Ding Yu looked at the far away car lights, his eyes were watching, he did not want to happen such a thing, but now it is such a situation! It's not that if you want to save it, you can save it!

It's like being a doctor! The efforts of doctors are only one aspect of it, and the other is the need for the cooperation of patients. Only when the two aspects are quite consistent, can we achieve the best effect!

What's more? That is, the external influence is too big. What kind of pressure is Jiang's side? For this matter? Ding Yu is not so clear, now he really do not want to ask, at the same time do not want to know! Even if I know, what can I do? It's beyond redemption! The same situation on his side, even if ginger is clear, how can it be? It's also the same irreparable, so it's better that we all don't know anything!

Turning around, Ding Yu returns to his own office, and Hou Tianliang follows Ding Yu's side honestly. The director's mood is not as good as expected! What about their origins? I vaguely know some above, but the more so, the more I don't want to explore what!

The next morning, Ding Yu was the first to go to the hospital, and then came to the ward. Looking at the big boy on the bed, he was sober. However, the mental state of the whole person had not recovered. It is not to say that one day or two days can completely recover! It's impossible!

Ding Yu looks at the tablet computer on the rack above the bed. The NBA game is on it!

"Dr. Ding, you are here!" McDull's mother also quickly stood up! Eyebrows are also stretched a lot, after all, Dr. Ding face-to-face, no matter how, they need to have a considerable performance!

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand and asked for a record from the nurse. After careful inquiry, he also gave McDull a check. "I heard Zhao Xiaobing say that your basketball is very good."

"Hello, uncle Ding!" McDull's face also showed a little smile, "I don't know if I can play basketball in the future."

"What about the words? I have seen your situation. Although the situation was serious at that time, there were not many problems in the follow-up treatment. Are you now? Should be good with the doctor for follow-up treatment, as for playing basketball? Not too many questions! I can assure you that, at most, you can't be a professional player

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Dr. Ding!"

"A little bit of emotion is right!" Ding Yu was very disagreeable and said, "the two children in my family like playing baseball, but I took them to see the NBA. How about it? Do you want me to give you some encouragement, you like that star, please come here? Maybe it's a little bit too much, but it's OK to give you a set of signatures! "

"Really?" McDull can't help but shake up his spirit, and even his body has to move involuntarily.

"It's true, of course. What am I, a doctor, lie to you for?" When hearing the name of James, Ding Yu also nodded with a smile, "that's a big guy. Take a good rest, cooperate with the treatment, and recover soon. It won't take more than two weeks. I'll bring it back for you! A digression, get a signature? It's not a big deal. In the future, it's better to study hard and go to the venue to see the scene if you have the chance! "

"Thank you, uncle Ding!"

The patient's recovery is good! Ding Yu didn't mean to stay for a long time, but McDull's mother followed Ding Yu out! The mouth is also inexhaustible thanks, "Dr. Ding, the child has given you trouble!"

"You're welcome. What about doctors? We all hope that the patient can recover well. What's more, we should do what we can. What's more, the company at home and the recovery of ourselves will help him to establish this confidence again. "

However, Ding Yu did not wait to leave here, he was caught by his father! "Are you all right? Come upstairs. There are two operations in the operating room! Take a look at it

"What's the matter?" While walking, Ding Yu asked, "Dad, you seem to be in such a hurry! It's not like your usual style! "

"Yang Bo has brought a student. You can follow him to have a look."

"Brother Yang is not the first time to take students. Are you so anxious?" After changing clothes, Ding Yu followed him to the side of the operation. Yang Bo looked at Ding Yu who came in and nodded his head slightly. He didn't mean to make a sound. He just paid attention to the work on the operating table!

In fact, it's not a very big operation, it's just a prostate operation! After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu didn't make a sound. After finishing the operation, Yang Bo, as the instructor, also pulled Ding Yu to one side. "Doctor, give me a little evaluation, but don't be too strict!"

"No! What's the origin? My father also personally pulled me up, you Yang elder brother accepted a student, this pour has the trace to follow, but also can't be so valued! I feel that there is something in this! ""Anyway, I am also a student of the teacher. This is the student I have collected myself. If you want to inherit the mantle in the future, you don't have to reach out to help. At least it's your own family, OK! It was not easy for me to see such a good seedling, just reached out to snatch it down, you don't know, I also paid a lot! Some people in the hospital are quite dissatisfied with it! "

"It's just a few knocks on you! It's not a big deal Ding Yu said with disapproval.

"The landlords don't have any surplus food. What's more, my salary card is in my wife's hand! There's so much pocket money in hand Yang Bo also jokingly said, "but what about this student? It's from the provincial capital. Although there are some relationships, this is not the most important one. There are still many things in my hand! I look good! "

"Exchange student?"

"Yes! It can be said that, but the specific time to be able to graduate depends on his situation. Previously, he has been handling the relevant procedures, and you were not there two days ago. Today, I just caught up with such a good opportunity, so give me some advice! " Yang Bo also has some requests.

"Yes! I really don't have much to do today! " Since it was Yang Bo's request, Ding Yu didn't have much hesitation. "I'll arrange two surgeries for me later. I'll take him with me. How much can I learn depends on his comprehension ability! But don't blame me for being too strict Ding Yu also means to point out that, for training such echelon personnel, Ding Yu is still very willing to do, but he does not have so much time!

"Liao Hai, come here for a minute!" After leaving the operating room, Yang Bo also called out his students, "let me introduce you to Dr. Ding Yuding. In the afternoon, the hospital will arrange two operations. You are responsible for helping Dr. Ding!"

"Hello, Dr. Ding!" Liao Hai didn't know much about Ding Yu's situation, but it should be unusual for his teacher to introduce him so solemnly!

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "Dr. Yang, I need to see the patient's condition!"

Seeing Ding Yu turn to leave, Liao Hai is also looking at his own teacher, "teacher Yang, is this doctor Ding?"

"You are lucky! Our eldest son of Dean Ding lintin! He is my younger brother, but what about this? I boast that there is a big difference between his studies and his major. He graduated from Beijing University, and later went to England. Now he works in Harvard general hospital. When he is at home, he will come to our hospital to help. How about you? It's a new comer. I don't know much about the hospital. Today is your chance! "

"Harvard general, come to us?"

"Surprised?" Yang Bo was also very proud to say, "in my early years, when Dean Ding was still the chief director of the Department, he asked Dr. Ding to practice in our hospital, mainly responsible for the management of medical records and other aspects. When he was still in the old hospital, so many years have passed! Dr. Ding always comes to have a look from time to time! "

"I haven't heard much of it!" Although Liao Hai is very surprised, but still expressed considerable doubt!

"You can check the relevant information, but when you follow him for surgery, you will know what the situation is! Dr. Ding's requirements are very strict. It is not an easy thing to pass his examination. What about me? To be able to achieve today's achievements, Dean Ding has played a guiding role, but Dr. Ding has also given me considerable help. I hope you can take advantage of this limited time to learn more, which will help you improve yourself! "

"Yes, teacher, I will try my best!"

Ding Yu went to his father's office. Looking at his father sitting on the chair, Ding Yu also asked, "Dad, what's Liao Hai from! You've all come forward to speak! Brother Yang there is the same, you should know that when you treat brother Yang, you did not have such a heart! What's more, he is just an exchange student. Even if he can stay for two years, it seems that there are some losses! "

"Are you kidding me?" Ding Lin was also dissatisfied and said, "he came from the provincial capital, and there is a considerable relationship in the family. This is true, but this is not an excuse. The main reason is that I have a comprehensive understanding of Liao Hai's situation in the past two days. It is still quite fundamental! So I asked Yang Bo to take him with me. You came here today! "

"The hospital should develop the relationship behind this and let him act as a link! Is it a little far from the provincial capital? What's more, this matter can't be bypassed by the superior authorities! If you let the superior unit know this! It seems that it's not as simple as wearing shoes! "

"I'm a retired old man already!" Ding Lin didn't have a good breath and said, "what's more, I'm glad that Liao Hai can come to us? Can't let this talent waste! Waste the years in vain, to help him lay a good foundation, and even to improve a step. If there is a chance in the future, we can go to a better level of development, and we are counting on you? How many nails can you make? ""Well, you are far sighted! I feel inferior to myself! "

Ding Yu is very clear about what his father said this word after all. What about the hospital? Although it is only a small county-level city hospital, but the responsible area is still relatively broad, and look at the meaning of the hospital, there are some higher pursuits. What about this pursuit? It's not that there are no other problems with the number of machines introduced!

The most important thing is the doctors. This is the most fundamental aspect of the hospital! But anyway? They are all county-level hospitals. If you want to attract absolute talents, it seems that some of them are unrealistic, so it takes time to accumulate. It seems that the hospital still has considerable vision and courage!

In this process, how much role does his father play? This question is really not so clear. Ding Yu really doesn't have much to ask about the meaning of his father's work, not that he doesn't care about his father's work, which has nothing to do with it!

Dad has his job, but what about himself? Have their own work, the nature of each other's work is the same, but the problems inside are quite different! So it's really not good to mix together! That would be boring!

"I'll take a look at the medical records and take Liao Hai in the afternoon to see if he has this potential."

"You can take it with you. There is no problem. I hope you can do this, but don't put too much pressure on Liao Hai. He didn't come out of school for a long time, and his spirit is quite high. You don't want to directly knock him out of the dust, so that he can't break free. In that case, he can only be destroyed! Do you hear me? "

"I see! Just being a babysitter What about Ding Yu's answer? A little bit lazy!

As for Ding Lin, he looked up at his son. What about his son on other issues? It really means muddling along, but in terms of professional academic issues, he is not generally more serious. If he goes to the operating room at that time, some things will not be easy to say!

After reading the medical records, Ding Yu went to see the patient in person. However, Ding Yu did not go alone, but took Liao Hai with him. "From your point of view, what kind of preparations should be made?" Obviously, Ding Yu has the meaning of some assessment!

Liao Hai looks at the medical record, and at the same time looks at the patient's condition again, and then starts to collect his own words. The time for explanation is a little longer. Ding Yu also listens carefully. But this situation makes the family members of the patient feel a little inappropriate. What is the situation?

After hesitating for a while, the patient's family members are also smiling, holding the prepared red envelope and carefully delivering it to Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu's face is also suddenly gloomy, and Liao Hai is also slightly frowning.

"You will certainly encounter such a situation in the future. If it is you, what do you think should be done now?" When Ding Yu said this, he was not polite in front of the patient's family members!

"Dr. Ding, I don't think this is a very good habit! It's even disgusting. It's a moral issue for doctors! " Liao Hai also said without hesitation, but he seemed to have some scholar spirit!

And the family members of the patients beside them feel that they are a little bit silly. How does this mean? Is it hard to say that there are too few red envelopes! It must be like this! Since such a thing happened, don't say anything else! Get ready for a new red envelope!

"If the patient must let you hold it, otherwise he will feel uneasy?"

"I'll send it to the cashier's office and leave it as a stub! After the operation, give the stub to the patient's family! In this way, both sides will be able to handle this matter well! "

"The head turns quickly." Ding Yu said without salt or salt! Then he also looked at the family members of the patient, "Hello, I am the chief surgeon of the patient. I just came to see the situation. What about the red envelope you gave me? I understand your mood, but if you give it to me, I will also send it to the payment office, but my work is very busy, and I really don't have this time, so that's it! What do you think of it? "

"How can this work? I've sent everything out! How can there be a reason to take it back? "

Ding Yu looked at the red envelope, took it with his hand and gently tore open a gap, "it's OK when it comes to meaning! In this case, Hello, I am good, everyone is good! " After that, he returned the red envelope and patted the patient's family members on the shoulder, "accompany the patient. What about him now? It needs considerable comfort from family members. In fact, there is no big problem. It's just a small operation! "

After leaving the ward, Ding Yu also returned to his father's office. After a simple lunch, he also began to make considerable preparations for the operation in the afternoon. He entered the operating room a little bit early, and did not take long to see Liao Hai coming in!

Ding Yu checked the layout of the operating room, but he didn't explain to Liao Hai, so he checked on his own. Liao Hai watched Ding Yu's movements and did not ask any questions. He just watched Ding Yu's movements, and then he also checked some conditions in the operating room and checked the surgical instruments!"How flexible are your fingers? To what extent? "

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