"The whole school" yes, what about the superficial articles? Is to show it to others, but what about the actual requirements? It's about proving yourself! It's totally two different things. It's very easy to do the so-called superficial articles, let alone three years and two years! Even if it is ten years or eight years, it is possible to achieve it. But what are the actual requirements? It's definitely not something that can be achieved in ten years or eight years, especially in the medical industry. Even Xiaoyu doesn't dare to relax any more! "

"Dean, Dr. Ding is still studying hard now?"

"Do you think you can really relax by standing in his position? How can it be? But he has delayed a little because of other things. Otherwise, there may be a higher development now. But what about me as a father? I have met your grandfather and your father. They all have great expectations for you, but what about this expectation? It seems to be a kind of pressure, but is it actually? That's just one thing! "

Ah? What is that? Liao Hai feels that his head is a little bit big!

"And fame? In a way, it's bullshit. Life is your own! It's good to be round and square inside! " Taking a look at the time on the watch, Ding Lin also patted Liao Hai on the shoulder. "Your boy's potential is quite good. Xiaoyu has two students, and he collected them by himself. You may not catch up with them now, but at least it's good to see them!"

"Dr. Ding has students already?"

"Yes, the two students are in the capital hospital now! I've seen it too. Can you get into your eyes in the future? It's hard to say, but if you can calm your mind, I'm very optimistic about you! They are all common people, no one is worse than who! Why do you have to lower yourself? "

"Director, you've filled a lot of chicken soup, but I don't know if Liao Hai listened to it?"

"Liao Hai is still too young! I hope he'll listen! At least it can play a considerable role, but there are not too many accidents in this situation. With the boss, you need to bear too much pressure! Whether such a fledgling little fellow can carry it or not is really the matter of two talks. If you don't give him some chicken soup, I'm afraid that after the two operations, he will really roll up his bedding and run away in ashes! "

"Dean, although Liao Hai said he was hit! But this spirit is still very high! It seems that it is not a bad thing to suppress him now, is it? It's also for his better development in the future. It's rare to see such good seedlings. Although we can't keep them here, it's not a bad thing to cultivate them, is it? "

"Our temple! Still too small! Can't raise big fish, but from another point of view, although it can't keep big fish, big fish always have to accept love! If we want something, he can't come back? "

I'm afraid that if it's true to keep Dingyu in the hospital, I'm afraid it will start from the hospital! But let the hospital become a base and let more talented people come here. As time goes on, the teaching staff of the whole hospital will be improved.

Now we have achieved considerable results, just like Liao Hai. If we put the past into practice, even if we have a certain relationship with each other, can Liao Hai come here? It's impossible. Don't even think about it! But now? Here comes Liao Hai! What do you mean? No two years, three years, he is not thinking about leaving!

The second operation is still going on very quickly. Liao Hai has cleaned up his mood. Although he still feels Alexander, he has a certain bearing capacity, so he doesn't mean to be knocked down!

After coming out of the operating room, Ding Yu went to see the patient. After all, it was his own operation that he had to be responsible for. After checking the ward, Ding Yu cleaned up his things and said, "Dad, I've reported to my mother. I'll go home for dinner in the evening! Don't you hurry up? "

"It's still early!" Ding Lin took a look at his watch, but also said a little bit!

"Yes! got it! I'm not going to tell you about the two surgeries today! " Ding Yu understood the hidden meaning of his father's words! "In that case, I'll go back with dawn first!"

Looking at his father waving his hand, Ding Yu takes Hou Tianliang home with him. On the way back, Ding Yu also explains some matters with the security guard, mainly about McDull. Since all of them have agreed to him, Ding Yu will never break the appointment. What's more, breaking an appointment with a child seems to be a failure!

"Director, it's just a child's business. Do you attach so much importance to it?" Hou Tianliang didn't mean it. He was just joking!

"When he was young and at the best time of his life, he suddenly encountered such a thing, which was a great blow to the whole life. The physical recovery was nothing, but the spiritual recovery? That's the biggest problem. It's not easy to find some breakthrough points! ""Director, I don't know much about medicine! You are casting pearls before swine! "

"Not only in medicine, but in many ways, but from a medical point of view? Physical trauma can be recovered, even if the heart and head problems, can also think of a way, but the spiritual recovery? It is absolutely not a simple thing. Whether it is at home or abroad, the achievements we have made for the time being will not make people feel too satisfied! "

Because it's not far from home, it doesn't take too long to get home! The feeling of this home is very different! Zhao Shuying looked at her eldest son, "how do you smell of disinfectant?"

Looking at the suspicious expression on his mother's face, Ding Yu also explained that, "previously, I went to the hospital to see McDull. He was the child who was in a car accident. He recovered well. After talking for a while, he and Zhao Xiaobing were good friends and Zhao Hongyang's son!"

"I heard it was very dangerous at that time."

"It's very dangerous. I almost died! If something happens to such a big child, it will be a big blow to the whole family. So I followed it and found that the recovery was good, but the study must have been delayed! It's a pity that I can only read it again for another year

"Oh, that's good! As long as people are OK, don't say to read a year, read more years also OK! Who is a parent must think like this Zhao Shuying also sighed and said, "can you recover a year ago?"

Ding Yu took off his coat, and Hou Tianliang was the same, "there should be no problem, but we need follow-up rehabilitation. The overall problem is not very big. By the way, mom, what do we eat in the evening? It's quite well prepared at the detention center, but the contents are still a little poor! "

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