Wang Changlin sighed, "did you open a big hole? It's already happened anyway! Now, it's not very noisy, because we all know, can we choose in the end? We don't look at the power of each family, but whether we can get into the eye of the boss. This is the most important thing! But again, this scope will not spread too wide! In other words, what about the final result? It's still in a small closed circle! "

"That's a problem!" Wang Pu snorted, just like Hou Tianliang. He had no recommendation from anyone. He was valued by his grandson, and then he took it with him. That's all! It's really a headache whether these little carrots can be valued by their grandsons!

"However, we also tend to be included in the assessment list this time. Although there are only three people, or two people to be exact, everyone hopes to be able to fight for it, because if we can really win this quota, it will be a very important foreshadowing for the future development! So many people are ready to take out the real thing! "

"What? Someone has taken out all the reserves! "

"With this idea, after all, the boss chooses the Secretary, not others. This is really not gilded, but to learn from scriptures. Whether you can get the Scriptures or not depends on the efforts of the individual. After all, we all know about the situation of the boss. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are the best examples. We all look at it In the eyes, who doesn't want better development of reserve forces? "

"So there are a lot of people who are attracted to the house?" The old lady snorted, "but can the boss of the family look up to it? What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It's just because of the special relationship, so the boss raised his hand! Now other people have to think about the past, and they can't do it! "

There is a lot of emotion in the old lady's words. There is really no one in the family who can persuade Ding Yu, the great grandson. If only relying on the so-called ability, now someone has pulled out the reserve forces! Can be included in the reserve echelon, are people with considerable potential! One is better than the other!

"I don't know. It's hard to communicate with the boss about this matter, although I'm his father!" Speaking of this, Wang Changlin seems to have a lot of resentment, when he is Laozi, he really makes people quite speechless!

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other again. It's better not to mention it. When it comes to this matter, they also feel shameless. This grandson! Other places are good, but only this one? It is really helpless, the original thing is too bad! Which led to the present? There's no way to turn around.

You have to say this grandson is merciless! It's really not such a thing. The three old people's food, clothing, housing and transportation were all covered by him?! What's more, he lived in the courtyard, ate on the farm, and wore special clothes. Even the walking car was deliberately mixed. He thought of everything he could think of anyway!

But let's say he is really affectionate! It doesn't seem to be such a thing. Anyway, I never go to the door. Of course, it's sentimental to not go to this door. After all, at the beginning of the time, I released a message! But even if he is in the capital! The number of times to go to parents is also very few! In any case, it is to maintain a considerable distance!

This distance is not far or near, but it is really just right. It is not only the silence in the home, but also the outsiders? I can't say anything! This is grandson!

But now this matter, want to pass the grandson side, let him high hand, simply impossible thing, now the family affairs? Basically, the three elders have not asked about it, but Wang Changlin obviously has some pressure that he can't bear in all aspects, so he came here to learn from the three elders! Hope to get considerable help!

"It's not easy to do, but what about the boss? I think it's better to start from Hou Tianliang! "

Yeah? Wang Changlin couldn't help but be stunned, and then he went forward to explore his body, "I have considered this aspect of the problem, but what about hou Tianliang? But is it appropriate for the military to look after people, especially at this time of day? "

"Appropriate or not? He is not the one who makes the decision. Do you think the boss will not know about this matter? He certainly knows. But from my observation, he should give this face, but how about face? It just represents an opportunity, but it doesn't mean that you will be able to take office in the end! This is two things! "

A radish a pit, now a total of two pits, who want to go to occupy, but after all can not stand firm, no one knows things, because no one knows what the boss thinks, no one can think through the boss's mind!

"I think so. After all, Hou Tianliang stayed with the boss for a long time, and the boss always took him with him all the time. Even when he went home, he let Hou Tianliang follow his side. There are a lot of things that Hou Tianliang is dealing with. He can't recommend him, but he can give a lot of opinions!"

"At this time, there should be many people who will pay attention to this aspect. The military and the intelligence and governance departments will make this idea. People on the official career will also make this idea, but I don't know how Hou Tianliang will handle this matter?"Wang Pu said something, but also touched his chin, is a subconscious action, Hou Tianliang will refuse? Or take other ways, it is really to let there are some expectations!

Hou Tianliang also felt a little bit confused at this time. The phone was already hot! But the specific inside information oneself also has understood! In fact, the director had already said hello to himself in this respect earlier. It is not true that Hou Tianliang was not prepared at all.

However, there is no opinion or idea from the director, that is to say, what about this matter? Just let yourself watch and do it! What will be done? It depends on Hou Tianliang's personal ability!

From the very beginning, Hou Tianliang made clear his position and asked himself to help? This is absolutely impossible, because the director has never allowed sand in his eyes. What's more, what's his identity? Now recommend it to the director? This joke is a little bit too big!

However, Hou Tianliang obviously didn't mean to refuse. He talked about some of his own experience. After staying with the director for such a long time, he had some understanding of the director's personality and temperament. These are all empirical remarks. Even if other people want to talk, they have no such opportunity!

Not to mention what Hou Tianliang did was really to win people's favor. In fact, we didn't think about the impossible and unrealistic things that could open a breakthrough from Hou Tianliang.

But can obtain the quite information, regarding everybody, already is quite satisfied! Don't try to inquire about Ding Yu's news, let alone Hou Tianliang. Even other people dare not! This is a minefield, OK?

"Director, now people from all walks of life come here to learn from me. My head is really not so big these two days! I'm just a nobody. I really dare not not answer this phone call! "

"It's all articles to achieve human feelings. Do it well! Such opportunities are not as many as I imagined. If you have such opportunities, you should cherish them. Your time is very good, but at the same time, it is also very bad. Because you have the military identity on you, I can't take you with me after I go out. There are too many constraints! "

"Director, I didn't thank you. You have taught me for such a long time. I know I've got too much cheap! At least I've never been so satisfied with you

"It's not a bad thing to be content! Isn't it? " Ding Yu pointed to the position in front of him, "when the time comes, there will be many people, but how many people are suitable? Who knows, you! There will be a good future. I don't know if there is such a chance in the future, so I'll say a few more words! "

"Director, I remember what you said!"

"There are so many flatterers! There is not too much use, and there is no practical significance. The times are changing and the world is changing. All of them are moving forward. What I said may be useful today, but whether it will be useful tomorrow is really unknown! There is no need to take it as a saying. Only a country has a home. Since you choose to wear this dress, you should be worthy of the country

"Director, put on the military uniform, I never thought to go back and let it have any dust contamination!"

"You can, and you are willing to make progress. How about the time when you are around me? It's hard work, but what about these? Are not enough, at most even if it is to lay a foundation! There is still a long way to go in the future! We should build this accumulation on the road now, so that we can walk more smoothly in the future

"Yes, director, I remember it!"

"Director, I really want two secretaries! Can they hold on? As far as I know, these people in 49 cities are moving. Everyone wants to occupy these two positions, and they don't know what the situation is! "

"Everyone wants to occupy these two positions. Why? You've been around me for quite a long time. When you say what you think, it's just like we're chatting! "

"I think there are several reasons. First of all, you can learn a lot from the director, almost by hand. It is very rare in modern society! What's more? Director, your background is connected to the sky. Everyone wants to be able to connect the sky and the earth. What's more? ...。”

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "in fact, what about these two points? That's enough! There's no need for the rest! I don't object to walking around human relations. It's common sense that we all live in this world, but how much we can learn is the key, because this is the foundation of settling down! "

"Director, I want to make a little contribution to the country even if I speak with a little bit of impudence."

"There's nothing wrong with that. What about me? I used to wear this uniform and contribute to the country. If everyone has such an idea, a country can't be powerful. What about the composition of a country? It's made up of thousands of people. What about our older generation? This is reflected incisively and vividly, and now? We need to support this burden! Don't forget this point, no matter go to any post, you need to remember it! "Ding Yu said heavily, "what about me? I'm not a good man, so don't forget this, otherwise my temper will never be as good as I thought! You should be very clear! " Ding Yu said this very seriously!

"Yes Hou Tianliang is also a strong shout!

Ding Yu called his third uncle in the evening. It was a little bit late. There was no way. The third uncle was busy. It was not easy to take out the time!

"Third uncle, I need to look at their detailed files. When the time comes, Hou Tianliang will follow the screening process. There are also three uncles. I just need to see their ability, which has nothing to do with the forces behind them. I don't value this. At least for me, it doesn't have any significance! What's more? Even if they are selected, whether they are suitable for this place or not is still a big problem. There is a little time for them! "

"It's really rare for you to be so popular, but I can promise you this condition! It's really not difficult! But what about security? This matter has been decided, at the same time need to explain a point, may have a considerable communication with you! I think you are a generous man

"Uncle! I can see that it's just catching stones and squeezing oil out of them Ding Yu cried and said, "what about it? I'm not really a stingy person, but uncle, stay with me? What is the cost of this training? This number is a little bit amazing

"You talk to me about this? Do you want me to talk to you from the military? "

"Forget it! They are simply unreasonable! I'd better not Murmuring, Ding Yucai raised his head again, "uncle, it's no big deal to cultivate two secretaries. It's a matter of convenience. How much they can learn depends on their own, but what about security? Too much trouble! And some conditions are not so suitable, so I need a guarantee! "

"Is it going to be so serious?"

"I don't know, but I need to be prepared, because I don't guarantee what will happen. Hou Tianliang is selected by me. To a certain extent, he is a wild child, so there won't be too many heartache. Even if it's the previous experience, I haven't seen how many people come out, but what about the new ones? Who knows what's going to happen? "

"You boy, pay attention to me, don't make too many things!"

"Third uncle, it's not that I want to make trouble. The struggle for interests is always like this. Sometimes it's a dirty thing to fight with open fire, knife to knife and gun to gun. Moreover, I also involve some other problems, so such things will not be too few! But is it OK? It's a rule for everyone

What about the rules of Ding Yu? That is, everyone just put the target on Ding Yu's body, and there is no other heresy. This is actually a hidden rule, but what about Ding Yu's problem? Sometimes it will be a little bit too much, but there is really no one to pay attention to this point!

"You just let go of the military affairs easily. It's not like your boy's style, but don't dig a hole. We all suffer too much! Sometimes you are really a little worried about you! Do you know? "

"Thank you for your concern. I'll let Hou Tianliang go and have a trip."

Put down the phone, Ding Yu also called Hou Tianliang to his office, "if you go to the capital, you don't have to restrict the number of people. Give you a chance. I'll give you two discussion questions, and let them have four hours to elaborate. I'll give you the title when it comes."

"Director, will I be eaten by them?" Hou Tianliang also pretended to be "frightened".

Ding Yu looked up and down Hou Tianliang, "will be eaten, this point I really don't know, look at your own qualitative! Anyway, I will not pay attention to this matter. You are at least my secretary, so what about this matter? You handle it for me! I don't think there will be too many problems, but who knows? "

"Director, you pit me!" Hou Tianliang is also very oppressive to say!

"What about this pit? Do you want to step on it? How to step on it depends on your understanding! This is the final test for you. Things are still the old rules. You are responsible for handling them, and I am watching from the back

Hou Tianliang sighed, "director, do you want to be so difficult?"

"This is not a very difficult thing, even relatively simple, but the more simple things are handled, the more different they will be. As far as the road is concerned, it is not as simple as it is said!"

"Well! Director, then I'll go back first! "

"Yes! Go back to see your parents. After all, I have been out for such a long time, and there are many things here. By the way, take some home, and your daughter-in-law, so that people can wait for you. It seems that it's not such a thing. When to get married, you should say hello in advance. I don't know if you will go, but I'll deliver the gift! "Also did not wait for dawn to speak, directly to the drive away! Stop talking nonsense! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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