Hou Tianliang returned to the capital, the emotional management department directly to take away! There is no chance for other people to get involved in it at all! After all, what about the mission back? Unusual, Ding Yu must have explained something, and related things have been known to all!

It may be just a task for Hou Tianliang, but for the military and the intelligence and governance departments, we still don't hope that Hou Tianliang has too much contamination, because there will be too many things involved. Although the final decision-maker is Ding Yu, the specific person to handle this matter is Hou Tianliang!

It's a good job, but it's also quite offensive to some extent! Everyone wants to get close to each other, and everyone wants to follow Ding Yu's side position. But who goes up and who goes down in the end is really difficult! After all, the final decision is in Ding Yu's hands. Hou Tianliang! Not even the so-called right to suggest!

"At dawn, let me introduce you. This is Michael. In the future, he will do security work with director Ding Yuding. I don't know much about the situation there, so you are responsible for introducing the relevant matters! And a little bit about him? Can't move! I will give a detailed explanation to director Ding! "

"Yes Hou Tianliang made a salute! Then he turned and saluted Michael, "Hello, I'm Hou Tianliang!"

The two people got to know each other. Why did mcco come here? There is no need to make any explanation. Hou Tianliang has no intention to ask!

"At dawn, what does director Ding mean?"

"Let me take the lead to come back to understand the simple situation. It may take a few days for me. The specific inside information is not so clear!" Hou Tianliang is basically telling the truth. Relatively speaking, he is just a messenger, "but judging from the situation, the director's requirements may be more severe!"

After that, Hou Tianliang also reported his own situation, including some things he had learned during this period of time. The person who recorded felt that his scalp was numb, and even could not help looking at Hou Tianliang. For such a short time, he not only had to follow Ding Yu, but also needed to learn these things? One's energy is limited!

After Hou Tianliang finished his report, he also left. After the military understood quite a lot, he did not continue to keep Hou Tianliang. What about hou Tianliang? After dealing with their own affairs, they also went to find their girlfriend! I haven't seen each other for a long time! I really miss you very much!

What about the others? It is to know that Hou Tianliang is back, but from the news we get, what? It doesn't have too many functions. Even if it's Hou Tianliang, it's just a familiar mixture at most. It doesn't really have much effect! What's more, Hou Tianliang went to see his girlfriend!

This is not the best time to disturb! Two people tell each other their heart and soul. It's not appropriate to separate them now!

What's more, the military and the intelligence and governance departments have already expressed their attitude. If they still make rash contacts, it is obvious that they will not give the military and intelligence departments the face!

"Xiaobao, you're back! It's a little strange! "

"I was brought back. I stayed in Shanghai well. I was free and easy. Who would have thought that I would drag me back!" Xiaobao also shook his head, "don't you think it's the same as asking for trouble?"

"All right! Don't pretend to be confused Wang Yang also did not have a good temper said, "things must have been heard of you! Tell me what's going on in your area

"What kind of situation can it be? I will try my best to tell them the relevant information, what it is like and what it should look like. There is nothing to say about this, but those guys just don't believe it! It's like I'm deliberately hiding something. Is it really necessary? I wonder if there's something wrong with their heads! "

"It seems that the fate of our brothers is similar." Wang Yang was also very happy to say, "I am the same in these two days. The people in 49 cities are so crazy! After all, this situation is obviously different from that of the first and second echelons. This is a Secretary for elder brother

"Is there anyone else who will take advantage of such a hard job?"

"If it is placed on your body, will you snatch it?" Wang Yang did not have a good breath of hum!

"Of course it must be robbed!" Xiaobao sighed, "but what about it? Where's the big brother? It's really not ordinary suffering. There are not many people who can persist in it. At the beginning, you and I didn't mention it. Really, we two really put down a lot of things over the years. Whether you admit it or not, it's practical! "

"Big brother! For their own requirements too strict, is really unable to bear, but if really say it? I don't think it's a bad thing. I haven't relaxed in the past few years. Don't tell me about the mess. I don't know about you. You look crazy. You stay at home and read at night every day! ""You know that, too?" Xiaobao also does not believe, looking at Wang Yang!

"I mentioned two things when I visited my aunt earlier. You are really treacherous!" Wang Yang also pointed with his finger, "but it's not just you, the guys in the first echelon are the same, but on the other hand, it's quite nourishing and enriching! At least that's how I feel personally! "

"Don't boast, brother! I feel so sour. To be honest, my family has a lot of ideas about this matter, but it seems that I can't do it! Big brother's vision, on these people in the family, who can be looked up to by him? It's a bit late to grind the gun now

"Mainly because the opportunity came too suddenly! And such a big pie fell down, who didn't want to raise his neck, too many people were moved! It's not that everyone can resist! It's too tempting! "

"I heard that Hou Tianliang is back! See you! You and I are here anyway! What do you think? "

"It's OK to see you, but I think I'll see you at this time? It's too early for some time! And it's too easy to be a target! I'll see you around the time! By the way, how about Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? "

"The two nerds, especially Shen Mingzheng, are just like a piece of wood, but Guo Li can be better, but he is still at the hospital every day, just like before! I have some doubts about whether they have taken big brother's ecstasy! There should be a limit to it even if it is to be installed! "

In fact, what they said was a joke. They both understood very well that what could be valued by big brother could be a bag of wine and rice, especially Guo Li. You should know that his wealth is not generally thick, and the money in his hand can be said to be big, but what about him? In the hospital! Even if I want to see you, I don't have much free time!

There are many people here in the capital are discussing this matter, but we can only discuss one or two! Hou Tianliang there is very quiet, in addition to accompany his girlfriend, as if there are no other things.

However, in three days, basically all the staff were gathered together. Ding Yu gave two questions and asked them to write two comments. It doesn't matter what content and situation they like. They can write as they like. And this action really makes everyone feel so stupid!

He thought of countless possibilities, such as being pulled down from the training ground, such as going to the construction site or the farm, etc., but no one was able to figure out such a game theory. What kind of a thing is this? It's really hard to understand what Ding Yu wants to do! It seems to be a little bit bigger!

The time is four hours. There is no limit to the number of words. Some people talk freely. What about some people? Simple outline, because there are no provisions, there is no reference, so there is no clear answer, we can only follow their own ideas to retell, after the consequences? Give it to Ding Yu to make a decision!

Four hours later, Hou Tianliang collected the papers, and then passed them to Ding Yu. He could not judge them. There were more than 30 papers. When Ding Yu saw these papers, he took a pen and looked at them simply. It was not a mess. You can see that there was water in the stomach of these guys!

"I have read what they wrote! Find a closed place for them to exercise for a week. Let them divide themselves into several groups and mediate by themselves. There is no need for anyone to be responsible for the situation there, just find training personnel for them! " Ding Yu gave an order!

"Take charge of it yourself? Oh, I see! I'll deliver it immediately! "

Soon Hou Tianliang also conveyed the director's intention in the past. You can exercise on your own for a week. As for how to carry out it? Just use the standard of recruit training! As a military training for them in advance! It won't be difficult for them!

Military training lasts for a week, and they are still allowed to recommend it by themselves. For more than 30 people, it is not a simple thing. It can be said that there are many kinds of people? Are all trained as reserve forces at this time? You need to show yourself enthusiastically. How can you be willing to live next to others?

We should know that there are only two places in total, and more than 30 people will strive for two places! In other words, you need to beat the other 14 people to get a chance for yourself! One person to eliminate more than ten people, the elimination rate seems to be a little bit, so some big ah! So we are also enthusiastic to show themselves!

Since director Ding has already sent out his words, we are also fighting for it. Although director Ding did not make it clear, more than 30 people still actively divided into two groups. As for the follow-up questions? Is also one after another to start!

But the quota of two captains is not a general difficult labor, because the quota is just two. If we can occupy the team leader's quota at this time, we will certainly be mentioned by the key points. The so-called key mention is sure to increase the appearance rate in front of Ding Yu. Who doesn't want to be more contaminated with such opportunities?But Hou Tianliang is only responsible for gathering them up. As for the follow-up problems, Hou Tianliang has no intention to be contaminated. After such a long time with the director, how can he not learn anything? This matter is really not so simple as offending people, so he still puts the director's tiger skin out on his body!

So now it's just a cold eye! Looking at their own operation of this matter, as for whether there are other people behind this intervention, Hou Tianliang really did not care too much, you are free, as long as you are happy!

But the outside world really has different views and ideas about this matter, but everyone is anxious, but no one wants to be involved. Why? After all, what about this? It's about the final screening. Why did Ding Yu do this is just checking! And this is not the first time!

But why do these people get hit? It's very simple. We all see our own interests and don't look at other things. In other words, they still have some limitations. Moreover, they are not enough in terms of age and self-restraint. In addition, in the face of such a big impact, we will inevitably have some "impulses"!

Is Ding Yu's method high? Not at all. If he didn't throw out these two places in advance, maybe everyone would not be able to compete like this, but Ding Yu did it! That's breaking your mind! After all, there are examples of the first and second echelons!

For a whole day, the two team leaders have not been selected. It is only a week's training time. Under such circumstances, no matter the personnel responsible for guiding the training, or Hou Tianliang, have no opinion on this! What about the right to decide? It's all on these trainees! No one else is allowed to get involved!

"The team leader was not selected in one day, but the training can still be well completed. It's interesting!"

"Director, this is not really interesting. I have heard quite a report. They have a strong fight for the team leader. The internal aspect has been divided into four different small groups, but they still can't merge! It's not that you don't want to let it, but someone is deliberately making trouble in it

"Deliberately troubling?" Ding Yu also had a considerable interest, "who is it?"

"Song Tianren! As far as my observation is concerned, this is the case! "

On the contrary! I little interesting! Show me his files. I want detailed files

"Director, it's a troublemaker, and this guy means to show off his cleverness on purpose."

"Take it out and see it!" Ding Yu didn't have too many things anyway, "but how did you find out? If it's smart, I don't think you'll mention it intentionally! Tell me what you think

"What about these people? There is still considerable potential. In fact, we have reached a considerable agreement at a very early time. However, due to song Tianren's reason, it has now split into four forces. However, it is also a good way to identify these people. Now, many people have already realized it! But the forces are all set up! It's not so easy to glue together again

"It's a little hateful." Ding Yu said playfully, "take him out alone and give him a task. What about the rest of the time? Make everyone a whole and see what kind of ability he has

"Director, will it cause considerable contradiction?"

"He's the one who made it up, and he has to take responsibility to solve it, but didn't he say something? Taoxiaozi is good, no matter what kind of purpose he has, now it has been achieved. In this case, then push the boat along the river! The chance has been given to him! If he can't do it, then he has to pay for it! "

"Director, do you need to face it? It's really a little hateful! " Hearing that the director didn't have any words, Hou Tianliang hung up the phone, and then he went to the training base, and directly took song Tianren out alone.

"You've done something wrong!" Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren and regretfully said, "do you have any requirements?"

"Report, no!" Song Tianren's appearance is really not really as a thing, "excuse me, can I go out?"

"Go out, you think is very good, the director gave you a task, I hope you can continue to mischievous, I don't know why the director will do this, perhaps as a whetstone, maybe other ideas, but the director hopes you can unite everyone into a whole, after training technology!"

"This task is a little difficult! Is there a reward? "

"Reward?" Hou Tianliang is really different to song Tianren! "Do you think you are at this time? It's better to think about whether you can survive or not. This is the most important thing. After all, the thing you make up is a little bit too big, and you can do limited things within a limited scope! ""That is to say

"No! At least you are not, so if you want to transfer the director's tiger skin, you are playing with fire, and you may burn your own in the end? I think the warning is clear enough to make you angry

"It's obvious, but it's really difficult."

"I have left it to you! You can handle the specific things by yourself. Remember the time limit

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