Song Tianren has a little depression, but there is a little excitement in the depression, which is a good thing! Can become Ding Yu's secretary, this is not as important as you imagine, even at home is not so optimistic about it!

Why did you come here? As a so-called advance, see the so-called world!

So I also played a considerable trick, but the problem is to be seen! This is a little bit embarrassing, so director Ding Yuding has given himself a task. Since it is a disaster that he broke out, he needs to clean up the mess by himself. If he can't clean up the mess, it will not be as simple as talking to himself at that time!

Ding Yu is really a grandson. How can he think of such attention? Whether they are carrying out or not, if there are too many problems in the implementation, they will become the thorn in the eye and the thorn in the flesh of all people. But if they do not carry out, the forces behind them will not be able to say for the first time, and then they will really be the target of thousands of people!

"I need to communicate with you, give up quite a bit, and you still need to get some things. Although our recent requirements are not so strict, we still have quite a lot of life problems to be solved. If we really become the Secretary of the director, we also need to pay attention to our own image, don't you think?"

Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren up and down. After half a ring, he also slightly nodded his head, "I probably understand why the director thinks highly of you! You are really not a little smart. You have your own unique ideas. You pay a little bit more. You directly declare that you give up the election, and even take the initiative to pull others around you to give up the election. In this way, you can obtain the negotiation conditions to the greatest extent! The starting point is a good choice! "

For Hou Tianliang's words, song Tianren blinked his eyes, "there is no way! I don't have the qualification. Why make such a joke? But I can't resist the external pressure. So I made a fool of myself. I didn't expect that director Ding would be so interested in this matter. It's different from usual! If I had known this, I might have fought for it! At least there are still some chances! "

"Don't try to test me. If I'm not in this position, it's OK to give you some convenience. But if I stay in this position now, I need to be responsible for it!" He took a deep look at Song Tianren and said, "I think you should deal with the relevant matters now! Because some people can't sit down anymore! "

"Well! Secretary Hou, I hope to see you again. I'm very interested in many things! "

"I won't stay here for a long time, at least not now. In a week's time, I have other things to deal with, but if you can arouse the director's interest, you are really one of the few who can do the opposite!"

Looking at Hou Tianliang who left, song Tianren sighed, then took off his hat and scratched his head. This matter is really not so easy to handle. First of all, we need to show a certain attitude to the people on our side, but can we be drawn to our side? Basically all give up, we just come to see the world!

Next, we need to talk with the other three parties. But the question is, what about the other three forces? It's really not the general hatred. After all, it's their own cause of division. Now, it's a simple thing to want to re integrate together? So song Tianren felt a little headache!

What kind of means and methods did song Tianren adopt, and how did they communicate with each other? No one went to inquire. But the next day, two team leaders were selected. Song Tianren even mixed himself up with a position to supervise and participate in his small group? The one who gave up the election!

They are responsible for mediating contradictions and solving problems in groups, so that everyone can sit down on the same table. Don't underestimate this force. It may not be sweet to make sugar, but if it is really vinegar, it will be sour. Everyone has already realized this!

Under such circumstances, there is really no one to offend song Tianren. After all, they can not give up their own efforts because of a small group of them, can they? But in turn, everyone is still staring at Song Tianren. After all, what about the position of supervision? It is not allowed to have other problems and conditions!

If there are any problems and conditions, we can join hands to remove song Tianren from the position of supervisor, because they have indicated that they will not participate in the election campaign. If they are removed, they will be completely isolated!

"Director, song Tianren is a little bit of a bad guy, but his method is still quite superb. Now everyone has been re integrated into a whole, and because he has already expressed his attitude, we are not so vigilant about him as expected! However, due to the previous reasons, we still want to be able to thoroughly invite him out! "

"A little bit of my own little idea!" Ding Yu pondered for a while, "give them a message and say Song Tianren? Put it on the list of candidates, that's it! If you want to make trouble, you can't stop it! "Ah? Hou Tianliang also sipped his mouth. The director can say that he played songtianren thoroughly. Previously, songtianren had indicated that he would not participate in the competition, but now? He was put on the list of alternatives. If everyone knew the news, it was not a thorough frying pan!

The group that had already been united, I'm afraid that there will be a split situation immediately. Can songtianren be able to control the situation? If you can't control this situation, what kind of situation will it be?

"Director, will it be too risky! They are still young after all, I'm afraid they will not control it! " Hou Tianliang also said his concern, "after all, their identity is different, if there are any problems and conditions, it will be difficult to close!"

"Choose them to be secretaries, not let them be good babies, if they are good babies, I will find two more powerful people! Why do you have to make such a big effort? They may face worse conditions in the future than you, but they are very different from you. After all, you have been trained quite a bit. What about them? It's too far! "

"I see!" Houtianliang soon came to realize, "director, I will deal with it immediately!"

Song Tianren was dragged out again, but the defendant told something, his eyes were almost the same as cattle! Is this a deliberate trick on yourself? Even if you have done something wrong before, you can't take this way! There are so many bullying people! This is absolutely intolerable!

"Secretary Hou, is this joke a little bit big! I have already declared that I have quit this campaign, but now I have put an alternative! Isn't this what a strong man is going to find difficult? "

"What's wrong with a strong man?" Houtianliang looked at songtianren seriously. "At least you can't get out of here. Since there is no way to resist, you choose to accept it. And think about how to solve this event. Pull you out alone. I think you have some ability. Don't let people underestimate it!"

"Secretary Hou, I have a very clear understanding of my ability. I am very clear. Whether it is knowledge or ability, I can't even rank in the middle among these people. Even if the green eyes of director Ding add up, I can't sit in this position. The higher I climb, the worse I fall, I still know it!"

When saying this, song Tianren has already had some sad taste!

"It's not a bad thing to have a clear understanding!" Houtianliang looked at songtianren again. "I found some advantages of you. On the surface, I have some small intelligence, but I have absolute understanding and judgment on myself at the time. It is not a fool, good thing!"

"Secretary Hou, you are not deliberately giving me the medicine?" Song Tianren face dew carefully look at houtianliang!

"I have been with the director for quite a long time! There are many things and people you see, but what about you? It's not really much. I have some good looks for you, but from another angle, you really don't have much hope, but sardine or catfish are hard to say. "

"originally thought to be a sardine, but it is also good to be catfish, although everyone knows that this is just a metaphor. If you really mention the contents, you will find that there are big loopholes in it."

"Yes! A big hole! " Houtianliang blinked his eyes. "I will announce the news. A week is also a great test for everyone. Competition is not a bad thing. But how to show yourself in the competition is a very important issue. Do you want me to give you a hint?"

Song Tianren thought for a while, "just because I have lost this qualification!"

"Yes, because you have no qualification, but from my personal perspective, you are still good, and what about your ability? There are natural and acquired exercises. Whether it is born or acquired, it is not so important. The question is how to choose and lay down the road, which is not easy! "

After that, houtianliang also looked at songtianren. At this time, he seemed to have so many incomprehensible words. What does he mean by saying this? But it doesn't matter! I will explain it to him!

"It seems that you have not experienced too much tempering, so-called ten years old tree and hundred years old, the same road, what is your current situation? It's a very crisis! In a fairly good way, you need to make a considerable cushion. If you can't wake up, I think you should be swallowed up almost! "

After that, houtianliang took two shots of songtianren, "I can wait for you for an hour. This is my direct relationship with some good impression. I can really do nothing for more than an hour!"

One hour is an hour. Songtianren is thinking hard. There are really some people who don't understand. What does Hou Secretary mean to talk to himself? What is the ten-year-old tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree man? And what else is that I haven't experienced too much tempering, what does this mean?The more confused song Tianren thought, he was already sweating! Although there is no heating in the corridor, song Tianren really wants to take down the clothes on his body. It's too hot and dry, so that he has some irritability! Song Tianren is also pulling his wet hair, almost jumping around!

Director Ding Yuding makes himself an alternative. Once this news is published, if he can't find a solution, then it will not be just his own problem! Even with the people on your side? All will be crushed, just one person? Maybe nothing, but when so many people go out by themselves, can they really carry it?

"Song Tianren!"

"Come on Song Tianren looked at the second lieutenant standing beside him, but he was stunned. There was no one else in the corridor, and he didn't know when the second lieutenant came. "Report to the squad leader, I'm thinking about problems!"

"There's no need to think about it! Watch out for a cold The second lieutenant said something! "Wear your own clothes!"

Song Tianren was slightly stunned for a moment, and then looked at the second lieutenant. He felt that there was so much hair in his heart. Song Tianren would not have any problems, "Song Tianren, you have nothing to do with it! If there is any condition, go to the medical room to have a look and prepare for your own health! "

"Report to the monitor, I have nothing to do, but I have been thinking about things for so long." Song Tianren quickly explained, "monitor, are you free? I want to ask some questions! The monitor came out of the grass-roots units. I heard that many people entered the Military Academy under the training of the monitor! "

"Are there some people who are all good children who are very happy to see them enter the school, just like you all hope that you can have a considerable future. What can we do? That is to give you as much care as possible, strict with you? Not harsh, but for your good! I hope everyone can understand it! "

Song Tianren seems to wake up to something, and then he is standing at attention, "thank you, monitor, I want to understand! Thank you for your warning At this time, song Tianren really wanted to understand! What is a tree for ten years and a man for a hundred years? Is to wake up on purpose, so that their own clear positioning!

It is impossible for him to become the Secretary of director Ding Yuding! This has long been the conclusion, but what about the others who are training with us now? They still have quite a chance, but at this time, we are still scattered, there is no real Union, and even can not give full play to personal ability!

What about yourself? Do you just watch? No, since it is a disaster created by ourselves, then I need to be responsible for it. After all, we all have the ultimate goal of becoming the Secretary around director Ding, in order to become a useful talent for the country and the people in the future!

Hou Tianliang gave song Tianren an hour and then informed him of the news, which directly made the whole trainee fried! Almost overturned the training base! Song Tianren is such a grandson!

Isn't this a typical renegade? Boy, you've played with everyone, and now you've got the candidate! Tie us up! Although you have the ability, you can't play like this, right?

For the development of follow-up things, Hou Tianliang really did not pay too much attention to, a week's time will soon come! Looking at the mental state of the people standing here, it is obviously different from that when they just came here!

"In a week, everyone's mental outlook has undergone considerable changes. In your own opinion, the ultimate goal is to strive for two places, but what about the actual situation? It's the process of participation, so that you can realize your own shortcomings. This is the purpose of this training! "

Some people in the whole training team understand it, but how much is really understood is not so clear! "There are two places for director Ding, so I will accept your application. If you give up voluntarily, you can submit your application at any time! As for the person who submitted the application? There is no need to leave the team for the moment, because the test given to you has not been completed! You still need to stay in the line! "

"You'll be sent off immediately to take part in the exercise! The nature of work is slightly different, but this is not a selection process, but a process of training yourself. I hope you can have good performance in the new environment! "

"Report!" Song Tianren called out. After getting the consent of Hou Tianliang, song Tianren also said, "do we need to leave immediately? Can't even go home? "

"No!" Hou Tianliang's reply was very quick, "at the same time, I don't want you to have too much contact with your family. I know what about you? They all have their own communication tools. However, since Song Tianren mentioned this issue, it is necessary for me to remind you that all the contacts? It's all on record! Participate in the review of your final assessment! "

In fact, what about these? It's true that there are so many bullshit, but this bullshit really has to be said! If you don't say it, you'll still be bored, and these are not what Hou Tianliang expected! It's not that you have any responsibility! But worried about them? They will destroy themselves because of small problems! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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