Su Quan is very clear and clear, now is to let Tong Tong make a choice, but to a certain extent, he also allows himself to make this choice, but do he want to make this choice? Although Su Quan is very clear, the old leader's family will certainly make this choice, but is this really appropriate? For children, is it a kind of cruelty!

But Ding Yu is such a guy to show the truth in front of Tong Tong. This makes Su Quan feel a little intolerable, but he can't give up such an opportunity, so this is the fulcrum that is difficult to balance!

It's not that you can choose who you want to choose!

"Tong Tong, although you are young now, you should have considerable autonomy. Of course, you can go back to accompany your parents. But when your parents know this news, they will hate that you have no time to make another choice. Similarly, if you choose to leave your parents, I don't think you will accept it in your heart, because this is for your parents You want to find the balance point. What kind of choice is good? "

"Xiaoyu Su Quan also snorted! "Don't go too far! He is still a child! Ignorant child

Ding Yu slightly raised his arm, "Tong Tong, do you see that, where is your uncle? I hope you can make your own choice without being troubled by external factors, but in fact, it is telling you a point of view, that is to choose me and leave your parents. Do you hear that? "

"Sorry, uncle, I'm so confused!"

"A very correct answer. When you don't know how to choose, confusion is also a choice. To be exact, it is to put yourself in a relatively safe environment, so as not to have problems in judgment. Pay attention to what I said, I said that there was a problem in judgment, not a correct or wrong judgment! Are there so many people who don't understand? "

The boy nodded and heard Ding Yu continue to explain, "what about the so-called choice? It doesn't matter what is right or wrong. Is it wrong that you chose your parents? Are you right to choose me? This is just the view of others, but lies in your inner position. From your point of view, it is right to choose your parents and wrong to choose me. More directly, you know your parents very well, but for me, what do you know? You don't know anything! "

"I know uncle Ding is a doctor and saved my father!"

"It's flattery, but it's an answer! However, from the perspective of your parents, family members and elders, they naturally do not expect you to choose a family, but should choose a career. Choosing a career is the right choice. Choosing a family is fundamentally wrong. The so-called abandoning the ego and achieving the greater self is the so-called one! "

Under the impact of Ding Yu's succession, Tong Tong feels a little shaky, and the whole person doesn't even know how to deal with it. It seems that it's wrong to choose his own parents, and it's right to choose uncle Ding. However, in his own heart, he still thinks it's right to choose his own parents, and it's wrong to choose uncle Ding Yu!

"Uncle! Under such circumstances, what do you think of Tong Tong's performance? "

Ding Yu, in turn, points to his uncle, and Tong Tong's performance is already in front of each other! Make a comment on this! I just said a few words, but so far? The child is still not made any choice, although the choice is so difficult!

"Are you not afraid of being struck by thunder and lightning? You fuckin 'mess with a kid! It's you

"Uncle, can't we have a peaceful talk? In front of you, I seem to be a child too! Our age is very different, of course, you can say I am an adult, but relatively speaking, you have more experience than me! These are all advantages! So from this point of view, I did not embarrass Tong Tong! "

"I don't have any opinion about his four books and five classics or other things, but you are a kind of criticism to the soul. He has not been exposed to the society, and has not been exposed to so many things. Under such circumstances, what will you leave in his mind? Don't you know? Let him spend his whole life in darkness? "

"I let him choose! Leave the family or return to your parents Ding Yu spread out his arm at will. "I asked him to draw a picture. It was a polygon, involving ruler and compass drawing. He was able to do so perfectly. I don't believe that this is his talent. Is it not the influence of the family, this is not the devastation, not the whipping of the soul. I just put all the real faces in front of him!"

"You're making a strong argument!"

"Then it shows that there is nothing wrong with what I say!" Ding Yu is very disdainful to say, "third uncle, cheap is not so stained, how I do this is my business, other people had better not interfere!" The words are very heavy, Su Quan is also dead staring at his nephew, half ring did not speak! Because there's nothing to say.

After saying that, Ding Yu also wandered around the coin in his hand, "Tong Tong, do you want to make a choice? It's an important choice in life. In fact, I tend to let you make this choice personally. But if you can't do it, or you are hesitant, then try your luck!"The boy turned his eyes to the gold coin that was spinning in Ding Yu's hand, but he just looked at it and didn't mean to speak, "Uncle Ding, why do you have to let me make this choice? What if I didn't make that choice? "

In the face of this, Ding Yu turned to his uncle. "Third uncle, what do you think of this problem? Right and wrong, good and evil, spear and shield, all complement each other. There is opposition between each other, but they are independent of each other. I never feel that I am a good man, but I don't seem to say that I am a bad man either."

"You're a fucker!" Su Quan hated to pat his own table, this time Su Quan already wanted to understand how a thing! He clapped the table, opened the door of the room, and slammed the door heavily. Hou Tianliang and song Tianren, waiting at the door, looked at each other. How could this happen?

How could Director Su be so angry? When Tong Tong's grandfather and mother saw Su Quan, they felt a little puzzled. Could it be that there was something wrong with Tong Tong! Why did Suquan come out? Why didn't Tong Tong follow? What's going on inside?

"There's no need to play this time!" Ding Yu looked at the child with boredom. As for the gold coin on his hand, he took it back. "Do you think this game is fun or not?"

"No fun!" Tong Tong looks at Ding Yu who is sitting there nervously. Although uncle Su didn't say a word to himself in the whole process, he can still see that uncle Su is very passive. What about himself? It's just like a gun in the story of my grandfather. Uncle Ding used it as a weapon against uncle su. As for the process, I couldn't do anything about it! Not even basic resistance.

This feeling of powerlessness makes Tong Tong resist, but now he has almost understood! What about your own gun? Uncle Ding has always been in his hands, not to say that he wants to break free! I can't get rid of it.

"What do you think is the most important thing about a game?" Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand and said casually that his attitude was not as aggressive as before! I want to answer again

"The rules?" The boy thought for a long time, then he said in a low voice.

"Rules are very important. Do you want to play a game? You need to understand the rules of the game in order to be able to play well. However, this is only one of the answers. More broadly, specifying the rules of the game is the key to a sound game. How about understanding the rules? Just protect yourself under relative circumstances! But it's the emperor's new clothes

"What's the best chess game to play? Let me guess. It's not the flag, because what about the flag? It's too uncertain, and you are the head of the family of the intelligence department. It's so-called to let other people take the back for you. Your family won't transmit such things to you, and judging from what you said just now, the rules! It means that you should play chess fairly well, but the same thing is true. You grew up in the courtyard of the intelligence department, so you should have a good understanding of go! "

"In fact, my flag may play better, because my grandfather will lose to me, but I almost never beat my grandfather in chess and go!" The boy came back to it truthfully.

"If you play the military flag better, it means that you must be playing the secret chess, not the standing chess. What about the military flag? It is a modern product. It is more like the deployment of troops by two field regiments. Each of us has its own territory. The formation of troops depends on the commander's strategy. If it is a chess game, you will be killed by your grandfather, but secret chess? There are too many elements of luck, you play very well, can only say that your luck is good! It doesn't mean anything else! "

"So it is. I didn't understand it in the past, but now I understand some of it!"

"The answer is OK, from your grandfather's point of view? There may be some other ideas, some of which are beneficial to you. This is also called preschool education. However, this kind of overall education is too cheap for me, which will hinder your personal development. Maybe in a certain period of time, you will improve very fast, compared with your peers, but after this period is short, you will be able to improve rapidly, You will be quickly pulled down, or even eliminated

"Why? I think those children of the same age have been pulled down by me for a long time

"Because of what you have suffered? Almost all of them are passive. Although you have learned a lot now, many of them are resisted by the subconscious, and do not show any interest. If you have interest, you will naturally go back to study, and you will never give up? To a certain extent, it's just perfunctory! "

"So? Up to the year ago, I gave you a gold coin to find something you are interested in. You can go to the courtyard to find other three children to play with. Time is limited. You don't need to follow them. They are lawless grandsons. Do you want to go? It's not for you to be a Tang monk, nor for you to be a monk Zhu Bajie and monk Sha! Not even the white dragon horse

"Who am I then?"

"Find it yourself." Ding Yu waved! The boy stood up, bowed and left! When he came out, he closed the door with a puzzled expression, but all the people's eyes were on Tong Tong's body, and they all wanted to stop talking."He didn't embarrass you, did he?"

"Uncle Ding didn't embarrass me. He told me something and told me a story. When I went back to the capital, I went to play with the children until the year before! Nothing else

"To the courtyard?" Su Quan also immediately asked.

Tong Tong nodded, "yes, let me go to play with three children. I don't know what I want to play. Uncle Ding didn't say it either!" After saying that, also walked to his mother's side, some unconsciously pulled his mother's hand, at least now this time the heart is calm, not as flustered as before!

Su Quan took a look at the situation and asked Tong Tong in front of the public. It was certainly inappropriate, not to mention Hou Tianliang and song Tianren! Wait until Tong Tong calms down! I was a little too concerned just now! That's why I fell into the trap! My nephew! It's really a little son of a bitch.

Taking advantage of his relationship with children, he even calculated his own body! But I was cheated! Because of the special relationship with Tong Tong's family, his emotions are inevitably affected. This also leads to poor judgment and disorderly care. This is true!

Tong Tong is a child in the Qing Zhi courtyard. To a certain extent, Ding Yu expressed considerable interest in him, but the same? Ding Yu will never allow the children he values to continue to live under the gate of the Qing Zhi compound. Why? It is not to say that Ding Yu deliberately aimed at the Department of information management. It is not at all.

But because of the intelligence department? Too narrow, if the child lock in now, in the future, he will not be able to break free, this is his nephew's original intention, but at that time his ideas were too biased, and when he understood, they had fallen into a trap! What else?

Hou Tianliang and song Tianren left relatively quickly. "Secretary Hou, what does this mean? Secretary Su seemed to be very angry just now, but it soon subsided. Is there something happening inside?"

"Ha ha!" Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren, whose face was searching for expression. "You guessed something, but you dare not say it. If you want to say it through my mouth, no wonder the director says your mind? Some of them are not so pure! Sometimes it's not a good thing to have too many ideas, especially in the director's place! "

"Secretary Hou, no one will take me seriously? I'm just a nobody! "

"Since you stay with the director, you are not a nobody! What's more, once a nobody crosses the river, what kind of role will it play? It's hard to say that the director thinks highly of you at most, but it doesn't mean that the director must be optimistic about you. If you play such a fancy tune in front of the director, you may end up playing with fire! "

"All right." Song Tianren also made a gesture of surrender, "it's really not so fun. I thought it would be quite fun. I didn't expect Secretary Hou that you are a person who doesn't like to joke!"

"It's not a warning. You can't make it. I'm not going to warn you to do anything. It's not necessary. I just think it's necessary to remind you of what you're doing now? It's all under the observation of the director. Now I can even foresee what your next situation will be like. If you want to die, you can rest assured that I will stare at you with wide eyes! "

"Can't you?" Song Tianren couldn't help but shiver. "I heard that the director is a very generous person. What's more, I didn't seem to have made any mistakes. At most, he said a couple of jokes."

"In fact, what you said is not so important. The director is not a real person, but the problem is what you think, which is unknown! But I believe that a report will be sent to the director's desk. Of course, if you have the ability to take the report off the desk, it's another matter! "

"Secretary Hou, can I understand that you are deliberately tempting me to make mistakes! I am a man of firm will and will never do such a thing Song Tianren said indignantly.

"You are very excited to hear this. You can't help yourself! This is not a good phenomenon, but what about this? It's not what I said, but what the director said. Anyway, the opportunity has been given to you. Cherish it

Song Tianren feels that he has some silly eyes. He doesn't know if he should go to the director to confirm it! However, if you think about it, it doesn't make any sense to confirm it or not. Will the director admit it, or will Secretary Hou admit it? It's impossible, okay?

But Secretary hou can't say this to himself for no reason. It must have a certain meaning. So song Tianren has been thinking that he has no conflict of interest with Secretary Hou, so Secretary hou can't deliberately target himself. Is it really what director Ding Yuding means?

If that's the case, it's really not a general trouble! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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