"The operation is done! It's time for us to go back! " Ding Yu simply cleaned up his things. The hospital has already said hello, which is just a few words. In fact, the hospital wishes Ding Yu could stay for a long time, but how could it be! If you can't come, how can you drive someone out?

"Director, we are ready! But Director Su wants to talk to you! I don't know if you have this time? " Hou Tianliang did not have any hesitation! Let's talk about it directly.

"He wants to settle accounts with me." Ding Yu could not help humming, "but this thing said that I bullied children, it seems that some inexplicable right? I'm just telling the truth. Is this also a crime! So sometimes! It's better to see more than to say more, and to do more than to say less, don't you? "

Yeah? Song Tianren feels that there is something wrong with it! Is it aimed at yourself? What's more, when I looked up, I found that the director and Secretary Hou's eyes were all focused on themselves. What do you want to do? You don't want to approve yourself, do you?

However, seeing song Tianren look up, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang withdraw their eyes at the same time. "Since the third uncle's kind invitation, we can't refuse too much. After we go back, we don't have a headache. We can arrange a time and I'll see you."

Seeing that song Tianren is going to follow Hou Tianliang, Ding Yu coughs and says, "Tianren, please stay. I have something to talk to you about!" Song Tianren, who had already turned around, immediately turned around his body, even straightened his body. As expected, he came! Hope is not a bad thing!

"Sit down! What happens when you come? Have not found any suitable time, although the way back to the top? There may be time, but I'm afraid that occasion is not so appropriate. After all, it seems that there are some inappropriate things for you to mention in front of other people. A slightly conceited person always doesn't want to show too much of himself! "

"Director, I will be humble!"

"Inside? Still quite proud, but to say a word, how to be a man? You can't have no pride, but what about pride? Too hypocritical! It's worth mentioning too! In the next period of time, your work will be very busy. What about dawn? There is quite a time to adapt, but I'm afraid you can't! You don't have too much time, and you have to face many daybreak in the future, which is not involved in aspects, such as foreign countries! "

Ding Yu knocked on the table in front of him with his hand, "so during this period of time, you will transfer a lot of things to you at daybreak. No matter whether it is duck feeding or not, you should write it down. Besides, in terms of training, I don't want to be dragged down. I almost lost the chain at dawn! So he almost lost his life to play with

"Yes, director, I will be strict with myself!" Song Tianren also talked with Ding Yu!

"It has nothing to do with me whether you are strict with yourself or not." Ding Yu's answer can be said to be quite direct and straightforward, "when you are tired, or what? You sit down and wait to die, because someone will shoot you in the head. It's a good shot. Similarly, if you want to stay and show your ability, it's not enough for you to keep up with the big army, because the people around you will worry that if you have problems, you will drag everyone to death. It's better to give you a shot from the beginning It's a little bit of trouble, but it's in the interests of everyone! "

So direct, is this really good? Song Tianren knows that his back is sweating now! Even a little itchy, but now this time, song Tianren will never scratch it!

"Director, in fact, I still have some abilities, otherwise you won't leave me here, will you?"

"Ha ha, that's a good thing to say!" Although Ding Yu spoke like this, there was still not much expression on his face. "I once told Hou Tianliang about this, but what he said was not so straightforward, because he worked in the intelligence department, and his self-esteem was too strong to some extent. He wanted to face, but you guy! Sometimes there are so many shameless people. What about this? It's an advantage! "

"Director? This doesn't seem to praise me Song Tianren also touched his face and gave a bitter smile.

"Cheeky, self-help, even shameless, is your personality. I think you must have read the theory of thick black and even made quite a few notes. Otherwise, it would not be such expression and action now, but in the foreign environment? This is very important. Do you know why? "

This is absolutely an assessment of himself. Song Tianren thought about it for a while, "because of the interests?"

"Yes, because the interests include too many things and the overall planning is too large. What about the so-called pursuit of interests? It's human nature to get what belongs to you and think about what's on the plate, but you can't eat as much as you can, but it's easy to choke yourself to death! ""Director, how do I feel that your words are bewitching me? In fact, I am a small person. Although I was included in the assessment list earlier, I am very clear that I do not have the ability, so I was confused at the beginning! I've been criticized for that! "

"At that time, everyone would try their best to show their abilities, but no one did the opposite. In fact, in your heart, you still hope to attract considerable attention. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. Whether it is right or wrong, there is no need to go to you to do this verification. Everything has passed, You're here too. Everything's gone! Isn't it? "

In order to achieve the goal, do not break the means? Do you mean this? But why did the director mention this to himself? All song Tianren also looked at Ding Yu with puzzled eyes, hoping to solve the puzzle!

"I never think I'm a good person, but when I do things? It still needs to have a certain bottom line. I often mention to the children in my family that we should be in awe. I also tell you, song Tianren, how about being a man? Still need to have the heart of awe, you this guy is cheeky, but do not have the experience of doing things! "

"Director, I don't quite understand some of them! I feel like you're criticizing me! "

"It's a warning to you that you are thick skinned, but it's not enough now. At the same time, your heart is a little black, and there's no problem with it, but you can't have maggots. You don't have enough experience in doing things. These are your problems. But what about my life? I always don't like to force others. If you want to stay, I welcome you. If you don't, pack up and leave! "

Song Tianren's mouth slightly twitched twice, "director, if I go back, will I not have this person in the future?" When he said this, song Tianren was also careful!

"I don't know? However, this time, it seems that there are more people who don't like your eyes. What about so many people? It was just two places, but now you are suddenly appearing, so I can't guarantee that other things will happen

Is this a threat? It seems that it's really not. At least Ding Yu didn't mention any threat, so it's song Tianren's turn to make this choice! But how could song Tianren not understand? If I leave now, I will guarantee that even bones and scum will not be left. Those guys and even the forces behind will hammer themselves to death!

"Director, I'll stay!"

"It's not so simple to stay. How about you and the new security guard? Practice together, at least to reach the level of Hou Tianliang, and then Ding Yu took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it? I will arrange personnel to send them over and read them well. I don't want you to follow the cat's advice, but I hope you can understand! "

Song Tianren left not long time ago, he saw Hou Tianliang and director general Su come together! Song Tianren is also standing on one side of the position, the same Hou Tianliang did not follow in the meaning, two people are standing outside the door.

"Educated?" Hou Tianliang said in a low voice, "it seems that the director is still very good to you? At least I can see that your mental outlook has changed a lot! Your "good day" is coming! Congratulations

"Good day"? Song Tianren can't help but be physically tight. He trains with the new security guard and at least surpasses Hou Tianliang's level. However, he really doesn't know what level Hou Tianliang is! And then there is the new security. Who is it?

"Secretary Hou, the director said that I would surpass you years ago? I'm a little nervous about that? "

If you don't have to look at the situation in the United States for a while, I'm afraid that if you don't have to take a look at the situation in the United States for a while, you will not have to think about it for a long time. If you don't have to look at the situation in the United States for a while, you will not have to think about it for a long time

"Didn't the director make fun of me? Are these guys really going to do this? " Song Tianren: you cheat me!

"At least they have considerable self-protection ability. What about the battlefield? What about your life? It may be a bullet, but the effect of bullet hitting different parts is different. What about some things? You can know now! At least you're already an assistant! The director's side is never too quiet! "

"I don't seem to have heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of it. There are so many jokes about it! Whether it's outside the capital city or here, why do you think the director went back to the detention center and squatted there? I think you heard some news, but now? I already have the authorization here, so you can check some things, but don't be too curious. I don't think you should check the things that I got shot on! Even if you look it up, no one will tell you! "

Song Tianren licked his lips, "Secretary Hou, you've been shot, so what about the director?"

"Of course, the director also suffered. You stay beside the director. It seems like a useless position, but the prying is definitely more than imagined. As for the black guns flying in the dark, it is impossible to prevent them, not to mention the temptation of money and women. Only you can't think of, there is no one you can't touch!""Money and women don't matter, but things like black guns sound a little scary?"

"You don't care. Eight million, you may not care, but what about eight million? If RMB doesn't work, what about euro and US dollar? You will also not do a thing, a billion and eight billion in front of you? There are also women. If you can name a woman, even a woman who is the president of the United States, they will send it as long as the interests are enough! "

"I wipe, the president's woman, also dare to move?"

"Why dare not move?" Hou Tianliang slightly hummed, "it's just what kind of benefits to pay! You will understand when you go out. When Guo Li, the student in charge of the school, was seduced, he put a whole hundred million dollars in front of him. What about the beauty on the bed? It's beyond your imagination, but they still do it! "

"I heard that Guo Li seems to have more than 100 million dollars!"

"Because Guo Li's nerves are quite thick, he used it as a bait to lure other people into being cheated! The price of a billion dollars was put in, and a number of other things were added to settle the matter. However, everyone only saw a billion dollars, and did not think how Guo Li behaved in this? If I had been a little careless at the beginning, I would have broken up into pieces. I don't know, but the end will not be too good! "

"Don't say a billion dollars, even if it's 100 million dollars, I can't bear it!"

"It can be imagined how much pressure Guo Li was under at that time, but only one billion dollars? It is really not all handed over to Guo Li, half of them donated in the name of Guo Li! Most of them are hospitals and schools, which have played a significant role. The remaining 500 million US dollars have been gradually transferred to Guo Li, who has his own team around him

"Have your own team, what does that mean?" Song Tianren's curiosity is also a sudden rise!

"500 million dollars! With such a large number of people, how would he deal with other people's affairs if he didn't have his own personal assistant. What's more, he is just a doctor. Someone has to deal with other matters for him. This is a very normal thing. Otherwise, why do you think so many people value him? "

"I know that Guo Li is very attractive. Many people hope to recruit him as his son-in-law, but the situation is not so well understood. It seems that it is not only the money, but also other reasons!"

"Guo Li is not only the director's student, so simple, we are still optimistic about the future development of Guo Li, because Guo Li is likely to inherit the director's contacts and power in medicine. Who doesn't want to be infected with such a huge force? Don't tell me, you haven't thought about it, because it's unrealistic! "

"I'll forget it! If I were a woman, I might think about it, but relatively speaking, I think it's a little more difficult. On the other side of the capital, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are squatting in the hospital. There are not many people who can get in touch with them, and it's really not easy to disturb them rashly! "

"The two of them were students in charge of medicine. Neither of them is so energetic as the director. It is not easy for them to have considerable development in medicine! But now to be able to calm down, is also a quite good choice, as you are now, the best to calm down! "

"I still think highly of my own life!"

"I hope so, but who knows? Maybe tomorrow you will regret your choice, not say impossible things, so before this? It's good to do some preparation in this aspect. What about what I've learned? It's really not suitable for you, because I'm from the intelligence department. I think you should understand the problem! "

Song Tianren took a deep breath, "Secretary Hou, I will remember your instruction!"

"These are not my teachings. I am just paraphrasing the director's opinions and thoughts." Hou Tianliang nodded, and then he closed his eyes and said nothing, and song Tianren also thought about what Hou Tianliang said! These things really need a considerable amount of time to digest, not a moment to complete! I haven't got a genius like that!

"You draw a cake, and then it's over?"

In the face of his uncle's aggressiveness, Ding Yu frowned slightly, and then put it down, "uncle, is this really a picture cake? This problem does not seem to lie in me! It depends on what kind of choice Tongtong wants. No one will force him to make any decision. This is what I want to express! "

"There's no way to hide the news!"

"What does it have to do with me, whether it can be concealed or not? If he has this chance, it is naturally a good thing. If he does not have this opportunity, he might as well cut off this idea as soon as possible, so as to save himself and others, isn't it better? "

"You guy, do you know how much harm this is to a child? He grew up in the emotional hospital, and his blood runs through his bones!""I didn't let him back off. I just saw how he chose. As for what was imposed on him, I didn't mean to oppose it, so you seem to have misunderstood my meaning, uncle!"

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